Chapter 5: The Wasted

Sophia Hansen's POV

I did not know how I got to be on top of the table as I was dancing my night away. I did not realize that I was being the center of attention right now. I just drink the Akvavit that kept on coming until I was drunk with that liquor.

"Long live the King!" I shouted as I was rousing the crowd to chant with me. I was twirling on the table as I was sipping on the Akvavit straight from the bottle. The crowd was going wild and when I was about to step, I slipped.

I shrieked before I felt the strong arms that were catching me before I was hitting my butt to the ground. I was turning to look at my savior and it was the most deja vu feeling ever.

His vivid green eyes.

His straight nose.

His high cheekbones.

But his hair was wrong.

You see, I thought I was seeing the familiarity in the stranger that just saved me but it was all wrong. Do you know what is wrong? His hair was brunette, not blond.

"Chris?" I whispered as I was looking into his hardened eyes. He was staring at the men that were booing him for being a spoilsport. He was glaring at them before the crowd went silent and he was scooping me bridal style. I was holding to his neck as the manager was taking the bottle from my hand. I looked at him.


"Now, you, madame, are coming with me," the stranger that was saving me said in English. I heard some accent in his voice. From the North but not Danish. I guessed he was from one of those Scandinavian countries as much as Denmark.

I was gripping my hands to his neck as he was moving to the second floor. I was dizzy but not completely dizzy as I was aware that he was bringing me to his office. Shit! Am I going to be raped by this guy?!

"Sir, where are you taking me and what do you intend to do to me?" I slurred as I was blinking my eyes at him. He was staring at me before he was opening the door to his office. I took a look at the office. It was nothing much.

A couch.

A desk with papers and ledgers on it.


Huh, minimalist much?

The stranger moved to the couch before he was setting me on it. He was gentle as if I was made from porcelain. I blinked my eyes at him as I felt like we have known each other before. But he was not saying anything. So I kept quiet.

When he was about to leave, I was taking his wrist that made him stop from leaving me alone.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as I was blinking my eyes. I know that I was drunk but I refused to acknowledge that the alcohol was taking over me. He chuckled before he was releasing my grip on his wrist.

"I'm just going to get some Advil and water. Stay still," he said as I was leaning on the couch. I was looking at his retreating figure before he was out of the office again. I don't know why I stay put but I did and when I was looking at the ceiling after that stranger left, I was closing my eyes. And with that, sleep claimed over me.

I was tossing and turning that I felt my body stiffened somehow. I don't think that my bed was stiff and firm like this but when I was squirming my eyes, I was looking at a different ceiling. Not my bedroom, completely strange.

I was looking around before I was looking at the sunlight that was coming from the window that was bare without any curtain to cover it. I heard someone was writing something against the paper before I turned in that direction.

I was looking at the brunette head that was focused on the papers that he was reading. I was taking in his side profile as his long lashes were hitting his cheeks. It was fair but perhaps that was just the trait of the people from the north.

We have hairs that did not match with the rest of the hair on our bodies.

I was gripping my temple when the hangover was coming into my stomach. I felt like I wanted to vomit but I don't think that the man at the desk will appreciate it if I was to vomit on his Turkish rug.

"The basket is to your right," he said as I was looking for the basket. Then, I was kneeling in front of it before I was emptying the content of my stomach last night. I was wiping my mouth with the back of my hand before I saw that there was tissue being handed to me.

I turned to look at the man that was standing over me right now before I took the tissue. I thanked him before he was moving to get the water and some Advil.

"Here, it will help with the pain and hangover," he said as his velvety voice was hitting my eardrum. I felt like I heard this sound before but it could not be.

Chris was blond and this stranger was a brunette.

"Thank you. I hope I did not interrupt your work," I said as I was sipping on the water before I was consuming the Advil. I was closing my eyes before I was sighing.

"What time is it?" I asked the stranger before he was looking at his watch.

"It was past 9 AM. Why?" He asked me before my eyes were widened like a saucer. I have stayed out in the city. I know my father will be made after this.

"Shit," I mumbled before I was getting up from the floor. The blood was rushing to the brain and before I can stop it, I was wobbling in my steps.

"Woah, steady. We don't want you to hurt yourself," he said as I was smiling weakly at him.

"I need to go, I am so sorry to be a bother, Mr…"

"Vi. My employees call me Mr. Vi. But you can drop the formality," he said as his vivid green eyes were shining with something and I don't know what was it. I smiled before I was standing straight on my feet.

"I should get going," I said before Vi stopped me.

"Wait," he said as I was looking into his green eyes. I can see that his dark circles were there. Did he not sleep last night?

"Do you have any transportation to go home?" He asked me before I was shaking my head. He smiled before he was helping me to stand straight.

"Let me take you home," he said before I was arching my eyebrow. I was looking at the papers on his desk before I was looking at his face.

"Are you sure? I can just find my way—"

"I insisted. Besides, not every night I stumble upon a beauty such as yourself," he said as I felt my cheeks were getting warm. I felt my heart was beating fast before I was clearing my throat. Vi smirked at me before he was ushering me out of his office.

"Shall we?" He asked me as I was arching my eyebrow at him.

"So eager to get rid of me, are we?" I asked him as he chuckled. I liked his chuckle before he was mumbling something under his breath, which I heard everything.

"Not on my watch," he said as I don't understand what he was talking about. I shrugged it off before we were walking out of the office to the main door of the club. The employees were cleaning up as I was looking around the club.

It was a huge success and I can see why. They took care of the club very well and only served the best. I must say, it deserved to be one of the most exclusive clubs in the city.

We were out of the club before the chill morning air was hitting me. I shivered before Vi was putting his coat around my shoulders.

��There you go. Much better," he said as I was taking the offered coat. I turned to look at him before Vi was smiling at me.

"Thank you," I said before we were walking to his car. And his car was a Jaguar. So, he was not to be messed with as he was loaded as fuck.

Not that I wanted to brag but he did not know about my wealth, so I guess that was a secret that I will never tell.

But he was about to send me to my family house. I don't think he would not question whether I am loaded or not because my father liked to show his wealth. I sighed before Vi turned to look at me.

"Something's wrong?" He asked me as he was holding the door for me. I shook my head as I was smiling at him.

"Nothing, just thinking," I said before I was getting inside the car before Vi closed the door. He went to the driver's side before he got in and started the ignition. He then shifted the gear to D and sped off to my home.

I just hoped my father was not awake yet or wondering the ground when I arrived with a stranger.