Chapter 6: The Stranger

Arthur Hansen's POV

I was looking out into the window before I saw an unfamiliar car that was pulling up in the courtyard as I was sipping on my morning tea. I arched my eyebrow before I saw the brunette man that was getting out of the driver's side.

Then, he went to the other side of the car before he was opening the door and there she was, Sophia, my daughter. I stopped my action before I was blinking my eyes.

"What is she wearing?" I asked myself as she was tucking her hair behind her ears. They were talking I can see that she was blushing but maybe it was the chill morning air. And she was wearing the jacket of that stranger. She wanted to give it back but he refused it.

I arched my eyebrow again before the man was walking my daughter to the front door as I was eyeing his hand on the lower back of Sophia's.

Don't tell me…

I was sipping on the tea again before I was picking up the phone and I was calling my trusted friend before I was looking out the window again. The sleek black Jaguar has a personal plate, which means this man was loaded.

"Hello?" Levine said as I was taking a deep breath right now.

"Did you plan all this?" I asked him as he was chuckling at my statement.

"Plan what?" He asked as I was sitting on the chair in my study room. I was rubbing my mouth.

"You know, the grandson that you engaged to my daughter," I said as Levine was silent.

"Did he step in front of your house?" He asked me as I was looking at the stranger. As far as I know, Chris was a blondie and this man was a brunette.

"No, but someone else," I said as I was taking a deep breath. I think Sophia was having a plan of her own for this engagement.

"What was the color of his hair?" He asked as I was closing my eyes.


"And the car?"

"A black Jaguar. But that was beside the point. Why are you asking all that?!" I asked him before Levine chuckled.

"Oh, this will be interesting. Is the personal plate was 'VI'?" He asked me before I was looking out the window again. I was nodding before I remembered that he was on the phone, he cannot see me.

"Yes, it spelled VI," I said as Levine chuckled. I was furrowing my eyebrows before I saw that the stranger was out to the driver's seat before he was driving off from the courtyard. I was breathing hard before Levine spoke.

"Do not fret yourself, my friend. It will be okay in the end," he said as I was questioning his statement.

"What did you mean by that—" the line was cut off. One thing for speaking in riddles and another was to cut off immediately.

I should have skin this man that I called a friend.

I sighed before I was putting the phone down and I was looking at the courtyard. I think I have a word or two with my daughter about this stranger.

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was smiling as Vi was pulling up in the courtyard of my father's house. He stopped before I was looking at the courtyard.

"Okay, so this is it," I said as I was unfastening my seatbelt before I was smiling at Vi. He was staring at me.

"Thank you again, Vi, for the ride. But surely, I can find my way now," I said as I was getting out of the car before Vi was out of his side and went to my side to open the door for me.

"After you, my lady," he said as I was smiling before I was taking his offered hand. He smiled at me as he was putting the coat of his on my shoulders before he was putting his hand on my lower back.

We walked to the front door before I was aware that he was putting some kind of claim with the way that he was putting his hand on me. I smiled inwardly as a plan was forming inside my head.

I think I have found a way to avoid that engagement. I just have to get married first.

We were standing in front of the entrance before I was looking at Vi. His vivid eyes were glistening in the morning light before I was smiling at him. I took a deep breath before I was locking my eyes into his eyes.

"Can I ask you something, Vi?" I started as he was arching his eyebrow at me. I smiled before I was tucking my hair behind my ears as I was gulping.

"Okay, what is it?" He said before my heartbeat was beating fast right now. You can do this, Sophia, just say it, damn it!

"Are you single?" I asked him as he was taken back from my question. Then he smiled.

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just say yes or no, Vi," I said as I was getting impatient. I don't think that my father was still in bed but I have to ask him before he can eavesdrop on me.

"Yes, I am single if you want to have a shot at me," he said before he was playing with my strand. I was looking at his handsome face before I was blurting what was on my mind from the office.

"Will you marry me?"

I asked him as he was blinking his eyes at me. His hand on my strand was loosening before he was staring at me. Okay, I think I just wanted the ground to swallow me now. I was looking at the ground when I know that his answer was obvious.

"Why?" He asked as I was looking at him from the ground. He was not…laughing at my proposition.

"Can we talk somewhere else later? In private?" I asked him before he was arching his eyebrow at me.

"Sure, lunch?" He asked me as I was smiling at him.

"That would be great," I said before Vi was taking my hand and he was kissing my knuckle.

"Until then, my lady,"

"I did not get your full name," I asked him as I was looking at him. He smirked before he was stepping away from me.

"You will later, soon, Sophia," he said before he walked away from me. I blinked at him before I realized that I never gave him my name.

So, how come he knows it?

I shook my head as I was opening the door. It must be because of the ledgers that he kept account on. I did open a tab under my name.

Sophia Hansen, the distant cousin of the current Danish princess. Only this time, she has to get married before her cousin.

I sighed before I was closing the door and I was surprised to see that my father was waiting for me on the sofa next to the wall.

"Having fun, aren't we, nowadays?" He asked me as I was rolling my eyes. I don't think that I would be encountering him early in the morning.

Wait, how long has he been here?

I walked away from him, trying to avoid his questions but he called after me with his strict voice.

"I see that you have brought a man home, even though he just stood outside our house. Tell me, Sophia, are you interested in him?" He asked me as I was turning to look at him. I was looking bored at him before I shrugged.

"Nope. I was just going to his club last night and he thought that he would be generous and sent me home,"

"And what is he was a serial killer? Have you thought about that?" He asked me as I scoffed. I was shaking my head before I was looking into his cold blue orbs.

"If he was a serial killer, then he has matched his match in me, father," I said as I was walking away from him. I went to my room as I was closing the door before I was taking off the coat from my shoulders. I can still feel his warmth.

Vi's warmth.

I sighed before I was looking at the clock. It was 10 AM. I think I have two hours to get ready for our lunch date.

I think I have to set this plan into motion now, even though it will be verbal at first.