Chapter 7: The Lunch Date

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was putting my dresses to the side as I was looking through my wardrobe. I was moving my mouth as I was looking for the right clothes for the lunch date. I don't want it to be too casual or too formal. I wanted it to be…normal.

But what is my normal aesthetic self, I wonder?

I was looking at the summer dress before I was smiling. It was Summer now in the Northern Hemisphere and so this dress will be the right one to wear.

I smiled before I was taking a pastel blue summer dress and I was pulling it up against my body as I was looking into the mirror.

"Well, this should do it," I said before I was laying it out on the bed. I was smiling before I was walking to the bathroom to get ready. I was staring at myself before I was putting some toothpaste on my toothbrush as I sighed.

"You have to go through this plan, Hansen. If not, you're be marrying someone that you don't know. Heck, he might be 10 years your senior," I mumbled before I was remembering that vivid green eyes of the old man.

Wait, did he say it was his grandson? Hmm, he might not be that old then.

I shrugged before I was brushing my teeth. Then, I washed my face as I was using my cleanser to get the makeup off. I slept with makeup on. How disgusting?!

Later, after doing that, I hit the shower as I opened the faucet and I was looking at the ceiling. The lukewarm water was all that I needed after a wasteful night. I cannot believe that I was drunk last night.

And met a man that was hot enough.

I smiled before I was washing my body and get all the disgusting smell off. I was smiling before I was getting out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body as I was getting ready for my lunch date.

I was drying my hair with a towel before I was getting out of the bathroom. I went to the vanity before I was putting some lotion on my body. My favorite was Aqua Kiss Lace from Victoria's Secret.

It was a limited edition and I have 3 of them. I smiled before I was smelling nice before I was moving to get my undergarment in the drawer. I was pulling out white laces and put them on. I went to the pastel blue dress and put them on.

I was looking at myself in the vanity mirror before I was smiling at myself. Then, I went to put some jewelry. Should I go bold or subtle?

I shrugged before I was putting diamond studded earrings before I was putting on the single diamond pendant. I was smiling as it was hanging loose around my neck before I was putting some light makeup on.

Some moisturizer and sunscreen to protect my sensitive skin. I was putting some concealer under my eyes before I was moving on to my mascara and I was putting on my lip gloss. Perfect, I thought as I was moving to get my sling bag and I was checking that I have everything.

Car keys, phone, and purse. I am set.

I walked out of the bedroom before I was walking down the stairs from the second floor. I was looking around for my father but he was nowhere to be found. I smiled before I was walking to the front door as my plumps were hitting the tiles.

"Where are you going, daughter?" Someone asked me before I stopped and I was turning to look at my father, who was sipping on his tea at the couch that he occupied earlier. I smiled at him before he was arching his eyebrow at me.

"Well, I thought that I would go out with my friends," I said before he chuckled.

"But you don't have any friends,"

"Yes, I do. Who do you think I am? Some kind of heiress that people cannot get through?" I asked him before my father arched his eyebrow.

Okay, maybe that was true but I am not that insecure young woman years ago. I've changed.

Someone made sure of that.

I sighed before I was rubbing my temple. I turned to look at him before my father was putting his cup down.

"I just…wanted some time alone. To think about…the arrangement that you made with your friend," I said as I was glaring at him. My father smiled before he was looking at me.

"Have fun then, daughter. I hope you get what you wanted," my father said before I was blinking my eyes at him.

Did I hear that right?

"Okay, I'll get going then," I said as I was stepping back before my father was picking up the newspaper and he was reading it. No stops, no warnings. Nothing. Was he let me go away from him?

I smiled before I was getting out of the house as I went to the garage that was storing our cars. I went inside and scanned for my car. I smiled when I saw that bright red of my convertible Volkswagen EOS. I went to unlock it before I was getting inside the car. I started the engine before I was caressing the steering wheels.

"I have missed you so much,'' I whispered as I was remembering my time abroad. It was not a nice thing for me to be undercover. Of course, I would miss being in this luxury that my father gave to me.

I was shifting the gear into D before I was speeding off from the mansion and I was going to the restaurant that we…wait, we don't even know where I was going. I don't even know where he would come and I was driving my car before I stepped on the break.

I was looking at the sleek Jaguar that was waiting for me outside of the mansion before I saw that Vi was smiling at me. He was wearing his sunglasses before I was pulling my sunglasses down a bit as I was looking at him.

He tilted his head as if to tell me to follow him. He reversed the car before he was speeding from me and I was smirking. He wanted to play, let's play.

I shifted the gear and I was picking up the speed before I was behind him and we were going through the highway with ease. I was gritting my teeth as it has been 3 fucking years since I was driving through this highway. Nonetheless, I loved every bit of it.

I saw that Vi turned right before I was following him and he parked his car in front of the 5-star hotel. It was a hotel that was owned by a billionaire from Finland. I don't think that we would be at this hotel.

I parked my car at the lobby before valet took my car and parked it inside the garage. I was looking at the hotel before I was pulling my sunglasses off and I was greeted with a familiar hand on my lower back. I turned to look and it was Vi.

"Shall we?" He asked me as I was nodding at him. He was still adorning his sunglasses but when we were inside the lobby, he took it off.

I told you, he was like a supermodel with those sunglasses on and when he took it off, people were stopping and staring at him.

I felt something in my chest as I was looking at the longing looks of the women were giving toward him but Vi was not paying attention to them. He was ushering me to the restaurant that was inside the hotel.

I was smirking inside me when I saw the jealousy on the women's eyes. I know I should not be like that but what can I say? I was moving forward with my plan to get this hunk, a stranger to marry me.

Even though he would not agree to it, I will make sure he will. I have ways of making sure of that.

We were greeted with the hostess before she showed us the table that was reserved for us. Vi pulled the chair for me before I was taking a seat and I was looking at the menu. Vi was sitting across me before I was looking at him after I put the menu down.

"So, let's eat shall we?" He asked me before I stopped him from opening the menu.

"My real intention on going with a date with you is to ask you something," I said before Vi was paying attention to me.

I took a deep breath. This is it. This is the moment. Do not lose your strength, Sophia.

"I'm waiting," Vi said as I was looking into his vivid green eyes. At least that feature alone resembled him.

"Will you have the honor of taking me as your bride?"