Chapter 8: The Intention

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was looking at Vi as he was staring at me. I have dropped the bomb of my real intention to Vi and it seems that he cannot comprehend it in his head. He blinked a few times before he was looking at me and cleared his throat.

"Are you saying—"

"Yes. I want you to marry me," I said as I was determined for him to take me as his wife, no matter what.

Keynote: no matter what I must do.

"Are you sure that was wise? I mean, we barely know each other. What if I was a serial killer?" He asked me like he heard what my father said to me. I rolled my eyes before I was crossing my arms at him.

"IF you are a serial killer, I would have known about it already. Besides, your style did not suggest that" I said before the server was coming to take our order.

"Hi, I am Annabelle, your server for this afternoon. Can I get you to start with something to drink?" The woman that just appeared in front of us as I was looking at her baby face. If I was to guess, she was in her early 20s. So young to be working when she should be enjoying her life.

Not thinking about marriage like me.

"Yes, we would like a bottle of Lombardi, please. Thanks," Vi said as the server nodded before she disappeared from us. I was looking at him before I arched my eyebrow. Vi smirked at me before he was leaning against the table.

"So, you would like me to take you as my bride?" He asked me one more time as I was nodding at him before I was rolling my eyes. Seriously, is Vi has a hearing impairment or something.

"Yes, I have been asking you that question 3 times already. So, would you do it or not? I can assure you that it was to get my father off from breathing down my neck now and then," I said as I was looking at Vi. The server returned before she was pouring our wines and then she was asking for the food that we will be ordering.

"We will have Aebleflaesk and Krebinetter, thanks," Vi said as he was taking the menu from my hands and he was handing them to the server.

"Excellent choice, sir. I'll go ahead and start your dishes," the server said before Vi was sipping on the cold wine of Lombardi that we ordered. I was looking at his long fingers before I settled to his vivid green eyes.

"What's the price?" I asked bluntly before Vi put down his glass.


"What the price for you to marry me? I know that you would like to have some compensation for the months of you being married to me," I said as I was looking at his face. His brunette hair was catching the lights from the lighting in the room that made it lighter.

Did I see a tinge of blonde there?

I shook my head inwardly as I was wishing that Vi was Chris Virtanen but I know better than hoping him to come and find me.

"Would you be willing to give to me, kultaseni?" He asked me as I was blinking my eyes. Did he just call me something in a foreign language?

"What is it?" I asked him impatiently before he was looking around the restaurant. It was not that busy in the restaurant before Vi's green orbs were staring at me.

"Take off your panties," he whispered as I was looking at him. I blinked.

"Excuse me?"

"That's my first payment for having this conversation with you, kultaseni. You either give it or I walk away from you this instant," he said as I was staring blankly at him. Was he serious?!

"One…two…" he said as he was moving to getaway.

"Okay," I stopped him before I was looking at his green orbs. It held mischief inside them before I was biting my lower lips.

"But we're in public," I whined before Vi smirked at me.

"Tick tock, tick tock, darling," he said as I was looking around. Not a lot of people from where we're sitting. Maybe he has reserved this table for this moment right now.

"I'm waiting, kultaseni," he purred before I was glaring at him. I was putting my hands under the table before I was gripping the edge of the panties before I was pulling it down. I was getting up a bit so that the panties can be slid down my long legs as I was taking my plumps off before I was pushing it down my calves and I was holding it on the floor.

My body was in an awkward angle before I was crumbling the pantie inside my hand as I was sitting up straight. I was clearing my throat when the server was passing by as I was looking around.

No one notice of the wickedness that was going on right now.

I turned to look at Vi as he was handing out his hand on the table in a manner that was dismissive, not like he was waiting for me to put my panties there. I moved my hand across the table before I was slipping the panties into his hand. Vi's smirk widened before he was taking it into his hand and put it inside the pocket of his suit.

Did I mention that he was wearing a white shirt underneath the black suit that he was adorning on his Greek god body right now?

How I know, you ask? Well, let just say that I have a keen eye for details. That's why I was good at being a forensic detective.

Vi cleared his throat before the server, Annabelle, was putting our food on the table as I was thanking her.

"Enjoy!" she said as I was looking at her and I nodded. She went away before I was looking at the food that Vi ordered. I was staring at the krebinetter, my favorite.

"Bon appetite as the French says," Vi said before he was cutting his meat and put it into his mouth. His sensual mouth was smirking at me from the beginning of this date. I was cutting my meat as I was looking at him.

I just hope that he would do anything drastic than the previous action.

I shivered with anticipation. I think Vi liked to be in control and he was succeeding in that matter. I am succumbing to his charms and I think this marriage that I have planned to get out of the one that was being arranged for me will be nothing of platonic after all.

After that lunch, Vi paid for our meal as I was sipping on the wine right now. It was my 5th glass and I think I was getting dizzy again, just like last night. Vi was sipping on the wine as he was staring at me over the rim of the glass.

"Are you drunk, Sophia?" He asked me before I shook my head at him.

"No, why would you say that?" I slurred as he chuckled. Curse him for making me want him right now. My father said that I should save my virginity for my wedding day but I don't have that anymore.

I am impure, as he said.

I was staring at those broad shoulders and taunting muscles that were straining from the shirt and suit that Vi was wearing. I was imagining to run my hands on them as he was pumping in and out of me until I lost my train of thought.

God, I am wet just by thinking this strong hunk can do to me between the sheets.

I felt like my face was burning from that thought alone before I was blinking my eyes at Vi. He was arching his eyebrow at me before I was clearing my throat.

"Should we discuss the terms and conditions of the marriage that you are offering me?" Vi asked me as I was nodding at him.

"Yeah, I think that would be a good starting point," I said as I was standing up from the chair. The blood rushed to my head as I was stumbling on my feet. Vi grabbed me by my waist as I was holding to his suit.

"I think we need to get you to lie down for a minute," Vi mumbled before I was smiling at him, my drunkard state was taking over.

"Oh? And why should we do that? We can just do more than lie down in bed," I whispered to his ear before I was licking his earlobe. I can see that his ear tips were red right now.

"Right, off we go," he said before I was shrieking as he was scooping me up like a bride. I was wounding my arms around his neck before Vi was smiling at me.

"Now, we can go discuss that terms now," Vi said before he was walking out of the restaurant as I was feeling the stare of the people in the restaurant. I felt my face was burning before I was nuzzling Vi's strong neck and I was taking in his expensive cologne.

Dunhill Blue, I loved it and it reminded me much more of Chris Virtanen than this stranger that I was about to marry in the nearest time.