Chapter 9: The Suite

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was snuggling against Vi's neck as I was looking at the hallway that he was carrying me to the suite that I don't even know he has. Maybe he was planning all of this as I was looking at his side profile right now.

He has chiseled jaws, a very prominent one as I was caressing it with my fingers. I felt a little stubble on it as I was looking at his lips.

I wanted to taste it.

"If you keep playing like that, kultanesi, I don't think I would make it to the suite before I would take you against these walls and I don't care if anyone was looking at us having sex in public," Vi whispered before I was retreating my hand from his jaw as he was opening the door without dropping me.

I wondered how he did it.

Vi walked inside the room before he was closing the door with his foot. He then walked to the bed as he was sitting me on it gently before I was looking at him on top of me.

"Now, sleep," he said as my drunk self was being bold. I pulled him on top of me as I was looking at his shocked vivid green orbs. He was staring into my blue eyes.

"Will you sleep with me?" I whispered to him as I was caressing his cheeks. Vi took my wrists before he was kissing my palms.

"I cannot. Not like this,"

"But we were not doing anything else. Just sleep with me, I'm scared," I whispered as I was looking at him. He was sighing before Vi was slipping onto the bed next to me as I was snuggling against his warm chest.

"Hmm, this is nice," I said as I was blinking my eyes slowly before the sleep was claiming me. Then, I was off to dreamland.

Chris Virtanen's POV

I was looking at the ceiling as I was laying in bed. The woman that was next to me was sleeping soundly as I was smiling.

I don't think that I would be smiling when my enemy was out there somewhere, I can just feel it. But when will they show themselves?

My train of thought was being disturbed by the sound of my phone. I groaned before I was picking it up from the night table. I was still hugging the woman that I have spent one month to forget but cannot as I was looking at the ID of the caller. I sighed before I was sliding the green button.

"Hello, grandpa," I said before I was looking at the blondie next to me. She was sound asleep before I was getting out of the bed before I was walking into the wardrobe to talk to the old man.

"Chris, how's Denmark? I heard the women there were attractive like the Finnish women," he said as I was scoffing at him.

"If you think I would be tumbling with a woman in the bed right now—"

"Which I would assure you that you will later if not right now,"

"Then, you are mistaken, grandpa. I thought you were giving up on getting me married this year. Kai was barely married for a year," I said as I was using the name of my cousin. My grandpa was laughing before I was leaning against the wall.

"My child, if you know how much you miss out of that cousin if yours—"

"Which I don't want to know, thank you very much,"

"you would be hearing by now that he was going to have another baby. I must say, Kathleen was indeed the right woman for him," grandpa said as I was sighing.

"I don't know, maybe I was not born for that kind of domestic life. You know how that turned out with Katherine," I said as I was rubbing my neck. It was stiff. Levine chuckled before he spoke again.

"Well, that was for appearance only. You know that" he said as I was rolling my eyes. My grandpa and his schemes. I just hoped that he would not have his schemes on me right now. My hair on my nape stood up.

Wait, am I…

"So, I talk to the father of the bride that was intended for you, Chris. I think you would love it when you were meeting her later,'' he said before I was biting my lips. Again, I was tired of being a pawn in my grandpa's scheme. I don't want to be that anymore.

Not again.

"Look, grandpa. I know this is not a good time but I think I have to tell you so that it will be much better for all of us," I said as I was looking at Sophia that was on the bed. I was thinking about her caresses on my cheeks before I was taking a deep breath.

I have to help her and by getting married to her, I will be out of this marriage as well.

"I have found someone to marry and I will marry her today,'' I said before I was hanging up from the phone call. I was looking at the phone before I was switching it off. I don't want my grandfather to track it and come to take me away.

I will not let Sophia married someone else other than me. And I don't want to marry someone else if it was not Sophia Hansen.

I was walking out of the wardrobe before I was looking at the vivid blue orbs that were staring at me. I smiled before I was sitting on the bed as I was taking her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Who are you talking to just now?" She asked me as I was smiling at her. She was still dizzy and drunk as I was looking at her gesture right now. She was dazed still.

"Someone that I don't wish to talk to," I mumbled before I was laying down next to her. Sophia was laying on her side as she put her hands under her cheek as she was looking at me. I was looking at the ceiling as I was folding my hands underneath my head.

"I heard that you want to marry me today. Is that true? Will we get married now?" She asked me as I was looking at her. Sophia was caressing my chest as I was laying on my side, looking at her.

"Would you say yes if I asked you to marry me today?"

"I was the one that comes up with the idea. So, of course, I would. Now, how about the terms and conditions of our arrangement?" She asked me as I was smirking at her. She was furrowing her eyebrows before her blue orbs were clashing with mine.

"I don't even know your full name, Vi," she said as I was chuckling at her attempt to figure me out. Of course, I am Chris Virtanen but not a blond that she was used to.

I am a brunette now.

I was kissing her forehead as I can see that she was still in a dizzy state. She's still drunk.

"Sleep, Sophia. Later, when we're married, you will know my full name," I said as she was pouting at me.

"Somehow, I doubt that," she said as she was snuggling against me. I chuckled before I was hugging her.

"No, kultaseni, I will never lie to you. Not anymore," I mumbled as Sophia was furrowing her eyebrows. She did not understand me but I know that she will after she discovered the real me.

I just hoped that she would not run away after knowing the truth.

Arthur Hansen's POV

I was looking at the tea that was being served by my servant as I was looking at my old friend in front of me right now. I was trying to guess why he was here, at my house in the late afternoon right now.

"So, have you heard any news from Chris?" I asked him as I was taking the tea before I was sipping on it. It was an Earl Grey and it goes well with lemons.

"That's the reason that I wanted to see you, Arthur. You see, my grandson has made a wonderful proposition today, just a couple hours ago," Levine said as I was arching my eyebrow.

"This should be good," I said before Levine chuckled. Then his vivid green eyes were glistening with mischief.

I think it was too good right now.

"Have you know that the stranger that was sending your daughter home?" He asked me as I was shaking my head. All I remembered from that little encounter was that his plate name was VI.

"No, I don't have a clue. I could ask for someone to find the customize plate name but that was not my style anyway," I said before I was sipping on the tea as Levin was sipping on his.

"The wedding is a go." He said before I was spilling the tea on myself. I was blinking at Levine before he was smirking.

Was he serious?

"But they did not meet yet—"

"You have no idea, do you?'' He asked me as I was looking at him. Levine was looking out the window as he was smiling.

"Let me tell you a little something. Just call it a trip down to the memory lane, I suppose,'' he said as I was putting my cup down and wiped the spilled tea.

"This better is good, Virtanen, or I swear I will spill that tea on you later," I said before Levine smiled.

"Of course, would I suggest otherwise?" He said as he was talking about his grandson's first encounter with his first love.