Chapter 10: The Memory

Chris Virtanen's POV

It was evening when I landed in Hungary. I did not know why I was in Hungary but I have to follow what my uncle asked me to. He was like my idol and I wanted to be like him. He used to be a former King of Finland but he stepped down to marry my aunt.

I sighed before I was looking around the airport. It was in Hungarian and I don't know why it was a very good idea to go abroad without any dictionary of the language in the country that I will be visiting. But meh, it was a technology era.

I pulled out my phone before I was searching for an Uber to get to my hotel that my uncle has arranged. I have to lie to my fiancée, Katherine, a royalty from Finland, as I was getting out of Finland for a 'business deal' abroad.

If only that was true.

I was looking at the Uber that I asked for before I was getting into the car. The driver was a male and I was smiling before I closed the door.

"The address is Danubius Hotel, yes?" He asked me as I was nodding at him. The driver shifted the gear before we were on the highway. I was looking around as I was trying to think about my assignment that my uncle asked me to do.

'I want you to go and try to do a distraction in the palace where King Peter will hold a ball. And of course, your cousin will be there,' he said as I was looking into his blue eyes. It was sharp and I know that he was serious right now.

'Sir? You want me to—'

'Yes, Chris. I want you to distract them and if you want, you can play with your Kathleen as well,' he said before I was gripping my hands into a fist. He did not just suggest that.

'Did I hit a nerve? Then, I suggest you make do it while you were there,' he said before he was smirking at me, 'if you still can't move on from that woman,' he said before I was closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes and I was looking at the city of Budapest. It was nice and enchanting like the movie 'The Grand Budapest Hotel'. I have always wanted to be here and when I was setting my foot in Hungary for the first time, it was unnerving.

Because of my reasoning be here.

I sighed before the Uber stopped in front of the hotel before I was sliding out of the car. I smiled at the driver as I was nodding at him.

"Thank you," I said before I was opening the door and closed it before I was looking at the hotel lobby. I gripped my backpack before I went inside the lobby as the receptionist was smiling at me before I was smiling at her.

"What can I help you with, sir?" She asked me as I was looking at her name. It was from Taylor. I smiled before I was asking for my reservation and she nodded before she was typing something inside the computer.

"You have asked for a suite for 3 days and 2 nights, yes?'' She asked me as I was nodding at her. She smiled before she was taking the keys to the room.

"Here you go. Enjoy your stay, sir," she said as I was nodding at her. I went to the elevator before I was punching the buttons. Then, I feel someone was standing next to me. I looked through my peripheral view that the person that was standing beside me was a woman.

A stunning blondie with perfect curves.

I gulped as I was thinking about her. I cannot be serious?! I was an engaged woman and I know that it was an arranged one but I don't think that I would be like this.

Being unfaithful to my fiancée.

I sighed inwardly before I was stepping inside the elevator as it dinged and we, me and the stunning blonde, inside the elevator. The door closed as I was punching on the 5th floor. The woman was touching the 5th button as well before our fingers touched.

Electrics were running through my veins.

I turned to look at her and I was greeted by the warmest blue eyes I ever saw. It was much more than my uncle's hard cold stare as I was blinking before the blonde was smiling shyly at me.

"Sorry, I did not know that you were on the fifth floor as well," she said in English as I was smiling at her. She chuckled before she stepped away from me. We were silent after that before the woman spoke to me again.

"You know, I never did this before but I wanted to ask you something. I know it will be awkward and I don't think you want to hear it—"

"What is it?" I asked her before she was blinking at me. She was staring as she spoke the question that she wanted to ask me.

"Would you like to have a drink with me, later?" She said before her face was red. I think it's cute that she wanted to flirt with me without knowing who I was. And I think I liked that.

Not being the assassin that my uncle changed me into.

"Sure, I would like that," I said before her eyes were glistening. She blinked at me before she was smiling at me.

"Really? You mean it?" She asked as she was fidgeting with her hands. I smiled before the elevator opened and we stepped out of the elevator before I was looking at her.

"Can we meet around 9 PM then? I have some business to be taken care of first," I said before I was smiling at her. The woman was smiling before she was extending her hand to me.

"We did not formally meet but I already asked you out. My name is Sophia," she said before she was smiling at me.

Sophia, what a beautiful name.

I smiled before I was taking her hand. No doubt, the electrics were there as I was gripping her hand firmly.


"Well, then," Sophia said as she was removing her hand and I think I wanted to hold her hand longer, "I see you tonight then, Chris," she said as she was moving away from me. I was looking at her retreating figure before she disappeared from the hallway. I was smiling as I was moving to my room.

God, what was I thinking to go out with a woman on the whim?!

You're not thinking, you're reacting to her like you were never done before with Katherine, my thought argued as I was unlocking the door and went inside the room. It was a standard room as I was setting my clothes for tonight.

"Well, I guess I have to do this quickly then," I said before I was adorning the black clothes for tonight's mission.


I was looking through the binoculars as I was staring at the lavish foods and gowns and suits that people were wearing. I scoffed before I was moving around the castle and I was trying to figure out the power box before I was smiling.

"Bingo," I whispered before I was cutting the red wire and everything was shutting down. I can see through my night goggles that they were screaming and when I saw my target was panicking, I will make it even better.

Time to terrorize them, I guessed.

I saw that my cousin has pulled his wife under the table with him. I gritted my teeth before I was aiming for Kathleen. I was shooting a warning shot before everyone was screaming. I smirked before I saw that Kathleen and Kai were nowhere to be found. I clicked my tongue before I was running down the stairs so that they saw me.

I guess it was working as Kathleen was pursuing me right now.

I was rushing through the garden before I was zig-zagging around the trees as I saw the shadow was on top of the rooftop.

Clever girl.

I was swirling around before I was climbing up a tree to hide, thanks to my black clothes.

I saw that Kathleen was looking around for me before I was jumping on her as she was hitting the ground, I was holding her hands and neck with my hands.

"Don't make it harder than it is, princess," I said gruffly before Kathleen was struggling underneath me. For someone petite, she was sure strong.

"It already is," she replied before she was pushing me back, knocking my holds off her before I was stumbling backward for a while before I was steadying myself.

"So, you want to play, well, let's play," I said as I was taking out the daggers and hold it. I smirked even though she cannot see it.

Time to get some action done.