Chapter 14: The Mission

Chris Virtanen's POV

After that day, I was back in Finland before I was asked by my uncle to greet Kathleen in her bedroom. Well, that did not go well when I was sitting there in the dark alley of her room. It has been one month since that attempt on the assassination. I took a deep breath before I was knocking on her door.

Well, it was their door, since I know Kai slept with Kathleen almost every night.

The door opened and Kathleen was looking at me, the shock was in her eyes. How could she not be?

"Chris? What are you doing here?" She said as I was walking inside the room. She hesitated but she let me in.

"I see that you have come back in one piece. I thought you were a goner, Kathleen," I said as I was trying to make sure that I was looking like I was drunk. I was drinking a few glasses but I was not entirely drunk.

I was acting as if I was.

"Chris, you need to go to Katherine. I will call for her," she said as I was holding her wrist. It did not have the electrics that I was having when I was holding Sophia's hand.


"Chris, let me go. I will fetch for Katherine. She must be looking for you," she said as I can sense that she was getting disgusted with me. I wanted to laugh at that. I mean, if she knows the truth…

"No," I said flatly before I was pushing her onto the couch as Kathleen was arching her eyebrow at me.

"No?" She gasped before I was on top of her as I was caressing her cheeks.

"You belong to me, Kathleen, and you will never get to see Kai again," I said as I was smiling at her. But Kathleen was not having it.

Well, I have to applaud Kai for that effect on her.

"Chris, you're drunk. Get off me before I call security," she said as I was smirking at her darkly.

"Soon, Kai will no longer be by your side and all you need was me and that's what matters most," I said as I was trying to kiss her. I don't want to but I have to make sure that I was playing the part right.

"I think you're over welcomed your stay here," Kathleen said before I was being flipped my hands behind me. I yelped as Kathleen slipped away from me. I turned to look at her before I was drawing something from my boots.

My favorite daggers.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of some daggers, Kathleen? I thought you like to play hard to get with me, princess," I said as I was smirking at her, wielding the daggers in my hands.

"Wait, did you just called me—"

"Princess, well, isn't it all obvious? And the fact that you still don't know who was the assassin is a shame. I thought you were the better Remes' daughter," I said before I was chuckling darkly at her. I can see that she was gripping her hands into fists.

"You tried to kill us," she stated as I was shrugging before I was laughing out loud.

"Well, of course, without you as the acting queen and disappeared from this world, it would be easier for Katherine and me to be the King and Queen of Finland," I said as I was spinning the daggers in my hand. Kathleen was looking at my hands.

"Why are you doing all this?" She asked as I was remembering what my uncle told me.

That I was his chosen one.

That I was better than my cousin.

But I know he was only using that to wield me as his weapon because I have skills.

Mad skills for killing.

"All I ever had to do was to take Katherine off her sweet little feet when you were in jail. It was the perfect plan when she said yes to my proposal. But you, oh you, have to ruin it with your engagement to my fucking cousin and ruined everything that I have been working for," I spatted as I was feeling lighter after that.

Like the cobwebs in my chest was getting lifted and cleared the airways.

"Yeah, I have been trying to get to the top of the food chain. My grandfather always like Kai better even when he disowned him, he still make it through and when the only person like me for I was, he chooses to switch me with Kai as he thought it would be a better chance of controlling him when he takes the throne," I said as I was smirking.

I feel like a stupid idiot now that I heard all the things that I said.

"So, tell me princess, why I should not kill you?" I said softly before I was looking at her. I don't think I should let this woman be the end of my cause. I should have known better than just do what my uncle asked me to.

"You're mad. Why you need to prove yourself so much?" She asked me as I was stepping forward. Kathleen stepped back as if she was afraid of me.

And she should.

But you know there's one person that was not afraid of you, my mind said as I was shaking that thought off.

"You know how it feels like when someone who did not deserve all the credit gets it all. I know you do. Your sister was not the Grand Master in Chess. You are. You have been mastering several languages that you can easily help solve the politics but instead, you went to jail for the accident that happened 5 years ago," I said the things that my uncle has told me ever since he was planning to take over the crown again.

And I was stupid enough to do it for his cause. It was maddening.

Maybe I am mad, just like Kathleen said to me.

"Did you not know who was the benefactor of all the handwork that I have been doing. It was your uncle, Fenn Remes. yeah, he said hi to you and also goodbye," I said before I was attacking her. I should have known to mess with Kathleen Aurora Remes. She was the best of everyone in everything, especially martial arts.

She was dodging my attack before she saw an opening and she attacked my feet before I was dropping on my butt. I cursed before I was looking at her that she was at the other end of the room.

I think the play was over.

"Don't think you have the upper hand, princess, I have bombs all around the castle and with a click on this button, everyone goes bye-bye," I said before I was picking the switch that my uncle gave me for this mission. Kathleen paled before I was smirking at her.

"Well, now that would be easier to play," I said after I was clicking the buttons. Kathleen gritted her teeth before I was throwing the daggers at her. She dodged it before I was getting out of the room.

"Damn it," she cursed as I was standing on the railway of the window before I was smirking at her as I was nodding my head.

"Oh, I would love to stay and chat with you but I have poison on that dagger and it will make you go bye-bye," I said as I was saluting at her before jumping off. Then, I was out of the castle ground.

I was running to my house before I was getting up to my side of the bedroom as I was climbing up by the walls. I was gritting my teeth before I was looking at the balcony and I was getting the locks out of the way before I entered the room.

And I was not alone.

"Chris?" Katherine asked me as I was landing on my feet after I was getting through the window. What now? I just talked to the first sister and now this sister was in my room.

"Katherine, what are you doing here?" I said as I was staring around the room. I thought Kathleen would tell Katherine what was going on earlier but there was no one else other than her. I sighed before Katherine was arching her eyebrow at me.

"What do you want, Kat?" I said before I was sitting on the sofa. Katherine crossed her arms before I was rubbing my face with my hands.

"I should be asking you, where have you been? You looked like a hot mess right now," she said as I sighed.

"I don't have time for your chit chat, Kat. If you want to lecture me, spare it after we get married," I said as I was moving to the bathroom. She stiffened when I said that before she spoke again.

"I call off the engagement," she said before I turned to look at her. I blinked before I was narrowing my eyes at her.


"You know why. You never paid any attention to me as I matter. I know you love my sister," she said before I flinched. Not because it was true but I was just curious how much she knows about my mission.

My assassination against the Finnish royalty from the inside.

"Katherine, I—"

"Just save your breath. I don't even matter to you, so why do you care to explain?" She said before she was walking past me. I held her wrist before she was trying to get away from me.

"Chris, I hope you find your happiness," she whispered before I was letting her go. She was right, I should find my happiness.

And Katherine should do that as well. She ran away from me before the rain came in, pouring like cats and dogs. I was looking at the door that she just ran through. I sighed before I was closing my eyes, hoping that someday, I would forget all this forever.