Chapter 15: The Assignment

Chris Virtanen's POV

It has been months after that calling off the engagement and I was not thinking about anything. I was a recluse after that and I heard that my uncle was captured. I don't care. I don't want to be anyone's weapon anymore.

But of course, it was wishful thinking.

I was looking out of the window of my bedroom that I resided with my grandfather, Levine Virtanen, the most ruthless person in the business world of Finland. We owned most of Finland, except for the royal family of course.

Someone knocked on the door as I was glancing over my shoulder. The door opened and my grandpa walked in. He was looking around as I was sitting on the couch next to the window.

"I see that you were not having any strength yet to go out into the world again," Levine said as I was rolling my eyes before he was chuckling.

"It seems that Fenn was in jail now. You would not be reporting to him anymore," he said before I turned sharply at him. Levine smirked before he stood with his hands behind his back.

"Don't think that I don't know your attempt to kill the royalty, Chris. And as punishment, I will send you off to someone that needed the skills as yours. So, you can thank me later," he said as I was looking at him.

"Pack up, you will be going to Switzerland," Levine said before he stepped out of my room and I was left with the real question.

What would I do in Switzerland?!

After that announcement, my grandpa was not kidding when he stated that he will send me to Switzerland. He smirked at me as he was sitting across me in the private plane of Virtanen. I was crossing my arms as I was glaring at my grandpa but he was ignoring me.

"Don't be like that, Chris. You might thank me later," my grandpa said as he was reading the newspaper before I was looking out of the window. We were in Switzerland as I was looking at the Alps right now. The snowy mountains that I would love to go snowboarding.

"We're here," Levine said as I did not realize that we have landed. It was quick and easy before grandpa was out of his seat and he was moving out of the plane. I followed him from behind before I was staring at the blondie that was catching my eyes before my grandpa was introducing her.

I know it in my heart who she was. Sophia…

"Ah, I see that you bring your grandson as you promised," the old man that was standing next to Sophia before I was blinking my eyes. I cannot believe that she was here.

"Chris, I would like you to meet…"

"Just call me BOSS," the old man said as I was looking at the same blue eyes. Her father, perhaps?

"And let me introduce you, this is my niece, Sophia Hansen, partner that you will be working together in this assignment," Boss said as I was looking at Sophia. She extended her hand.

"I hope we get along, Chris Virtanen," she said as she was smirking at me. My lips grinned on the side.

"Likewise," I said as I was taking her hands and electricity was running through my veins. Time to revisit the old memories of our entangled bodies together.

After that meeting, my grandpa left me in their car. We were walking through the parking lot before Sophia was unlocking a car. It was a convertible.

"Nice taste," I commented before she was putting her sunglasses on. I was looking at her smirk before she slid into the driver seat and Boss on the passenger seat. I guessed I was in the back seat then.

I slid inside before we were speeding off from the parking lot as Sophia shifted the gear into D. We were on the highway before Boss was giving me a profile.

My face was on it and when I opened it, it stated that my status was the fiancé of Sophia Hansen. I arched my eyebrow before Boss smirked.

"Her idea, not mine," he mumbled before I was looking at Sophia. She was focused on the driving that I chuckled before I was looking at the fake ID and I was smiling.

"You see, there will be two other spies that will be your partners. But do not worry. They did not yet about this news,��� Boss said as I was arching my eyebrow at him. He chuckled.

"You will meet in Italy," he said as I was looking out of the car. I was looking at the quaint houses and the city.

I think I will miss this country.

"You will depart for Italy as soon as possible," Boss said as we were getting out of the car as we have arrived at our destination. I was looking at Sophia who was silent all the way. I gritted my teeth as I wanted to ask her many questions.

Who she was?

Why was she agreed to this?

Did she miss me?

Okay, the last question will not be asked directly to her. That seems like I was desperate enough.

I was nodding at Boss before we were left alone as Boss went into his sanctuary. It was all explained in the files but one-stop made me curious.

"Sir," I said before Boss disappeared from us. He turned to look at me before I was walking up to him. He arched his eyebrow at me.

"What is it?"

"What is this mean? Finland for the first stop? I don't get it. I just come from Finland so why—"

"That's because you have to bring Sophia with you back to Finland. The couple will be there for the first stop. I wanted them to follow you so that you can show them something that they did not know. Sophia," Boss called before Sophia was taking her backpack and we were walking to the car again.

We get inside the car and as usual, Sophia was driving. She shifted the gear before we were on the highway again. It was a long, silent drive. I was looking out of the window as I was playing the game by myself.





I mumbled before we were inside the small airport station? I don't even know what to say. Sophia gets out and I was following her. She took her backpack as I was getting mine. She went to walk away from me as I was following her like a lost puppy.

"Are you seriously will never talk to me again?" I called after Sophia as she was ignoring me. From the moment my grandpa was out of sight, she was not smiling nor speaking to me.

Was she mad or something?

"Sophia!" I shouted her name as she was talking with someone on the booth. I was rubbing my mouth before she was smiling at the man in the booth before she was paying him some money. Their hands touched before I saw red.

Bloody hell!

I was striding toward them before I was gripping Sophia's hand and she turned to look at me. She stopped smiling before I pulled her away from the booth. The man was shocked to see my glare at him as I was pulling Sophia off from the station.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sophia's sweet voice was filling my eardrum before I was trying to control my anger. She was trying to get out of my grip before I was gripping her wrist even more.

"Chris." She said before I was walking into an abandoned place. I was looking around before I was kicking the door and I was dragging Sophia with me. I was hitting her back against the wall as she gasped before I trapped her inside my arms.

We were staring at each other, as no one was daring to say anything. I was looking at her deep blue eyes as Sophia was glaring at me.

"I think—" she started but I cut her off. And what was the best way to cut someone off? I kissed her delectable mouth that I have been wanting to do after I saw her at the tarmac. She was gasping before she was trying to get me off her. I did not care as I was gripping her waist and I was grinding myself to her.

She moaned before her punching slowly died and she was gripping my arms before snaking it around my nape. She pulled me closer as I was licking her lower lips. She opened her mouth before I was plunging my tongue inside her.

She was still the same as ever. My Sophia, my woman.

"God, I missed you so much," I whispered before Sophia was smiling at me. She perked my lips.

And I missed you too, Chris. I have always been dreaming of meeting you again," she said before I was smirking.

"Your wish has come true. How do you plan to spend it?" I asked her before her blue orbs darkened.

"I have a few suggestions," she purred before I was kissing her hands.

"Later. For now, we have to get to Finland before your uncle was throwing his shit on us," I said as I was pulling Sophia out of the place as her laughter echoed the abandoned place.