Chapter 16: The Mighty

Chris Virtanen's POV

I was looking at the familiar sight of the luxurious hotel that was owned by the might Levine Virtanen, which has entrusted me to manage it. I don't know if it was the best choice but here it was.

"Welcome, sir. I hope you have the best trip here," the general manager said as I was walking inside the lobby by myself. As people would come around me, I asked Sophia to go to the suite before we were spotted by the paparazzi.

Who somehow wanted to know about the heartbroken once engaged man to the Finnish Princess.

I sighed before I was smiling and the general manager was talking about something with me as I was listening to them when I was walking to my office.

I was nodding at them before I asked them to get out of there. I needed a moment alone. But that did not help when Sophia was walking into my office. I sighed.

"I thought I asked you to go to the suite, wait for me there?" I asked as I was removing the tie from my suit. Sophia smirked before she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Well, you know me. I would never do anything just because you told me to," she said as I was smirking.

"Except when we're in the bedroom," I said before she blushed. Sophia cleared her throat before I was leaning against the desk.

"The couple has arrived. I think you might want to greet them. They were on their way up here," Sophia said as she was coming closer to me, caressing my chest. I smiled before I took her wrists and she arched her eyebrow at me.

"I thought you want me to go greet them?"

"Well, we still got time," Sophia whispered before I chuckled. I perked her lips before I was walking away.

"Later, darling. I will have to go first," I said before I was getting out of the office. I was looking at the office as Sophia was looking at me with a smirk.

"Have fun," she said before I was smiling charmingly at her.

"I will try not to," I said before Sophia's laughter was filling my office. I was walking to the elevator as I might as well check on the hotel while I was here. And when it opened, I was surprised to see that the man was being pushed to the walls of the elevator and the blonde woman was boldly kissing him.

I blinked a few times before I was looking at them. I arched my eyebrow at them before the woman covered first as she was smiling at me.

"Sorry, we get going now," she said as I was chuckling at them. Must be good to show their affection to each other.

"No, it's fine. Take your time, if you need," I said before they were rushing to their honeymoon suite that was beside me. I was looking at them as I was holding the buttons of the elevator before they went inside the room.

I shook my head before Sophia was joining me at the elevator as she was snaking her hand on my waistline.

"How charming," she whispered before I was chuckling as we get inside the elevator. We were trying to look like we were an engaged couple like the profile said. I sighed as the elevator closed before Sophia was pushing me against the wall. I arched my eyebrow. She smirked before she was kissing me.

And I have no complained at all.

We rode to lobby before we were getting around. I was looking around the ballroom as we will be having a ball as Boss asked me to do. I told my grandpa and he agreed to attend as well. So, who am I to deny him?

I was looking at the decoration before Sophia was looking around as she was hugging herself. I smiled as I can see that Sophia was a permanent figure inside here. I don't think that I would ever see that.

But I did, only with Sophia. Never Kathleen or Katherine. Why is that?

Because you have claimed her when you first in Hungary together, my dark mind said as I was looking at her. She was talking to the decorator before making some suggestions. I think she was good at this.

And here I thought she was only a spy.

I was distracted before the phone was ringing. I was looking at the ID and it was my grandpa. I slide the green button before I was looking around as I was talking with my grandpa.

"Hello, grandpa," I said curtly before Levine was chuckling at the end of the line. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Having fun yet?"

"If you ask that I was having fun to supervise the ball decorations, then the answer is no, okay, grandpa?" I said before he laughed.

"There must be something that will be happening that you will enjoy later," he said as I was turning to look at Sophia. She was twirling around the ballroom before I was smiling.

"I took that silence as a yes?"

"What? No!" I said before I was feeling my face was hot. I don't want my grandpa to know that I was planning something naughty while I was working. I cleared my throat before I was putting on my serious tone.

"You sent me to do a job and I will do just that," I said as I was looking outside the balcony. The city of Helsinki was happening and I was smiling despite the circumstances that were happening right now.

"Well, I hope you will have fun, grandson, for you are in for a surprise," he spoke in riddle before I was sighing.

"Again, I don't need your help to get married, grandpa. I am capable of choosing my bride,"

"And look how that turned out," he said about Katherine. I rubbed my neck. He has a point.

"That was different. That was a different intention," I said before I heard that my grandfather was smirking.

"And you think this one will be different?" He asked. I stay silent.

"Well, I cannot wait to meet her then," he said before he hung up on me as I was looking at the phone. I scoffed before I was turning to see that Sophia was snaking her arms around my neck.

"Can we go now? I think I am famished," she said as I was smiling at her.

"Sure, you go ahead to the restaurant, I meet you there," I said as I perked her lips before she sashayed from me. My cock stirred before I was shaking my head.

"Right, I have to get my wallet first," I said as I was making my way to the room again. I rode the elevator before it stopped at the top of the floor as I was walking to my room, passing the honeymoon suite that was occupied by the couple that was supposed to be our partners.

I heard some ruckus before I was unlocking the door and I walked inside. I scanned the area before I was arching my brows. They sure worked fast. I walked to the balcony to see that they were kissing on the floor of the balcony. I arched my eyebrow before I spoke to announce my presence to them.

"Well, isn't it an exciting sight in the early evening?" I said as the man that was on the floor, his hazel eyes clashed with mine. And instantly I know who he was.

Charles Debrun, the man that has engaged to Sophia once upon a time.

I blinked a few times before I cleared my throat. I was looking away as the clothes that Kiara was wearing was too much for me. But not that I was aroused by it, I think I would rather peel my eyes out before Charles put his knife on my throat to look at his woman.

Like he has any right.

"Sorry, I did not mean to intrude you guys," I said as I was rubbing my neck. Charles was standing up with Kiara as they were turning to look at me.

"No offense, sir. We should be a disgrace. It was not supposed to be like this in public," he said as he was hiding his woman behind him. Clever man. I smiled before I was excusing myself from there.

"Well, I think I should get going now. Enjoy the rest of your night," I said as I went inside my suite before I was closing the balcony. I was looking for my wallet before I was getting out of the room and went to the restaurant.

I can see that the man named Charles Debrun was something else. His blond hair and hazel eyes. I can see why Sophia attracted to him.

He was not a coward like me.

I sighed before I met Sophia in the restaurant before I was smiling as she was greeting me with a kiss.

"You're late," she said as she was arching her eyebrows. I was chuckling before I was putting my hand on her lower back, a sign of possession.

"You can say that I have a few words with our partners, but they did not know that," I said before we went inside the restaurant because I was famished.

But not for food, although I have to settle for that first before I have Sophia for dessert.