Chapter 20: The Apartment

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was asleep when someone was shaking me. I groaned before I heard that someone was chuckling. I furrowed my eyebrows before I felt like I was floating in the air. When I squirmed my eyes, I was being carried by Vi as he was walking up to the building.

I gripped his neck before I was looking at him as I was looking around. It was one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Copenhagen as I was looking at the condo building in front of us right now. Vi was still unaware that I was awake.

"Vi, I can—"

"No, I don't bring your shoes so you have to hold tight to me then," he said as he was looking at me. I was looking into his vivid green orbs before he was smiling at me. The wrinkles were there before I was smiling at him.

"Are we going to have brunch here?" I asked him before Vi was walking up into the lobby before we were passing the receptionist. He was looking at us before I was nuzzling Vi's neck. This was embarrassing enough for me.

Let alone in public, being carried like a princess, not that I am one.

Vi punched the button before the elevator was opening and he walked inside them. The door closed before I was looking at our reflection. Vi carried me as I was wearing a shirt and skirt that he gave to me when I took a shower before we left for the city hall.

I don't know how he knows my size but I was thankful.

The elevator dinged before I was looking at the front door of the apartment that I assumed it was Vi's. He was putting me down as I was standing on the carpeted floor before he was taking the keys and unlocking it. I was looking at him as Vi was locking his eyes with me. Then, he pushed the door open.

"After you, milady," he said before he was picking me up again. I shrieked before I was giggling as Vi was walking me through the threshold.

"Aren't you a traditionalist, Mr. Vi?" I asked him as he was smirking at me.

"Well, I am nothing but that," he said before I was arching my eyebrow at him. I wanted to know what he meant by that but I don't think that I wanted to know what he meant by that.

But the curiosity was killing me.

I was looking around the apartment as it was minimalist style. The color scheme was beige and white. I don't think that I would see Vi in this kind of setting. I thought he would be in a darker mood.

I was looking around as I was exploring the living room before I saw there was a stair that was leading upstairs. I know what it was up there and so I went to the bookshelves that have a lot of foreign language books.

Mostly, English and crime thriller novels.

"You like this genre?" I asked him as I picked up a book and I was reading the title. "Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, interesting," I said as I was glancing at my husband. He was leaning against the wall as I was skimming through his novel. He has some writing in it as I was looking at his cursive handwriting.

Forever yours, Kat.

I gulped before I was closing the book. So it was from his ex, was it? If I know, that was a name for a woman. I was putting it back on the shelves before I was scanning the book again. He has a collection of Sherlock Holmes and I was smiling from ear to ear.

Now, we're talking.

I pulled the book out and I was looking at the front cover. It was heavy but I know the book was so good that you can never put it down when you read it. I can see that Vi would love to sit in the living room and just read.

He did not even own a television.

"Enough of that," Vi said suddenly as he was taking the book from my hand and put it back on the shelves. I turned to look at him as his vivid green eyes were looking intensely at me. I blinked before Vi smiled

"I thought you might be hungry now. Come, let's eat. I have asked my housekeeper to cook it for us," he said before he was pulling me to the kitchen. It was a big apartment, considering he was staying in the wealthiest neighborhood.

No wonder he was the owner of the nightclub, Blue Bear. He was loaded as hell.

He was pulling the chair for me to sit at the dining table. I thanked him. He smiled before he was pouring some wine into our glasses before he was sitting in front of me. Our legs touched as I was feeling the electricity that was running through my veins.

Damn it. I think I cannot breathe.

"I have instructed her to make some lasagna. I hope that's okay? You do like Italian food, right?" He asked me as I was looking at the food. The Italian food that I shared with Chris when we're in Italy after that night from the ball in Finland.

After I met his grandfather.


"So, what do you think of Chris, Sophia?" Chris' grandpa asked me as I was looking at him. I was blinking my eyes before I chuckled.

"What do you mean sir?" I said before he smiled.

"I can see that you hold affection to my dear grandson. Say, what will you do if I were to tell you that you can marry him if you wanted to?" He asked me as I was looking at him. He stopped in the middle of the ballroom as I laughed at his statement.

"You cannot be serious sir! Do you give your blessing if I was to tell you that Chris has asked me to marry him?" I taunted his grandpa as he smirked at me.

Well, that was a good sign.

"Hmm, I never thought that he would go again for that, after what happened," Chris' grandpa mumbled before I arched my eyebrow.


"Ah, enough about that. Shall we enjoy the party?" He asked me before I was looking for Chris. He was here and I know that my heart skipped a beat every time I saw him.

And I know that moment was the sign that I have fallen in love with my enemy.


I blinked before I was hearing Vi called my name. "Sophia?" He asked as I turned to look at him. Vi was arching his eyebrow at me before I smiled.

"Sorry, what is it that you ask?"

"I hope that you are not lactose intolerant. Their cheese in this," Vi said as he scooped some lasagna as he was putting them inside my plate. I was looking at the perfect lasagna.

Only my life was that perfect.

"Thank you. I don't have allergies with lactose," I said before Vi smiled. He was scooping for himself before I was taking the glass for a toast.

"A toast," I said as Vi was gripping his glass as well. I took a deep breath as I was looking into his vivid green eyes. It reminded me of my love, Chris Virtanen, but I am with someone else now.

And he was missing. He has forgotten about me.

"I want to thank you for going through with this plan of mine. I don't know how you will react at first after I proposed to you but seeing that we're sharing a brunch, I think I can safely say that we will happy for the time of being together. So thank you, Vi, for saving me," I said as I was smiling at him. Vi chuckled before he clinked my glass with his.

"To the new beginning,"

"To our scheme," I said before we were sipping on the wine. Vi was looking intensely at me over the rim of his glass as I was putting the glass down. He did the same and then we dug in our brunch as I was famished.

I was cutting the lasagna into small pieces before I was putting into my mouth. The brunch was silent as I was looking at him. Vi was enjoying his food before he caught me staring. I turned my eyes away from him as he chuckled at me.

"Are you shy, Sophia?"

"No, I am not," I replied before Vi chuckled again. I was putting some food into my mouth as I was trying to avoid the conversation.

A few moments passed as we were sipping on the wine when the food was gone into our stomach. I was looking at the wine glass before Vi was standing up to clear the table.

"Here, let me help," I said as I was putting the plates together and carried them into the kitchen. Vi opened the dishwasher as I was putting the plates inside them. I was bending over with my dress ridden in the back before I heard a sharp intake of breath.

I turned to see that Vi was gazing at my butt before I was blushing. What is wrong with me?! I never blushed before when I know that we both wanted what was coming in this union.

Vi has the right to my body as I have to his. I think I don't need logic in this right now. All I can see was that our bodies fused as sweats were accumulating our foreheads. Moans and pants were in the air.

"I…uh, I think we can get some—"

"Fuck this," I said before I was pushing myself to Vi as I was claiming his mouth.

Yup, nothing graceful in this as well.