Chapter 19: The Union

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was looking at the city hall that was standing majestically in front of us right now. Vi just pulled up in the parking lot before he got out and he went to open the door for me. I took his offered hand as we were walking toward the front door. I gripped his hand.

"Nervous, Sophia?" Vi asked as I was glaring at him. He chuckled before he was opening the door and I thanked him. We were inside the city hall as it was not that crowded. I looked at the clock as stated at 8 AM.

Maybe that's why.

"Let's go," Vi said before he was pulling me to one of the officers that were sitting at the counter. It was deserted before Vi smiled charmingly at the officer. She smiled back as she was batting her eyelashes at Vi. I felt I wanted to kick something.

Or rather, someone right now.

"How can I help you, sir?" She said in Danish before Vi turned to look at me. He was asking me to talk as I was a citizen of this country. I cleared my throat before I was stepping forward and faced the officer.

She just realized that I was here with Vi and suddenly, her face felt and turned murderous. Someone was not happy with this new development. I smiled at her.

"Well, hi, hello. I am here with my fiancé and wish to get married today," I said before the officer was pulling some documents from her desk as we were waiting patiently in front of her.

"Was he the citizen of this country?" She asked as I was turning to look at Vi. He nodded.

"I am an immigrant to this country. I just got my permanent residence card last week," he said as I was turning to look at him. Vi smiled before he was squeezing my hand in his hand. The officer nodded as she stood up and showed us the marriage documents.

"So, here's what you need for the documents so that the union will get through and be official," the officer said before she turned to Vi. "Do you have all the documents that were asked?" She asked before Vi smiled.

"I have them everything here," Vi said as he was carrying a briefcase. If you curious, we have done some research last night after we got up and I was happy to know that Vi was following through this idiotic plan of mine to get out of marrying someone that I don't know.

"Okay, we can proceed with the process now," she said as she was asking for the documents from us and we gave it to her. She was looking through it before she asked us to take a seat as she went in the back to do some of the works, I supposed.

I went to the vacant seats and sat there with Vi as he was holding my hand all the time. I did not know that he was doing that until he was kissing my knuckles. I turned to look at him.

"Do you regret this?" I asked him out of blue before Vi's vivid eyes were looking into my blue orbs. I was searching for something in his eyes before he smiled. The wrinkles showed up at the end of his eyes.

"How could I regret this?" He asked me back. I shrugged.

"I don't know. You just met me and I asked you to play as the devoting husband to thaw my father's plan. Don't you think you would like something else out of this?" I asked him before his eyes were training on my body. I blushed as I know what innuendo that he was suggesting. Vi chuckled.

"Do not worry. I also use you as my shield to get away from the engagement that my grandpa set me up," he said as I was looking up to his handsome face. Vi will be engaged?

Just like me?

I blinked at him before Vi was looking at me again. He smiled before he kissed my knuckles again. I breathed out.

"What?" He asked as I was shaking my head. No, I don't think that the old man was Vi's grandpa.

But they do have the same eye color.

"What is it, Sophia? You're quiet," he said as I was looking into his green orbs. I smiled before I was about to say something, the officer was calling after us.

"Sir, ma'am. Please follow me if you please," the officer said as we were walking into an office as I was looking at the man behind the desk.

God damn it!

His blue eyes were sparkling as he was looking at my intertwined hands with Vi. I wanted to pull out but Vi did not get the point as he was gripping my hand even more.

"So, I see that you wanted to get married? I can see that you have all the money that can buy everything," the minister said as he was smirking at us. We were sitting in front of the desk as I was crossing my eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yes, well. One who has money can get something that others can't," Vi stated before the minister was smiling at us. He turned to look at me before he cleared his throat.

"May I have a word with Ms. Sophia here. please?" He asked Vi before Vi turned to look at me. I nodded before he was kissing my cheek as he went out of the office. Then I turned to look at the minister again.

Which I should mention was my uncle.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as he was looking at me.

"Yes, nice to see you too, niece. I was wondering when you will come to visit me,��� my uncle replied as I was rolling my eyes at him.

"How come you were in Denmark when last month you were lounging in Switzerland?" I asked him as he was arching his eyebrow.

"Well, your father has been kind—"

"He was anything but kind," I cut him off before my uncle chuckled.

"Then you don't know your father that well," he said as I was scoffing at him.

"I know enough that my father was willing to marry me, his only daughter, to a stranger," I said as my uncle was arching his eyebrow. I was leaning against the chair before he smirked.

"And here you are, trying to marry a stranger behind his back. Do you think he would allow it?" He asked me as I was narrowing my eyes at my uncle.

"What did you do?" I asked my uncle as he shrugged. I was looking out of the office before I was turning to regard my uncle again.

"I swear if you tell my father about this—"

"Oh, he will be in for a surprise," he said before he was arching his eyebrow at me.

"But of course, are you ready for the surprise as well?" He asked me as I was blinking my eyes at him.

"What are you talking—"

"Okay, I think that's enough for today. I will review these documents and get back to you in a week. For the time being, enjoy your honeymoon, niece," my uncle said as I was standing up from the chair as someone was opening the door. It was the same officer at the counter.

"Thanks for the honesty, Ms. Hansen, and I will see you again," my uncle said before I was walking out of the office as the female officer was closing the door before I was walking up to my fiancé, Vi.

I mean, my husband now since we're officially married. Sort of.

Vi was looking at his intertwined hands before he heard my footsteps. He turned to look at me before he was standing up to greet me.

"What is it? What did he want? Was there something wrong with the documents?" He asked me as I was looking into his vivid eyes. Then I remembered what my uncle said.

Oh, he will be in for a surprise…But of course, are you ready for the surprise as well?

What did he mean by that?

I must have been thinking so much when I was looking at Vi that he was caressing my cheeks. I snapped back to reality before I was looking at him, smiling charmingly. Vi arched his eyebrow before I shook my head.

"Nothing. It's nothing. Shall we get going? We don't want to miss brunch," I said as I was pulling Vi to get out of the building. We walked to his car before Vi opened the door for me as I was sliding inside before he closed the door.

Vi went to his side before he slid inside and started the ignition. He shifted the gear into D as he sped off from the parking lot.

"So, where do you want to eat for brunch?" Vi asked me as I was looking at the streets. I don't know where to get food, so I just shrugged.

"Okay, I think I just know the place for us to start," he said as he was speeding through the traffic before I closed my eyes. I honestly don't think that my marriage to Vi, a stranger, will not reach my father.

He was a fucking billionaire and we're related to royalty. Of course, the paparazzi would love to know why I got married behind my back.

But that was for another time. Right now, I just want to enjoy the silent drive with Vi drove us to an unknown destination that he had in his mind.