Chapter 18: The Ball

Chris Virtanen's POV

I was looking at myself in the vanity mirror. I was adorning the black suit with a blue necktie. I sighed before I was putting some cologne on my skin.

Dunhill Blue, Sophia's favorite.

"Are you ready?" Sophia's voice was coming inside the bedroom before I was turning to see the stunning blonde woman that was standing in front of me. She was adorning the emerald dress as it has a slit on the side of her thigh.

Sophia was smirking wickedly at me as I was looking up and down of her body. She walked up to me with her black high heels before I was looking at her long, shapely legs greeting me.

"Don't be so stunning, love. It's nothing like you've never seen before," she said as I was looking at her. She was repairing my tie as I was looking at her firm breasts that were hidden beneath the dress before she smoothed her hands on my chest.

I was looking at her natural makeup with her lipgloss on her lips. It was tempting for me to kiss it but I have to control it. I cannot lose control now.

"Shall we go now?" I asked her before Sophia was smirking at me.

"You go ahead before I join you. I have to tell my uncle about the couple," she said as I was arching my eyebrow at her. Sophia laughed.

"It was nothing, Chris. I promise I will join you afterward. I won't be long," she said as she was perking my lips before I was nodding at her.

"Be careful,"

"Aren't I have always?" She said before she was fishing for her phone and I was leaving the suite. I was walking to the elevator before I was pushing the button. I was looking at the number before the elevator dinged and I went inside.

The door closed before I was punching the lobby floor. The ball will be in the ballroom as I was taking a deep breath. I don't know what my grandpa was thinking when he agreed for this but I guessed he wanted to look around what was happening with the hotel, I supposed.

The elevator opened up before I was walking out into the lobby and I was greeting my grandpa. Levine Virtanen was standing there, looking like a king in the center of the lobby before I was walking up to him.

"Grandpa, you're early," I said before he turned to regard me. His vivid green eyes were glistening under the chandelier before he smirked.

"Ah, Chris, my boy. How are you? And where's that sweet woman that you're partnering up with? Is she around?" Levine asked me as I was looking at him.

"Well, she's—"

"Here. I am here. You don't think I would leave him alone, do you, Mr. Virtanen?" Sophia came out of nowhere before she was holding my arms. I was looking at her on my side before my grandpa was smiling at Sophia.

I felt my hand was clenched into a fist.

"Ah, Sophia. I am glad for you to come," grandpa said as I was rolling my eyes. Even though he was old, his charming way was not dead.

And I know because I have seen it growing up.

"I am pleased to know that you're coming, sir. I hope the ball will suit your taste?" Sophia said as she was holding onto my arm. I did not miss the way my grandpa was looking at our hands before he smiled.

"Believe me, child, when I say, it is adequate," he said before Sophia laughed. Levine smiled before I was clearing my throat.

"Shall we get going then?" I asked before Levine was smiling.

"Sure, may we?" My grandpa said before he was escorting my woman. Sophia was smiling before she was walking with my grandpa into the ballroom as I was putting my hands in my pocket before I was looking around the ballroom. A server came into my view before I was taking champagne before I was sipping on the wine.

I was scanning the room before I saw that my Sophia was talking with my grandpa and two people were fussing into the corner. I think that's our partners before I smirked when I was taking a sip of the champagne.

They seem to talk with each other and I can see that they were arguing as the woman was looking in the direction of my Sophia. I arched my eyebrow as Sophia was noticing that she was being watched.

And Charles was kissing that woman in his arms before Sophia was coming closer to them. I was gripping the wine glass before she was scoffing at their indecency and then Sophia was making her way toward me.

I let my grip loosen a bit.

I was looking at the couple before I blinked. Then they were gone. Bloody hell! What sorcery was that?! I was holding the glass before I was scanning the ballroom and they were nowhere to be found.

What in the world?

Sophia was making her way toward me as I saw that my grandpa was staring at us. He smirked at me before I was putting my glass on the passing tray before Sophia was in front of me. She was taking a glass of champagne before she was sipping them.

"Did you see that couple? They were being improper in the public. And at the ball, nonetheless," Sophia said as she was scanning the room before I was chuckling beside her.

"What's the matter, Sophia? Don't tell me you want to be improper as well?��� I asked her before her blue orbs were staring at me. I was arching my eyebrow at her before she scoffed.

"In your dreams, Virtanen,"

"I am living my dream. With you in my bed every night to satisfy my needs," I whispered into her ears before I was taking her glass. She was panting before I was pulling her closer and went toward the dance floor.

"Chris, what are you doing?'' She asked me as I was pulling her before we were at the center of the dance floor. I smirked at her as I was nodding at the musicians.

"What do you think?" I asked her before I was pulling her closer when the tango dance of La Cumparsita was playing.

"I want you to dance for me, kultaseni," I said as I was gripping her waist before I was holding her hand, and then I was twirling us around. She was looking into my eyes the whole time before she was playing the part as well.

"You don't think I can dance, Virtanen?" She asked me as I arched my eyebrow.

"I am waiting," I said before she was wrapping her leg around my calf before she was stepping with the music. She was sashaying her hips to the music as I was smirking while I was dancing with her.

I twirled her around before I was pulling her into my arms as she was angling her neck and it was exposed before I was locking my eyes with my grandpa. He was sipping on the champagne before I caught his smirk.

I think I just built my coffin now.

I was turning Sophia as she was looking at me. I was looking into her blue eyes that were glistening with mischief before I was dipping her when the music ended. I was kissing her neck before I was pulling her up and we were facing each other. The claps and applauds were around us but I can only see Sophia in front of me.

Until the phone distracted us.

I was pulling her to the side before I was catching my grandpa was talking in his phone before I was pulling Sophia with me. I was picking the phone before the ID was showing Boss. I slid the green button before I was listening to the phone using the earphones.

One for me, one for Sophia.

"Boss, what's up?" I asked him as he was chuckling at me. I was looking at Sophia before she shrugged.

"I need you in Italy now. Time to move people," he said as the line was cut off. I hated people that just hung up with no reason. I was pulling the earphone off as I was looking at Sophia. She smirked.

"Well, I guess we will be going to Italy then," she said as I was smirking. Then, we're out of there.


Arthur Hansen's POV

"Is that the moment when you called me in the middle of the night? I was asleep you know, Levine?" I said as Levine Virtanen was sipping on his tea. He shrugged before his vivid eyes were looking at me.

"But it did work out in the end, right? You know they were meant to be together," he said as I was arching my eyebrow.

"Then, what happened? What makes my Sophia complied to come home when you said that they were happy to be together?" I asked him as I was trying to understand my daughter and what was her intention of coming home.

And why Levine Virtanen was staying longer than he should at my home.

"It gets better and better but that was for another time. I think it's time for a break then and see what happens in this new development, right? After all, we cannot let you have the fun of knowing it all before it's time," Levine said as he stood up. I did the same. I scoffed at him before I was crossing my arms.

"And when will that be?"

"Soon, Arthur. Soon. Have patience will you?" Levine said as we walked out of the office. I think the patience in me was thinning this day when I wanted my daughter to get married so that she can inherit my wealth before something bad happened.

And I hated to think about that.