Chapter 22: The Basilica

Chris Virtanen's POV

I was looking at the cathedral of St. Peter's Basilica. I was not looking around before I was walking up to Sophia. She was looking at the map of the basilica as I was taking in her glorious figure under the sunshine.

We were happy after that moment on the counter before I was pulling her into the shower as I would take her again against the wet tiles as the lukewarm water was on our bodies. I was smirking as I was walking up to her before she turned to look at me. Sophia smiled.

"I see that our partners were here," Sophia whispered as I was looking at her before I caught the hickeys that I gave her. I smirked before my eyes were hooded.

"I would like to take them inside, Sophia," I whispered into her ear before she blushed she was leaning against me as I was looking at her. She smirked.

"Lead the way, Virtanen," she said as I put my hand on her lower back before I was pulling her closer to my side. Sophia chuckled before I saw the reflection of Charles and Kiara were following us. They were putting on the disguises but I know it was them. We were walking with the tourists that were visiting the basilica.

I can see that Charles was blinking a few times as I saw that their eyes were different from the blue eyes that they used to. I smirked before I was whispering to Sophia.

"Looks like they don't do well with the disguises," I said before Sophia was smirking. She was pulling me closer as our hot breaths were mingling with each other.

"Hmm, and you think you can beat them?" She challenged me. I arched my eyebrow.

"I can and you will see one day,"

"I will be waiting that one day, Virtanen," she said before I chuckled. Then we were moving with the tourists before I was looking at Sophia. She nodded before she was clearing her throat.

"Did you get the information that I asked you to get, Chris?" She asked me as we were stopping in front of the statue. I nodded at her.

"Yes, everything was according to plan, except when you let that chummy scientist get in our way," I said as I was gritting my teeth. I was referring to my uncle but they did not know that.

"Oh, don't be mad. I did it to throw them off from us and we succeed," Sophia said as she was soothing my arm. I smirked before we were walking with the tourists' group again. I was looking for the signs that the couple behind us was listening to us.

They did as I can see that they were following us.

"We cannot let anyone knows that she was alive. The Boss will be angry at us," Sophia said as I was chuckling. I know that we were referring to Kiara but I don't think the couple knows. I sighed as I was trying to feel sad about that fact alone.

"I saw them. Back in Finland," I said before Sophia was arching her eyebrow at me.


"The doctor and his whore," I whispered before Sophia laughed. I know that Charles and Kiara were near and probably listening to this. Who cares? I don't.

Not when I was about to face Sophia's ex-fiancé.

"That's nonsense, I think you're delusional now, Chris, my love. Charles Debrun was dead back at his lair in Denmark. I make sure of that,"

"But what if I told you, you were wrong at your calculation? What if we have someone that was playing the odds?" I said as I was locking my gaze with Kiara. She took a deep breath before I was arching my eyebrow. I was looking at Charles who was looking at my woman. I gripped her waist again before they moved.

"Well, that was unexpected," Sophia said as I turned to look at her. She was smirking before I had a text from Boss.

'Get out of there. Now!' It stated.

I turned to look at Sophia before she was glancing at me as well. I nodded before I was looking for a fire emergency. We went to the button before I pulled it down and the sirens were deafening the basilica. I pulled Sophia out into the back of the basilica as I was looking at the sunlight.

Then, we heard the bombing that was blowing up the basilica into pieces. We were thrown to the grown because of the impact of the explosion. I was covering Sophia before I was turning to see that there was someone that was getting out of the building.

I blinked before I was looking at the familiar blue eyes. He was smirking at me before he was disappearing in the crowd.


I was getting up from the ground before I was looking at Sophia who was unconscious. Then I saw it, she was hurting as the blood was oozing from her body.

"Damn it," I said before I was picking her up and we were off the ground of basilica. I went to the car that we rented before I was putting Sophia in the backseat. I went to take the first kit aid in the truck before I was snapping some bandages before I was ripping her clothes.

"Chris?" Sophia said as I was shushing her.

"It's okay. It's okay, I'm here, my love. I'm here," I said as I was working for my hands on the wounds. It was deep because I was taking out the pieces of the woods that were buried inside her stomach. I gritted my teeth.

"This will hurt a bit," I said before I was pulling the woods. Sophia was cursing under her breath before I was cleaning the wounds. I was huffing and puffing before I was cleaning up the bandages with antiseptic to prevent the germs to get inside the wound. Sophia hissed before I was wrapping up the wounds.

"Well, that was fun," Sophia said before I was putting the water bottle to her mouth. She drank the water before she was laying down on the backseat.

"Stay put. I will get us out of here," I said before I was closing the door, went to the driver seat as I started the ignition and I was out of the city to get to the next stop of our mission.

Zurich, Switzerland.


I was scooping Sophia out of the backseat before we were inside the lab that her uncle occupied. He was busy doing something on the computer before I was coming through his lab, putting Sophia on the table as he rolled his chair to us.

"Dear God, what happened?'' He asked before he was checking for Sophia's vital. I was searching for the cure of the wound before I was taking a syringe and put some antidote inside it.

"5mL, no more, no less," Boss instructed me as I was nodding at him. I went to put the antidote inside the needle before I was pushing the bandage from Sophia's stomach.

"Here," Boss said before I was putting in the needle. Sophia groaned before I was pushing the medicine into her body. She was breathing hard before I was looking at the wounds. It was generating itself before I was breathing hard.

"Well, what the hell happened?" Boss asked me before I was leaning against the wall, sliding down as I was putting my hands to my face.

"We don't know. We don't know but I did see someone, I think," I said before Boss was looking at me with his hard blue eyes.

"Who was it?'' He asked me as I was licking my dry lips.

"Who was is, Chris, damn it?!"

"It was my uncle, Fenn Remes," I said as Boss was looking at me. I was breathing hard before Boss nodded.

"Then, we cannot delay any longer. We have to get Kiara here now," he said as he was taking his phone and texted his spy. I was looking at Sophia before I was leaning against the wall again.

I think, I just made Sophia as one of my uncle's targets.

It has been a couple of hours after we injected the medicine into Sophia's bloodstream. I have cleaned up as Boss asked me to get a shower. I refused but he insisted on me and I obliged. After that, I was staying by the table as Sophia's normal breathing was there. I was holding her hands as I was praying to God to keep her safe.

And I was never a believer before.

I was closing my eyes before one movement of Sophia's hand was squeezing mine. I turned to look at her as Sophia was smiling at me. I was looking at the wound before it was closing up nicely.

"Well, I can say that my cure will be something that will beneficial to humankind," Boss said as I was hugging Sophia. I was feeling her skin before I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Most of them anyway," Boss said before he wheeled away as I was looking at the scar was forming on Sophia's stomach.

"I did this," I said as I was looking at Sophia. She shook her head.

"Never blame yourself, Chris. I am fine, and that's what important," she said as Sophia hugged me. I hugged her back as I was kissing her cheeks. She sighed.

But I know deep down, I cannot be with Sophia, not without exposing her to danger.