Chapter 23: The Partner

Chris Virtanen's POV

I helped Sophia to get ready, which was fun by the way, as I was kissing her and I was cleaning her sinful body but I did not take her as I know that her uncle would be listening. I was helping her to put on the clothes before we were grouping in the main chamber. Boss wheeled into the room.

"Well, she's here," he said as I was arching my eyebrow. Then I felt something in the air as Sophia was gripping my hand as I turned to see in her direction. That's when I saw Kiara was showing up in the lab. Boss was slipping away before I was looking at Sophia.

"Well, isn't this exciting? The real testimony that will prove our product significantly. I told you she will comply with our request, Virtanen," Sophia said as she was crossing her arms in front of her chest. Kiara was looking at her. I sighed.

"Sophia, don't provoke her," I said before I was hearing another voice as well.

"Yes, what did I tell you? She was the perfect weapon to use when it concerned her boss and lover," my uncle said as I was on my high alert. How come he was here?! I was looking elsewhere as my uncle was smirking.

"Remember the plan," Boss said as I was looking at Sophia. She nodded before my uncle was talking again.

"Now, be a doll and let Sophia take your blood sample or this old man will die. You know I would not bluff about this," Fenn said as I was looking at the 'pretend' sleeping Boss. I wanted to chuckle but I cannot blow the cover.

"Well, shall we begin?" Sophia said before she was doing her stuff. I was looking at the test tubes that Sophia got for my uncle. I wanted to stop this pretending but Boss will not like that.

"Thank you for your cooperation. We will take our leave then," Fenn said before he was pulling the trigger as he was saying, "Have a good day,"

I was looking at bleeding Kiara before my uncle was out of sight. Kiara groaned before she was saying the last thing that came to her mind, "Charles,"

"Bloody hell,��� I mumbled as I went to the blonde woman which my uncle called Kiara. I looked at the wound that was being done by my uncle. I felt my teeth were gritting to control my anger right now.

"Chris," Sophia said softly into my ear as I was hugging her. She was my anchor when my uncle did something terrible. I know I should have not bailed him out from the jail after that incident my cousin.

"We need to save her, Sophia," I said as I turned to look into her blue eyes. It held warmth in them, unlike my uncle and everyone else. They thought I was a bad guy and maybe I was.

"We will save her," Sophia mumbled as she kissed my earlobe before she nuzzled my neck. I was holding her close before someone was coming into the lab.

"Boss? Kiara?" Charles' voice was coming inside the room. Sophia turned to look at him as I was tightening my hand on her waist.

"Charles, it's not what it looks like," Sophia started but before I know it, I was on the wall as Charles' face was a few inches from mine.

"What did you do to her?" He asked darkly as I can see he was about to consume with fury. I did not know what to say but Sophia was trying to calm the situation. She said that we need to focus matter at hand, which was Kiara.

"Answer me!" He barked as I was trying to breathe right now.

"Can't breathe," I mumbled as his tight hold on me. I was seeing lights right now before Sophia said something.

"Release him, Charles, as he was the only one that knows about the formula," Sophia said before Charles turned to look at her. His grip loosened on me as I was taking sharp breaths.

"What do you mean?" He asked as I was coughing.

"It means that he knows how to reverse the effect of your experiment, but we have to stop his uncle from doing some stupid shit right about now," Sophia said as she was helping me up. I saw some lights and vision but I was looking at him for reassurance.

"You find the cure?" Charles asked, baffled as I was the one that cracked his father, Albert Debrun's code of teleportation in humans.

"Yes, and unfortunately, as well as my uncle. We need to stop him," I said before I nudged my head toward Kiara.

"We have to save her first. My love," I said to Sophia before she nodded and went to Kiara's side.

"What are you trying to do?" Charles barked at her as she was setting some dose inside the syringe.

"Relax, man. She knows what she's doing," I said as I was holding Charles. Sophia injected the special medicine into Kiara's blood system before she looked at the wound. It was healing, thankfully as the wound was closing on itself.

"Dear God," Charles said as he was cradling her face on his laps. Sophia gave them some space before she was standing next to me.

"Kiara, my love. Please, do not leave me. Please. I need you," he mumbled softly as I draped my arm across Sophia's shoulder.

"You know I still don't forgive you for letting him taking what was rightfully mine right?" I whispered to Sophia as she turned to look at me, mischief in her blue eyes.

"Oh, and what is that, Mr. Virtanen?" She said as she was smirking wickedly at me. Damn woman for playing my heart.

"I will punish you for that," I whispered before she was whispering to me as well.

"I'm looking forward to that," she said as we were looking at Charles as Kiara was groaning to life.

Kiara was looking at Charles as Sophia gave her a glass of water. I was looking at Sophia and how she reacts around Charles.

Nothing, just nothing.

She did not show any sign that she might be in love with him again. Or was I so rusty that I was in denial to see the spark of warmth that she held for her ex? Kiara and Charles were being lovey-dovey before I was sighed.

Get a room, I thought before another voice spoke up.

"Well, isn't this a sight? If you guys need a room, just tell us so," Boss said as the couple turned to look at him. Boss smirked at them before I saw Sophia rolled her eyes.

"Uncle, not a good time," she said as she went to kiss her uncle. I smiled before Boss was looking at the couple and the confusion that was on their faces.

"Looks like I have a lot to explain," Boss said as we were listening to the reason that he set the couple up like that. I chuckled before I was listening to it as well.

"I know you wanted to be mad but hear me out. I know that I have to expand the team and so I hired my niece and her fiancé, Sophia and Chris," Boss started before Charles interrupted.

"But you said Chris was the one that responds to take princess 5 years ago," he said as he was helping his woman to stand up.

"Well, I edited the video and I asked Chris to be the bait. I need to draw the real culprit out and using Kiara as a bait for the teleportation human carrier. I know he would not resist it," Boss said before I sighed.

"I shouldn't have bailed him out from that mental hospital," I said as Sophia was caressing my chest. I smiled before Charles asked.

"Who else?"

"No one. This is the whole team," Boss said before he was on the computer again. He smirked. "I think it's about time we put a stop to all of this," Boss said as I was closing my eyes.

Here we go again.