Chapter 24: The Action

Chris Virtanen's POV

And so, we have the plan to take my uncle down in action in this small restaurant that Boss said that he will be meeting with his bidders. I sighed as I was looking around before I was sipping on my orange juice. Then, Sophia sighed.

"Did you see what they just did? Charles proposed and Kiara said yes," Sophia said as she was smiling from ear to ear. I was looking at her enigmatic face as she was looking at the odd couple who was not far away from us.

"So, what about it?" I asked as I was looking at her. She rolled her eyes at me as I smirked at her reaction.

"I think it was romantic for them to be proposed before the battle," she sighed as she was popping her hands under the chin and looked at them. If I don't know any better, I would say that Sophia was still harboring feelings for Charles Debrun.

Blast him!

I cleared my throat as I was sweeping my eyes all over the cafe. It has been set up with Interpol and an international agency to catch my uncle in this transaction. It will put him away for a very long time. I sighed as I don't get enough sleep lately. All because I was thinking about what I could have done differently.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sophia said as she took my hand and kissed my knuckles. Her blue eyes were shining with her fiery red hair right now. I think it suited her.


"Your nothing means something, Virtanen. Should I recall that night, hmm?" She said as she was looking at me with a pointed look. Damn her for having this control on me. I sighed as I don't want to dwell on that night. The night after I attacked the Princess of Finland.

How stupid I was!

"If anything, I think we need some vacation after this all settle down," Sophia said as she was sipping on her wine. I turned to look at her sharply as I arched my eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. She turned to look at me with that alluring blue eyes that have mischief in them.

"You'll see," she said before my uncle was insight.

"We have the target in position, I repeat, target in position," Sophia said as she was still playing with my disguise. She was playing with my hair like we were a romantic couple.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as she was smirking at me.

"Playing the devoted fiancée role, why do you ask, love?" She said as I was rolling my eyes at her.

"You know that was to throw anyone off right," I said as she retreated her hand. Okay, maybe I wanted her to play with my hair after all.

"Focus, Virtanen, the target is in sight," she said as she turned to look at my uncle. I was clearing my throat before I was looking at the target again. I need to catch him in action so that we can use it against him.

"I thought you were jealous when Charles drove his hardness inside me but I guess you were just jesting with me," she mumbled but I heard it loud and clear. I was trying to control my anger before I saw my uncle was meeting with his bidders.

They were talking as they seated at the private booth. I cannot see much but I heard that Sophia asked the agents to close in. We need to catch them red-handed. I saw the person, the server, putting the wine bucket and poured out for them. We were crossing our fingers as they exchanged the briefcase.

"Got them," Sophia said as she nodded to the agent before they went in and caught them. My uncle was unaware before they were being handcuffed at I was going to meet him for the last time.

"Chris, my boy. Why don't you explain to these nice gentlemen that I have nothing against the monarch as they claimed?" He said as he was smiling cheekily, thinking that I will help him once more. Not anymore, I will not fall for that trap.

"Goodbye, uncle. I see you in court then. Take him away," I said as he was shouting some indecent words at me in Finnish. I was the only one that understood it so I just shook my head.

"Well, that was easy," Kiara said as she and Charles met up. I took a look around the booth as they were talking with Sophia. Then, I know why it was easy. It's a trap.

"Everyone, clear out!" I shouted before I heard some beeping and dragged Sophia out. I don't know what happened but my instinct asked me to take Sophia away from them.

Then the booming happened again.

I was looking at the building that was in flames. Sophia was on the ground as she was looking at the sight as well. I was breathing heavily before my mind was in a darker place now.

The place where my uncle set me up to.

"NO!" I shouted as I just looked around. Kiara and Charles were not out. I don't know what happened as I was sitting there, in front of the burning building. The response team has been efficient as I was breathing hard.

"Chris," Sophia said as she was touching my shoulders. I jerked away from her touch as if it burned me.

"Chris, it's not your fault," she said as I was shaking my head.

"It's always mine. It will always be my fault. I'm sorry," I said before I was running away from the scene. I don't think I can face anyone anymore. I need to get out of here. I don't want to risk Sophia in a bad way.

I was a curse.

"Chris! Stop!" She shouted as I can hear that she was coming after me. I took a turn as I have been practicing. She did not know about my past and I will not let her into danger ever again.

Even the danger was me.

I was running into the city as I was looking around before I did not know where I was. I was looking around me and people were staring.

No, not again! I am nothing!

I kept on running as I was following my heart where it wants to go. I went into the forest that I have been dying to stay out of civilization. I was breathing hard before I was sitting on the ground as I was looking to the sky. I was closing my eyes as I was laying down now.

I have no strength anymore. And I don't care if I die in this forest, forever alone with no one to remember me.

Sophia Hansen's POV

"Do you got anything at all?" I asked the workers to look for Charles and Kiara's bodies. There was none under the rumble of the burnt building.

"None, ma'am," the worker said as I nodded at them. It was hard that I have been looking for them for days now. I don't think they survived the fire, as well as Chris, was gone to God-knows-where. I sighed as I have lost something that day and now, I can't even find two people that helped me took down the maniac lord.

"Anything to report?" I asked my officer as she was approaching with a tab in her hands. I asked her to find Chris Virtanen from the night of his disappearance. I know that his past was a bloody one but I will not let him slip.

Not anymore.

"I have something that your uncle sent to me, ma'am," she said as I took the tab. My uncle wrote an email stating that Charles and Kiara were no longer a part of the team. He got the whiff that they have died in the fire. I sighed as I wrote to him I will put them under a dead person.

"Thank you," I said as I handed the tab back.

"And your father called," she said as I was groaning.

"What he wants now?"

"He asked you to report back to Denmark. He said that this occupation will end after you solve this case. He asked you to take over the family business," she said as I frowned. Oh, I know what my father wants. He wanted me to come back home and marry and just stay at home.

"Like hell, I would do that," I said as I was starting to walk away before my officer/caretake/father's bodyguard for me cleared her throat.

"If you fail to comply, he will freeze everything, including your uncle's accounts and your occupation," she said as I turned to look at her. She blinked at me before I grunted.

"We leave after I finish here," I said as I was rubbing my face. If anything I don't want my uncle to take the downfall for my stubbornness.

I guess I have to go back and be daddy's little girl again.