Chapter 30: The Secret

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was looking at the back of my husband as he was rolling on his side as I was tracing my fingers on his red back. Red from the claws that I made when we furiously made love just now. Chris turned to look at me as he went to kiss my lips.

"Sleep well?" He asked me as I was giggling.

"Sleep, are we? I thought we did not for the last couple of hours until dawn," I said as I was arching my eyebrow at him. Chris chuckled before he pulled me into his arms. I was snuggling against his hard chest before I sighed.

"What is it?"

"What's what?" I asked him before I was looking up to his handsome face. Chris was arching his eyebrow at me before I shook my head.

"One of these days, I don't think I can keep any secret from you," I said before he smirked.

"That's because I know you, love. And everything about you. I will make sure that you will not have any bad memories with me," he said as I was arching my eyebrow again. He cleared his throat as he was taking my hands into his.

"I, Chris Virtanen, promise to love, cherish and protect my love from everything in the world that might make her sad, forever," he said before he was kissing my hands. I was smiling at him before I was hugging him. He hugged me as he was kissing my forehead.

"I love you, did you know that, Virtanen?" I asked Chris as he was smirking at me.

"I know,"

I arched my eyebrows before Chris laughed. He kissed me again. This time, it was sweet and tender, not like the ones that we usually did when we're in heat. I think I liked both of them because it was coming from Chris after all.

He broke the kiss before I was looking at my husband. I was leaning on my hand as my elbow was on the bed. The duvet fell to my waist as Chris's vivid green eyes were looking boldly at my breasts. I rolled my eyes.

My husband was a tits man.

"So, will you tell me what was going on last night? Or do you still want to keep a secret with me?' Chris asked me as I was sighing. Sooner or later, I will have to tell him.

So, I chose sooner.

"She's…my mother,"

"I get that when you called her Mama," Chris said as he was caressing my side. I smiled before I was looking at him.

"Well, did you know why my father wanted to get married as soon as possible," I said as I was looking at Chris, "and with someone that he trusted as well. Say, your grandpa?" I asked before Chris smirked.

"I swear, I have no idea it was you at first. But I think my grandpa sorted of making this plan since we first met him back when we're in Finland that night of the ball," he said as I was nodding.

"And so, that woman was my mother, once upon a time. But she…did something that made me hate her until now," I said as I was caressing his hard chest. Chris was arching his eyebrows at me before I was taking a deep breath.

"Well, she asked for a divorce from my father saying that she did not like him and she wanted to find her happiness," I whispered as Chris was taking my hand before kissing my knuckle.

"How old are you?"

"5 years old,"

"She's not a good mother," he said as I was looking into his vivid green eyes. Then, I laughed. Chris was blinking his eyes at me.

"Why are you laughing? I am serious," he said before I was shaking my head.

"I know, I know but she was not like that until I was 5 years old. I mean, she would always come and play with me when my father was not around. I guess she did love me, well, once upon a time. And now, she has her own family and all that," I said as I was looking at our intertwined hands.

"Then, I guess we should make our own family then, Sophia. So that you can show her that you're a better mother than her," Chris said as I was smiling sweetly at him.

"I see that you're eager to be a father, Virtanen,"

"Only with the woman that I loved," Chris said before he was attacking me again. He was on top of me as I was laughing before we were staring at each other.

"I love you, Chris Virtanen, stay with me forever and always," I whispered to his lips as Chris smirked at me.

"I thought I was doing that right now," he said before he was kissing me. He claimed my lips as I was moaning his name. He knows how to kiss and I envied every woman that he ever kissed before me.


Later that day, we were sitting at the dining table for our lunch as I was taking in the roasted lamb that was served for our lunch. There were some mashed potatoes as well as gravy. My mouth watered as I was looking at the food. I don't think I would be this hungry but I was.

Considering all the calories that we used last night.

"Thank you," Chris said to his housekeeper as we were staying at his apartment right now. I was smiling as I was putting on his shirt that went to my knees. It was like a dress.

That's how tall he was compared to me.

"What are you smiling about, love? Thinking about me?" Chris said as I turned to look at him. He was staring at me with a smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ugh, you know it's rude to stare at somebody, right?" I asked him before he was smirking even wider.

"Last time I checked, I was checking out my wife. So I don't see the offense here,'' he said before we were cutting the food as I was biting the meat. It was tasty and Chris was pouring some wine into the glass before his housekeeper was coming into the dining room.

"Sir, there was a parcel for you," the housekeeper said before Chris took the parcel and we were looking at each other. Then, he opened it up and it was from Vork's Vow Empire.

"Huh, I thought it would be another week or so," Chris said before he was looking at the card that was inside the box. Then, he smirked.

"I see that Noah Vork was wishing us, happy newlyweds. How nice of him," he said as I was pausing my fork before I turned to look at Chris. I gulped.

Damn it, mother!

"Oh, I see that he was writing to his sister. How come he has a sister? All I know was that he was an only child," Chris said before he was blinking a few times before he was looking at the card then he was looking at me.

"He stated that his sister's name was Sophia. Is it—" he stopped there as I was nodding at my husband. I cannot believe that Noah will wish me that but I think I have to blame my mother for that.

"Sophia, what's the meaning of this?" He asked me as I was turning to look at Chris. I smiled sheepishly.

"Well, actually, my mother married my father's best friend. And apparently, he was the founder of Vork's Vow Empire. And they had a child together. Which is—"

"Noah Vork? Noah Vork is your half-brother? Is that what you're trying to tell me?' Chris said as I was smiling at him.

"Surprise?" I asked before Chris cursed under his breath. Okay, that's not a good sign.

"Look, I am sorry if I keep this a secret but it was enough for me to be related to the Prince and Princess of Denmark, let alone with the heir of exclusive jewelry empire—"

"I should have asked for a discount considering that I am going to buy it for his sister. Damn that brat!" Chris said before I was looking at him and he was looking at me. We blinked at each other as I was arching my eyebrow.

"You're worried that you pay full price for our wedding bands and my engagement ring, Virtanen?" I asked him as I was standing up from the chair. Chris stood up as well.

"Sophia, it's not what you're thinking,"

"Oh, I think I know exactly what you're thinking, Chris Virtanen," I said as I was picking up the knife as I was moving toward Chris. He smiled weakly at me as his eyes were training on my knife in hand.

"Sophia, we can talk about this,"

"Tell that to your grandpa," I said as I was advancing at him. Of course, being an assassin, Chris knows how to deflect my not so great attack. Then, the knife was out of my hand before he hit my back against the wall as I was glaring at him.

"So, now you want to play nice?" I asked him as I was writing under his touch. Chris smirked before he was whispering to my left ear.

"You know I would never play nice, especially with a person that I want to fuck against the wall," he said before he was claiming my lips. All thoughts were gone from my mind as I was succumbing to his wicked ways.

Damn Chris Virtanen and his seduction! But of course, I have no complaints after all.