Epilogue: The Reception

Sophia Hansen's POV

I was looking at myself in the mirror as I was adorning the wedding gown that Levine, I mean grandpa, has organized for our wedding day. I mean, we're already married legally but he wanted a church wedding. So I have no protest as I would love to have this kind of wedding as well.

Well, it's a good thing that Grandpa was sponsoring everything.

I was smiling as the seamstress was doing some alteration for the last minute on my wedding gown as I was looking at it in the mirror right now. I was smiling from ear to ear as I was looking at the church that we were in.

"Now, turn to the left please," the seamstress asked me to move before I was looking at the back of my dress. The backside was bare as I was smirking. I think Chris would go nuts if any man was looking at me with lust in his eyes.

Maybe I will play with his jealousy tonight.

"Okay, all done," the seamstress said as I was nodding at him. Then, my cousin, the Princess of Denmark, was inside the room.

"Oh, Sophia, you look magnificent!" She said as I was smiling at her.

"Well, I cannot say about you as well, Abigail. That dress was awesome," I said as I was looking at my cousin. She was laughing at me before she was twirling in front of me.

"You think a man would notice me?"

"Of course, but I don't think that your mother would approve. And let's not talk about uncle as well," I said before we both laughed. Then my uncle came into the room.

"Did you just talk about me, Sophia, Abigail?" Uncle Archie said as I was looking at him. He was adorning the right attire for the occasion.

Who would have thought that the King of Denmark was a spy, leading a double life?

"Hello, father. I see that your surgery went well. Mother was having a heart attack when you said that you will be doing that surgery in Switzerland. I mean, what are you thinking?" My cousin said to her father before Uncle Archie was laughing.

"Sorry, sugarplum. But I think that would be a good thing as well right? See, I can walk now," the uncle said as Abigail was rolling her eyes. Then, the wedding planner was knocking on the door before she was nodding at us.

"It's time," Nina said. I think she was related to the high-paid cosmetologist in Italy, Antonia Romano of Romano's Reality. But she was venturing on her own now. And she was succeeding in this event.

I just hope that she will continue to do this kind of event.

"Right. Shall we get going, Your Majesty?" Abigail said to her father before my uncle laughed.

"As you wish, Your Royal Highness," Uncle Archie said before they were out of the room. Nina was looking at the final touch before I was standing in front of the door as I was holding the bouquet.

"You will find. I love your dress," Nina said before I was smiling at her. I was taking a deep breath before Nina was whispering to her team.

"The dove is flying, I repeat, the dove is flying," she said as the door opened and the Wedding March was playing. I was looking around the church but my main focus was on Chris Virtanen.

My husband, my lover, my life.

I was smiling sweetly at him as he was looking devilishly handsome with his black Armani suit and his red tie. I think I wanted to jump on him if we're not in public. Now, I was walking down the aisle as I was feeling like I was floating.

I was seeing all the relatives that I don't think I would be seeing again. My cousins as well as my aunt and uncle. I smiled at them before I was breathing heavily as I was standing in front of the priest before I turned to look at Chris. The wedding march ended before the priest cleared his throat.

"Dear beloved, we gather here today to witness the union of these two souls—"

"You look beautiful, my love," Chris whispered to me before I was smiling.

"And you look so handsome that I would just jump on you when we're alone," I whispered to him before he smirked. His vivid green eyes were looking at me like a predator that was waiting for that moment.

And I can hardly wait as well.

The priest then proceeded to the next part of the ceremony. He cleared his throat as we were holding each other's hands.

"Do you, Chris Virtanen, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in health and sickness, in rich and poor, to cherish the love until death do yours apart?" He asked Chris before he was smiling at me.

"I DO,"

"And do you, Sophia Hansen, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in health and sickness, in rich and poor, to cherish the love until death do yours apart?" He turned to me as I was looking into the vivid green eyes right now.

"I DO,"

"The rings," the priest said before Nina was presenting the rings that we bought in Vork's Vow. I was looking at the sapphire princess cut before Chris was slipping it into my fingers as well as the wedding band. Then I did the same to him.

"With the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride," the priest said before Chris was pulling me by the nape before we were kissing for the first time as husband and wife in public.

Not that we're not husband and wife before, it's just…feels right in front of the crowd now.

"Bless you be and have a good marriage to you both," the priest said as we turned to look at the crowd. They were clapping and cheering as I was gripping my husband's hand and we walked out of the church for our reception now.


I was exhausted as I was looking around the ballroom. I know that Levine Virtanen would go over the top with the reception and I don't think there would be a lot of people here.

"Are you having fun?" Abigail asked me as she was handing me champagne. I thanked her before I was looking at my husband who was talking with Abigail's brother, my other cousin.

"I can see why you like him," she said as I turned sharply at him. Abigail smiled before she winked. I rolled my eyes as I was sipping on the champagne. I turned to scan the ballroom again before I saw someone was being dragged by Levine Virtanen, aka Grandpa now.

He has the same blonde hair as Chris if my husband was not a brunette right now. I wondered what they will talk about.

Tyler Virtanen's POV

I was enjoying the reception of my cousin's, Chris, wedding. I was smiling happily for him when he was looking at his bride when we were in church this morning. And right now, we're in a ballroom that was glam enough for Met Gala.

Thanks to my grandpa who loved to spend his wealth on us.

"Tyler, I see that you came here for the wedding," Grandpa greeted me as I was looking around the ballroom. Chris was talking with a royalty of Denmark, his cousin in law now, as he was married into that royalty.

I think I might puke if I have to do that as well.

"Yes, I came since it was all paid expenses. I think I have to thank you then, grandpa, for this vacation trip that I might need from Finland," I said as I was sipping on my champagne. Levine Virtanen was smirking before he was looking at me with his vivid green eyes.

Just like Chris'. It was very uncanny, for my eyes would be dark green, courtesy of my father. He has darker green eyes whereas Kai, my brother, has sea-green eyes.

It still in the green spectrum so…

"I have a proposition for you, my child. If you wanted to take it up a notch in your boring life now, living on the inheritance that you still have after you failed to get the Finnish princess," Levine said as I was rolling my eyes.

"First of all, I am losing it fair and square. It was not cheating and I don't like that Finnish princess much to be married to her," I said before I was sipping on my wine. Grandpa laughed before I was arching my eyebrow at him.

"As you wish, grandson. But this time it will be different," he said with his serious face. I was gulping. Okay, no more grandpa, only Levine Virtanen, the ruthless businessman.

"What do you want me to do, sir?" I asked him before Levine smirked.

"Well, I have a company that needs a supervisor of such in Sweden. You have graduated with honors in Business Administration and Data Analysis as well. So I thought you would be perfect for that position," he said as I was looking at him.

He's kidding, right? There must be an ulterior motive behind all this.

"What's the catch?" I asked him as Levine was arching his eyebrow.

"The catch?"

"I know you, grandpa. There's always a catch if you wanted me to get out of Finland, except for the Husband Hunt. That was in Finland itself," I said before Levine was staring at me. Then, he smirked.

"Oh, there's nothing much more exciting than finding that on your own, would you say, Tyler?" He said before he moved away from me.

I don't like this, I don't like it at all.