Extra: The Reconciliation

Sophia Hansen's POV

After I saw that person who was talking to Levine went away, I was looking around again. I was smiling when I saw that Chris was coming at me but my eyes were fixing on the person that was behind him.

No, it cannot be.

"Long time no see, daughter," my mum said as she was walking with someone. I know who that someone was. It was Noah Vork, her son with the new husband.

"Mama," I whispered before Chris was putting his hand on my waistline. Then, I felt another body heat behind me.

"Sara, what a surprise to see you here. I thought I don't invite you," my father's cold voice was coming into my eardrums as I was turning to my left side and my dad was looking at my mother. His eyes were focused on her.

Is he staring at her in disbelief?

"Arthur, it's nice to see you again," my mother said as my father scoffed at her.

"Hard to say as I am doing just fine," my father said before my mother laughed.

"Why don't we dance? I think the host will be rude to turn me down, will he?" My mother said as her brown eyes were glistening in the dim light. My father cleared his throat before he was looking at me and Chris. Then he turned to look at Noah.

"What's your name, young man?" My father asked as Noah was blinking his eyes at him.

"Noah. Noah Vork, sir," my half-sibling said before Chris was gripping my waist. I think he was still holding some grudge for not taking advantage of the price. But all is well now. I mean, Chris was loaded so why would he wanted to get a discount, am I right?

"Shall we, Arthur?" My mother said as she was offering her hand to my father. My father put the glass onto the passing tray before he took my mother's hand. He was looking at her as my mother was staring at him.

Hmm, interesting reaction.

Then, they were off.

"You know, I think mother would love to reconcile some of the old feelings," Noah said as he was looking around. I turned to look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked before Noah sighed.

"Well, you might not know this but after I was conceived, my father was having another affair. Mother suffered and I think…oh, never mind. I don't have the right to talk about it anyway. It's their business," Noah said as he was walking away. I was about to ask him before Chris was holding me still.

"Don't worry. We will not have that problem, Sophia," Chris said as I turned to look at his vivid green eyes. He was smirking at me and I gulped.

I don't think tonight will be a short one. It will be a very long, torturous night after all.

Arthur Hansen's POV

I was holding my ex-wife's hand as I was leading her to the dance floor. Everyone will be whispering about this gossip tomorrow. I sighed as I hated it when I will be the center of attention for once in my life again.

"Why so grumpy, Arthur? I thought you loved to dance with me," Sara said as her brown eyes were looking at me with mischief. I was narrowing my eyes at her before I was putting my other hand on her waistline. She put her hand on my shoulder and we waltzed to the music.

Just like old times.

"Don't look at me like that Arthur. People might judge, you know," she said as we were twirling around the dance floor.

"Like what?" I asked her as she smirked at me.

"Like you want to devour and ravish me out of this dress that I am wearing," she said as I was looking at the red dress that she wore. It was hugging her figure perfectly and I can feel the throb of my cock.

It has been a long time since I am with a woman.

"I know that look. Don't tell me you still have feelings for me, Arthur, not after what I have done," she whispered to me as I was looking at her. She was still magnificent even when she was in her 40s now. Same as I was.

"You cannot tell if I have feelings or not," I said before Sara was arching her eyebrow at me.

"Wanna bet? I think you're thinking about having me bend over a table and fuck me raw. Admit it, you want to do it to me right now," Sara whispered to my left ear as her hot breaths were hitting my neck.

And her alluring perfume. DKNY Golden Delicious. Fuck!

"Come on, Arthur. If I was to touch you down there, will it react to my touch just like the old times?" She asked me as she was caressing my chest. I can hardly think as I was looking around for help. But there was none.

"Let's get out of here," Sara whispered before she was dragging me off the dance floor. I was looking across the floor to see that Archie was smirking at me as well as Levine. They toasted to me as Sara was pulling me out of the ballroom. She brought me to the maze that she was obsessed with when she was still mine.

I just wished she still was.

I was being pushed down onto the gazebo that was at the center of the maze, the place where we found Sophia and Chris together when they left the study room. Huh, deja vu, I guess.

"Do you remember when I took you out for the first time hereafter I discovered how to get to the center?" Sara whispered to me as I was looking into her brown eyes. They were the same as before. But then, she betrayed me.

"No," I said as I was pushing her off me. She sat on the bench before I was standing up and I was running my hands over my hair.

"No? Or you just refused to acknowledge what we have?" Sara said as I was glaring at her. She was standing in front of me. She was the only person that would stand up to me and never succumb to me. Just like our daughter. Sophia has Sara's spirit in her.

"We don't have anything, Sara. We just have sex to get an heir for my wealth. End of the story," I said as I was starting to walk away. Then, Sara said something that made me stopped on my track.

"It was more than that for me," she whispered before she was hugging herself. I turned to look at her before I scoffed.

"That was just a lie. You told me lies, Sara. Nothing more than that," I said as Sara snapped her brown eyes at me. It was holding fire in them. Just the way they used to when we would fight.

"You think I loved your best friend?" She asked as I shrugged.

"Well, you did marry him and have a son, nonetheless," I said before Sara scoffed.

"That boy was from his first wife. I merely wanted to get your attention out of your workaholic life but I guess I was expecting too much for someone that was cold-stoned like you," Sara said as she was moving away from me. I grabbed her wrist before I turned her around and she gasped. I pushed her onto the gazebo and I was glaring at her.

She was defying me, like the old times when we were first married and right now, that burning feeling, that inferno desire for her, to make her mine was blazing. I wanted to claim what was mine.

"You ran away and married that stupid man!"

"I never did. I just stay at their place and take care of Noah as his wife was sick. I cannot bear to let my best friend dying alone when her husband was having an affair with someone else. Not me, never me, Arthur!" Sara said as I was blinking my eyes.

She did not marry him?

"You're lying,"

"Then, check it for yourself. You have tons of resources to uncover the truth. You just don't want to read between the lines," Sara said as I was swallowing the lump. She was right. I have hired a private investigator to get some details on the matter. And it was on my desk back in my office.

I just never wanted to know before. Until Sara showed up tonight.

"Tell me you have it but you don't want to read it. I know you would have everything's ready but you were still afraid of the gossip that will be circulating your precious name,"

"Damn you!" I said before I was claiming her mouth. Sara was gasping before I was pulling her by the nape as I was molding my body to her petite one. It has always been flare and sparks when I was with her.

And tonight, I have confirmed it for myself. I was just too afraid to confess my feelings before.

"Arthur," she whispered before I was pulling her skirt up as I was tracing my hands on her smooth thighs. The thighs that I have been touching when we were younger. Until she was out of my life 19 years ago.

"God, I miss you, Arthur," Sara whispered before I was ripping her panties. She moaned before I was undoing my pants and I was gripping my erect cock in my hand before I was aligning it to her core.

She was wet, hot, and inviting. I missed this. I missed her.

"I love you, Arthur," she said as I was slamming inside her pussy. We both moaned at the contact before I was sucking on her throat. Sara moaned before she was gripping my hair and urged me to move. I was pumping in and out of her core before the waves were building. The waves that I would only get with her.

"Argh!" She moaned before I was grunting as well. I spewed my hot load into her core before we were breathing hard now.

"Now, did that bring your memories back, my love?" Sara asked me as I was looking at her beautiful face. Her brown eyes, blonde hair as I was nuzzling her neck.

"You're mine now. I will never let you go if you wanted to this time," I said as Sara chuckled at my statement. "I thought you never said that. Jeg elsker dig, Arthur," she said before I smiled.

"Jeg elsker dig, Sara,'' I said before I was reconciling with my long lost love forever.