Prologue: The Party

Astrid Olsen's POV

I was smiling as I was greeting the members of my father's company. I cannot believe that he was showing me around like I was a prized cattle. What I looked like, a cow? I was smiling before I spotted someone that I have been long to see at my party right now.

It was my cousin, Astrid Larsen.

Yeah, I know. It's funny that we have the same first name but we have come to the term that I will be called by my middle name as my cousin did not have the middle name so we have to stick with Astrid for her.

"Astrid! I am so glad that you are here," I said as I went to hug my cousin. She smiled before I was looking at her golden hair, a few shades lighter than mine.

"Yes, of course. I would not miss for the world when you get your 6 Ph.D. graduation party," she said as I was gagging at the notion. I don't even know that my father has the time to plan for my graduation party as I just graduated for my post-doctorate and this time, it was about Green technology that we can apply in our daily lives.

No more non-renewable source for us.

"I know. It was not my idea but I think dad wants to make sure that every suitor in town will know that I will be free after this," I said as I was looking at my cousin. Astrid arched her eyebrow at me before she was smirking.

"At least you only need to think about getting married and maybe continue your father's legacy?" She said before I was glaring at her. Seriously, can someone stated that I would rather die than getting married when I was younger.

I sighed before I was sipping on the wine again before I was looking around for my potential suitor. I know that my father would bring one tonight.

"Ugh! Like I will do that. I have applied for the next Ph.D. venture in the States. It was amazing and the faculty said that they cannot wait to have me there," I said as I was smirking before Astrid's eyes were big as a saucer.

"Wait do not tell me that—"

"Yes! I have applied and been offered a position at NYU! Can you believe it? I think dad will freak out but I think I will win this time since I will be fully funded by the university and science community in America," I said before Astrid was shaking her head at me. Well, I might not go there immediately because I was planning to take some time off before I went to the States.

It will be a secret vacation from my father.

"Have you heard?" Astrid asked me as I was arching my eyebrow at her.

"About what?" I asked my cousin as she was looking at me, blinking her eyes at me.

"Nothing, I thought you might—" she said before we were interrupted by the phone call that was coming from her phone. Astrid took it out before she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Sorry, I have to take this,"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. I will be here," I said as Astrid was getting out of the ballroom. I was sipping on the wine before I saw that my father was talking with someone. I saw that he was an old man with fair hair that was fused with grey. Then, I saw that his eyes were vivid green before he settled his eyes at me.

It was chilling before I avoided my eyes as I was trying to get away from his stare. Anything but his stare as I was making my way out of the room. I was sipping on the champagne before I changed the glass as it was out.

I clicked my tongue as I saw the suitors that were lining up to make their moves on me. I sighed before I was making my way to the edge of the ballroom where I was secluded and no one can bother me now.

"Well, isn't this exciting?" Someone stated as I was turning to look at him. He was tall, I would say about 6 foot 3 inches but that was just my estimation. I did not see his hair or his eyes as it was dim at the secluded area before I was nodding my head.

"Yeah, if you did not count the number of gentlemen were coming at you to dance with you," I mumbled before the stranger was chuckling. I felt some vibration inside me as I was feeling the burning in my stomach.

What is happening to me?

"If you wish to see it that way, I guess it would not help the cause then. You might not like the attention of someone that you don't know but once you get to know them, who knows? Maybe he would thaw your frozen heart," he stated before I was rolling my eyes.

"Look, mister—"

I turned to look at the stranger before it was empty. I was looking around as most of the gentlemen were wearing suits and I don't know if my stranger was one of them.

My stranger, I don't even know his name!

I sighed before I was moving out of the secluded area as I saw that Astrid was coming into the ballroom again. I was going up to her as I was determined not to let any man ask me for dance now.

Not now, not ever.

I think the champagne was hitting me after my third glass. What was it about me that I cannot hold my alcohol? I was envy with my cousin who was not affected at all by the alcohol whenever we have a lavish party like this.

I smiled as I walked up to her. She was eyeing me up and down before I was sipping on the champagne that I was having in my hand. Ah yes, this is the life that I wanted to get away from when my brain asked me to do something.

Read, research, write. Anything!

"You know, I will not be around forever to look after you when you're drunk like this," my cousin said as I was waving my hand dismissively at her.

"No worries! I can handle my liquor. So, who was on the phone? I see that you were stressing out about it," I said as I was looking at Astrid before she sighed.

"Work and I have to leave now," she said as I was frowning at her. She only comes to visit us once every 3 years as she lived in Romania where her base for her work was. She was smiling weakly at me as if she was guilty to leave so early before I was pouting at her.

"Do you have to? Can't you leave tomorrow?" I said before Astrid was shaking her head.

"It's the top priority and I will be picked up in 20 minutes. I have to go now," she said as she was hugging me. This will not do it as I was determined for her to meet my father tonight.

"You will not go until you tell my dad goodbye. He only sees his niece once every 3 years," I said before Astrid chuckled at my statement.

"I wish I could visit more but I will try to do that later," she said before we were walking closer to my father who was still talking to the old man that was staring at me earlier. I gulped as I don't want to know who he was.

But my gut told me that I would, eventually.

"Here it goes," my cousin mumbled before my father was turning to look at me. Cavan Olsen, a renowned scientist in the Green technology as well as a physicist. I was smiling as the familiar amber eyes that I inherited was looking at me before my father was regarding my cousin.

"Astrid? Are you going away again?" My father said as Astrid was smiling sheepishly.

"Well, you know me. Work and work," my cousin replied before my father sighed.

"Okay, I see you in the next 3 years then?" He joked before Astrid smiled.

"I will try to make it for Christmas, I suppose," she said as she was hugging my father before he nodded.

"Okay, take care now," he said before Astrid was excusing herself. I was about to slip away before I was being held by my father.

"Freya, I would like you to meet my friend, Levine Virtanen, the CEO of the Virtanen Empire. His empire was famous around Europe," my father started as the old man laughed.

"Please, I have retired and my grandsons were doing the job for me. I am enjoying my day as a grandpa and great-grandpa," the old man said before he was looking at me. I smiled as I felt the chills down my bones.

I don't think I like where this is going.

"So, congratulations on the 6 Ph.D. scroll that you've got. Any plans for the future now?" The old man said as I was about to answer before my father beat me to it.

"Well, it's time for her to settle down and I think the conquest for her academia has to stop before she hit 30," my father said as I was rolling my eyes at him.

"Well, if you don't think that I cannot pursue my higher education, dad, I don't think I want to be in this conversation then," I said before I was escaping from there.

Just being with my father was frustrating as he did not understand that I don't want to be tied down by a husband that might not share the same view with me. I sighed before the plan for me to be going on a vacation was a go before I would be flying out to the States after that.

I was determined to escape and forged my own path, even my father was against it.