Sneak Peek: The Norseman's Placement

Can hardly wait for more? Here some excerpt!

Eliot Park's POV

I don't know why I even bother to come to this party. It was not like me to be going to England for no reason when I should be doing something else.

Like planning for new power plant that will be going to bring me more fortune.

Or perhaps date someone and bring them the nicest gift after we fell apart.

Or better yet, get to know the company that was leading in the Green Technology that was founded by the famous physicist in the world, Cavan Olsen.

"Are you doing alright, son?" my father, Pearse Park was asking me as I was staring out the window of the car before we were supposed to be meeting with this best friend of his. Another one that I don't even know why he bothered me to get to know him as well.

"Nothing, I just enjoy the scenery, that's all," I said as I was making some notes on the city's electrical connections and how they can be improved.

"I can see that you are not comfortable with this set up. Perhaps we should go home," my father said before I shook my head.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure you're pretty excited to meet this old friend of yours. His Grace Hugh Baker and his wife, right?" I said as I smiled at him. My father started talking about his youth with the duke before my mind slipped back to America where my mother lived as she taught at NYU and one of these days I will be visiting her, again.

And I will make sure that my father will not be making wedding plan behind my back as I will not be tied down with someone. Someone that was not in my league at that.

But what I did not know was that someone else has been playing the matchmaker that will try to tame my beast and I did not even see that coming


Astrid Olsen's POV

"Dad, I know. I know. I know I said that I will be coming home later and get this done with, but something was going on my way. There was a storm at the station and I have to do something about my calculations. I don't even have that plant in hand!" I said in Norwegian as I was holding the phone to my father right now.

I was at the conference and I was supposed to be presenting my research but instead, my father was calling me from Norway, asking me to come back home now.

"You have to let go of this dream that you're pursuing, daughter. Did you get 6 Ph.D. already? Why would you need another one? And least of them all, it's about plants!" My father said as I was rolling my eyes. My father never understands that I wanted knowledge and nothing can stop me from going after it.

Even marriage to the heir of a green technology company.

I know that my life was more than that. I need science to keep my thoughts from running around. I need to keep moving, reading, searching. I have to find something that will keep my mind off. And that's how I got my 6 Ph.D. scrolls.

"Look, I got to go, Dad. I will call you later and I will try to get this thing done as soon as I can," I said as I was moving to the door. I don't know why I wanted to get off from the phone right now. Maybe because I was talking in a foreign language and people were looking at me weird.

Not that I care.

"Okay, I will wait for you. One month, that's all you got and if you don't do by then, I will forcefully drag you home," my dad said as I was sighing. Looks like I have to be done in a month before I fly out back to Norway.

"Okay, okay. I will be home by then, I promise," I said as I was looking at my booth, there was a person that was reading my research. It was like the time to slow down as I was looking at his backside.

His hair was fair and his build was lean, muscular, toned. I see the way his pants hugged his well-muscular thighs and I was gulping at the sight. I did not hear what my father was saying until he was showing my name.

"Astrid Freya Olsen! Are you even listening to me?!" He said as I was back to reality. I was close to my booth before I was talking to my father again. I was rolling my eyes as I was looking at that attractive man again. He was so close that I smelled his expensive cologne.

Dolce and Gabbana.

"I call you later, dad. Bye," I said before I hung up at the same time that attractive man was looking at me. He smiled and my knees turned to jelly.

"Are you the researcher of this booth?" He asked in English. Even his voice was sultry. Damn, I got wet by his voice alone!

"Yes. Are you interested in my research, sir? I need more funding since I cannot get some of the sample plants as the storm was taking all of it away," I said politely to the man in English as his cobalt blue eyes were staring at me.

"Well, I can give you funding but there's a catch," he said as I was looking at him.

"And what is that?" I asked before he was smirking at me.

"You have to marry me," the attractive man said as I was blinking at him. What?