Chapter 7: The Discovery

Taylor Baker's POV

I swear I am going to kill the designer of this dress that I am wearing right now, I mused when I was trying so hard not to give away that I am an imposter of a Finnish Princess. I cannot believe I used my Drama and Theater degree from the most prestigious university in London to do such thing.

I sighed before I was stepping into the high heels that were designed with this dress.

"You look wonderful, darling. I cannot think of anything else that would be any less than perfection for this ball," Tony, a high-end paid cosmetologist and wedding planner said before his wife Christina, was frowning at him.

"Can't you see that she was sucking in her breaths right now? I know you would tie those laces too tight. I cannot believe it," she said as she was undoing some of the laces that were tightening my chest and stomach before I can breathe normally again.

Thank heaven for his wife to know that I am in pain.

"Bella, she's doing great before you undo it. Now it look like the gown was not hugging her figure right,' Tony whined before his wife was scoffing at him.

"Caro, don't be ridiculous. She's not fine and right now, she wanted to murder you for tightening the corset around her body," Christina said before they changed into a language that I don't understand. I know French and Italian but this language was so ancient and harsh but their pronunciations were not bad. They made it looked like it was caressing their breaths.

I wanted to have someone to talk with like that as well.

But of course, I ran away from my intended arranged marriage that my father asked his friend to find for me and so I thought, I can make it better than that old, senile old man. His calculative, vivid green eyes were too much but at least I am out of the country before anything major can happen to me.

"So, is my imposter ready?" the princess who was adorning the yellow dress came into my view. She looked fantastic with her black hair being in an up-do style that was considered modern but also conservative.

I wished I don't have to wear the veil but that would defeat the purpose of the disguise.

"Please, Kate, I can do this in my sleep and I have done the perfect makeup for your imposter. It's a shame that not a single soul can see it later," Tony said before his wife was mumbling soft words to him.

"It's fine. As long as she was wearing it, I'm sure Taylor would appreciate it. Right, Taylor?" Kate asked me before I was nodding at her. I cannot say a word as I know that people might know how the real Princess should sound like and if they hear my English with the British accent, they would know immediately I am not her.

"Alright. Time to take our places now. I need this to be spotless. Spotless, people, spotless!" Kate shouted before my face was covered with veil as I was now the Finnish Princess, not Duchess of Sussex.

I took a deep breath before I was making my way to get out of the room that I was being dolled up for this moment and marched onto the ballroom that will be eyes and ears all over me. I just hoped that I am strong enough to get over those butterflies in my stomach right now.

I was walking down the hallway with Kelly, the ladies' maid of the princess and someone that I don't know. He was a bodyguard and did not talk much. That was a good sign, right?

I was stepping into the ballroom from the backstage before I was taking a deep breath. I was looking at the huge balcony that was on the second floor before I heard Kelly said good luck to me. I nodded before I was making my way into the balcony and all eyes were on me.

As soon as I stepped into the light, the whole hall was quiet down before I was standing still there. I was listening to the instruction from Kate as they have fixed me with a com and I was waiting for instruction right now.

"Enter the ballerinas," Kate said over the intercom as the door downstairs, below the balcony, was opening up and the gentlemen inside the hall were swiping up to talk to them, ignoring me in all possible manner.

All but one.

I felt a pair of eyes on me but I don't know if it was my own feelings or I was being paranoid right now. I know my father would do anything to find me and since I am kind of out of the country, he has to use his influence to get the information that he needed. But I have a professional on my side and I know for a fact that I will not be found, until I gave the word for my hacker to get me back on the grid then.

I was scanning the crowd as I was trying to make sure that I was not being watched. Most of the gentlemen were busy making their ways with the ballerinas but they know better. The dancers were not interested in the least as they would turn around if someone was trying to make a lewd comment or trying to get into their pants.

They could do better and I know they would in the future.

My hairs on my neck were still standing up as I was trying to get the person who was annoying enough to make sure that I will be suffering tonight. But I was controlling the decision of my own wedding and who my partner was, so I can totally control that I will not be watch anymore.

So, I made my way out of the ballroom after some time and went to the only place that I now to have some inner peace. It was a fountain that no one occupied and I thought, maybe tonight was the right night to spend there the whole time while the party was on full swing. So I picked up my dress and went out, not knowing by doing so, I have sealed my fate of meeting that person again.

Who I thought would better off from my side.

Eddy Rovski's POV

I don't want to be in this ball as much as I don't want to give my father hope that I will be getting the princess. I know she did not want me as I was looking across the room. She was sitting on the throne as if she owned it. I scoffed at her act before I took a flute of champagne and drank it in one go. Then I took another one.

I numbed my feelings until I know that I was doomed to speak with the princess. Surely if she knew that I was ill-mannered, she will not choose me after the month was up. Even though I was not entirely drunk, I can feel that my head was lightweight as I was shaking my head to get real with the surroundings.

Get a grip, you oaf!

I saw some movements on the sitting as I saw some trails of the violet dress was out of the balcony. I drink some more to get the strength that I need to confront my supposed fiancée. I hoped she would cancel this engagement and be on our merry way.

I made my way out of the guests that were flirting, dancing, kissing with the ballerinas. It seems that they enjoyed themselves when they think that they were supposed to be having fun. I gritted my teeth. I know when I need to have fun and that after I accomplish what I was intended to talk with princess Katherine.

I went out of the ballroom as I was seeing her went into one of the gardens. I don't know much about the hostel but I know there were at least two gardens in the area. I saw it in the pamphlet that people often forgot to take a look at.

I went after her as I saw that she was walking toward the fountain. Good, I will have some time alone with her. No intruders and no distraction from my speech delivery to the princess.

"Princess Katherine," I called her out that she stiffed before the fountain. She did not move a muscle which was a bit awkward when I think the natural response was for you to turn around when people called your name.

"Princess, may I have your time for a moment. I promise it will not belong," I said as I hoped that she would stay. I saw some movement but I cannot tell as the lights were too dim in this garden.

Blast my eyes for having images right now.

"Please, I think we both need to talk," I said as I was trying to persuade her to stay. I need this and bloody hell if I cannot make her stay.

"If you like, you can sit on the edge of the fountain. I don't want you to have a foot cramp after this," I said. She nodded as I saw her veil was moving.

I hoped it was a nod but with the veil on, I can't be so sure. Then she took a seat at the fountain as she was facing me before gesturing me to continue. I cleared my throat as I was looking at her and took a step forward. She did not flee. That's a good sign.

"I know that our parents have an agreement to join us in a union. But we both know that you and I are not suited together," I said as she nodded at me.

"You are in line for your throne and I was for my own back in Hungary. Therefore, you must understand that we cannot have this union. Who will look after countries that we both represent? It's not like we can both rule," I said as I was looking at her. She was nodding as she was listening to every sentence that I told her.

I cleared my throat again as I was coming closer to her. I don't know what came over my body as I was tripping on my own feet as I was kicking my left kick when I wanted to move forward.

I know you can guess what happened.

I tripped and not just went forward. I was pushing Princess Katherine into the water and we both went under. It was mortified because I know she could hardly breathe with that veil on.

"Katherine!" I called after her as I went to pick her up. The water was black for some reason as I pulled her up. We were out of the water as I dragged her onto the ground next to the fountain. I took off the veil and the first thing I did was to step back and held my breath.

"What the hell?" I asked myself as I looked at the person who was supposed to be princess Katherine in front of me. From all I know, her hair was black and her eyes were supposed to be maroon. That much I gathered from my father who describes her by mouth. But right now, I saw none of those traits.

She was blonde for one, with some black strips that were coming off, no wonder it was black in the water. But her eyes, I never have seen it until I just realized she did not breathe.

"Damn it!" I said before I went to her and I was giving her CPR, whoever she might be. For all I know, she was not Katherine and I was not being charged with attempt murder yet.

"Come on!" I said as I was pushing some water into her lung and pushed her to breathe. It was not that deep but I guess the surprise plus the veil made someone hard to breathe and the possibility of drowning was higher than usual.

"Come on!. Don't die on me. Not like this," I said before she coughed and I went back to give her some space. She was sitting on her ass now as she was coughing loudly before she cursed.


I blinked a few times before she was breathing hard. She was alive and I was not a murderer. I sighed in relief but it was shortcoming when I saw that familiar eyes again.

It was the woman who I met on the street the other day, the one that delivered Katherine's message to me.