Chapter 6: The Get-To-Know

Eddy Rovski's POV

Leo turned to us when it was obvious that we were uncomfortable with their conversation when Kate smiled at us. I was sipping some coffee as Tyler was smirking like he was charming Kate or something.

But he was not, Kate was deep with Leo now to be affected at all.

"Hi, you guys must be Leo's new roommates," she said as Tyler was looking at her.

"Yes, you're the servant that came to send for Leo's clothes. Daresay, why would you do that?" Tyler asked before Kate smiled. Yup, definitely plotting something. I was making sure that my face was not giving any clue that I know who Kate really was. I was smirking inside as I know there will be a day that I have to tell them the truth.

Pity, since I love to make sure that they stayed in the shadows.

"Well, his backpack was torn and the clothes were dirty because some thugs were harassing Leo. But not to worry, the clothes will be delivered to him as soon as possible." Kate said before Leo scowled at her.

"I thought you take care of it," Leo said.

"Yes, but it was not ready yet. There are so many royalty clothes that need to be washed and pressed," Kate replied before she was rolling her eyes. It looked like Kate has found herself with a man that she could banter with.

If she was stuck with me, well…let just say that it was dull.

"Anyway, what do you think about the ball and dinner tonight? Pretty excited, huh?" Kate asked before I shrugged. I was not really for the ball but I really wondered when she will be exposing herself to be the Finnish princess.

At least to me.

I was not listening half what they were saying but I can sense that Leo was pissed off as he took off and Tyler was smirking at him. I looked at Tyler as he turned to look at me.

"What?" he asked innocently as I was sighing. How come I can cope with him, I don't even know.

"The karma will get to you one day for being such a jerk," I said, wanting to get away from all the drama that somehow Tyler loved to stir in this peaceful life of mine.

"So what? As if I have something that I might lose from coming here. I don't even intend to win this stupid contest," he said as I was arching my eyebrow at him.

"As you wish, Virtanen," I mumbled before I was getting out of there while I still have my sanity intact.


Before the ball, we have to sit for a fucking test. A fucking test, can you believe it? It was for the choosing to the next level, no doubt but I don't think that it would be this hard. I sighed before I was closing the paper as I saw that Tyler was the first to get out of his seat to submit his paper.

Of course he would.

This exam has been the topic that would concern the Finnish people and since Tyler was born and raised here, he has the advantage but I don't think that it would cover other topics as well.

I walked out of the table before I went outside to meet Tyler and waited for Leo to finish. Turned out, he was the last one but it was fine as we were walking together to the dorm to prepare for the ball.

"So, how do you do?" Tyler asked before I shrugged. I am not confident enough to answer that but Leo beat me to it.

"Eh, not bad. How about you?" he asked before Tyler was shrugging as well.

"Eh, I just wrote what I know. And I don't think it would matter anyway," he said which I was listening from the side as I was hiding my smirk. I think Katherine was planning to let us stick together until the end but of course, it all changed when I found out something that was bigger than Katherine's secret in this contest.

Taylor Baker's POV

I was staring at the contestants that were competing in this audition that I found online. I have safely landed in Helsinki before I was making my way to find a hotel to stay for the night. I was nervous that I cannot think about my role as the person before me was on stage.

"My God why do I have to be reckless all the time?" I mumbled before I was looking at the women that were judging from below. One woman was a black haired and the other was a blonde. I think I am going to be sick.

"Next," the announcer said as I was stepping onto the stage as I was swiping my hair down, a gesture to tell that I was nervous and was having a second thought of all this.

I stood up with my chin held high as I was looking at the women that were accessing me. I can tell that I was nervous and I don't think that I would be happy to know that everything was not according to my plan right now.

What if I was not chosen?

What if I have to go back to England?

What if my freedom that I asked from my friend was a waste?

I shook my head slightly when the blonde woman was saying something that was making my heart beat so loud right now. I was nervous, yes, but I was also excited to landed this audition without the help of my father's influence.

The black-haired woman was sipping on the teacup that she had in front of her. I was looking at the woman before her friend was speaking up.

"What about this one, Kate?" she said as the woman named Kate, the black haired one, was looking at me up and down.

"Hmm," was her only answer as I was standing still at the center of the stage, like a fucking doll on display.

Maybe I was, since I read the description of this audition after all. I should not be feeling guilty or disgusted by my own poor choice, I reminded myself.

"She's the one," Kate said as I was smiling before I was turning to look at the other contestants. They groaned before I was ushered to meet the woman that was introduced as Kate by the blonde woman.

Even though I was not speaking with her yet.

"So, you're Taylor Baker?" Kate asked me before I was nodding at her. She eyed me up and down before she was tapping her chin with her finger.

"From what I heard, you were a blonde. So, how come you're black haired like me?" she asked me as I was trying so hard to roll my eyes at her. Seriously? Has this woman has never thought of anything like a dye hair or maybe an organic dye or something?

"You do know it was the 21st century and there is this thing we called dye. I dyed it yesterday so that I can look the part," I said as I was looking at the woman after she was securitizing me. Then, Kate smiled.

"Right, and here I thought all British people are polite," she said before I was glaring at her.

"We are but not when we were provoked," I said under my breath before Kate laughed at me. She was somewhat not intimidated by my glare.

I think this woman will grow on me.

"So, are you ready to fulfill your fate in this role that I present to you?" Kate asked me as I was nodding at her. She smiled.

"Good because we need to move forward and I cannot have my imposter to be the one that is having cold feet in all this game that we will be playing," Kate said before I was making my way to the room that was designated for my player to play the role of the perfect Finnish princess.

It was all glamourous and everything was much like what I have back home. But this time, I was a peasant, wondering about all the royal balls and how to fit in with the others.

Kate turned to look at me as she was smiling widely. I gulped at the sight because I know that she will be doing something to me.

"Now, shall we begin to transform you into me in a day?" Kate said before I stood up straight that my back will be hurting for a while.

"Yes," I said as I was looking at Kate, "let's do this thing," I said as Kate was snapping her fingers and a rush of people coming in to groom me.

Eddy Rovski's POV

After we get back to the dorm, we were taking turns to get shower and that was when the suits were being delivered to us. Tyler got the red mask, Leo got the yellow mask and I got the black mask. Seems fitting since Kate probably what me to blend in and maybe keep in the dark and do not interfere with anything.

I sighed before I was making my way with my boys as they were talking about something that I, apparently, missed out. I don't think that I wanted to get into that conversation anyway when Tyler Virtanen was winning against Leo.

We were making our way together toward the ball room before I wanted to slip away from them. But I might wait until they were making something stupid shit. And then, it happened.

"It's not like the rules stated that we need to celibate for one month," Tyler commented as we were reaching the ballroom now. I sighed inwardly as he could be running his mouth a little fast sometimes.

Nothing less for the black sheep of the Virtanen clan.

I was making my steps slower as I was getting away from them without notice. Not that they cared about me or anything but I liked to keep my distance and looking from the bigger picture. That is why I am taking a glass of champagne before I was moving to make my way to the balcony upstairs.

At least I was safe and sound as well as being observant of everything that was around me.

I sipped on the champagne before the ballerinas were entering the ballroom. There were so many of them but I was not interested in them until someone else was coming inside the ballroom, approaching Leo.

In a gold dress.

The black haired princess.

Then, there was a quiet moment where everyone was looking at the balcony on the same level as I was, only I was in the dark and that figure was in the open. Under the spotlight to be exact. I blinked my eyes as I was looking at the real princess and the person that stood with a stupid veil in front of her face. I smirked at that idea.


I never knew what the princess was planning to do but I got the gist now. And I will make sure that the next time she pulled a stunt like this, I am going to be a part of it.