Chapter 5: The Eavesdropping

Eddy Rovski's POV

It has been a quiet night as I was dreaming that I was in Hungary with my sister, losing myself when I lost the bet with her and I have to give my monthly allowance to her. Gosh, I think my sister was the worst sibling ever.

But I loved her anyway.

Then, of course, my dream was being interrupted when I was hearing Tyler's voice in my head as I was trying to ignore it. Being Tyler Virtanen, I know that would be impossible. Look at how he did with Leo as well.

"Eddy, wake up. Wake up!" he said as I was trying to ignore him but being Tyler, he would not leave me well enough alone.

"Ugh, go to sleep! Why are you doing this, Tyler?!" I groaned before Tyler was pulling my duvet. I was shivering before he was pulling me up to sit on the bed. I protested him but he was being rally stubborn at this moment.

I wished I kill him in his sleep later.

"Come on, I think Leo is up to something," he said as I was yawning when I know it would be useless to go back to sleep until Tyler lost all his energy to know what Leo was doing.

"Just leave him alone, will you? Why are you so interested in Leo anyway?" I asked him as Tyler was looking at me.

"Please don't tell me you're not curious about his life as much as I did," he said as I was sighing before I was out of bed. I don't think that I would be doing some snooping around but of course, with Tyler, everything was a new experience.

"Okay, let see if he was up to something," Tyler whispered along the dark hallway after we were out of our room. I don't even want to know how Tyler knows where Leo has been going off to.

I felt like we were spies that have been coming into enemy's territory right now but who cares anyway?

"You don't believe me?" Leo's voice was heard in the hallway.

"I will believe you when you marry me, you idiot," a feminine voice was replying to him. Tyler turned to look at me before he was arching his eyebrows as well.

This is not worth the trouble to get out of my bed. So what if Leo was having a rendezvous during the competition. It was not like he was not allowed to have a female friend.

"You will, after one month,"

"I'll be waiting then," the feminine voice stated before she went away. Then, Leo was sighing as he was picking up his stuff before he was walking to our room again. And then, he spotted us. I was waving my hand at him with my expressionless face. Tyler was beaming from ear to ear.

"Gah! What the hell!" Leo said before Tyler was smirking at him. I arched my eyebrow at him as I don't know why he was being so happy right now.

"So, where have you been, Leo? Sneaking in the middle of the night?" Tyler asked before Leo was staring at him and then replied,


"But, you were carrying some papers and a pen. Are you sneaking around to paint some nudes?" Tyler asked before I was snickering behind him.

This is so much fun than sleep, I concluded.

"You know I was not that kind of person," Leo said.

"So, care to tell us what kind of person you are really?" I asked him as he was closing his eyes before adding, "It's none of your business,"

Leo yawned as he was making his way to his bed before he was looking at us with his tired eyes. I can see that the night rendezvous was eating at him before I was smirking inwardly.

"Look, can we talk about this tomorrow. I wanted to sleep right now," he said as I was yawning because of my lack of sleeping. Then, I was looking at Tyler and we were smirking but I know that Tyler was tired as well to push Leo to tell us about his rendezvous tonight.

"Sure, and tomorrow, no more secret Mr. Ricci," he said before Leo scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Leo said before we were all going into our bed and as I was putting my head on the pillow and closed my eyes, the sleep claimed me faster than I can say sweet dreams.


I heard someone was rustling in the bed before I was opening my eyes to see what was going on. It was Tyler and he was getting up to get shower. I have always been a light sleeper and the fact that a single noise can wake me up, I think it is time for me to get up as well.

Tyler went to take the shower first as I went to make some tea. I know that a lot of people might be more comfortable if they were sipping coffee in the morning, but not me. I only do tea and I have to watch my teeth so that it will be shiny and white when I have to impress my future bride.

Tyler got out of the shower as I went to take mine. After a few minutes, I was done and we were sipping tea when Leo was groaning in his bed.

"Well, someone did sleep well last night," Tyler commented before Leo went into the bathroom, bringing the hurricane with him. Then, there was a knock on the door as I was pouring some tea for myself as Tyler already did for himself.

I put my headphones on before I was sipping on the tea. I did not hearing anything, just pretending to hear some stupid songs to occupy me. It was just a gesture for me to not be talking with anyone.

I was ignoring the look that Tyler gave me before he was going to open the door. I hear some conversation was going on that went a little like this.

"Hello, may I help you?"

"Yes, I wanted to give Leo his clothes. Is he here?" it was a female's voice.

"Leo's in the shower. You're welcome to stay," Tyler said before he was filling a tea cup before he was gesturing to the newcomer. I took a side glance look in my peripheral view.

It was a maid. With black hair. A pale complexion. Maroon eyes.

Instantly, my whole body went rigid as I was looking at the Finnish Princess that was standing in front of me. She was in disguise and I don't think Tyler knows about this. I smirked at the thought that I was not the one that being fooled right now.

I was watching the interesting conversation that was going on before I heard that Leo was getting out of the bathroom. Everyone froze as the princess was obviously trying to flirt with Tyler. I can see why since she was eyeing Leo for his reaction.

Ah you play it too easy, Katherine.

"Leo, good morning. I brought some clothes for you," I heard the princess said to Leo before he took it from her. Their hands touched before she shrieked away. I smirked at that.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked before the princess was looking at him, replying as if nothing has happened just now.

"Yeah, super. I'm going to leave now. I need to prepare for some breakfast buffet for you guys later on," she said as she was moving toward the door. I was arching my eyebrow when she was looking at me briefly.

Caught red handed, you cannot fool me, princess, I said with my eyes before Katherine was moving her eyes to Tyler and then Leo. It stayed far too long a second on the last person before she went out of the room, slamming the door in process.

God, what is wrong with her? Is she on her mood or something?

"Woah. Who got into her bed and woke her up from her sleep?" I heard Tyler was making a comment before I shrugged and then we get ready for our breakfast. I was not looking forward to it as I know there might be something else that Katherine prepared to get her hands on this roommate of mine.


I was taking some of the leftover from the buffet as we were the last one to arrive. I was quiet he whole time as I don't think I wanted to talk with anyone. Not when Tyler and Leo were arguing over their perspective on how to treat woman.

There is no right or wrong, it was just that man thought they have the absolute control over them and they were the superior gender in this patriarchal world. I sighed as I know that I am one of the benefactors of such thing.

But hey, at least, I can do something about my choosing in a wife and I think I would like to have a strong-willed minded woman by my side when I ruled later. When I was in my thoughts, the announcer told the King and Princess of Finland were making their appearances in the dining hall.

"Presenting His Royal Highness, King Aaron Remes and Her Royal Highness, Princess Katherine," he said before the king took over.

"Greetings, suitors. As you all well know, congratulation on advancing for the next test of this contest. I hear so much about you and my daughter, Katherine, is happy to know that one of you will be her husband in one month," the king said before I was toying with my food. I sighed. When is this going to end?

"As I said, for the congratulation of your advances, you may have a formal dinner and a masquerade ball tonight. It will be my pleasure to ensure that you guys will be equipped with all the necessary things for the ball. Also, you will have a chance to dance with Princess Katherine to know her better," he said before they all dispersed as I was hearing another conversation that involved Leo and the maid from earlier.



Then, it went on and on as if they were the only one that were existing in this universe. I moved slightly in my seat, wanting them to stop talking and flirting with each other before Tyler was clearing his throat, coughing to get their attentions.

And it did. I never thought Tyler would be my savior today. Also, that was the moment that I knew Katherine was planning something dubious when she wanted to get to know us better.
