Chapter 2: The Adventure

Astrid Olsen's POV

I was smiling as I was staring at the sight of the Mediterranean Sea from the sky. It was magnificent before I was snuggling against the chair that was comfortable enough for me when I usually went around the world with the private jet. But this will do.

An economy plus a seat, in the couch section.

I was looking at the screen that was in front of me before the seatbelt sign was on. I was putting up my chair before I was fastening the seatbelt. I was smiling when there was a flight attendant that was collecting for the trash before the final touchdown.

Finale Ligure, Italy.

I have transit in Geneva before I was changing the flight to land at Riviera Airport. It was the closest one to my final destination but I was not having any trouble at all. I was smiling before I was hearing the captain of the plane was clearing her throat into the microphone.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Aurora, I am your captain today and we will be landing in Riviera in just 30 minutes. The weather is shiny and it is a good time for a picnic at the beach. The local time is 11 AM and everything is perfect. I hope you will enjoy your visit and to the Italians, welcome home," she said in English before she was speaking in Italian.

I was smiling before I was looking out the window again as I was humming the lullaby that my mother used to sing to me. I sighed before I was looking at the sea. I cannot wait to dip my feet in them.

30 minutes later, the plane landed safely on the track before everyone was busy getting their stuff. Then, they were moving to get out of the plane as if there will be a bomb inside them. Why can people just chill out?

I got out of my seat as the plane was deserted with a few people were getting out of the plane. I was opening the overhead compartment before I was taking my backpack. I did not bring much as I know that I would not belong here.

I walked to the exit before the flight attendants were thanking me. I nodded at them before I was moving to the tunnel as I was proceeding to get my passport check out. I have my passport and I am ready to hit the town.

I have some money that can last me for a few weeks but I will be here until I was called by the university for my application and I have to save money to get the plane ticket as well as the money for my residency in New York.

Not that I don't want to use my trust fund but my father can track me down. I don't want him to know where I was going at the moment, so laying low has to be my game plan for now. After I was cleared out of the security, I was walking out of the airport before I was looking around. I smiled.

"You need a ride?" A person was talking behind me before I was turning to see that it was a man. I smiled before I was blinking at him. He was talking in English but I think the accent was heavy enough that I don't know what to say to him.

"Uh, I'm," I said in Norwegian before the man smiled.

"It's okay. I understand if you don't talk English," he said with the same heavy accent before he was moving away from me. I was looking at his retreating figure before he was asking someone else.

A woman as well. Alone.

Was this a scam? I don't think I would want him to get the women with him before I was walking up to the woman. I smiled at the woman as she caught my eyes when the man was talking to her.

I shook my head before I was making a sign that he was dangerous. Then, the woman was talking in a foreign language that I don't understand as well as that man that was talking to her. Then, the woman smiled before she was walking with me and grabbed my hand. Then, we're off.

"Thank you for saving me. I don't think that I would be getting some attention from a scammer," the blonde woman was talking with a British accent. She was an Englishwoman but she was talking in a different language just now.

"Oh, sorry, where are my manners? I'm Taylor. Taylor Baker," she said as she was extending her hand to shake with mine. I smiled at her before I was shaking her hand.

"Astrid Olsen. Say, are you English?" I asked her before Taylor was laughing at me.

"Well, as you can tell from my accent, I am 100% proud British woman," Taylor said as I was looking at her uncanny eyes.

It was purple. So mesmerizing.

I was staring at her before Taylor was arching her eyebrow at me. Then, she was touching her face before she was looking at me.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked as she was looking at me. Then, I was shaking my head as I was smiling at her.

"No, no. it was that your eyes are very…different. I was mesmerized by them for a moment there," I said as Taylor was smiling at me. Then, she was looking out into the road.

"So, shall we get going to our destination then?" She asked me before I was rubbing my neck.

"Well, I don't exactly plan this trip all together…" I said as I was smiling sheepishly at her. Taylor gasped before she was gripping my shoulders.

"Did you say that you don't have a place to stay?" She asked me as I was nodding at her. Then, she sighed.

"Me too," she said as I was smiling at her. Taylor smiled before she was making a proposition that we will be looking for a room together.

"Then, shall we get to know each other, friend?" She asked me as I was smiling at her.

"Well, we did stick together and saved one another from the scammer. I think we're friends now," I said before Taylor laughed. She was laughing sophisticatedly that I think there were more than meets the eyes.

"I dare say, you're funny," she said as I shrugged.

"I tried. But, enough talk, let's go," I said before I was looking at Taylor. She nodded.

"Adventure, here we come," she said before we were getting into a taxi together, to the destination that was unknown to us.

Eliot Park's POV

I was sighing when I was resting back on the chair of the private jet of my company. I was the heir of the Green Tech company after all but I did not want to be in the shadows of my father's success. So, I have to make sure that I made my fortune.

And that's how Park Pharmaceutical was founded.

I have always been fascinated with the traditional medicine that the Asians used in their daily lives, especially Chinese. They have been using those medicines before the time of science and technology. It was amazing and I wanted to make sure that they stay that way.

But with a little intervention from the newest technology and all, I think our company made it better. I have to thank the ancient knowledge for the success and I made billions for the first batch.

But I have to admit, it was the influence of my status as well as my face was plastered on every wall of Norway. I guessed there was a perk to be a billionaire then.

I was looking at the island that was below me as I was staring out the window. It was sunny in merry New York as I cannot wait to meet my mother. I sighed before my captain announced that we will be on land shortly.

I closed my eyes before I was imagining my reunion with my mother.

It has been 2 years since I saw her last Christmas. My father did not stop my mother to go and follow her dream; to be an Ecology professor as well as a researcher. He understood that my mother needs the knowledge to keep her going and I know that I will not stop my future wife from getting what she wanted.

Be it in career, wealth, and power. I mean, not for politics but I think I will reconsider it if it was for good cause.

The seatbelt sign was on before I was fastening them. I was looking at the island before we landed and I was happy to know that I will be meeting my mum before I hit the town. Of course, being the notorious heir as well as billionaire, I was always up for a good time.

Even though I was engaged to be married, I did not meet my future fiancée yet and I think she would not mind if I have some fun tonight.