Chapter 3: The Nightclub

Astrid Olsen's POV

"Tada!" Taylor said as she was opening the motel room that we found for cheap in Finale Ligure. I don't know if I can afford it but Taylor promised me that it was not that bad for us to share the room. Besides, she negotiated with the owner before she decided that we will take it. I did not know that she can speak Italian. Well, more luck for us then.

"So, what will you do tomorrow, Astrid?" Taylor asked me as I was looking at her. I was tapping my chin before I was smiling at her. I did saw an advertisement that they need a waitress in the nearby restaurant at the beach of Finale Ligure. I think I can pass for that position.

"I don't know, I was thinking that I might get a job or something. I did plan to stay here until I don't know when and I have to save some money for the plane ticket as well,'' I said as I was looking at Taylor. She nodded before she was smiling at me.

"Look at you. Just arrived and already thinking about the money and job. Relax, you can think about it later. Why don't we hit the club tonight?" She asked me before I was looking at my backpack. I did not pack for the clubbing as I know that I will try to avoid that scene as much as I can. But one night could not hurt.

"Eh, why not," I said before Taylor smirked at me. I held my hand before she can say anything about it.

"But, I don't have anything to wear as I don't prepare for that kind of stuff," I said as Taylor was arching her eyebrow at me.

"Don't worry. I got you covered already," she said before I was looking at her. Then, she grabbed my hand and we're getting ready for the night.

After a few hours of doing makeup, getting the right dress as well as mani-pedi, I was ready to hit the town red before I was looking at myself. I am not myself tonight. The lipstick was too bold for my taste and the eyeshadow was not usual that I wore.

"Taylor?" I asked her as she was nodding at me. I don't know what to say as I know that I was not confident enough to wear this kind of stuff on my body to the club.

"I don't think that I wanted to go out looking like this," I said as I was turning to look at my reflection. My lipstick was dark crimson and my eyeshadow was like the alternative girl would wear and my dress was black.

It was a sequin short black dress before I felt like I was being exposed to everyone's stare when I will be in the club later. Taylor stood behind me before she gripped my shoulders.

"Aw, but you look cute in them. I don't want to mess this up as I know that you would love to be someone that you usually aren't for tonight, right?" She said as I was thinking about my usual appearance. I was wearing glasses, even though I have perfect 20/20 vision as I know that the glasses would make the males in my field to take me seriously.

I would adorn the usual sweater that I would wear in the Autumn because I am an Autumn gal as well as I love hot chocolate and stay on the couch as the rain was pouring down. Taylor's right. This is not my usual set up as I would usually fade away with the scene and blend in.

This was a vacation and I can be whoever I wanted to be. I sighed before Taylor was smiling at me.

"You're right. This is not my usual get up but I think I would give them a try for tonight," I said as I was looking at Taylor. She was smiling as her blonde hair was shining under the dim light of our motel.

"What are we waiting for? Let's party!" She said as we grabbed our handbags before we were moving out of the hotel and went to the nearest club that we can find. I was looking at the neon lights as well as the crowd that was booming on the dance floor.

The club was fantastic as the music was blaring and Taylor was ordering us something. I was looking at her before she was carrying a bottle of tequila and two small glasses.

"I hope you can handle your liquor 'cause tonight we're getting wasted," she said as I was looking at her, horrified that I might pass out and I cannot go out for the job position tomorrow.

"Okay, but I just hope you will not get drunk, okay?'' I said as Taylor was puffing at me.

"No worries. I can handle my liquor alright," she said but I doubted she would as she was shouting at me at the top of her lungs before she was moving to drink the liquor straight from the bottle itself.

"This is the best night of my life! I never knew that I could be so wild and free out of that stupid etiquette classes that my father made me attend and score the perfect marks every time," she slurred as I was sipping on my liquor. I don't know what to say but nodding at her as she was pouring her stories to me right now.

Being someone from Norway, we used to drink hard stuff that we can handle a high tolerance of alcohol in our body but I was not a heavy drinker and I have not finished the first glass of my tequila just yet.

I sighed before I was hearing that Taylor was snoring as I saw someone was approaching us. I was looking at the man who was staring at Taylor before he clicked my tongue.

"This woman, always made me look after her," he mumbled before he turned to look at me. I was looking at his green eyes, which I think it was as the light was not very convenient right now, and his hair was brunette. Then, he was about to move Taylor before I stopped him.

"Woah, mister," I said in English as he was mumbling in English before, "I don't know who you are but I think you will not get that woman off the chair without telling me what is your relationship with her," I said as I was looking at the stranger.

Then, he fished out his phone as he showed me a picture of him and Taylor sitting at the throne-like chair like the royal couple that we usually saw on portraits. I gasped before he smirked at me. He moved to pick Taylor out of the chair before he was nodding at me.

"Thank you for looking after my wife. I will take it from here,'' he said before I was staring at his retreating figure before two other men were taking Taylor's handbag and paid for our drinks. I was blinking my eyes before I was shaking my head.

"Well, that was something else," I mumbled before I was looking at the money. It covered our drinks in total before I was leaving some tips behind for the bartender to clean up our mess. Then, I went home.

I was hitting the lights before I was looking at the two queen beds that Taylor negotiated from the owner at an affordable price. I smiled before I was laying on the bed as I was closing my eyes. The liquor was getting hold of me before I was blinking my eyes. They were heavy now and I think I was drifted to my dreams as I did not wash my face and cleaned my teeth for the night.

I am such a hot mess, do not follow my routine guys!

The next morning, my alarm was buzzing like crazy as I would usually put more than two alarms on my phone as I know that I was a heavy sleeper. And that alone will not wake me up. The only thing that wakes me up in the morning was my father's shouting my name.

So, what did I do? You guessed it correctly, I made that shout as my ringtone.

"Astrid Freya Olsen!" The third alarm was sounding as I was sitting up from my bed. I was looking around as the blood was rushing to my brain before I was shaking my head a bit. I did not know that I was still in that sequin dress that Taylor let me borrow before I was getting off from the bed.

I was yawning and stretching as I was making my way to the bathroom before I was kicking Taylor's backpack. Something fell from it as I was looking at the passport of the owner. I was arching my eyebrow before I was reading the information that was on it.

Name: HG Taylor Baker, Duchess of Sussex

Age: 23 years old.

Born: London, England.

I was blinking my eyes before I was looking at her surname. Duchess of Sussex, that was a very long one. I shook my head before I was putting the passport inside the backpack again as I was making my way to the bathroom before I was getting rid of the dress from last night and I was reek with alcohol and sweat. I felt gross.

I was sighing when the hot water was hitting my face before I was cleaning myself to sparkling clean. I think today was a brand new day and I cannot wait to get out there and get the job of being a waitress, I am excited beyond the roof right now.