Chapter 5: The Mother

Eliot Park's POV

"And why should I do that? She's not your girlfriend, is she?" I asked him as Cam was clenching his jaws when the woman was staring at him.

"That is none of your business," he said before the woman was swaying as I can sense that she was already leaning against Cam. I see, they were in love but too afraid to tell each other.

"Well then, I cannot leave her with you. Who knows what you might do to her," I said, adding some spiciness to their relationship. Then, Cam laughed bitterly.

"And you do? No, I don't trust you any more than a stranger that I saw in the streets. This woman used to work with me together in Seattle and as you can see," he said as he was pointing at the ruby necklace that the woman was wearing. I smirked inwardly before Cam was smiling with triumph at me.

"She's my betrothed after all," he said before he smirked. I pretended to clench my jaws before Cam was carrying the woman away.

"Now that matter settled, I will take this woman into my car now. Toodles," he said as I was watching at their retreating figures. I was shaking my head before I was smirking.

"Damn, they are made for each other," I said before I was looking at the woman who was throwing up her stomach content on Cameron.

Served him right!

Then, I was dispersing the music that was stopped because of our intervention before it was playing again, blaring my ears before I was moving toward the exit. I think I have enough of the drama for the night.

I went out of the club before I was making my way to the hotel that I was staying in. Then, I was smiling at the receptionist that was sitting at their desk. He smiled back before I was making my way to the elevator.

I pushed the button of my floor before it closed. I was listening to the music before it dinged and I was stepping outside from the elevator as I was making to my suite. I slid the card into its slot before I was going inside.

I put the card onto the box for it before the power was lighting up. I was looking at the deluxe suite that I have booked for my month of visit here. I was going for one month but then I changed it to two.

I mean, you never know when you need to extend your stay, right?

I was making my way to the fridge before I was taking a cold brew as I was opening the lid. I took a sip before I went to the couch that was facing the floor-to-ceiling windows as I was staring at the New York City at night.

It reminded me of Oslo but they spoke English here and I think I loved it.

I was sipping on the brew before my phone was ringing. I looked at the caller ID. I smiled before I was answering it.

"Hello, Freya," I said in Norwegian as I was looking at the night sky of NYC. She sighed before she was clearing her throat.

Like my mother would do.

"You know you can just call 'Mother' or 'Mum' or literally 'Mama', right?" My mother said in the same tongue as I was smirking at the phone.

"Well, I don't know. It would seem that we're strangers after all since I only see you once in 2 years," I said as my mother was pinching her nose, I assumed as she was sighed again.

"Eliot, if you call me that in public, I will end you and disown you. You hear me?" She said as I chuckled lowly.

"Loud and clear, Freya. Loud and clear," I said as I was sipping on the brew. Then, I cleared my throat before I was putting my brew down.

"So, what do you want to call me tonight? I hope it was nothing serious that you were desperately wanted to know that I am alive or not," I said as I was looking at my nails. My mother clicked her tongue before she cleared her throat.

"I heard that you're in NYC so I thought why not call my beloved son who has the nerve to be an ass as he came home for a moment before going out again and this time he stays at the hotel. So, I have to know why, therefore that's the reason I was calling him tonight," Freya said as I smiled.

"Well, you know me, Mama. I am the heir to the green tech company and the CEO of a successful pharmaceutical company. I think that's pretty summed up everything the tabloids wrote about me, don't you think?" I said as I was standing up from the chair as I was walking around the suite. Freya groaned.

"And you know they only did that because they did not know you, my son. Why do you have to play their games?" She asked me as I shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe because it was fun to see that their expectation is coming to life," I said as my mother was harrumphing at me.

"Well, I think you're just wanted to mess them up. And I know you, Eliot. You're trying to get the attention the media has been hitting on you as always," she said as I chuckled.

"Whatever. They get what they wanted, so I don't see the problem," I said before my mother sighed again. I think she has been sighing a lot these days.

"Well, enough about that. I think I have to tell you the real reason why I was calling you tonight. I wanted you to attend the conference tomorrow with me. I will give you the details later and I hope you will attend it?" She said as I was thinking about my schedule tomorrow.

"Hmm, I don't know. I have to rain check," I said before Freya sighed.

"Okay, if you can squeeze in, I hope to see you tomorrow, son. The dress code is formal and doesn't be late. I'll send you the invitation later. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite," she said as I groaned.

"Mama, I am not a toddler anymore,"

"But you will always be my baby, Eliot. Have a sweet dream. And don't forget tomorrow night," she said before she was hanging up on me.

"But—" I said before the line was flat. I was looking at my phone before an email was popping it. It was an invitation to the conference tomorrow night. I was scanning the invitation before I was looking at one particular name that I smirked at.

"Ah, I see that you will be attending. This should be fun. I wonder if you're still single, cousin," I said as I was closing my phone before I was getting ready for bed. Tomorrow will be so much fun.


I did not do anything much when I woke up the next morning but I did go to the gym that the hotel provided then I went swimming at their infinity pool. I was energized before I was choosing a suit for the conference tonight.

And here I was, standing at the entrance as the guard was scanning my invitation. I was smiling at her before the code was turning to green. I smiled before she was giving my phone back to me.

"Enjoy, sir," she said as I was nodding at her. I put my phone away before I was walking inside the conference ballroom as the tables were glistening with lights and the chandeliers were shining the room.

I smiled as I was making my way to the directory of the placement before I was looking for Freya Lucia Park, my mother's name. I smiled before I spotted the table and went to it. It would seem that people were sitting there already. And there was a vacant seat next to the woman at the table. I went to her as her brown hair was shining under the light like autumn leaves.

"I'm sorry, is this seat taken?" I said in English before the woman was turning to look at me. She smiled as she shook her head. "Thank you," I said as I was sitting at the seat before she was looking at the stage again.

"Say, I never have seen you before. I'm sorry if I was being too forward but you're beautiful tonight," I said as I was trying to get someone's reaction, particularly the one that was next to her. She turned to look at me as she blushed. It would seem that she was not used to complimenting before. I smiled at that thought.

"Well, it would not be too forward if you tell me your name," her sultry voice was hitting my eardrum before I sensed movement next to her. I smiled before I was offering my hand to shake with hers.

"Eliot Park, nice to meet you, Miss…"

"Dyer, Daisy Dyer," she said as she was taking my hand. I smiled before I thought that tonight will be the night that I get to know who Dylan Windell was sharing his romantic feelings with.

And I have an idea, it was this woman right in front of me and I was determined to find out.