Chapter 6: The Conference

Eliot Park's POV

I was looking at the woman that was named Daisy Dyer. Dyer, as in the famous scientist named Jayson Will Dyer. Was she related to him? So, I asked her the million-dollar question that someone would find it was offensive when been asked about it.

"Say, did your father named Jayson Will Dyer?" I asked before Daisy was blinking her eyes at me. Then, she nodded before I chuckled.

"I thought as much. I am an admirer of your father's work. I can agree that the meteorite was the reason for the Old Ocean to form. Say, do you have any work that he has never published before?" I said as Daisy seemed a little bit lost in translation there.

I guess she did not read her father's paper.

"Hmm, I don't think there were unpublished papers for my father but I can look it up if you wanted to," she said as I was staring at the grey orbs that were glaring at me. Daisy was looking at me before she turned to look at Dylan Windell as well.

He was watching, okay maybe like glaring, at us.

He clenched his jaws that made me chuckled as my mother was talking about something. She was the ecology and planetary professor that everyone adores her. I, her son, was included as well. But of course, when she was talking about something, it seems impossible for her to stop and Windell was the victim tonight.

"Say, Daisy, do you know that chap?" I asked Daisy as she was turning to look at me again. I smirked as Daisy was staring at me.

"Well, unfortunately, yes. I have been his partner for the last 2 years," she said before she was sipping on her wine as I was looking at her. Partner? Partner as in colleagues or partners as in sharing their beds and having sexual intercourse with each other?

Then, she explained even more.

"I mean as a lab partner. Not in the other way or something else," she stammered as I was staring at her. Daisy was blushing before I was nodding at her.

"I see. But I don't think that chap would have the same idea with yours," I said as I was looking at the stage now. The speakers were coming onto the stage before Daisy was staring at me before she turned to look at Dylan.

I smirked. Oh my gosh, this is much better than I thought, I mused before I was planning to make sure that Dylan's dark side will claim her tonight and I will be helping them to develop their relationship a bit.

I know, I am a nice guy after all.

When the speakers were talking, I whispered to Daisy about some good points that they were making. It was merely an information exchange but I know Dylan would think otherwise. I smirked inwardly as I would continue to whisper to Daisy as I felt his glare was right to my skull.

Yup, I think Dylan Windell was making plans on how to kill me in one thousand and one ways.

The talk was ending as the speakers and the MC was saying good night to everyone before I was turning to look at Daisy again. She was smiling as she clapped.

"Well, they are very fascinating, aren't they? Give it up to our speakers for tonight!" I said as I was whispering to Daisy about the old man was sleeping at the other table. Daisy smiled before she was looking at it. Then, she nodded.

I saw that my mother was talking to him before Dylan was sipping on his wine. Then, he was excusing himself from the table and went to get some fresh air in the garden. I have to push Daisy to go to him. So what would be a better way to get her to leave?

Make her come to a date with me.

"I tell you, they have the best sushi in the world. I wonder if you wanted to get some with me later?" I said as we all settled to eat dinner after the presentation. Daisy smiled at me before she was shaking her head.

"I can't. I have the stuff to do tomorrow," she said before she noticed that Dylan was getting up and went away. She might not notice this but every time Dylan was doing something, her eyes would follow him.

I feel bad for her to be in love with her lab partner.

"With sake as well?" She said as she was getting sidetracked right now. She cannot focus when Dylan was getting away from her.

How interesting this couple was.

"Perhaps but for now, I wish that you would dance with me, Daisy. Would you give me the honor of that?" I asked as I was offering my hand to Daisy. Dylan will not be taking her to the dance floor but I know what will make him feel angry.

I dance with his woman.

Daisy looked at me before I was smiling at her again. "So, will you?" I said before Daisy was putting her hand into mine. I was pulling her to the dance floor before we were in a position to dance around.

"I don't know if I can dance perfectly. I don't usually dance in a nice setting like this," she said as Daisy was looking at me. I smiled.

"Don't worry. I will catch you if you ever fall," I said before I was twirling her around and I saw that Dylan was staring darkly from afar. I have to chuckle at his stare since he was too afraid to ask Daisy to dance. Daisy smiled at me before I was whispering to her.

"I think your dark prince has come to watch us,"

"Should we stop?" She asked me before I was smirking at her. I think I will play this game a little better.

"No, I think we should lure him out. Do you wish to know what his real feelings for you, Daisy?" I said as I was twirling her around before I was pulling her into my arms, ready to kiss her.

Not that I would kiss her for real.

"I don't know what are you talking about," Daisy said as she was putting her hand on my chest. I smirked as I was pulling her head closer to me as I whispered to her. Our hot breaths mingled before it hit her lips.

"If Windell comes and punches me in the face, you know his true feelings then," I said as Daisy was staring at me.

"What are you—"

The sentence was not completed as I was being punched by Dylan as he was pulling his woman into his arms. Mission accomplished.

I was smirking as I felt a little sore on the side of my mouth. I went to touch it before I was looking at my finger. It was bloody before I was looking at the couple.

Was it hard to show your feelings, Windell? I mused before Dylan was glaring at me.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Daisy asked me as she was about to come to look at my mouth. But she was held by Dylan before she turned to look at him.

"Let's go," he said before the stubborn couple was making their way out of the ballroom. I smirked before I was looking around me. We managed to get a crowd.

"Show's over, everyone!" I shouted before the stubborn couple was out of the room and I was making my way to the table again. Freya was sipping on the wine as I was sitting next to my mother.

"You just have to make a scene of yourself, son," she said as I smirked before I was sipping the wine as well.

"Well, I learned from the best. You did tell him something that vile him up," I said as I was looking at my mischievous mother. Ah, sometimes, the genes never changed.

"Hmm, I might have but I don't even know what you're talking about," she said as she was looking at me. I rolled my eyes before we were eating the leftovers.