Chapter 7: The Acceptance

Eliot Park's POV

I was standing next to the car before I saw that my mother was talking to Windell. I smirked before his jaws were clenching again. I know what my mother was telling him. He should have not gone down on Daisy when they were in the garden.

Fun fact: everyone was looking at their show tonight, including my mother and me.

I chuckled lowly before I was looking at the retreating car that my mother rode with Daisy before Dylan was calling someone. He cursed before I was walking up to him.

"Say, if it wasn't for Dylan Windell, son of Professor Theodore George Windell. I thought I would not have a chance to talk to you tonight," I said as I was correcting my cuff links as Dylan turned to look at me. I smiled at him before he rolled his eyes.

So much for a family reunion.

"What do you want?" He asked me as I was looking at the sky. I know that Windell was the Wielder of the Wind and they were controlled by their emotions. I just hoped that Dylan was not mad enough to spin one of the typhoons here tonight.

"Don't you think it will rain tonight? I heard that there was something stormy about something tonight." I said as Dylan was staring at me as if I was talking in a different language. Maybe I was.

"Can you just speak like a normal person?" He said as I was shaking my head. Then, I turned to look at Dylan Windell as I tilted my head.

"I heard that the other 2 have been married. I think it was MacWatters and Cornwall. I wonder when the cousins of Hayes and Windell will be married," I said as I was staring at the sky again. I heard a scoff before I saw that Dylan was crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Why do you care anyway?'' He said before my car was stopping in front of me. I smiled before I was turning to look at him.

"Well, my father was being impatient with you guys to breed. So, he wanted me to get married soon. But of course, I have escaped to America for now. I just wanted to make sure that all my cousins will be married before I did," I said as the valet was opening the door. I was about to get inside before I wanted to rile him up again.

Just for fun.

"Oh, and one more thing," I said as I turned to look at Dylan before I smirked at him. He was arching his eyebrow at me.

"I think Ms. Dyer's leg was very smooth and fascinating indeed," I said before I was getting inside the car. I told the driver to go to the hotel before we were leaving Dylan behind. I can see that he was furious as I was looking at his figure, thinking that we all don't know that he was the one that was going down on Daisy tonight.

Tough luck, cousin, since everyone knows you did it in the public with no shame or whatsoever.

Astrid Olsen's POV

I was starting my shift as usual as I was looking at the customers before I went to serve them. I was wiping my eyebrows before my phone dinged with an email. It has been two weeks since I was starting my life as a waitress before I was opening the email.

I froze.

I reread the email as I was looking at the NYU's logo in the email. I blinked my eyes before I was shouting at the top of my lungs.

"Yes, yes. Thank god!" I said in Norwegian before Nonna was approaching me, thinking that I was hurting or something.

"What, what is it? Why are you screaming about?" The old woman asked me as I was showing her the email.

"I got in, I got in. I finally got in!" I said as I was jumping up and down before I was hugging her. She was looking at my phone before she was shaking her head.

"I don't know what it stated. What are you so happy about?" Nonna asked me as I was smiling at her.

"Do you remember that I told you I was waiting for something while doing this job?" I said as I was looking at Nonna. She nodded before I was showing her my phone.

"This is what I have been waiting for and I will be leaving in the nearest time. It stated here that I have to be there at the latest," I said as I was reading the email before it was stated that I have to be in the States the latest on Saturday next weekend.

"I have to be there next weekend. I think that will be enough time for you to get the help you needed to replace me?" I asked Nonna as she was looking at me. Then, she nodded as Nonna was patting my hands.

"Of course, nipotina. You can stay here until then and Nonno and I will be searching for your replacement right away," she said as I was smiling at her. Then, I did something unexpected; I hugged her.

I was hugging her tightly as Nonna was hugging me back as she was patting my back before she kissed my head.

"All will be well, nipotina. It is everything that you wanted, right?" Nonna asked me as I was looking at her face. She was smiling before I was sniffing. Then, Nonna was wiping my tears that I don't even know I was shedding it.

"It's okay, nipotina. You can come to visit us when you're free, yes?'' She asked me as I was chuckling while I sniffed.

"Of course, I will come every holiday," I said as Nonna was smiling at me. She patted my cheek before she was pulling me toward the restaurant again.

"Enough now. Come, we must eat. You haven't eaten since breakfast," she said as I laughed.

"But Nonna, it was not dinner yet. And I did eat during my break," I said as Nonna was arching her eyebrow at me.

"And what is it that you ate?" She asked me as I was rubbing my neck.

"2 pieces of crackers and a glass of water?" I said as Nonna was shaking her head.

"Not good enough, we have to get you real food and what could be better for you to eat if I was making them for you," Nonna said as I was smiling at her.

"Of course, Nonna, I will eat all your homemade cooking. They're delicious," I said as we were making our way to the kitchen. I think I might gain a few pounds after this.


I was standing at the entrance of the Riviera airport before I will be transiting to Rome and then went to JFK Airport in New York. I sighed as I was gripping my backpack as well as I was looking at Nonno and Nonna. They were sniffing and shedding some tears before the other staff as well.

Yeah, I know. They were here to send me off.

"Oh, please don't cry. I will not be going that far. Just across the Atlantic Ocean," I joked before Nonna was hugging me again. I was hugging her as I was looking at Nonno who was sniffing his nose before his eyes were red. I think he was trying so hard to not shed any tears.

"Nonno?" I called after him as I was spreading my arms. I was looking at him before he was coming at me.

"What can I say? You're the best waitress that we can get, Astrid. And you told me that you will be with us for months," he said as I laughed.

"Well, I did warn you back in the first day that I was waiting for my application to go through," I said Nonno was slapping my arm playfully. I was laughing before the staff was hugging me in a big group hug. I will miss this.

"We will miss you, Astrid,"

"Please come visit when you're free,"

"And don't forget to bring your husband when you're married. I want to know who's the man that will be marrying you later," Nonno said as I laughed. My eyes were brimming with tears as I know that my father would never be like this. I smiled before I was hearing the announcement of my plane.

"Oh, that's me. I have to go now," I said as I was hugging them individually this time. I was hugging Nonno and Nonna longer than usual as I was looking at them.

"I promise I will be back," I whispered to them as they were holding my hands.

"And we're holding you to that promise. If you did not, I will come after you," Nonno said as I chuckled. I kissed their cheeks before I was waving at them. I walked to the entrance of the check-in line before I was walking toward the security. I did not have much as I was having my backpack and my debit card that can be accessed anywhere.

And of course, the money that I collected over the weeks.

"Bye, Astrid. Please come visit us," they said as I was waving at them before I was walking into the security line before I was taking a deep breath.

Time for a new adventure, I guess.