Grade A Idiot

Emily knocked on the room door and said in a sickly sweet voice, "Dr. Rong I've got the reports." She heard shuffling and Rory came up to her with the door cracked so she couldn't see anything behind him.

Through the cracked door she could clearly see his hair disheveled, his shirt unbuttoned and he was breathing heavily.

Rory spoke quickly, "Ok just give me the papers and go." She grabbed his hand and said in a slow calm voice "There's a woman who wants to see you."

He arched his brow and asked "What woman? What's her name? What does she look like" Emily replied " I don't know her name she didn't tell me. She had a short black bob, a natural F-cup chest, and 35 inch hips."

Rory jumped at hearing this and though, "Hmph must be another admirer of mine wanting to give her body to me. I should take this chance to say hello, besides I've never slept with a natural F-cup before." He fixed his shirt and swept his hair back.

He went out of the room but, left door slightly open, "Thank you, Emily, me and that woman are going to attend to some business in my office, I suggest you inform everyone of this and have them and yourself not disturb us."

He quickly said and started to walk down the hallway to his right when Emily grabbed his arm.

Emily quickly replied back, "She wanted to see you in a more private location. I can lead you there now Sir." Rory was a little skeptical but, put that feeling aside and thought

"*HAH* What I am worried for she's too stupid to do anything to me. Even if her brains were as big as her implants she loves and trusts me too much too even think of hurting me. *HA HA HA*"

He looked at Emily, smiled and he spoke cheerfully, "Alright lead the way, Ms. Song." Emily gave him an empty smile while her head swirling with anger and hate wanting to do her plan then and now. She gripped Rory's arm and started to lead him down the hallway on the left.




While, Zoey who was sitting up in her hospital bed saw this whole ordeal. Sky suddenly spoke in her head and said bluntly.

[Mama that man is so stupid Sky does not know whether to laugh, cry, or cringe so hard that Sky shuts down]

Zoey was shocked by Sky's sudden bluntness and development in humor and laughed in her mind trying not to laugh in the open as to not draw attention to herself "*Pfft HA HA HA HA HE HEE HA HA HA!* Jeez, Sky you're such a riot and thank you for calling me Momma my wittle baby."

Sky's cheeks blushed red as he stuttered.

[Uh um I just, I-I mean I lo-love you M-m momma]

Zoey could see Sky's little face going beet red and chuckled wanting to pinch his cherry cheeks but, she couldn't help shake her head at Rory's stupidity.

She sighed in her head "*Sigh* How could anyone be like this. Emily only told him three things about his 'guest' and two of which exaggerated on her body type and were somehow very accurate.

Unless Emily is actually a genius and can know a person's measurements by simply looking at them, he is a grade-A idiot. *Sigh* I'm honestly starting to lose brain cells because of this *UGH*," Zoey rubbed her temples and clenched her eyes shut.

She opened one of her eyes when she heard the door open once again and Chloe, Zack, and Noah walked in. Zack was carrying a white plastic bag and they all noticed Zoey rubbing her head.

At the same time, they all yelled out "Are you all right!?" They all had a look of absolute worry and horror on their faces, Zoey chuckled at their reactions and reassured them.

"No, no I'm fine I just had too many thoughts in my head at once and it gave me a headache."

Chloe looked Zoey in the eyes, a mother always knows their child, and she could see that Zoey was not lying and she sighed "*HAH* You're a troublesome girl but, I believe you. Now let's get you some food in your stomach."

Zoey quickly nodded as she was starving. Zack and Noah didn't protest at this because they were just as hungry as Zoey. Zack took out twelve sandwiches and four bottles of water. He gave three sandwiches to each person and one water to each person.




About ten minutes later Noah passed out on the floor using his backpack as a pillow. Zack was leaning against the wall, on the floor as well, with his arms crossed and his head hung down letting out the occasional snore.

Meanwhile, Chloe sat on the only chair in the room.

A ratty torn cushioned seat next to Zoey's bed but, nobody wanted her on the floor and it was the only other really comfortable place to sleep.

Chloe had fallen asleep with her head slightly drifting to the left and her hands in her lap. Zoey was the only one who was still awake. She silently stretched her arms above her and Sky spoke again.

[Miss Zoey it would be good to take a walk it will help you digest your food and aid in your recovery]

Zoey, (who was disappointed Sky didn't call her mommy), thought it was a great idea. She then silently crept out of her bed taking the covers and sheets off it and draping them over everybody as they slept.

She put on her slippers and slowly snuck out the door closing it behind her. She started walking down the hallway on the left and wondered why there were so few people in the hospital.

[Miss Zoey we are in the "low class" part of the hospital and it is now 10 o'clock at night so there is likely to be only one to six doctors around until 9 o'clock in the morning]

"Thank you Sky," she said in her head. She didn't mind that it was empty as it was quiet and she could be alone with her thoughts. She turned down the right hallway and had her head in the clouds with her eyes slightly closed.

Suddenly Sky shouted, [MOMMY WATCH OUT]

Zoey opened her eyes and then, *BAM!*

(c) Copyright Olani Givens 2020 All Right Reserves