After Marvin was dragged out. Ms. Hong followed him out to make sure he was successfully escorted off-campus.

When she came back, she spoke to Simon who was still outside but, when he came back inside, he was pale, quiet, quivering, and slowly approached Zoey's desk once again.

Everyone leaned in to listen to his words and Simon's voice quivered as he whispered, "I a-ap-apologize f-for acting I-in such an in-inappropriate manner t-towards you. I deeply r-regret my actions."

Zoey looked in shock but, on the inside, she was in hysterical laughter, "* AH HAHAHHAHA GASP AH HAHAHA WHEEZE* OH, *PFFT* OH DEAR, He must've gotten absolutely destroyed. WHOO, Ms. Hong is such an AWESOME BADASS, now I know who my favorite teacher is."

Ms. Hong liked to be as non-biased as she could, and she believed that Zoey was a good student as well and refused to believe nameless accusations and rumors as she thought they were only for children.

Once Simon sat down, it took the class a few minutes to settle down and everything went on as if nothing happened. Except for Rose secretly and furiously biting her thumbnail and Zoey whose heart was beating out of her chest trying to suppress her laughter.

Around an hour later the class was finished and Zoey and Noah were sitting in their seats packing up their stuff, and when they both stood up another voice called out.

"Hey fag, why don't you go play some football and act like a man instead of hanging out with Zoey and painting your nails or other shit. Is that okay, oh I forgot you guys like to say yes queen, right?

Oh yeah when we're in the locker room, I know I'm attractive and you can't find anybody to fuck, but don't look at my dick, okay?"

The person speaking was another entitled rich person called Samuel Xu, Zoey rolled her eyes so hard that she got a headache, "God, how old are these people twelve." Zoey, having enough with entitled assholes, was about to say something when Noah spoke.

"First of all, it's YAAAS QUEEN not yes queen. Also, YAAAS," He snapped his fingers sassily and continued, "I may do things that seem feminine but, real masculinity is being your own man and not caring what people think, like you, you chose to be an asshole of a man. And YAAAS," he snapped his fingers sassily, "I may be a so-called fag but, I will DROP your ass in HOT SECOND BITCH and you know I can so do NOT TEST ME. And YAAAS," he snapped his finger sassily again, "I don't have anybody to fuck but, because I don't want to, unlike your trash girlfriend. Also, even if I was going to look at a dick it wouldn't be yours because unlike everybody else, I didn't forget when you got kicked off the football team for taking steroids because your bony ass couldn't play to save your life. And your dick is probably the size of my thumb and that drove your girlfriend into the arms of your 'buddies' who only put up with you because you have money and can get into bars. Now I'm walking out here, so bye bitch, conversation OVER. C'mon Zoey it stinks in here."

Noah raged and kept an air of confidence on his way to the door, while Zoey stood there with her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

Noah slightly pulled on Zoey's sleeve and that pulled Zoey out of her trance enough to make her follow Noah out the door leaving the class stunned.

While walking down the hall, Zoey finally snapped out of her trance and laughed, "*HAHAHA* Whoo, go ahead with your bad self-boy, WHOO. *HAHAHA* YAAAS QUEEN, you better put them claws away, DAMN." Noah slightly blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

He shyly said, "Well I was really pissed off. We ever rarely sit together because you're always late to come in and people would rather sit next to 'the fag' than that guy with the acne.

Also, with me and my work and you being trapped in that prison with that asshole Alex, we never really get to talk or hangout. So, I was really happy when I got to sit and chat with you and I had a burst of confidence as well so I could say all that."

Zoey stopped in her tracks, bent down a little, and quickly pulled Noah into a hug, burying his head into her chest. She held his head and rubbed it with hers, then said attentively, "Awww, I'm sorry I'll make sure we can hang out more often. *Mwah*"

She kissed the top of Noah's head and let him go. Noah took in a deep breath and asked Zoey,"*GASP HOO hahaha* That's great I look forward to it. *Hoo* Hey you mind if I ask you a question?"

Zoey simply blurted out, "Shoot." Noah looked at her, "That black-haired woman at the hospital, she said you saved her life when you said you got lost in the hospital, care to explain?"

Zoey looked nervous and rubbed the back of her head too, "I know I shouldn't have lied but, I just didn't want you to worry. If I tell you, you gotta promise you won't be mad, okay?" Noah narrowed his eyes and replied bluntly and sternly, "Shoot."

Zoey then preceded tell Noah everything from moment Rory came into her room all the way to how she saved two people and also how Angela took care of the rest and asked Zoey to be her friend.


Zoey panickily put a finger to her lips and tried to shush Noah. Noah stopped yelling but, he was still red in the face, he wanted to yell but, his thoughts raced.

"How could she not tell me, does she have a death wish, I am so pissed. *Sigh* But, if she had told me then I would've headed there myself and she promised that Wu woman she wouldn't say.

*SIGH* I can still be mad at her for going off by herself and not telling me where she was going but, I can't be too mad because she sorta had a good reason. *Sigh* Well, I might as well make her do this."

Zoey waited with her lips pressed shut in anticipation for what Noah would say next. Noah's red face disappeared but, his brow was still furrowed.

He then pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "*SIGH* Don't misunderstand I'm still REALLY pissed off but, I'll be less pissed off if you do something I want." Zoey's eyebrow arched and she asked with skepticism, "What?"

Noah blurted out sternly, "I wanna meet her." Zoey arched an eyebrow and asked, "Who?"

Noah quickly replied, "Angela Wu." Zoey's eyes widened slightly then her brows creased.

Her look was enough for Noah to keep talking and he said, "If you're wondering why I just wanna see what her intentions are and what she's like."

Zoey's expression softened as Noah revealed he was just worried about her and she patted Noah's head, "Then I'll arrange a night in just the three of us, movies, junk food and delicious food cooked by yours truly."

She spoke so sweetly that Noah's lips slowly curved into a smile as he replied, "Alright, text me the time when you get it figured out and NEVER LIE TO ME AGAIN a good friendship is based on trust so, also if you have any secrets you better spill them now."

Noah was joking about telling secrets but, then bent down Zoey whispered in his ear, "I'm a lesbian." Noah's eyes bulged out of his head and he turned to look at Zoey thinking she was joking but when he saw her face half laughed a reply,"*he haha* W-wait SERIOUSLY?"

Zoey nodded and said, " While I was knocked out, I felt like I had years to think and I realized that when you told me you were gay, and I snapped at you. I was only trying to suppress my own feelings that I knew about myself.

But, when I dated Simon I tried to deny it but, I knew deep down that I liked women and I couldn't bear to break up with him but, luckily he did me kinda a huge favor by dumping me for Rose and making me almost lose my life which made me decide to live my life the way I was born to be, as a proud lesbian."

Noah just stared blankly at her and then broke out into a huge grin he tackled her with a huge hug. He locked his arms around her waist and looked at her with and with a cheery voice said, "I'm so happy and proud for you, well not so happy that it almost took death for you to come to term with your sexuality but, happy and proud nonetheless and besides I always wanted an L.B.F." Zoey looked at Noah in confusion, "L.B.F.?" she asked.

Noah replied, "L.B.F, lesbian best friend? Some girls want a G.B.F, or gay best friend but I am gay and my own best friend, so I wanted a lesbian best friend." Zoey chuckled as Noah continued to squeeze her waist,

"*Hahaha* Aren't we gonna be late for class." Noah quickly let go of Zoey and looked at her, he slapped his hand on his forehead and he groaned, "OH MY GOD, I am so stupid I forgot to fill you in on what was going on here.

Apparently, a bunch of the rich parents got tired of semi-decent teachers busting their kids whenever they did something terrible.

So, they paid all of them an all-expenses-paid cruise with top-shelf booze, five-star cuisine, and lots of young people who were paid to satisfy their needs. So, almost all of them who were, single or divorced, who were driven to the brink of suicide after dealing with entitled kids at all hours and down half a bottle of whiskey after their job is done, accepted.

Except for Ms. Hong who is awesome and unbiased and doesn't hesitate to put anybody with a ginormous ego in their place. Then they only had two substitutes put here who they pay to make sure people from the lower class always got in trouble and people from 'good families' keep a flawless record.

So they only hired two because they didn't want their hellspawn wasting time on useless subjects so now we all have more time on our hands. Because of this a lot of students are considering leaving.

I however took this opportunity to take more hours for work," he checked his watch," which I am gonna be late for. I gotta go I-I'll text you, see you later, bye, love you."

Noah then booked it down the hall and Zoey could only blink after Noah just piled so much information on her at once. She then shook her head as she started walking down the hall, as she thought, "*Sigh* He works too hard, I should take care of him too. OH, yeah, Sky did you post that video Noah sent to me."

[Yes, the video of Marvin has been posted with the title, 'Asshole Bullies Innocent Sweet Girl After She Rejects Him Because She Has A Boyfriend And Is Kicked Out' is that satisfactory]

Zoey smirked and practically sang, "YAAAS," and walked down the hallway with a devilish grin on her face and dark aura surrounding her.

She walked all the way out the school thinking of Marvin's downfall but, her current thoughts were suppressed by her previous ones of which of her two choices she should go with.

While she walked down the street, deep, deep, in her own thoughts which made her already dark aura, even darker, and this in people went out of their way to avoid getting to close to her. When Zoey walked by an alley a loud shout snapped her out of her trance and she looked into the alley.

What she saw made her go into a rage as she clenched her jaw and yelled out, "HEY" and ran forward into the alley.

(c) Copyright Olani Givens 2020 All Right Reserves