Not Gonna Know What Hit Em'

Zoey took out the rose quartz and just like the smoky quartz it had a slight mist around it. She absorbed the essence but, unlike before it was much easier and less overwhelming.

While she did break a sweat, she didn't feel like she was being boiled alive she just felt incredibly energized. "I guess it gets easier the more I do it," Zoey said to herself.

She took a look at her hand again and the broken skin on her finger was healed and so was her slightly bruised hand. She took out her knife again and cut across her finger this time it didn't have any effect.

Zoey's eyes widened slightly, and she tried applying more pressure, yet again it had no effect. Zoey's eyes grew even wider and to make sure she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating she gripped the blade with all her might.

She gasped slightly when she didn't feel any pain and slowly slid her hand up the blade. She opened her hand and the only thing the there was some kind of white scuff marks. She looked at the knife and saw that it was bent and slightly deformed.

She dropped the knife on the ground and this time set her eyes on an old white washing machine. She dashed forward and again with all of her might punched it.

The machine then flew back about eight to ten feet and this time the dent was a big crater six inches wide and about a foot deep.

Zoey became even more and more ecstatic and continued to do this with all the gemstones and jewelry. The results were incredible.

After consuming the emerald; target old dryer. Difficulty absorbing; medium. Damage; flew back at least thirty feet; created a foot wide, three-foot-deep crater. Change; medium.

After consuming the amethyst ring; target old dishwasher. Difficulty absorbing; none. Damage; flew back at least thirty-four feet; created a foot and six-inch-wide; three foot and eight-inch-deep crater. Change; small.

After consuming the opal; target old dryer. Difficulty absorbing; none. Damage; flew back at least forty feet; created a two-foot-wide; and what probably what've been four foot and two-inch-deep crater that blew a medium sized hole through it. Change; small.

After consuming the sapphire necklace; target old dishwasher. Difficulty absorbing; high. Damage; flew ninety-five feet; created what probably what've been an eight-foot-wide and ten-foot-deep crater, that pretty much busted the thing in half. Change; high.

After consuming the jade bracelet; target old fridge. Difficulty absorbing; extremely high. Damage flew back at least one hundred ninety-five feet; how big a crater couldn't be measured as the more than half of the fridge was destroyed. Change; extremely high.

After absorbing the jade bracelet Zoey jumped around and even did the running man as a little happy dance. She estimated that she could survive a bullet from medium range, being hit by a car going a little more than one hundred miles an hour, and she had the utmost confidence that she could beat even a skilled fighter or martial artist with little to no difficulty.

"HEY, WHO'S OVER THERE!" a voice shouted out. "SHIT, I better am-scray," Zoey whispered to herself. Zoey put the bracelet back into her storage and quickly ran to the gate.

When she got close, she put some power into her legs and jumped a good fifteen feet into the air, over the fence, and landed like a superhero on the sidewalk, with a fist in the ground in a kneeling position. She quickly stood up and started jogging to the right.

After she had gotten a good distance away from the junkyard is when she finally slowed down. Pleased that she was getting stronger, she remembered that she had yet to call Angela.

As she began to leisurely walk when she took out her phone. She dialed Angela's number and put the phone to her ear.

(At the Wu household)

Angela was sitting on her bed looking at her phone, she had yet to change out of the clothes she wore at work, except for her shoes as she was now wearing slippers. "Why hasn't she called or texted, did she make it home okay, or maybe a health issue. *Sigh*"

Angela wondered to herself as she flung her phone across the bed and fell onto her back with her arms spread out. Angela closed her eyes and sighed once more, then all of a sudden, her phone started to buzz.

Angela quickly sat up and scrambled for her phone. She didn't even look at the number and pressed the accept button. She put it to her ear and said.

#Angela: Hello. #

#Zoey: Hey, it's me. How ya doin'? #

#Angela: How am I doing, you didn't contact me at all. I was about to send my guards on search. Speaking of which how are you, your voice sounds hoarse, are you getting enough nutrients, enough sleep, anyone giving you trouble, money problems?#

#Zoey: ....*pfft hahahah ah* Wow, you sound like a mom who-, wait no, you sound like a really overprotective big sister. Aww, were you that worried about, me?#

#Angela: Yes, as my friend, well only friend, I have to make sure you're safe and you're alive.#

#Zoey: *hahaha* Well I'm safe and I'm alive but thank you for worrying.#

#Angela: Well yeah that's obvious now. *sigh* Anyway what did you call me for? Not that I didn't want you to call me! I mean did but-.#

#Zoey: *pfft* It's alright, it's alright. Don't worry about it. Oh yeah! My friend Noah wants to meet you and I'd thought it'd be a good idea to have a night in together. Just binging on crappy movies and junk food, if that's okay wit-.#

#Angela: OF COURSE, your friends are my friends and vice versa. Where and when?#

#Zoey: *hahahaha wheeze* Part of the reason I was calling was to see if you have anything on your schedule so we can arrange a good time. I'm pretty sure Noah wants to do it at his place.#

#Angela: I don't really have anything coming up but, I'm concerned about Noah. I know he's your friend but, are you sure he's not some kind of perv. Like stealing underwear or pushing for a pillow fight or something of that nature?#

#Zoey: I understand but, Noah isn't the type to 'express' nor 'indulge' in his sexual desires. Also, he's gay so even if he did decide to indulge in his sexual desires we wouldn't even be on the list.#

#Angela: Ah, I see how embarrassing. Well anyways a I would be very happy to come hangout with you and Noah. Text me when you figure out a date.#

#Zoey: Okey-doke.#

#Angela: Oh, and one more thing.#

#Zoey: Yeah?#

#Angela: Have you watched or checked the news lately?#

#Zoey: No, why?#

#Angela: I think you should know that something very 'interesting' is going on.#

#Zoey: Whadda ya' mean 'interesting?#

#Angela: Just check and you'll see I won't say anymore, I gotta go, things to do, people to see, buh-bye.#

#Zoey: Wait you just said you didn't have anything coming u-.#

#Angela: BEEP.#

After Angela hung up, she tossed her phone aside once again. She stood up and rubbed her head as she felt off. Hans who was watching all of this from the corner of the room, broke out in a sweat.

His miss seemed to be acting strange and he was almost one-hundred percent sure what was happening. But he was terrified if he tried to bring it up with her, she would bite his head off. He decided to take the plunge and walked towards Angela. He took a deep breath and spoke with a slight stutter, "Y-young miss."

Angela answered without looking up and still rubbing her head, "What is it?" Hans replied, "I w-was just wondering something."

Angela still kept her head down as she bluntly replied, "What? You want some time off? Go ahead take a day, a week, two weeks. Hell, hire a hooker, do some blow enjoy it."

Hans was surprised, as his young miss once yelled at him before for wanting to take a five-minute bathroom break.

"No, it's not that young miss I was just wondering if you're feeling okay?", Hans asked timidly. Angela finally looked up at Hans and responded very exhausted, "*SIGH UGH* No I'm not, I've got a splitting headache and I feel strange."

Hans took a deep breath again and said, "I think I might know what's wrong with you." Angela raised one of her brows and Hans continued, "Well, whenever you talk with Miss Zoey you seem excited and happy and your smile brightens the whole room.

When I found you in the hospital you were even blushing after she saved you. Could it be, maybe, you perhaps, LOVE, Miss Zoey?"

Angela looked at Hans confused and asked, "What do you mean by 'love'?" Hans replied, "Well, what I mean is you want to be with her all the time. You want to make sure she's safe, when she's gone you feel empty and sad.

You want to kiss her and have *ahem*, sexual relations with her and whenever you see her you feel your heart skipping a beat or you feel like your floating onto a cloud filled with candy and you just feel wonderful.

But love is also sometimes painful and frustrating and can even cause symptoms like the ones you have now."

Angela looked at him again and put her head back down. She started trying to put her thoughts together, "Love Zoey? I can definitely say I care about her but, love as in what Hans described isn't right at all.

And when I called Zoey my friend that felt semi-right, I mean I thought I wanted to be her friend but, that doesn't feel right either. And at the same time I feel like I've known Zoey for a long time but, this I've only known her for a few days.

When she complimented me before leaving me in that hospital room, I had a rush of emotion and it was the first time anyone outside my family complimented me with such sincerity.

*SIGH* But, when she called me big sister that also felt familiar and that actually felt right. I wanna take care of her like sister would, I feel drawn to protect and help her. DAMN IT, why do I feel this way, *UGH*, I need some pain pills I'm thinking about this too much."

"Uh, young miss?", Hans looked nervously at Angela who was talking to muttering to herself and was starting to produce an unsettling aura. Angela awoke from her trance and quickly looked at Hans.

She sighed, "*Sigh* Hans, I can see why you think I might love Zoey but, let me reassure you, I do not love Zoey." Angela stood up and walked to her bathroom.

She started to rifle through her cabinets when Hans, who stood outside the door, and said, "I-It's just that the young miss has never been in love and y-you might be trying to deny your feeling, perhaps."

Angela chuckled at Hans's suggestive tone, "*hahahha* That's not true and I will tell you why all your guesses are in-correct. First I've been in love before it was always, one-sided but, still, I was head over heels in love,"

Hans's jaw dropped and he slightly gasped to himself, "*gasp* The young miss has been in love, more importantly, who in their right mind could not love our beautiful and kind of sweet young miss?"

Angela chuckled again as she continued, "*hehehaha* I know it's surprising but, it's true and while I have denied my feelings in the past I'm not doing it now because I don't have any now and-, AH HA found you!"

Angela exclaimed in the middle of her sentence as soon as she found her pain pills. She took two pills out of the bottle and grabbed some water from her sink.

She quickly swallowed the pills with a large gulp and remembered that she was in the middle of sentence and continued, "*GULP AHH* Oh, yes where was I?

Ah, right as I way saying I don't have any feelings and that reaction you saw at the hospital was the fact that she saved my life. I had a swarm of emotions as most people would have with their life saver, plus she complimented me with the most sincerity I have ever seen from anyone outside my family.

Every person who complimented me was either after something or barely had any sincerity. I'm pretty sure they all thought I was rich, spoiled, bitch, especially the women.

Those who were sincere with their words, however, were men with their faces practically buried in my cleavage. Zoey however actually meant what she said, I could see it so that being my first 'real' compliment, I was even more overwhelmed."

Angela took a look at Hans who was silent and saw Hans with tears streaming down his face. Angela quickly handed a handkerchief to him and as Hans dabbed his cheeks and eyes. He said through his tears, "*sniff sniff* That's so upsetting and so s-sad, poor young miss. That must've been hard, and I shouldn't have jumped to so many conclusions. *uu hic hic*."

Angela looked at him with a look of shock and disgust, "Good god man, relax the last thing I want is a grown ass man bawling his eyes out. Besides it's not that big a deal," she said.

Hans quickly replied, "You say that it's no big deal because you've been dealing with it by yourself for so long, *UUU WAH* MY POOR YOUNG MISS. I'm supposed to protect you from hardships I've failed you. *UWAH*."

Angela rolled her eyes and said, "Hans you can't protect me from life it's why I'm here in the first place. And I don't need that much protection or do I need to remind you of that time when those assassins attacked me, or when that guy groped me, or when that girl poured water on my head,"

Hans shuddered as the memories resurfaced in his mind, how could he forget anything like the young miss's revenge. Hans shook his head and noticed the young miss putting on her shoes and grabbing her keys.

Hans quickly asked, "Young miss where are you going?" Angela was already at the door when she replied, "Going to buy junk food, hope you have a nice cry. Buh-bye Hans."

Angela quickly went out the door slamming it behind her leaving Hans stunned. Hans stood there for a minute before coming out of his daze and yelling out, "Wait, young miss, I must accompany you!" He then copied Angela's movements of quickly going out the door and slamming the door behind her.

(Back to where Zoey was walking)

Zoey was trying to figure out what news Angela wanted her to hear or see about so bad. When she was about to ask Sky, she reached her destination.

It was a very prestigious jewelry store and Zoey grew an evil smirk on her face. She stood at the clean glass door and put her hand on it, she pushed it in and said to herself, "They're not gonna know hit 'em, *MUHAHAHAH*."

(c) Copyright Olani Givens 2020 All Right Reserves