(Five hours later)

Rose got off the bed and was dripping with sweat but looked refreshed. She stretched her arms in the air and gave a satisfied sigh. She looked over to William, who was curled up in a fetal position on the bed and smiled.

William was less satisfied as helplessly laid curled up in the fetal position with whip marks, scratches, and bruises all over his body. The wine had dried on his hair and face. He was shivering as tears endlessly flowed down his face forming a wet spot on the blanket.

His ankles were no longer restrained but his hands were still bound. As for his clothes, his pants and underwear were removed and thrown to the floor and his tie stayed on the floor. His shirt and vest were unbuttoned and pulled off but since his hands were still bound they continued to stay on his wrists.

William was no longer sobbing but instead, he just sniffled quietly. Rose kept her smile and sat on the bed and sighed, " *Sigh* Oh, William, " William flinched in fear and clenched his jaw.

Rose continued, " You know, I have grown quite fond of you. You're a sweet little pet, you listen to my seemingly insane ramblings, you help me deal with emotions. You're just so, so, sweet. So you wouldn't mind listening to any more of my ramblings, would you?"

William remained silent and Rose continued, " Great! You know that little video that's been circulating around. That prank was planned for this annoying little prick that hangs with another of my half-sisters.

It was a fairly easy plan, I had and still do get into bed with some ugly people and then there are the mindless sheep who adore me. I mean, do you think there would be such a commotion if an average student did my plan?

No, because it'll be seen as a childish prank and they'll just be reprimanded. Some people might question if this a rational or a realistic response to all this. But once all my followers saw me so distressed it just snowballed down from there and blew up.

But the strange thing about all this is that I checked if somebody was spying on us and saw nobody there. I checked every hallway that was close by and looked everywhere but still, nothing, but the video indicated that it was shot through the door. And-, this is an actual question by the way, how do you think I could find out who was there?"

William kept shivering and swallowed when he saw Rose staring at him expectedly. He replied nervously, " D-dosen't your school h-have security cameras?"

Rose lit up and beamed, " *AH* BRILLIANT, William you're such a smart boy! " Rose approached him and continued, " And smart boys deserve a reward." She got on the bed on her hands and knees. She crawled toward him like a cat, licking her lips. William shut his eyes tight in suspense.

Rose giggled at this and untied William's wrists by pulling at his restraint. William looked dumbfounded and found Rose looking at him expectedly once again, he swallowed said, " *gulp* T-thank you, Miss Rose." Rose kissed his cheek and beamed, " You're very welcome, now get dressed." She got off the bed again and walked to the kitchen area to refill her glass.

William pushed himself up, his injuries burning and stinging. He crawled toward his tie on the bed, each movement making him wince in agony. He kept moving until he was finally able to clutch it in his hand. He kept the tie clenched in his hand and got off the bed.

But as he tried to stand, he felt a searing pain in his lower back and collapsed to the floor. He tried to stand up and the pain made him immediately collapse onto his knees. William cringed in excruciating pain and he couldn't help to stop the tears that ceaselessly fell down his face.

Rose noticed this and sighed as she sauntered over to William. She stood over him with her drink in her hand and an annoyed look on her face. She took a sip of her liquor and said, " Really? I give you this reward and you don't take it seriously? I guess you're really a bad boy and contradictory to what you've been screeching for the past five hours, you want to stay and play with me some more?"

William looked down at the floor and pressed his lips shut. Rose went on talking, " No? Then perhaps I should call your mommy? You know, your mother's a good woman. Raising you, running a restaurant, and paying off the debt your dad ran up.

I remember meeting her about a year into our little *pfft* 'relationship' after I took over her restaurant from the original landlord. I was happy to lower her rent from nine-hundred dollars to fifteen dollars a month and other expenses even lower than that.

So if people find you in here I'll just have to say that you were abusive. You like it rough. You made me buy your mom's restaurant and demand an insanely low rent. You were also very, very manipulative.

So I'll have to press charges, get therapy, you'll end up in jail, and as for your mom-. I hope the stress of losing her only child, place of business, and *haha* everything else, won't put too much stress on her poor little heart." Rose had a sip from her glass with a smirk.

William gritted his teeth and shakingly stood up. He endured the pain by clenching his teeth so hard they ought to have shattered. He then fixed his shirt and vest and put on his tie.

He continued to put on his underwear and pants and then his shoes. Once he was fully dressed he turned to Rose and nodded. He then announced with a small and shaky voice, " I-I, I mean th-this servant s-shall be on his way."

William turned and stiffly walked out of the room. Once he left Rose took another sip and suddenly remembered something and exclaimed out loud, " Oh, right I have to get that security footage! I should call!" She then grabbed her phone and started to dial.

Meanwhile, outside in the hall, William had pressed his back against the wall as he sat on the floor. He lifted his head, his face a bright red, and sobbed to himself, " *GASP sob sob sob sob so sniff* She's right, I'm weak, *sob* I'm so weak! This is all my fault. *sniffle hahaha hahaha AH HA HA HA* I did want this, I'm so disgusting and so sick. I don't deserve to live. *sniffle* Mama I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Mama, please forgive this bastard son of yours. For being so useless and such a waste."

He put his face into his hands and continued to cry and sniffle quietly.


(At an internet cafe)

Zoey wore bright pink sneakers, white socks, pink pants with black suspenders, long-sleeved white shirt, a pink pea coat, large thick-rimmed caramel colored glasses, a black wig that was pulled into a low ponytail, and a pink ivy cap.

She sat in front of a computer, that was surrounded by black walls, and her hands were typing so fast it would make your nose bleed trying to keep up.

Several lines of code decorated the computer and Zoey only kept typing endlessly. "*UGH*", When Zoey finally stopped typing she leaned back in her chair with a groan as she massaged and rolled her wrists. Her phone buzzed with a notification that read,

{500,000 has been deposited into your account}

Zoey sighed, "*Sigh* My poor hands, thank you for sacrificing for the purpose of sweet, sweet money."

Zoey had spent hours of hacking and coding to complete certain jobs. Some of which were bordering on illegal, not that Zoey cared. She just cared about getting as much as she could.

Zoey took a look at her phone and smiled. She had earned an approximate amount of 2.5 million. She felt incredibly pleased with herself until she noticed the time and that there were only two other people in the cafe. Zoey stretched her arms above her head and mumbled, " Let's call it a day, I really need a shower."

Zoey then cleared everything off of the computer, grabbed her phone, and hurriedly left the cafe.

As Zoey was speed walking down the sidewalk she said to herself, " I've been moving around and going to different places for days. I miss when I could just sit around in my underwear, down two bottles of wine, and maybe do a quick booty call.

But I did earn myself a few million so I'm going to do something I've been craving for so long. I'm going to do it, I really am! I'm going to take a shower and get some sleep! Yeah, YAHOO!... Good God, when did yearnings become so...sad? Oh, who cares, bed and shower here I come!"

Zoey picked up the pace and arrived back home in just a few minutes. Zoey's stamina had really improved as she was able to run all the way home without being too winded.

She did have to catch her breath a little but she did feel good. Once she got through the door she threw off her shoes and headed for the shower.

Before she went into the bathroom she grabbed a towel from a nicely folded pile. She went into the bathroom but recoiled at the state of it.

While Chloe did her best to keep the bathroom clean but there was nothing she could do in the first place. The floor was made out wood and it constantly absorbed water and it also had a disgusting amount of decay and mold.

The walls had peeling paint and small holes. There were cracks everywhere that let in ants, cockroaches, and spiders. The sink looked rusty and prepared to fall apart from the slightest touch. The toilet had murky and disgusting brown water.

The only decent thing in there was, conveniently, the shower and the towel rack. It was clean with only a few cracks in the bathtub and the towel rack was rusty but at least it was still attached to the wall.

Before she walked in Zoey also made the wise decision to grab a pair of slippers from her room. While she was there she took off her clothes and her wig and put them back into her storage. She put on her slippers, sat her phone on her dresser, and finally walked into the bathroom. She hung her towel on the rack, turned on the shower, and gently stepped in.

Zoey sighed and as she felt the water flow over her body. She was glad that Chloe, with the help of Zack, used some of her savings and installed the showerhead higher as Zoey started to hit six-foot-two.

For a while in her past life, Zoey had to scrunch down, bend her body, and sometimes she even brought a chair into the shower because she didn't feel like doing any acrobatics just to get clean.

(About fifteen minutes later)

Zoey had finished showering and was now in her bedroom drying her hair. She continued to caress her hair with the towel and when she was done, she carelessly dropped the towel onto the floor and collapsed into her bed. She groaned absolutely exhausted and felt her eyelids droop. Her eyes gently closed and her breathing became more relaxed.

Zoey was in a state of complete bliss and wanted this moment to last forever.


Zoey's eyes snapped open and noticed her phone buzzing on her dresser. Zoey groaned in a pissed of way, grabbed her pillow, and covered her head. The phone continued to buzz and the more it did the tighter Zoey gripped the pillow on her ears.

This went on for about thirty more seconds until Zoey got fed up. She chucked the pillow off to the side and yelled, " *AH* WHO THE FUCK IS IT THIS TIME?!"

She angrily grabbed the phone and with a scowl, she answered, " WHA-. " Zoey's face suddenly turned from searing rage to one of worry and concerned as she listened to the caller. " Where are you?" she asked.

She listened to the caller again and responded, "Ok, try to stay hidden I'll be there as soon as I can. In the meantime try to grab whatever you can to defend yourself, a broken bottle, or a knife. I'm on my way."

Zoey listened to the caller until they hung up. When they did, Zoey groaned slightly exasperated and mumbled, " Oh, fuck my life." She then stood up and said, " Sky, I need you to give me a location and some clothes, " She cracked her knuckles and her neck, "*GROAN* This is going to be a long, long night."

(c) Copyright Olani Givens 2020 All Right Reserves