
(Meanwhile at an unknown estate)

In a gorgeous black tile bathroom, an even more magnificent man was showering. He had stunning blue eyes, blonde hair, and a sharp jawline.

He kept sweeping his wet hair out of his face and sighing loudly as the hot water poured over him. When he was done he quickly turned off the shower and grabbed a soft black towel that was on the nearby rack. He then stepped out and started to dry his hair.

He revealed to have an equally gorgeous and athletic body. As well as a, very well endowed, 'trunk'. He walked out of the bathroom still drying his hair and into a vast bedroom.

There was a king-sized bed with silk black sheets, a fluffy black blanket, and four black pillows. Black walls and carpeted floor. A large tv was mounted on the wall in front of the bed.

A ginormous walk-in closet and on the far another side of the room was a bar and extensive liquor cabinet and an extensive workspace including a three computer set up, a large filing cabinet, and a black leather office chair.

The man walked a few feet into the room and noticed someone sitting in the office chair. He smiled, revealing some adorable dimples and chimed, "Well, it's a surprise to see you here Angie."

The woman who sat in the chair said nothing and the man chimed again, " What? You're, not going to turn around to greet me?"

" Not until you put that towel on." The woman finally replied. The man put the towel around his shoulders and said, " There it's on." The woman, again, stayed quiet to which the man sighed, " *sigh* Honestly, Angie you should really learn to loosen and up." He tied the towel to his waist and crossed his arms over his chest.

When he did the woman turned around in the chair. It was Angela Wu, " Tommy, I'll loosen up when you get a stick up your ass. Also, I thought I told you not to call me Angie."

The man was Tommy Xan, the only son of Camilla Xan a retired model and Grayson Xan a retired director. He was also one of the city's most successful actors. He and Angela were childhood friends ever since they were babies. Their mothers were best friends so it was more like they were family.

"So, to what do I owe such a surprise visit?" Tommy asked. Angela replied easily, "Oh, I don't know? Maybe it's because I missed you, or maybe it's because I just wanna hang out, OR-, " she pulled out her phone and turned it to face Tommy, " Maybe it's because you called me, OVER FORTY TIMES! Then you check yourself out of the hospital against medical advice and have the audacity to ignore, MY CALLS."

"Well, I figured after both of us being freed from the imprisonment a mentally ill woman that you'd want to talk, especially about the woman who saved us. But since you seemed to be so preoccupied to talk with me I decided to head home and try to find her identity. Anyways, as for my health, I have at least three doctors who make house calls." Tommy replied with a smirk.

Angela cocked a brow and responded, " First of all, one of those doctors who will make house calls for you better not be me, " Tommy retorted quickly, " Well you're here now and might I guess is it to give me a check-up."

Angela sighed annoyed and rolled her eyes, " *sigh* Your guess would be correct and by the way thanks for the earful from my Mom about not taking enough initiative to take care of my beloved childhood friend. Second, if you had been more patient or ANSWERED MY CALLS!, " she was interrupted by Tommy again.

"Jeez you're like a broken record, " Tommy joked. Angela continued annoyed, " AS I WAS SAYING! If you would've answered me you would've known that I already found the woman who rescued us and approached her."

Tommy's eyes widened and he asked excitedly, " WHAT?! Who is she? Where is she? How is she?" Angela smirked and responded, " Wow, you asked almost everything but why. Anywho, I'm not going to reveal her name without permission.

But what I will tell you is that she's a very charming and sweet girl and my new friend. As for where she is I don't currently know. As for how she is, she sounded well after our last conversation and she was excited for us to hang out."

Tommy's mouth hung slightly agape and he stared blankly at her. " Woah. You can smile?" He asked. Angela rolled her eyes again and said sarcastically, " *ha ha ha* You're fucking hilarious."

"Oh, and you can laugh too. What else are you hiding?" Tommy joked. Angela chuckled, " *haha* Well you can find out after we do your check-up. I'll be in the den while you get dressed." Angela stood up and waved as she walked out of the room.

Tommy stood there as a large smile spread across his face. "Huh, that ice queen seems really different after she met that girl. She must be such an amazing friend. I'm really excited to get to know her." He thought.

He then threw off his towel and walked into his closet. " But first I gotta milk Angie for her information... This gonna be fun. *haha hahaha*" He said to himself.

(Meanwhile at the Chang household)

(c) Copyright Olani Givens 2020 All Right Reserves