
(Meanwhile Back At The Hostess Club)

Police cars, ambulances, coroner vehicles, news vans, along with a fire truck surrounded almost every side of the building. The blue and red lights flashed onto the building. The whine of sirens filled the air and they could be heard from miles away. Police tape was stretched across every entrance of the alley and the club.

In the midst of the chaos in the street, a 2005 black sedan pulled up in front of the club. It weaved through the swarm of people and cars until it finally parked into a cramped spot that was out of the way.

The driver side door opened and the person who stepped out was Mya Hong, Zoey's teacher. She wore jeans, a black t-shirt, purple high tops, a zip-up grey hoodie, a black faux leather jacket on top of her hoodie, and white socks.

She had her long sleek black hair tied back in a ponytail. A cup of coffee in her left hand, a police badge hanging from her neck by a metal beaded chain, and a gun on her hip.

"*Sigh* Damn it." She cursed as she could barely open her door and so she had no choice but to squeeze through the narrow opening.

"*Argh* Ow! Son of a bitch!" Mya cursed again when her hot coffee spilled onto her shirt. She sighed through her nose and finally squeezed herself out of the car. She stumbled onto the sidewalk and she groaned at the wet spot on her shirt.

She raised her foot and pushed the car door closed. She then glared at her coffee cup and whispered menacingly, " You son of a bitch you're lucky I wore black today."

She continued to glare at her coffee cup until her glare it softened a gaze of love. "Uh, I can't stay mad at you. I love you so much don't ever leave me." She whispered to her coffee lovingly, took a big a sip from it, and let out a satisfied sigh.

She walked over to the entrance of the club where two uniformed officers stood in front. One of the officers saw Mya approach and announced, " I need your-, " she was interrupted by Mya.

"Detective Mya Hong homicide, " Mya announced as she held up her badge. The officer took a look at the badge and nodded to confirm her entry.

When she did Mya slipped under the police tape and walked in. Once she did she slightly flinched at the swarm inside. Reporters, cops, crime scene investigators, and almost every person involved in law enforcement were scurrying around.

Mya bobbed and weaved through the endless sea of people. Her eyes darted quickly around the area searching for someone but it was impossible.

"Heya, partner!" A man's voice suddenly exclaimed and a hand smacked down on Mya's shoulder. Mya immediately thrust her elbow into the man's stomach and put her hand on her gun.

She turned around and let out an exasperated sigh, " *Sigh* Damn it, Tremaine!"

The man was Jerry Tremaine, Mya's partner. "Ooh, *hiss* damn, you still got it, Hong. *Ugh*, In fact, I think you got too much of it."

Mya rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee. "I don't understand how you've been on the force ten years and you still don't know that you do NOT sneak up on a cop." She mocked.

Jerry chuckled and stood up a little hunched over with his hand on his stomach, " *haha* And I don't understand how you find time to be a teacher for spoiled rich kids yet you never have any work piled up."

Mya rolled her eyes again and followed along as Jerry walked to the elevator. "Easy I'm either, teaching a class that's incredibly early, or teaching a class that's incredibly late, that's once or twice a week.

I can make time, especially for all that extra money. And the reason I don't have any worked piled-up is that I spend less time sleeping at my desk. Unlike some people." Mya retorted.

The two arrived at the elevator and Jerry pushed the button. As they waited Mya turned to Jerry and asked, " So what's up? This isn't our first murder, so what's with the circus?"

Jerry replied, " That's because the victims are known associates of a large criminal organization. The leader is known as Fatty, he and his goons were partying on the fourth floor.

After a while, an employee came to check on them and see if they were having a good time. After more time went by, he knew it had been silent for too long and went in. Only to walk in on a horror scene. All of Fatty's men dead, except for one."


The elevator arrived a the two stepped in. Jerry pushed the button for the third floor. Mya made a confused face and inquired, " I thought the bodies were on the fourth floor?"

"All of the dead ones yes, you know how I mentioned all of Fatty's men died except for one? We're going to see where that 'one' was attacked." Jerry replied.

Mya nodded her head and inquired, " What about Fatty?"

"Hmm?" Jerry made a confused sound.

" You kept on saying all of Fatty's men, never Fatty. What happened to him?" Mya continued.

Jerry smiled and replied, " *haha* You've got a good ear. Fatty survived but I heard that he would be better off dead."

Mya was about to open her mouth again but the elevator doors opened and they walked out. They walked down the carpeted halls to a bathroom where EMTs walked out carrying an unconscious man on a gurney.

The two detectives looked at each other and walked into the bathroom. There were a few people collecting evidence and one of them walked up to the two.

"Before you ask, he had two visible injuries a stab wound to the stomach and a broken nose. No, we don't have the knife it's still stuck in the man, you can get it from the hospital.

The attacker appears to be a woman, she left her heels in the stall. My guess is she one of the hostesses, up here to have a quickie in the stall.

He gets too rough, she wants to leave, he grabs her, she stabs him, leaves him for dead. We haven't fully processed the scene but I don't think we'll find anything else. You should head up to the scene upstairs I'll let you know if we have anything." The analyst explained and turned around and walked off.

Jerry and Mya looked at each other again. Jerry shrugged and the two walked off back to the elevator. They wanted to stay, but they figured they could come back. They also wanted to see what the big deal was about the scene upstairs.

As they walked they began to talk, " So what do you think?" Jerry asked Mya as they arrived at the elevator and Jerry pushed the button.

"Eh, while I think that the analyst's theory is good. I don't quite buy it, I mean-, " the elevator arrived and Mya kept talking as they went inside. " There was only a visible stab wound and he did have a broken nose. But there any weren't claw marks and his pants weren't unzipped. I don't know something tells me that they weren't in that bathroom to hookup."

The elevator arrived at its destination and the two walked out. They walked to room 409 where there was a loud commotion.

There was the sound of shouting and power tools. Mya and Jerry walked to the door where a firefighter was in the middle of using a power saw to cut off the area surrounding the door.

The two quickly ducked in and were met with an atrocity. Mya chocked on her coffee and Jerry's stomach churned. Bodies of horribly disfigured men were on the floor and in the process of being put into body bags.

But the most gruesome of them all was Fatty himself. His eyes had been gouged out leaving empty, bloody craters in his face. His nose was a mixture of red and purple hues signifying that it was absolutely destroyed.

His mouth was missing the majority of its teeth and his tongue. His 'sausage' and his 'eggs' had been ripped off. Yes, they were grabbed and forcibly pulled off his body.

His throat was cut so he couldn't make a sound. His fingers and toes were all broken in the wrong direction as we're his arms and legs. His left leg even had a bone piercing through his flesh. His face was swollen beyond belief and his skull suffered multiple fractures. He even had an ear ripped off.

But the goriest of his injuries was that he had been eviscerated. There a large opening on the side of his stomach where blood gushed out along with some of his entrails.

It was a miracle that he survived but then again it could have been a curse because after today if he didn't die on the way to the hospital, he would spend the rest of his life there.

The EMTs had gotten him as stable as they could. The problem was that they could barely lift him and they wouldn't be able to get him through the door, hence the saws.

Jerry quickly turned away and cleared his throat. While Mya involuntarily spat some coffee back into her cup.

"Detectives!" A voice called out and a crime scene analyst ran up to the two. He glanced over to Fatty and chuckled, " *haha* Pretty gruesome, huh? But also really interesting. Do you know how much force it would ta-, "

Mya interrupted him, " I'm guessing you had something to show us." The man blinked and then nodded and gestured for them to follow. He then leads them over to a laptop sitting on a table.

"I got the security footage from the incident." He said.

"You couldn't access it at the security office, or show it to us on the third floor, or the second floor, or ANY floor other than here?! " Mya inquired angrily as the noise seemed to increase.

The analyst shrugged and replied, " Well, I could but the gruesome scene behind me wards off any annoying reporters. Also, I didn't feel like going through that madhouse downstairs to get to the security office."

He quickly pulled up the footage and Jerry and Mya bent in closer to get a good look.

The footage showed the men partying and whatnot. Then out of the blue two men brought in a girl who was struggling to get in. Then they throwing the girl onto the couch and duck taping her.

"How much you wanna bet that's the girl who stabbed the guy in the bathroom?" Mya asked.

" She was just trying to defend herself." Jerry murmured.

The tape went and Fatty unzipped his pants and got on top of her. Before he could get started they all turned their attention to the door. One of the men opened the door as Fatty got off the girl.

The girl continued struggling and in walked a man in a black hat walked in.

"Isn't that our suspect?" Jerry asked.

"Yeah. From witness accounts, he was a Caucasian male, approximately six foot four to six-foot-six, red eyes, black hair and wearing a mask." The analyst replied.

The video showed as exchanged a few words and Fatty handed the 'suspect' a card. A few more words were said and Fatty's men pulled out weapons. The 'suspect' threw his hat aside and said a few more words that caused the girl to sit up. Then the screen went black.

"What happened?" Mya asked.

The analyst shook his head and replied, " Don't know, the signal was suddenly jammed. But the witnesses, not including the guy who was knocked out, say that the man walked out of the room with the girl in his arms."

Mya sighed, " *Sigh* So this was for revenge and it looks like the girl knew him."

Jerry sighed as well, "*Sigh* So now we have to find the girl who was almost raped. And probably arrest both her and her savior. Isn't this job great?"

Mya then asked the analyst, " Who were the witnesses?"

"Employees, security guards, and a couple dozen cops who chased him down." He replied.

Mya looked confused and asked, " If there were so many people how did he escape?"

The analyst smiled and said, " Now that my friends, is even more interesting."

He stood up and gestured for them to follow him again. By this time the wall had been sawed down and several people struggled to carry out the large man on the gurney.

The three walked around them, as after what they just saw they had no interest in helping him.

(A Few Minutes Later)

The three arrived at a damaged door that red STAIRS in big red letters.

They walked into the stairwell and the analyst began explaining excitedly.

"Ok so he ran down the hallway and he kicked the door in that led to the stairs. Then, by witness accounts, he jumped over the railing onto the next set of stairs. Keep in mind that the girl is still in his arms.

And he keeps doing this over and over until he reached the second floor, " he walked down the stairs to the second floor and the two reluctantly followed him.

By the time they reached the second floor, Jerry was out of breath but the man and Mya were just fine. Mya looked over to Jerry with a snide smirk but didn't say anything.

Jerry held up his middle finger in silence as well.

The analyst ignored the two silently bickering and continued, " As I was saying, once he reached the second floor. He found himself cornered. Cops were coming from above and below him. So what does he do? He kicks down the door into the second floor."

He pushed in the door and walked into the hallway as he continued, " He then tries run down this hall but more officers came from that direction. So he runs down this hallway right here, " he pointed to the hallway next to him.

"Where he's cornered by even more cops. So he's trapped or that's what one would think. When the officers noticed the girl they lowered their weapons. The suspect took this chance to run back the way he came. Then jump over the swarm of police officers and crash out of the window and lands in the alley below."

Both Mya and Jerry's eyes widened. They were just fish put of water for a few minutes.

Finally, Mya was able to sputter a shocked question, " A-a-are you trying to tell us, that he crashed out of a window!?! Plummeted down a-at least eight meters!?! Only to SURVIVE and ESCAPE with the girl still in his arms!?!"

"Yup! There are even cracks and an impression in the concrete below." He beamed a reply.

The two just blinked for a moment until Mya broke the silence again by saying, " I am going to need so much more coffee."

Jerry replied, " Ditto."