Oh, Hell No

(At A Restaurant)

Noah wore a waiters' uniform that included a white long-sleeved button-up shirt, black slacks, black shoes, an apron that tied around his waist, and his hair was clipped out of his face with a purple hair clip.

Noah was busy rushing about to take orders, bring food, and sometimes even had to make drinks. He had adapted to multitasking a long time ago but this was too much.

He glanced over to the other workers. They simply chitchatted at the bar all the while they helped themselves to free drinks.

Noah decided to try and communicate with them and try to encourage them to help. After almost dropping five very expensive plates.

He walked over to them with his hands clutched in front of him and slight curl in his lips.

"Scuse me, " Noah asked quietly.

They didn't even look at him.

Noah ground his teeth a bit and said a little louder, " Scuse me!"

The coworkers, who were all women, (let's call them B1, B2, and B3) turned to him with an annoyed look on their faces.

"What? Can't you see that we're talking?" B1 says with an annoying nasally voice.

"Yeah! Like, way to be rude!" B3 exclaimed, sounding like a spoiled girl from the Valley.

"Seriously there are people waiting to be served and you're sitting here chatting away! And I'm rude? *pfft* ok then" Noah spat in his heart.

But his face showed the opposite of what he was saying. Still with a gentle glow.

"Um, well it's getting pretty busy. So could you please help me out?" Noah asked sweetly.

When what he really wanted to say was, " Get your asses up and earn your damn paychecks!"

They looked at Noah with scowls and that's when B2 chimed in, " Uh, no! You can do that because it's your job."

Noah felt a vein twinge in his neck. However, he still kept his smile and replied, " But it's also your job isn't it?"

That seemed to be the wrong thing to say as their jaws dropped making them look like fish.

"*Scoff* Are you saying, that because we're women we have to do the cleaning?" B1 scoffed.

"Here we go, " Noah rolled his eyes and said exasperatedly in his head.

"Like, that is SO disrespectful! Because we like, have different parts we're supposed to like run around like mice because women like belong in the kitchen right?" B3 exclaimed.

"Women are not some objects you sexist pig! We have feelings and emotions!

You men are all the same! You like to do gross guy locker room talk, but when girls wanna dish a bit you act like we're being unprofessional.

And then whenever one of us gets attacked you act like we're the ones who wanted it to happen. Just because we're out late at night or showing a little skin.

When really it's all mens' fault. Women are perfect and there's nothing wrong with them. It's just the men that's wrong with this world." B2 rambled.

" How the hell did this go from me wanting to do your jobs to sexual assault and victim shaming?" Nosh asked in his head.

"Preach! And besides, you're a man. You should be able to handle a little extra work. I mean you're small but foisting all your work on women is just wrong.

Be a man already, gosh!" B1 spat.

Noah could barely keep a straight face. He didn't know whether to explode at them for being so dumb and entitled. Or just burst out laughing on how they contradicted their other statements.

"Ok, so I'm sexist because I want you to DO YOUR JOB! But I'm also terrible because I'm a man. But after spewing some random feminist stuff you found online.

You say that you should be treated special and go on to spew some actual sexist garbage saying that I should work harder for no other reason than for being a man.

*Sigh* I feel bad for the actual feminists, whose name you blatantly tarnish. I would bet so much that if I even mentioned Susan B. Anthony, there would just be the chirping of crickets in their brain." Noah groaned in his mind again, feeling his blood pressure rise.

" I think the boss needs to hear about this, " B1 sneered and the rest followed with cocky attitudes and smirks.

Noah clicked his tongue at their sudden arrogance.

And almost right on cue, another server came up to the group and exclaimed, " Hey shorty! Boss wants you in her office!"

The three women smirked haughtily at Noah and waved sassily at him before he turned around and headed to his boss's office.


Noah sat in front of his boss in her medium-sized office. She had an indifferent look on her face as she folded her hands on her desk.

" Noah I've called you here because there is a very important customer here. You are by far the best server here and I want you to obey their every will and command." She said rather bluntly.

"Oh, so now I'm the best server here? Just a few days ago you told me I was unprofessional and by far the worst server here and how beetle could do my job better than me.

Or have you just realized that you hired a shitty staff." Noah scoffed in his head.

This was valid as when Noah's boss arrived she fired all-male personnel using false accusations. Hired some of her friends who as you saw before were dreadful.

This made the other female staff, who were actually really decent, quit as well. This just allowed the boss to hire more of her friends.

She then made a lot of unauthorized modifications to the restaurant. Like turning the male locker room into a break room for her and her friends.

She got away this because she was really close to the owner and since the owner trusted her and the business brought in money she couldn't care less.

But one might wonder why the boss didn't fire Noah. That's because on one of the very rare occasions she was here, the owner had formed a small attachment towards Noah.

As she could notice he worked really hard. Also, she thought he was really adorable.

So when the boss, let's just call her MB, started her tyranny and picking the men off one by one. She knew that the manager would become really suspicious so she decided to just make him want to quit.

But she also undervalued Noah's tenacity. Also, Noah was basically the one who kept the place afloat even though she didn't want to admit it.

Noah rolled his eyes, wanting to cuss her out. But he needed the fat check that came from working with Satan and his minions.

So he parted his lips to reveal his teeth. "Why of course, " he said through his strained jaws.

MB gave him a slip of paper saying the number of the table then a wave of her hand signaling him to go and Noah immediately obeyed. He was tired of staring at her hideous peach-colored lipstick and sloppily applied makeup.


Noah looked at the paper before crumpling the paper and shoving it into his pocket. He put on his best and cheery smile, man was he tired of smiling and walked over to the designated table.

The two sitting at the table seemed to be two women. But their faces were covered by their menus.

Noah approached them and chimed, " Hello how are you to-, " he was cut off by one of them whining.

"*Ugh* Mother that Zoey bitch completely humiliated me! She certainly gained some guts!"

Noah stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the familiar voice. That's when one of the women put down her menu and revealed her face.

It was Melissa Yang. (Zoey's cousin if you don't remember)

"Oh, hell no!" Noah growled in his head and glared at the girl. He knew he actually might end up committing murder in this restaurant.

But he didn't expect it to be so soon, or for it not to be MB.