
Everyone turned to the direction of the voice.

That's when Angela strode in.

Wearing a black dress with transparent sleeves, tights, black heels, and sunglasses. With her hair raised into a ponytail.

She discharged confidence and dominance with every step. A straight back and expressionless face, she was so graceful it was like she floated across the floor.

Everyone inhaled as they immediately recognized her. Their mouths we're seared shut and their throats were hung by an invisible noose ready to cut off their air the moment they made a mistake.

Their own shoes became the most important and most interesting things in the room. So much so that they couldn't take their gaze away from them.

Amanda and MB immediately recognized her as well but Melissa was not so observant. She glared at Angela with a burning fire in her clear blue eyes.

"You bitch who do you think you-, " she began to shriek and jab her finger at Angela but the words stopped flowing once Angela moved away from her and headed straight for Noah.

Angela carefully approached the confused Noah and whispered, " Hey, great acting. But it just so happens these bitches, including your manager piss me off. How bout we get em' back, huh?"

Angela reached out her hand. Noah looked at the snow-white palm for a second.

" I don't even know her why should I even-, " Noah's thinking was cut off.

"Hey! You bitch! How dare you ignore one of the Yang's when they're talking to you!" Melissa yelled.

Noah could feel his blood pressure rise. He rolled his eyes and muttered, " Fuck it."

Before grabbing Angela's hand.

Angela's lips quirked up a bit and mouthed, " Great choice, " before pulling him close.

" You slut! Trying to be his hero! Well too bad you have no chance he's a fucking faggot!" Melissa howled while stomping her foot.

Amanda who had just been watching in terror finally decided to stop her daughter from courting the Grim Reaper.

She grabbed Melissa's arm and gripped it tightly. "Melissa! That's enough! Apologize! NOW!" She hissed.

" What?! But mother, this bitch dared to think bad of our family and insult me! Yet you want me to apologize?! No way in hell!" Melissa retorted.

"Melissa-, " Amanda couldn't even get the chance to respond as Melissa snatched her arm out of her grip.

"You, " Melissa pointed to MB, " I demand you throw them out, THIS INSTANT!"

MB faltered and hiccuped.

"*Ahem*" Angela cleared her throat while hugging Noah's shoulders. MB gasped and quickly went to her knees despite the glass on the floor.

"Miss Wu I am so, so, sorry! I will kick this girl and her mother out immediately!" She whimpered.

Melissa paused for a second and the name Wu echoed throughout her skull. " No, it can't be, " she muttered.

She raised her now unsteady hand and pointed a finger at Angela, " Y-you, you're part of the Wu family?"

Sweats barreled down her pale forehead and her lips trembled.

"Yes, I'm Angela Wu. It hasn't been a pleasure to meet you." Angela said coldly.

Melissa gasped to herself, " *Gasp* She's known as a fearsome ice queen who crushes anyone who annoys her. But how was I supposed to know!?"

Melissa put on a weary smile and tried her best to chime, " Oh! Miss Wu, I'm so sorry. If I had known what you looked like or of your status I would've-."

Angela cut her off like a flaming sword.

"So? Is that supposed to be an excuse?

It seems your family is incompetent when teaching their children, " Amanda bit her lip and her ears turned red.

"Let me make sure you understand, 'little girl', this is the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY!

In this day and age, you are entitled to your opinion and you even may voice it however you may please.

But you, you act like it's somewhere along the Victorian or Medieval times. You casually throw around your family name everywhere and act like a screaming child.

You also act like everybody is beneath you when they're not. Honestly, you are so dense." Angela chastised Melissa.

"B-b-but, " Melissa tried to object.

"Quiet! I shall not tolerate any interruptions!" Angela boomed.

"Miss Wu! This is highly inappropriate! You are only a few years her senior yet you dare to berate her like you are her mother!" Amanda retorted.

Angela turned her head to Amanda, the light glistening ominously off her sunglasses.

"I am not berating her, I am simply showing her the error of her ways. Something you failed to do, and just because I'm only a few years older than her, doesn't mean I can't do as such.

I've had people who are years and years my junior show me the light. So please sit there and be quiet as you've lost your right to speak." Angela's words sewed Amanda's lips shut in disgrace.

Angela turned back to Melissa and continued, " As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted.

Even if I wasn't rich, or came from the Wu family you had no reason to treat me like that.

You especially had no reason to treat little Noah like that. Just because he was gay? You might as well go insult half the people of this city. Though you probably have already. Or asked for another server, or left!

He could have a concussion because of your antics. Poor baby." Angela cooed when she said, poor baby and caressed his cheek gently.

Noah squeaked at this and turned his face down so no one could see his (now) pink cheeks. " I know we're acting but did she really have to call me baby? So embarrassing, kill me now!" He shouted in his head.

Melissa gasped at Angela's informality with Noah. While MB gulped, she had the sneaking suspicion she had screwed up," *Gulp* M-miss could it be you two are acquainted?"

Angela's neck slowly pointed her to the sniveling woman.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about you, " Angela snapped.

"For your information, we have a mutual friend. Along with that my sister has grown fond of him and sings the highest praises of him and her beloved restaurant.

I came here, to see if her praises were going to waste." She pressed her lips together while digging her teeth into the insides of her mouth. "Little did I know that they were being absolutely slaughtered.

As soon as I came here there was no one to seat or greet me. I could see the employees visibly chatting away like I didn't exist.

They were haughty and honestly, excuse my language, bitchy. They didn't seem to do their jobs at all. In fact, "

She looked around and raised her voice, " All of you onlookers, raise your hand if you were waited on by this boy in my arms and no one else!"

Immediately hands went up. When everyone had raised their hands and Angela turned her head back to MB her brows furrowed.

" M-miss I can explain, " MB whimpered.

"Please save it. When my sister hired you it was because you had lost your previous job and you were one of her closest friends in college.

So she trusted you with everything. So when you claimed that there was a scandal between the male coworkers she believed you.

When all the female employees quit and you said you'd find people who were more than qualified she believed you then too.

But that was obviously wrong of her to assume." MB held her head down in shame like a frightened child.

"I shall inform her of what is going on so she can see what other things you've lied about." Angela said coldly.

"Mutual friend!? It must be that Zoey bitch! It has to be! Noah has no other friends! So that bitch has someone backing her now! That's where she suddenly got her courage from!

*Oh ho ho ho* If that's the way you wanna play them so be it! I have other ways of making you suffer!" Melissa sneered to herself.

"And you, " Melissa was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Angela's gaze on her, " I'll be letting your father, and grandparents in on what happened today. Same goes for you." She pointed a quick look at Amanda.

Melissa just shrugged, all she had to do was bat her lashes at all of them and they'd be all over her like a new puppy.

While Amanda gritted her teeth, she wasn't as cute Melissa or highly favored so she wouldn't get off easy. But it wasn't anything she couldn't handle either.

Both seemed to either; forget about the crowd watching or assumed they wouldn't say anything.

However, this seemed to be MB's breaking point as she also collapsed to her knees and wailed, " No, please, it's not true, please! Noah really doesn't do all the work we all share it."

Angela smirked and sneered, " If that's true, " she pulled Noah's apron off his waist and threw it at MB's face, " Then by the time my sister gets here the workload shouldn't be too hard and things should still be running smoothly. Because Noah quits."

Noah flinched at this but decided to keep quiet. Angela noticed this and incorporated it into her act.

"Here now, you don't have to be scared anymore. Big sister will protect you." Angela 'consoled' Noah by rubbing his back.

Noah became so flustered that when Angela pulled him along to leave, he accidentally stumbled, for real this time. "*Ah!* W-wait." Noah sputtered.

"Aw, you want big sister to carry you?" Angela asked with her lips subtly curving into a smirk.

"Wah! I thought we were going embarrass them not me! I'm not baby so stop it!" Noah whined in his head but before he could express his dissatisfaction, Angela picked him up bridal style.

All eyes were now on him, either wide with awe or green with envy, so he instinctively buried his head into her neck to evade the piercing gazes.

Angela couldn't control her lips as they pulled up even higher.

"Just how strong are you?" Noah whimpered into Angela's neck.

"*Ha* I've been trained by some of the strongest people in the world to prevent assassinations. If I couldn't lift a little thing like you I'd be in the family tomb already." Angela muttered as she started to walk away from the drama.

" Ok, but why did you have to treat me like a baby in there! I'm a big boy, not a baby! Oh! Wait I mean, -I, " Noah groaned.

"Cause I wanted to." Angela responded.

At this point, they arrived at Angela's car. It was an expensive-looking black sports car with automatic doors.

Noah gasped as Angela brought him over to the passenger side and the doors suddenly came open. He thought it was haunted at first until Angela explained that was just how the car was made. Making him feel like an idiot.

Somehow it was the first time seeing a car like that, okay!?

She then placed Noah in the passenger seat before quickly walking to the driver's side.

She got in and quickly buckled her seatbelt and looked over to Noah and said, " Buckle up bub."

Noah slightly snickered on the inside but kept up a pouty appearance.

"What's wrong?" Angela sounded concerned but her glasses made it hard to tell. She gently caressed his head, " Does it hurt?"

Noah winced and a tear welled up in his eye. He pushed Angela's hand away, " *A-ah* It's fine. It's just what do I do without that job? I need it! I didn't want to quit! Even if everyone I worked with were all hypocritical bitches!"

Angela listened to pained outcries and just responded, " Buckle up."

Noah blinked and clenched his hands into fists and exclaimed, " Hey you need to answer me first!"

" We'll talk while we drive. Now buckle up, " She demanded.

Noah recoiled a bit, he was so caught up in the moment in the restaurant he hadn't noticed Angela's oppressive air.

He gulped and began to do as he was told. But as he tugged on the belt it didn't budge.

He grunted as the belt remained stationary and made a hollow *thunk* sound as Noah pulled on it.

After a moment of this Angela reached over with a smile and effortlessly pulled it out and buckled him in.

Noah decided at that moment he didn't like Angela.

He had been bullied since middle school but he has never been this humiliated. He peeked over to Angela who wore an expectant smile.

So with puffed up cheeks, he muttered, " Thank you."

"You're welcome, " she beamed.

That's when Angela shifted the car into gear and sped off with a roaring screech and skid marks.

As the two sat in the car, the air flowed like syrup as Angela looked in front of them. While Noah looked down at his twiddling thumbs.

"If you're worried about your job then don't. Like I said my sister likes you and when she finds out what you've been through she might just make you the manager of that place. So chill." Angela finally demolished the silence.

"Kay, " Noah nodded.

The air began to turn thick again before Angela asked, " So why are you working anyways? Your family's like rich. "

Noah stayed silent and bit his lip.

Angela turned her head to him real quick then back to the road.

"Is it family issues? Health? Financial? All of the above? Punishment? " She persisted.

"None of your business, " Noah murmured so quietly Angela could barely pick up a sound wave.

"Say again?"

"It's none of your business, " Noah asserted.

Angela stared at him again before turning it back to the road.

Noah sighed internally thinking that it was over. Until he noticed the scenes out the windows become mere fog.

The revving of the engine sped up his heart rate and Angela turned the corner like a pro-Nascar driver the screeching of the tires startling the pedestrians.

"Hey, have you gone crazy?!" Noah yelled and Angela turned another corner. Slamming Noah into the door.

"L-look, I'm sorry okay? I'll tell you! So, please stop!" Noah yelled and he shut his eyes.

A few minutes passed of more screeching of the tires and being ping-ponged around the car, before he heard a resounding *Scrreeeech* and the brakes hitting so hard that he almost hurt his neck.

Panting and even paler than normal he opened his eyes to see a huge traffic jam in front of him.

He sighed in relief and melted against the cool leather seat.

Then he remembered who terrified him and whipped around to Angela shouted, " What the hell is-, " his words caught in his throat when Angela stared back with an atom numbing atmosphere.

"S-sorry, " an apology suddenly slipped out his lips. Why was he the one apologizing?

She leaned closer to him with one hand firmly clamped on the wheel.

"Look, you either tell me now or I can tell Zoey and she'll lay into your ass for not telling her." She roared.

Noah gulped but choked on his saliva. He took a deep breath to build his courage and told her everything.