
Zoey blinked. And blinked again. Then she pinched her ear to see if it was numb.

She licked her lips and her mouth gaped open. " Excuse me, what?"

"Please kill me."

He stated soullessly again.

Zoey blinked again then she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Why don't you just kill yourself?" She asked.

"Because I'm too scared. Even though I want to do it. I'm still too much of a fucking pussy to slit my wrist if you can believe that."

"Oh, I believe it. But why me? Why not hire a sniper? Or hire a dirty doctor? Why me of all people?"

"You hate me. So you'll give a painful death. I want to feel something before I die. And I trust you can be 'creative'."

Zoey snorted out her nose a bit. To this, you're willing to throw life away? When you can make all the people who've made you suffer, suffer themselves.

Zoey was ready to tell him all this and more.

" I know what you wanna say, save it.

I don't wanna get revenge. I just don't. It's not me, hell I don't even know what's me. But I know revenge isn't.

I'm stupid for throwing my life away right?

What life!? All I have is money. Money that'll just give me fake happiness that'll last until I'm fifty.

I barely have any brains cause I never paid attention in school. I'm only here because my parents made a generous donation.

I'm not strong because I've always hired thugs and bodyguards.

And I look like a rat that was drowned in sour candy.

You see Zoey you not only opened my eyes. You completely cleared them.

I see everything differently. Like when a pretty girl approaches me. She looks nice, conservative, and sweet. But really I notice her look at my watch and my shoes. Then when she recognizes my name she immediately lights up.

Like a disco ball in the seventies.

Then there were my *scoff* friends. Who bullied me through texts and shouted at me from outside. My friend even bragged about fucking a girl I was interested in.

Then they gave this half-ass apology and asked to go out clubbing.

I should have said no, I would have ended up paying anyway. But I said yes.

I don't forgive them, I didn't want to be their friend anymore. But really I just wanted an excuse to drink and do drugs like a maniac without seeming depressed,"

"Says the person who wants me to kill him, " Zoey scoffed.

Marvin ignored her and continued monologuing.

"So I said yes and before I knew it was shot after shot.

Then I snorted line after line.


I was ten kamikazes and five lines in. When I realized that nothing changed. I could still hear, I could still think, I could still feel. But most of all, I could see.

I could still see how shitty everything was around me.

*Hah Haha* You see, Zoey. While you saved me from early destruction. You also screwed me over.

Whenever I was stressed out or dealing with something. I could always count on booze, drugs, and sex.

But I lost all interest in sex. So booze and drugs we're the only ones left.


Do you know what it's like? To be SO numb yet trapped in a constant of pain!

I don't care if it's dumb to throw away my life like this. I just want it to end, but on MY TERMS!

I won't be like a dog, attacked by the enemies I've on Rose's behalf. Or dying of AIDS after being untreated because I'm in prison and somebody's fleshlight. Or being shot to death in a drive-by. Or bleeding out in an alley or club bathroom after being and stabbed.

Instead, I'd rather die by the person who saved me. While also going out actually feeling something real.

It's a win-win, isn't it?

You get rid of me and you get millions. How's that?"

Zoey was silent for a few minutes.

"Can you speak louder? I can't hear anything with that pity dick in your mouth."

She took a step towards him, " You sound like a poor little rich boy. And hey everybody has their own problems, no one is worse than the other.

But you're just giving up after that? Not only that you're trying to put me on a pedestal. You're trying to disassociate from your actions.

Sure you can say, Rose made you do all that stuff. Now, if you do something on my behalf, you can blame me. How pathetic."

"You stole that pity dick line from Deadpool," Marvin mumbled.

She took another step closer, " But honestly? You really are, such a selfish little bitch."

She came closer and grabbed Marvin by the face, " I gave you the chance to clean up your act. I would have helped you stop the people coming after you. I would have helped you get revenge.

But I wouldn't have had you worship me. I would let you figure yourself out.

But the reason I wanted you on my side is because I wanted revenge. So I wanted you in on it.

Yet you turned me down, literally GIVE me your life to do whatever I want with it, and think I'll be okay with that? That pisses me off.

So what if you don't want revenge? I do. And so do many others. "

Marvin was struggling to breathe and clawed at Zoey's hands.

Zoey scoffed and threw him to the floor. She watched him wheeze and writhe around on the floor. She rolled her eyes at this.

"*Scoff* Fine. But now you're going to do whatever I say. Or I'll let you suffer in the life you so hate and let you die like the mutt you are.

Again, don't even think about worshiping me like you did Miss Strawberry hair. I'm gonna drag Rose and all the other little pricks down into the storm drain with Pennywise.

You should take that time to try and smarter up. You might realize what you really have and what you can do.

Then when I'm done with my revenge. I'll kill you. In fact, I'll torture you, ya fuckin masochist. You can change your mind at any time and maybe I'll listen.

You hear me?"

Marvin was still coughing and sputtering in a mess on the floor.

Zoey squatted down to him, her eyes glowing, and growled, " You hear me?"

Marvin kept coughing but he nodded his head as his body jerked from his puffing.


She stood up and walked to the door. She clasped the handle but before she turned it she looked back to Marvin.

"Make sure you get a new phone. I need a way to contact you."

Zoey than swung the door open and slammed it behind her. "Fucking idiot, " she muttered and rushed to a nearby bathroom.

She went into a stall and sat on a toilet with the seat down.

She buried her face into her hands. She felt a tingling burning sensation in her chest.

It was all silent for a moment. You could hear flies humping on the ceiling. Until Zoey started to let out a manic cackle.

It would send tremors down your spine large enough to put you in a wheelchair.

She just needed to laugh. Even though she acted that way with Marvin. She found the tragic little man's monologue hilarious.

It was so foolish that it was amusing. Even when she threatened him by allowing him to live in suffering, she still had to hold back her laughter.

But she couldn't hold it in anymore.

After a few more minutes of nonstop cackling. Zoey wiped a tear from her eye and asked Sky between breaths, " Sky *hoo* transfer all information from *gulp ah* my old phone into my new one.

Also, tell which of the cars in the faculty lot is that bitchy teacher's."

[On it.]

Zoey sighed with honey in her throat and her lips pointed upward. She needed a release like that.

Then she's stood up and fixed herself. She opened the stall door and went to splash some water on her face.

She turned on the sink and scoured any lasting emotions of her face with old water.

She heard the bathroom door open but didn't think much of it. That was until she heard the door lock.

Zoey went a bit into survival mode. She turned off the water and flicked her hands dry.

"I don't know if I can do this."

"*Shh* It's not a big deal just cut her face a little. If she resists kill her."

Two familiar voices whispered harshly. Zoey immediately recognized them as Rose's little cronies.

She turned around to see Cecilia standing to her left with her arms crossed.

And Mona to her right with something behind her back. Most likely a knife.

The two had a look in their eye. Zoey knew that look. Fear that was slowly being drowned by adrenaline. But there was a permanent sense of panic.

Someone about to do their first kill.

"Amateurs. It's kinda cute actually." Zoey said to herself.

"Cecilia, Mona. May I help you?" Zoey whimpered while shivering.

" Yeah, you can hold still bitch."

Cecilia growled and lunged at her. She tried to grab Zoey but Zoey 'clumsily' backed away in 'fear'.

And wouldn't you know it? It seems like Cecilia's heel decided to give up.

It snapped and sent her stumbling. She fell face-first onto the sink, breaking her nose. Before she fell with a thump onto the floor.

Mona gasped while Zoey's stomach went numb from all her pent up laughter.

Mona's eyes went red and she hissed, " Cece! You bitch!"

"I-I'm sorry! It was an accident I swear!" Zoey wept.

Mona didn't listen to her and pulled out the long butchers' from behind her back.

She ran to Zoey and raised the knife to attack her.

Zoey pushed her away. Mona fell to the floor and dropped her knife. Making a loud clatter as it skid against the tile floor.

Zoey lunged forward and grabbed the knife.

She held it with fake quivering hands and manufactured tears.

Mona glared at her and clumsily got up from the floor. She went for Zoey again.

Then it was a blur.

"What? How?"

She was on the sink, being pinned against the mirror. Zoey's arm held its place on her throat while a quaking knife held in Zoey's hand was pointed to her face.

Zoey's crocodile tears cascaded down her cheeks. Mona struggled but her air was being restrained.

She made small gasps, wheezes, and choking sounds.

She scratched and snatched at Zoey's arm. But it was like trying to pry your nails out of iron.

She kicked her legs a bit. But Zoey pressed her arm harder against her throat.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? I never did anything to you. So why?" Zoey sniffled.

Then she gently pressed the knife against Mona's cheek.

With a devastating appearance. Red eyes, tears, a bit of snot, and a lip quiver. She yelled, " TELL ME WHY!?! *SOB*"

"And also tell me why I don't have a fucking Oscar." Zoey said in the back of her mind.

When Zoey opened her mouth, clear lines of salvia appeared like bridges across her gaping lips.

As Zoey made convincing hiccups, she slowly took off some of the pressure on Mona's throat.

Mona then choked out, " *Gasp wheeze gasp* P-pl-please.

*Ack Cough cough* Please don't hurt my baby."