So Many Meanwhiles

(At about 7:30 AM)

Zoey woke up with sun short-circuiting her vision.

" *Gah* "

She held her arm over her face to shield her retinas from any further stimulation and torture.

" Up. "

Zoey squinted and looked towards the window. The sunlight avoided a female figure creating a dominating silhouette.

But Zoey immediately recognized her.

" Why? "

Zoey cried out like a teenager being woken up for school after a long and lazy summer break.

" We have to get to Stone remember? "

" *Ahhhmmmm* "

Zoey did a loud groan that was similar to a sick bear.

" *Shhh* You'll wake him up. "

Zoey raised an eyebrow and that's when she looked down. Curled up against her like a kitten, Noah laid on Zoey's outstretched arm.

Zoey was bitch smacked out of her sleepy trance at that point. She looked over to Angela, who had her arms crossed in front of her chest and an impatient grimace on her face, with a look of pure astonishment.

Her cheeks then formed a triumphant smirk and she mouthed, " I. WON. "

Angela rolled her eyes and mouthed, " Get. Up! "

Zoey nodded and carefully pulled her arm from beneath the fluffy little head.

When Noah stirred, both of them held their breath and didn't move a single atom.

When finally he found himself comfy enough he laid still and his breathing slowed down. He groaned a little bit but, curled back up into a little ball.

Once they were sure he wasn't woken up. Zoey got out of the bed and both she and Angela tip-toed out the room.

They silently closed the door back and Angela spoke in a hushed voice.

" For the record, I got to him first and since we took up the couch you went to the bed. But I guess he woke up and naturally headed for his bed.

So, technically I won! "

She pridefully huffed.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah. "

Zoey snorted back dismissively.

Angela just rolled her eyes and before she could day anything Zoey had strolled over to the living room.

Angela quickly followed after her and asked, " What are you-"

" Cleaning up. I don't want to leave Noah with this whole mess. "

".... Alright, I'll wash the dishes. "

Angela didn't argue with her and immediately started to help.

The two spent the next few minutes the two tidied up Noah's home.

Once they were done, Angela was about to continue talking.

But once she turned around to speak to her, the tall carrot was on her way to the kitchen.

" Now what? "

" I wanna cook him breakfast. "

"... Do an omelet I'll cut up some fruit. "

Again she agreed without any questions.

The two then made a quaint omelet filled with tomatoes, spinach, and cheese. Along with some sliced fruit and a glass of orange juice.

They wrapped the plate in plastic and set it on the counter with the glass next to it.

Zoey wrote a note to Noah and sat in front of the plate.

When Angela finally realized she had her attention she asked, " That it? "

Zoey nodded and Angela didn't hesitate to continue talking.

" Okay, first we're gonna head to my house and take a shower then-"

" Why can't we just shower here? "

" Because we don't have any clothes. "

Angela replied in an aggravated tone.

" Oh, don't we? "

Zoey chimed before going over to Angela and grabbing her hand.

" What the- "

" This might churn your stomach. "

Before she knew it she was transported into a magical space.

It was like being surrounded by the solar system with slight freckles of white in the deep blue, purple, and black interior.

" Woah. "

Was all the stunned woman had to say. She didn't even care about her upset stomach.

" Nice right? It took six years to build it. Add another ten months to correct all the bugs. "

" This is AMAZING! "

" It sure is! If I can install a shower in here it'd be even better. "

[Welcome back Miss Zoey, oh! And hello to you miss Angela. ]

" Who is that? "

" This is Sky! My system and A.I! Ain't he cute!? I was still a ways away from making even a holographic projection of him, now look! "

Zoey reached out and pinched Sky's cheek.

" See he's even squishy! This saved me a lot of time! I might even be able to create something on the outside to which he can transfer his conscious too! "

A smile delicately painted itself on Angela's lips. Zoey was like a kid showing off a new toy or a good grade.

Her sparkling and adorable eyes melted Angela's heart.

' How cute. '

Angela chuckled to herself.

[Miss Zoey didn't you come here for something? ]

Sky however wasn't too fond of having his face being pulled on.

" Ah! Yeah! Sorry bunny. "

Sky turned red at the new nickname and to hide his cherry face, he brought out hundreds of clothes and had them surround the two.

Angela marveled at the sight and would have gazed longer if not for Zoey smacking her lightly on the back.

" Yeah, I wish I could let you marvel at my fucking awesome genius but we gotta go. So hurry and pick something."

" Why what's up? "

" While you were falling in love with my gorgeous brain I had Sky check on Stone and... we better hurry before he dies. "

" Yeesh, okay, is it really that bad? "

" It's gonna be if we don't hurry up and go. "

" Wha-"

" I would either break the sound barrier with super speed or teleport there but you said no powers. So we're gonna go by car and it'll take a few hours. "

" Hours!? Wait, YOU CAN TELEPORT!? "

" Yes I can also turn my hands into incredibly sharp claws and see through walls. But now is not the time, we can talk in the car. Move, move, MOVE! "

The two hurried to pick out some clothes and bid their farewells to Sky before they plopped back into the living room.

They quickly showered and got dressed.

Angela wore a black long-sleeved dress that was slightly large for her. It had a triangle shape cut out on the back and Zoey added a belt so it would hold on to her waist.

Paired with her heels and her hair in a ponytail she looked great.

While Zoey just smacked on a white t-shirt with 'My eyes are up here☝︎︎', on the front with them mostly tucked into some jean shorts. Along with some white sneakers, her hair down, and a necklace with the peace symbol that reached her stomach.

" Come on already! "

Zoey whined.

" Why do you even need to dress up so much!? We're going to an abandoned factory with a psycho!"

" It's for me, not for anybody else. I just like the feeling. "

" Well, can we like the feeling of the car!? "

" You know you can go and start it up and pull it up to the building."

" I don't have my license and I don't know how to drive regular vehicles. "

" Wait what!? What does that mean? "

" See you downstairs. "

" Wait, hey! Zoey what does that mean? Zoey? What did you drive before?! Hey, get back here! "

Angela finished getting dressed and rushed out the door after quickly locking it.

" Catch me if you can old lady! *hahaha* "

Zoey cackled like a maniac as she ran down the steps of the building.

" What you call me!? Oh, that's it get back here Blossom! "

Thankfully Angela mastered the art of running in heels.

" I said you had to catch Buttercup *haha* "

Angela ended chasing Zoey all the way to the car and the two continued their playful repartee. Soon they took off with a screech heading to Zoey's lab.

(Meanwhile On A Sidewalk)

Chloe Yang hobbled down an empty sidewalk with her hands filled with heavy grocery bags.

She let out a depressed sigh and her already puffy and dark eyes seemed like olives that were dipped in melted licorice and then swollen until they were near bursting.

She had worked later than she was supposed to since they were understaffed. She could have refused but she needed more money and she didn't want to risk being fired.

At least one good thing was that she was able to afford more groceries.

They were heavy but she thought she would be able to handle it.


She 'thought'.

But now her vision was slowly starting to blur.

Her feet we unsteady and it was just a matter of time before she-,

" Ah! "


Chloe closed her eyes and braced for impact but, it never came.

Something or rather, someone was holding her.

So slowly, she pulled her eyes open.

She saw that she was being held by large and powerful arms.

" That was close. "

Chloe whipped her head to the right to see a slightly familiar face with sunglasses and a bald head.

' He trimmed his beard. ' Chloe said to herself.

She was then put firmly back on to her feet all the while she stared at the silver fox, or more appropriately silver bear. Dressed in a casual t-shirt and jeans.

Chloe continued to gawk at him with her mouth a little agape.

" It's nice to see you again. "

Hans chuckled with a gleaming smile.

Chloe just stared with no response.

" You don't remember me. "

Hans's voice still sounded like a chuckle and he still held a slight smile as he slipped his hands into his pockets seeming sheepish.

" Oh, no, no, no! I do! You're from the hospital! You work for Miss Angela! Um, your name is... um... uh... "

" Hans. "

Hans finished her sentence with another slight laugh.

' She remembers me. ' Hans relished in his thoughts.

" I'm sorry. " Chloe apologized with her ears heating up.

" No, no. It's alright, really. "

Chloe felt sincere comfort with his words said in his deep sultry voice.

" Oh! Here let me help you with these. "

Hans grabbed some of the bags from her hands.

" Wait! I couldn't possibly-"

" Nonsense, my mother always taught me to offer help to those in need.

And... I mean no offense to you when I say this... you look half dead. "

Chloe let out quite the ungraceful snort at Hans's soft testing with a soft pink now dusting her cheek.

' Cute. Wait, no, no, no! Don't think like that! '

Hans screamed at himself.

" As long as it's not too much trouble. "

Chloe said softly and she released the bags to Hans's hands.

As the two began to walk Chloe uttered, " Thank you very much. "

Hans looked down at her now fully red ears.

" You're quite welcome, " he muttered back.

(A Few Minutes Later)

" *Ahahaha* That sounds so cute. "

Hans laughed loudly after hearing an embarrassing story about Zoey when she was little.

" I know it was, -oh! I'm sorry! I've only been talking about my kids. Motherhood takes its toll like that I guess. I apologize for being so selfish. "

Chloe bashfully scratched her cheek.

" Oh, it's alright... you and your husband must be quite happy. "

Hans unconsciously clenched the bags in his hands.

Chloe didn't notice this as her face darkened.

" My husband... is no longer... is no longer involved in our lives. "

" I-I'm sorry! "

Hans felt a small mixture of excitement and guilt stir within.

Chloe closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

" It's alright it's in the past. "



The silence between them could just be lightly tossed at you and you could end up with a concussion or a coma.

You would live, but you would not live well.

" My... father was di-, a jerk. He wreaked havoc on my mother's mental state. She tried to be strong and uttered exactly the same words as you.

And she ended up in a mental hospital due to a nervous breakdown. And she's still being treated. "

Chloe just stared at him.

" W-what I mean is, a lot of people put up screens for the people they love so they won't worry. But they end up just putting a cork in to hold back their feelings. Then at one point they just, EXPLODE.

It's not really healthy. And sometimes people have a better time when they have someone to open up to.

Like a therapist! They can be someone to rant to and give sound advice!

But they can also be expensive.

And some people have a better time just ranting to a random stranger who they have no feelings towards.

And... well, you, unfortunately, you don't love me-. I mean not unfortunate!

I would hate your love!

I mean, I wouldn't hate it! I would absolutely love it! Oh!

I just-, I just mean, if you want to, I always have an ear open if you need a verbal punching bag. "

Hans's stuttering made him more... cuter in Chloe's eyes.

But she just stared at him as they walked.

Hans licked his lips feeling awkward.

" Or not. Forget I said anything. "

Chloe stopped staring at him and started at the sidewalk ahead of them.

The two were once again back in uneasy silence.


" It was a political marriage. "

Chole spoke up.

" Huh? "

" My ex-husband and I. It was a political and arranged marriage. "

" They still do those?"

Hans inquired with an eyebrow raised and shocked look.

" *Heh* Yup, my parents were quite the goal-oriented people. Business always came first over everything. So when they had the opportunity to build it they took it. Even if it meant marrying me off to a stranger.

Hey, even their marriage was arranged. "

" Hmm, that must have been hard on you. "

" Uh, actually, no.

To be honest, I was never really, TRULY, interested in anything other than books and documentaries.

Other kids always yelled they were going to be an astronaut or a police officer or a CEO but... I never thought like that.

I was really easygoing and I not only did I not have passion, but I also didn't really care about anybody or anything. I would never argue or throw a fit.

I just accepted most things.

So when my parents told me to marry Donny I didn't argue.

As long as I could still read my books and watch my documentaries, I was good. "

" So you were just an easy-going person, nothing really bothered you. "

" Exactly.

Though I did get a little peeved when he cheated.

I mean is it really so hard to keep your penis in your pants! "

Hans quietly cleared his throat when Chloe said penis.

" But I was glad he was taking his carnal appetite out on someone else. Since he was really, I mean REALLY bad at sex. "

Hand silently cleared his throat again.

" But when I got pregnant with Zack and Zoey.

Things changed. "

" How so? "

" At first I was very indifferent about the whole thing.

But as my belly grew bigger, I started to feel more.

And when they were born... I felt it.

I felt LOVE. The desire to protect, to hold, to comfort.

Those were my beautiful babies and I would do anything for you."

Hans felt a slight harness in his chest.

" You're a wonderful mom. "

" How do you know? We're strangers after all."

" I just feel it. "

" Well, lately I haven't been feeling that way. "

"... Well, I-"

" Ah! "

" What is it? "

" We're here. "

Hans looked at the rundown hovel they stood next to.

" This is your home? "

" Yeah. Thank you for your help. "

Chloe held her hand out to receive the groceries from Hans.

Hans was about to hand over the bags but he paused.

" Are you sure you can carry these? Because I can-"

" No really it's alright. "

Chloe insisted and took the bags from Hans.

" Thanks again. "

Chloe started to trudge back to her house but she turned back again, " I hope... I hope we get to see each other again. "

She gave a smile before walking back to her house and closing the door.

' We will, ' Hans said to himself.

(Flashback To Last Night)

#Hans: Young miss? Is everything alright?#

#Angela: Yea, yeah.#

#Hans: Young miss are you perhaps intoxicated? #

#Angela: Nah! I'm sleep man!#

#Hans: Oh. Then what did you need?#

#Angela: Mmm. You member Zoey's family?#

#Hans: Yes. Chole Yang and Zack-#

#Angela: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put a 'tective tail on em'. #

#Hans: Tective tail? You mean a protective detail?#

#Angela: Yea. Yeah, whatevs. Just do it.#

#Hans: Understood, have a nice sleep young miss.#

#Angela: Kay, night.#


(Flashback Over)

' We will meet again Chloe. Because I am now your bodyguard. '

Hans asserted in his head and walked away from the run-down house.

(Meanwhile At A Restaurant)

MB (Noah's former boss) stared at the empty table and chairs of the place.

She looked like an utter disaster.

Makeup starting to smear, hair tied up in an unstable bun, her sleeves rolled up, and hobbling on her heels.

When Noah left yesterday there was also no one to do everything that needed to be done.

Her other 'employees' usually clocked in the afternoon or whenever they wanted.

While Noah was there at five every morning to prep and get the restaurant ready for opening.

Since no one arrived and wouldn't answer her calls, she had to everything herself.

When she finally got everything done and opened up an hour ago.

No one was there.

Wondering if her hard work went to waste she plopped down onto a chair.

She buried her face into her hands until her phone buzzed.

She received two texts, one was from Angela's sister, the owner of said restaurant. Explaining that thanks to Angela she would come to visit in a week to see how things were running.

And the other was from one of her 'employees'.

Apparently, someone spread the word of what happened yesterday and even took video. So now everyone who worked at the restaurant was coming under heavy fire.

And people were practically screaming not to eat there.

Which is why it was empty.

And it was at this point, that MB knew she had fucked up.

So she collapsed to her knees and began to sob uncontrollably.

(Meanwhile At The Lu Household)

Cody was slowly lead by a maid to the kitchen for his breakfast.

He was dressed in ducky pajamas that were a size too big and each strand of his hair had its own agenda.

The boy's eyes were half-closed as his head bobbed from side to side.

He had stayed up late again last night he had been blowing through every article he could find about brain holes.

Which started to affect his sleep schedule.

" Young master we're almost there. "

The maid tried to soothe the grumpy child.

Isaac constantly reminded Cody to get to sleep because no matter what he would have to eat breakfast in the morning and get ready for the day.

But it was the weekend so he could just eat and go back to sleep.

It took a while but the little sloth finally made it to the table. He climbed onto a chair and immediately a napkin was stuffed into his shirt and a plate of eggs and toast was placed in front of him.

Either forgetting or just being to being too tired to care about his etiquette he began to stuff the food into his mouth.

Transforming himself from a sloth into a little chipmunk.

After he finished eating he was handed a glass of milk and grasping it with his small hands he began to gulp it down.

Finding himself to be more awake, Cody noticed the absence of a certain person who always dined with him.

Putting his glass onto the table and letting out a small hiccup Cody looked up at the maid who had escorted him.

She was also trying to resist the urge to giggle at Cody's milk mustache.

" Where's dad? "

Snapping out of her trance the maid explained, " Oh he had an early morning meeting with someone. "

" Oh who? "

Cody asked as he started to drink his milk again.

" Alex Rong. "


Cody sputtered and chocked on his milk in surprise.

" Young master!? "

The maid leaned down and started to pat the child's back.

' Why would he have a meeting with my sister's husband!? '

" Young master, are you alright? Deep breaths. "

" *Gasp cough* Where... "

" Pardon? "

" Where is the meeting being held? "

" In his office? But he said not to be-"

" Thank you. "

Cody immediately slid out his chair and started to rush towards his father's office.

' You idiot! What are you doing now!? '

He screamed in his head.

Once he arrived at the familiar oak doors he grabbed the handles and pushed all his weight into flinging the doors open.

Once they were open, he saw Isaac sitting behind his desk and Alex sitting in a chair in front of the desk with his legs crossed.

Alex mesmerizing Cody for a second with his mature and elegant gray suit.

Both turned to see who so rudely burst in.

" Son? "

Isaac called out with wide eyes and Alex just stared with an ever so icy expression. But this time his eyebrow quirked up a bit.

Cody ignored Alex's stare and stormed over to his father. Without saying a word he climbed into Issac's lap with his face flushed and breath ragged from running.

" Son? What's wrong? "

" I just... wanted... to be with you. "

Cody's statement had quite the length of pauses due to his sped up breath. And he was too weak to put any emotion into his words so it came out quite monotonous.

" What's this meeting about? "

He asked looking up at Isaac.

" That's what I was wondering. "

Alex scoffed disdainfully whilst leaning into his palm.

" Oh! It seems there's been a slight miscommunication. This isn't a meeting, we'll it is of sorts. "

" Hm? "

Alex let out an irritated hum.

" Well, I bumped into your wife recently. "

" Oh? "

Alex's aura turned even darker.

Pretending that he didn't notice Isaac continued.

" Yes. In fact, she saved my son's life, "

' You idiot! Didn't you hear me when I said don't get involved!?' Cody facepalmed so hard on the inside he almost got a nosebleed on the outside.

" Oh? "

Alex only grew darker.

" Yes, and they have both grown quite close. Isn't that right? "

Cody gave a nod while trying to restrain the urge to strangle his dad.

" Really? "

" Yes and seeing as we both have had a little feud of sorts. I decided to be the bigger man and throw in the towel.

We wouldn't want our differences to harm the people we love now, would we? "

Alex didn't say anything and just full-on glared at Isaac.

" So as a peace offering, I want to give you this. "

He maneuvered Cody in his lap a little and took envelopes out of the desk drawer in front of him. One gold and one silver

He slid the forward on the desk and Alex stared questionably at the two glittery pieces of stationary before snatching them off the desk.

" The silver one is for you. "

Alex glanced at him with piercing eyes and peeled off the silver wax seal on the front.

He pulled out the equally glittery piece of paper and promptly scanned it with his eyes.

When he was done he looked back up at the smiling Isaac and said quite disrespectfully.

" An invitation to your family's gala? "

" Yes, it's one of the biggest events of the year. And I've heard that Miss Zoey, oh, I mean Mrs. Rong, has never been to a big social event.

I thought this would make a fitting gift along with mending our broken bridges.

Especially after Zoe-, I mean your wife's 'accident'. I thought it would be perfect.

You must have been so upset when she 'accidentally' fell down those stairs. "

Alex gave a small smile.

" You know, since we're 'friends' now. How about I tell you an irrelevant rule of mine?

I never cry over whores. Now you know something about me. "

' Irrelevant my cute butt! '

Cody snapped to himself but he found this man to be unbearable so keeping it to himself just flew out the window.

" So you didn't cry at your mother's funeral? "

Cody suddenly spat.

Isaac held back the urge to proudly pat his boy on the back.

" My mother's not dead son. "

" Sorry, fortunately, I'm not your son. And does that mean your father wasn't kissing her corpse after he admitted to being involved with that prostitute with AIDS? "

Cody chirped so sweetly and even added an innocent head tilt while he was talking. So he looked like an innocent little bunny.

A bunny that spat pure acid with every word.

" Hmm. Charming. Well, this has been fun but I need to be going. "

" Oh of course. I hope that Zoe-, Mrs. Rong will be able to visit soon and I hope you'll both attend the gala. "

Alex stood up and adjusted his suit.

" We'll see how it works put with our schedule. "

" Hopefully it does. I already sent an email to your family inviting them to the gala as well and I know they'd love to have you and Zoey there.

I also sent them an email about your wife's heroism and my son's attachment to her. So hopefully you can cut out some time. "

Isaac kept his smiley facade and Cody facepalmed multiple times in his head.

Alex glowered for a second before turning back into an ice sculpture.

" Hopefully. "

He repeated one of Isaac's words back to him and stomped out.

You could hear the crackle of the icicles forming under his feet as he walked.

Once he was good ways away he took out his phone and began to text furiously.

' Damn woman, how dare you embarrass me like this? I don't what you're scheming but I shall not play a role in it! You shall you vile snake!'

While back in Isaac's office. Isaac came under the barrage of Cody's tiny fists.

" You idiot! I told you, don't offer her help unless she asks for it! You could have screwed up her plans! And why would you tell so many people!? Have you lost your mind!?

Do you have dementia!?

Have you gone deaf!?

Answer me! "


Cody, you're missing the point.

Zoey's gonna come visit us! Aren't you happy? "

Cody just gaped at him in disbelief.

' Oh, please God don't let him have truly fallen to this level. Please let his brain hole have not grown to this size. '

" And now, we can be 'friends' with Alex. And he and I can 'talk' more."

Isaac grew an evil smile on his face.

' Well, at least he's not that dumb. He's still dumb though. '

Cody sighed in his head partly because he was irked, partly because he was still sleepy, and partly in relief that his father's brain cells only lessened a tad.

' Now I have to message her again. She's not gonna be happy. '

Cody just shuddered at the thought of his sister hearing what happened.

" Aw, don't worry bud. I won't let him hurt you or Zoey. "

Isaac hugged Cody closer and patted his back.

Cody rolled his eyes and scoffed, ' Idiot. '

But still allowed his father to hug him. Which was a mistake because he ended falling back asleep in the warm embrace.

(Meanwhile At A Mental Hospital)

Annie sat in a chair with saliva sliding out of her mouth. Her eyes were lifeless and though she was awake she didn't look alive.

She had been so doped up she couldn't even speak.

And she was locked in a secluded ward by herself with only a bed, a large window, a table, and a bookshelf.

Outside the door, the original body's father, Thomas Tan, peered in while wobbling on his cane.

He recently had a stroke which affected his ability to walk.

" What happened? "

" Well, it seems your daughter suffered some sort of brain-damage. Or possibly it could all be a mental problem. We'll have to keep her under evaluation for a few months. "

" Then what? "

" If the symptoms persist then we could keep her here or you could keep her at home. Whatever you want to do. But if we can't find a cause be aware she might not recuperate for years maybe never. "

" Yes, thank you, doctor. "

Thomas bid the doctor farewell and looked back to Annie/ Mia sitting in the locked room.

" Oh honey, don't worry. She'll get better, I know it. "

Thomas's wife, Coraline comforted him.

" Thank you, dear. Alas, this girl is always causing trouble. Excuse me will you dear? I should call her mother. "

" Of course honey. I'll wait right here. "

Thomas limped off to make his phone call in private and once she was alone she glared at the girl through the glass.

' Little brat! How is this possible!? She should've died! '

Coraline bit her lip as she raged in her brain.

" Do you think she's faking it? "

Coraline jumped a bit as her daughter, Alexis Tan, appeared behind her with a pissed off expression similar to hers.

" Ah! Don't scare me like that! I'm not getting any younger! "

" Mom! Seriously! Do you think she's faking?"

Alexis scoffed and spoke quite rudely. She crossed her arms in a huff and widened her eyes for an answer.

Coraline sighed.

" *Sigh* I don't know, alright!? I don't! "

" So what do we do? "

Alexis asked with her mouth involuntarily gaping between sentences.

" We won't take our eyes off her for a second and if it turns out to be true.

Then we can take her out more easily. But it's imperative to have patience, do you hear me, young lady? "

" Fine-AH! "

Alexis dramatically agreed and stared at her half-sister through the window as well.

" Some things are worth waiting for after all. "

She sneered with her mother and both made unnerving snickers.

(An Hour Later At Noah's Home)

Noah was rudely pulled out of his sleep by someone knocking loudly out the door.

Lugging himself out of bed and dragging himself to the door, he undid a few of the locks so the door would open just a crack.

" Yes? "

" Maintenance. "

" What? I didn't call for maintenance. "

" We know, landlord scheduled mandatory maintenance. "

" What? Why didn't I hear anything about this? "

" I dunno, look man we're just trying to do our job. "

" Okay, I guess I can get some free time in before work. But I gotta get ready so I might be a bit. "

" Eh, take your time. The more hours we wait the more we get paid. So please, take your time. "

" Alright thanks. "

Noah closed the door and immediately strolled to the kitchen.

He was about to make coffee when he spotted the beautiful plastic-wrapped sustenance on the counter.

He walked over to it and grabbed the piece of paper propped up against it. On it, it read.

' Hey bodypillow! We had to head out! Girl stuff, this and that. We made you breakfast, make sure to eat it don't just fill up on coffee!

Have a great day at work! ♡︎♡︎♡︎

XOXO Zoey and Ange! '

Noah laughed through his nose a bit and began to take the plastic off the plate. Oblivious to exchange going outside his door.

The man who passed himself off as a regular hard-working man had a face set in stone as he talked on the phone.

#Tommy: Has he gone yet? #

#Bodyguard in disguise: No young master Xan. #

#Tommy: Alright, let me know when he does.#

#Bodyguard in disguise: Understood, um, young master?#

#Tommy: Yes? #

#Bodyguard in disguise: Is this boy a threat to you or any of your family? If so you don't have to go as far to install cameras in his apartment. We can just-#

#Tommy: No! I-, I have my reasons! Just do as I say! #

#Bodyguard in disguise: Yes sir. #

The bodyguard gave up immediately and decided to obey his employer's orders.

(Twenty-Five Minutes Later)

Noah came out in a plain white t-shirt, black jeans, a jacket, and some black non-slip boots.

" Sorry for making you wait, uh, so have at it."

" Thanks we'll be done in an hour or two. "

" Alright, you have a good one."

" Yeah, you too. "

Once Noah was out of earshot the bodyguard in disguise quickly dialed a number on his phone.

" Sir, he has left. "

(On A Subway A Few Minutes Later)

Noah stood in a crowded train car holding onto a pole in the car while typing mindlessly away on his phone.

While Tommy stood just behind him in a mask and cap.

He wasn't trying to stalk him, but he was famous and he'd hate for this crowded train to go ballistic with fangirl and fanboy screams.

So hence the disguise.

And being just a 'hit and quit it' type of guy and not really giving a thought to any romantic relationships.

So when he fell hard for Noah, he didn't know what to do.

He immediately studied up on him and the more he found out about Noah the more he wanted to talk with him and ask him out.

But he was nervous and though he would rather kiss Angela than admit it, he had become a stalker.

' Damn! Why're there so many or on this damn train!? I thought this would be a nice secluded place to talk but instead, I can taste everyone's b.o. I just want to talk to him. "

As Tommy gazed at Noah from afar as he wished he choose a more discreet profession.


' What the hell!? '

Tommy felt his rage grow as he saw an older man shuffle forward and his arm move ever so slightly near Noah's bottom area.

' Pervert! I'll kill him! '

Tommy then began to push through the sea of people not caring that his mask had been pulled off and was now dangling from one ear. While his cap had fallen off his head.

He was just seconds away from snapping the old man I'm half when Noah boomed.

" Oh my God stop touching me! "

The train car turned to tiny lime and the old man.

" Wh-what!? "

The old man exclaimed in panic.

" Oh! So it was you! "

" N-no. "

" Sorry pal, you just gave your self up. Maybe when I shout stop touching me, you stop touching me instead of stammering like a bitch. "

" This-, this is-, a set up. "

" A setup? A SETUP!? How many times has that worked ya creep! "

" Y-young lady please, how much do you want, and could you please lower your voice?"



Light laughter came from the car and the old man looked terrified.


Several disgusted words and looks were directed to the old man. He started to look around for any way to get out of this.

That's when his eyes laid on Tommy whose eyes were filled with awe at Noah's assertiveness.

He found the perfect escape route.

" Oh my lord it's Tommy Xan the actor! "

" What?! "

" Tommy Xan? Where!? "

" Oh my gosh it is him! "

" *Ahhh* Tommy! "

" Tommy! I love you! "

" *Inhuman screeching* TOMMY LET GIVE BIRTH TO YOUR BABY! "

" *SCREECH* Tommy be my waifu! "

Tommy's ears almost burst due to the fan shrieking and soon he was getting pulled heavily from all around.

First, his cap was snatched up, then his mask, then he felt someone start to lick and suck on his fingers.

Eventually, the train came to stop but no one gave a damn and we're trying to get a piece of the star.

Tommy tried to look around with his limited vision and he watched as the green-haired human exited the train.

" No...ah"

He tried his best to reach for the short boy but it was to no avail.

Tommy watched as he walked away and disappeared from his sight.

' I won't give up! I'll ask you out one day! I swear! Ow! Not the hair! '

Tommy swore to himself as he held back tears that formed from the hair-pulling.

'Noah Su I'll say I like you! I swear! '

Slowly Tommy was consumed by the hungry mob.

" I got his shirt! I'm gonna lick his abs! "

A deranged fan screamed.

(Two Hours Later Back In Angela's Car)

" So how does teleportation work again? "

For the past two hours, Angela grilled Zoey about everything!

" It's basically breaking myself down into the tiny, tiny, pieces and transporting those pieces somewhere else. "

" That is so cool. "

" Yeah, but it was a pain the ass to master. I have to keep focus and keep every atom together as I materialize and dematerialize or things go... missing. "

" Missing like what? "

" Uh, I once went from a D cup to a B. I showed up with missing toes, fingers, kidneys. "

" How'd you know you were missing a kidney? Did it hurt? "

" It does hurt but for some reason, there's no blood. "

" No blood? What does it look like then? "

" I'd have to show you as it's indescribable. And I love you, but I ain't going through that shit. "

" *Pfft* Alright. So do you have any more drawbacks to your abilities? "

" They're rare but a few examples. Telepathy can give migraines, turning my hands into claws can lead to my hands being numb for days. "

" Yeesh tough break. "

Zoey shrugged.

" Okay, what about your pain tolerance? "

" Oh that was awesome! Get this, I can bite into a fudgesicle and not feel a thing! "

" *Tsk* Damn! Now I want superpowers! "

Zoey made a loud snort.

" Ok, enough about superpowers. Question about Daniel. "

" Yeah? "

" Why did you HAVE to go see him? "

" Hello? Stalker male lead? If I didn't show he'd probably show up somewhere and force me to talk to him. He has tons of power and money! Not to mention I can't keep tracking him and ALL his men twenty-four seven. Sky and I have our limits.

I could turn my back for one second and you, Noah, and my new family are blown to smithereens! "

" Alright, that sounds fair. Cool down. Next question, did you really have to act like such a doormat at school? "

" Maybe, maybe not. It's just to be safe. "

" Be safe from what? "

" *Ugh* I'm tired of saying this!

What I'm trying to avoid most is being noticed! I don't want any more trouble to come up in the middle of the road.

Guess what I also inherited from my past life paranoia and being super cautious... at times.

I don't want people out to destroy me.

Like that teacher could hold a grudge and could try their hardest to get me expelled. Or maybe they go after Noah!

Or I could fight back but ultimately lose against Cecilia and Mona. Which worked out great by the way.

They could send feedback to Rose and try to go after me or Noah again. They could start trying to get me expelled as well. They could make life on the outside even more troublesome!

Or, *eesh* some boy in the school or outside could see the change in me in some way and could think.

' Hmmm, interesting.' "

" Oh no! Ew! That gross cliche! *Ugh* "

" Yeah! I know it might not be the best way to avoid but it's not wrong either. It's my way! My way!"

" *Haha* Okay. I don't really accept it but hey you do you. "

" Damn right. Next question, puh-lease! "

" Uh, oh yeah! At the club where you saved Katherine couldn't you have just shot them all. "

" Not enough of two things, fun and punishment. "

" Fair enough. Oh, and what the heck are you waiting for with that money? Why don't you use it!? And what the heck kind of house are you buying!? I don't even think one like that is expensive! "

" A smart house with all homemade electronic installments and security system. And customized and perfected the hell out of by yours truly. "

" Okay. "

" And I plan to use the money to build up a business and make even more money. Why don't think I bought my current lab? "

" Oh, what's gonna be your product? "

" Mostly, cosmetics, poisons, contraceptions, pesticides, car fuel, weed killers, maybe smart clothes, you know. "

" What? But what about like high tech gadgets and weapons and medicine? And what are smart clothes? "

" Clothes that can change accordingly to your size and change color. But I don't want everything to be like in sci-fi movies where everyone wears skin-tight clothes all the same color. *ughk*

And no, I learned my lesson in my last life. You see I made some... let's just call it stuff that was good. And it helped me a lot and some people found out about it and started trying to get me.

Get me to work for them, build for them, you know.

Somehow in some way, if I made something high tech. Nearly every time someone would find out and try to get their hands on said invention or me.

It's troublesome. Plus I'm not trying to usher in a new technology era. Maybe I'll make smart clothes or maybe a holographic pen.

But making and building these things takes time even with machine labor and lots of money. Especially to make sure no mistakes are made in the process.

A holo-pen would cost almost three hundred thousand to make.

Smart clothes? Five hundred thousand for a shirt, at least!

So, no go.

I'm gonna stick with the things I listed. Because once people find out how well my products work compared to other brands they'll fly off the shelves.

Plus I'll be making the world a better place since I tested all my product's formulas and they have 0.01% of killing plants, bees, humans or having any adverse side effects.

I also have plans in place so if anyone tries to lie about my product I can shut them down like that.

Then when my competitors start to lose hope, I offer them the formulas in exchange for VERY high prices. Which I'll probably invest real estate."

" I guess that's pretty smart. Wait did you say poisons? "

" Maybe. "

" No! No poisons!... Try aphrodisiacs. "

" Kay. "

" But seriously, what about medicine? Think about the benefits you'll give the world! "

" It's in the works. But it's hard. I made it so that the stuff won't kill you but it's not that effective.

I am a fucking genius! But I am also a fucking idiot.

I am still years away from creating medicines that have a good probability of working.

But the way they are now? You'd be better off using healing crystals. "

" That bad huh? "

" Well, there is one thing. "

" What? "

" Nanobots. "

" Like microscopic robots? I was hoping you would say that! "

" Yeah, I've got a few thousand made. I created them to help cancer patients fight against abnormal cells. "

" Really? Have you tested them? "

" Not yet. I just keep on tweaking them and making them better so when I do test them, they can actually save somebody.

So I don't feel like a failure. "

" Zo, you're not a failure. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work and you can make it better for the next time. And once you do, you'll give people on the brink of death a second chance at life.

Don't sell yourself-"

" Short. Thanks, love you. We're here, turn right. "

Zoey finished Angela's sentence and pointed to a dirt path surrounded by some trees.

" But isn't that-"

" Hurry turn now you're gonna miss it! "

Angela hugged and jerked the wheel to the right.

With a loud screech, the car turned down the bumpy dirt road.

" Th-th-this car-r-r is not-"

Angela tried to explain but the jiggling car also made her jiggle her words.

" Almost there! Keep following the path! "

Zoey exclaimed excitedly. She liked the bumping of the car, it was like a rollercoaster.

Finally, after having her butt rattled apart and the constant turning of the steering wheel, Angela pulled up to the haunted-looking building.

" We're here! " Zoey yelled as she got out of the car.

" We are? "

Angela's response came out meaner than she intended and Zoey turned around to stare at her.

" I mean we are! Yes! We certainly are."

Angela trailed off at her last sentence.

" It looks better on the inside. " Zoey chimed as she skipped to the entrance.

Angela followed along with a face scrunched skepticism.

" Yeah, I sure it-. I'm sorry, but Zoey there is no way in he-"

Angela was cut off by Zoey pulling up the door to reveal an interior so clean that it looked it was covered in chrome.

" You were saying potty mouth? "

Zoey sneered.

" This... is.... remarkable! "

" I know. Now get in! "

Angela quickly hurried under the door into the lab and stared about like a loon.

She didn't even jump at the alarming sound of Zoey slamming the door shut.

" You... need to teach my maids a thing or two about cleaning. "

" Sure. As long as you have enough speed. And I mean drug speed, not physical speed. "

" *Pfft* "

" And don't think I didn't hear you about to swear. "

" Uh-huh. So where's Stone? "

Zoey's eyes ballooned out of her head.

" Oh shit! Right! Follow me! "

Zoey raced up the stairs and Angela simply obeyed and stamped up the stairs with Zoey.

Once they arrived at the top Angela was hit with a foul but familiar odor.

" Is that? "

" Yeah, the drugs and his mental state must have made him piss himself. "

" What was in the shot you gave him? "

" Homemade drugs and poisons. "

Zoey answered while taking Stone down and starting her friend dead in the eye. Her face was also eerily blank.

".... Yeah, I'd go with making aphrodisiacs. " Angela advised.

" Got it. "

* Clatter jangle thud*

Zoey finally undid Stone's chains letting him fall to the floor in his own puddle.

Angela steadily approached him while holding her nose. Leaning in a bit to get a closer look she asked in a nasally voice.

" Is he.... alive? "

" *Urgh* "

Stone unexpectedly let out a large groan.

" Yup. "

Zoey gave a short answer popping the 'p' in yup.

Then she rested her foot on top of his head.

In a flash, her demeanor changed from silly to dominatrix.

" Hey bitch, I'm back!"

(A/N: Longest chapter yet!)