Do You Accept?

"What can I do convince you to accept my proposal?" Ren Zhilan said like she was not been refused earlier.

"Persistent lad, what's your name?" Jun Yongrui said with a raised eyebrow, looking at Ren Zhilan with interest.

"Lan Zi," Ren Zhilan blatantly said a random name.

Jun Yongrui's eyes flash with interest to the peculiar fellow in front of him. Looking at the youth, Jun Yongrui felt that the lad is mysterious. No matter how he pry to the youth's strength, he still don't know what realm and power does the enigmatic youth is. He already knows that the name he gave was fake but Jun Yongrui doesn't mind as this kind of people are the type of crouching tiger and hidden dragon.

He actually doesn't want to accept but the youth in front of him seems interesting. Maybe he is actually an expert and if that's the case, he must have a lot of treasures with him. Before he fully agrees, he will look first the items he have.

"Then Young Master Lan, can you show me the things you like to sell to us? It might change my mind," Jun Yongrui said, masking his curiousity.

"En," Ren Zhilan said and ponders some items that she could sell in her storage ring.

Ren Zhilan actually doesn't need storage rings as she already has a personal cosmic space but she doesn't want to expose her real strength so she brought out a storage ring instead. While Ren Zhilan is still deciding what kind of item that she would sell, Jun Yongrui and Qu Mei's expression freeze on the unremarkable jade ring on Ren Zhilan's fingers.

It's actually a storage ring, a Purple Grade Artifact!

In the whole North Star continent, only the royal families and powerful clan can have a storage ring. Storage ring is so rare that even a ring with a small space cause millions of gold coins! Even he, Jun Yongrui doesn't have one. Only the patriarch of the Silver Winged Serpent Clan actually owned it and it was not even as big as a courtyard.

In was known that only a Grandmaster Artificer with a space attribute can actually make storage rings. After the Dark Era, no individual with a space attribute ever appear. It's been thousands of years and the remaining storage rings are can only be counted on fingers.

Who would have thought that a youth with unknown origin actually possess a rare Purple Grade Artifact!

Ren Zhilan is still unaware that she became a powerful entity in the eyes of Jun Yongrui and Qu Mei. If they knew that she actually possess a personal space, they would die in amazement. In fact, Ren Zhilan possessed a lot of storage rings. That is because making artifact is one of her hobbies.

Finally, she decided to sell the Silver Lightning Bow, Full Regeneration Elixir and a Black Velvet Plum Blossom.

When Jun Yongrui saw the items, his eyes almost fall out from its sockets. The things in front of him are unfamiliar but he could feel that all of things are priceless treasures! Jun Yongrui swallowed his saliva as he stared at the items in front of him greedily. He made himself calm and masked a serious expression.

"Young Master Ming, can you tell me about the items you sell to us in full detail?" Jun Yongrui said in a business-like tone but even so, it did not hide his eyes full of amazement.

Ren Zhilan is unaware of the underline meaning of Jun Yongrui. The items that she showed are the things she made except for the Black Velvet Plum Blossom. She doesn't need those things anyway. It's just that she don't want to throw them away. So the best option is to just sell them.

"This is Silver Lightning Bow, compatible to people with lightning attribute. It helps the user to polish its dou qi. Ordinary arrows are ineffective, by pulling the string it will create an arrow made of lightning from the person's dou qi.

This one is the Full Regeneration Elixir, can restore the dou qi or magic of a person in full. It can even heal any injuries and make the person like nothing happened to him. The downside is that you can't use this to heal deep-rooted illness.

The last one is the Black Velvet Plum Blossom; make an elixir out of this plant and it can cleanse your blood deep in your bone marrow. It's advisable for people that who are poisoned and has a deep-rooted illness. The tree of the Blood Velvet Plum Blossom only blooms once every six years so I only have few flowers of it," Ren Zhilan said like she's reading a manual.

The truth is, she actually have a lot of Blood Velvet Plum Blossom in her cosmic space, one of her servants is a Wood Spirit who takes care of the medicinal plants for her. But she doesn't want to expose that fact as she wanted to be low profile.

But it was already too late.

The items that Ren Zhilan showed make her like a deity in front of Jun Yongrui. The Silver Lightning Bow is a Purple Grade Artifact. The Full Regeneration Elixir is a Grandmaster Level potion and the Blood Velvet Plum Blossom is a rare medicinal herb that he never seen in his entire life. Showing three treasures in one go is so heaven deifying!

Jun Yongrui's face is calm but his hands are shaking because of excitement. He can't believe that he would be so lucky today. With these treasures, the whole Xing Yan Empire would go crazy with these items.

A legendary Purple Grade Artifact, a Grandmaster Level Elixir and a rare medicinal herb; people would spread that the only place that have these items is the one and only Silver Cauldron Auction House!

"Do you accept?" Ren Zhilan said with a nonchalant manner.

"Qu Mei, get the partnership agreement ready. Hurry!" Jun Yongrui said that made the dazed Qu Mei quickly going.

Qu Mei quickly handed the necessary documents to Jun Yongrui and Ren Zhilan.

"Young Master Plan, from now on the two of us are partners. Each of us will have a copy of the agreement. If you need anything else, you can always come here and I will help you in the best I can," Jun Yongrui said with full of smiles.

"En," Ren Zhilan said and sign the contract necessary for their agreement.

Jun Yongrui made Qu Mei calls the other employees to safe keep the items. According to Jun Yongrui, he will auction the items after four days. After the auction, she will get her commission on the next day. Ren Zhilan agreed and didn't ask any further questions. She quickly left and decided to go back to the Ren Manor as she will not missed the show that she plotted.

She doesn't want too but she can't miss any chaos. It would be a shame if she didn't entertain the pathetic humans of this realm. She is not the Chaos Goddess for nothing.