Let Me Play

The main hall of the Ren Manor is not full of people. Only the main clan members are present. There are four tables present, each tables have its specific occupants. There's a table designated for the wives of the second generation masters of the clan. The third generation clan members also have separated table. The table of the second generation masters is near the table where the patriarch and the crown prince seated.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, it's an honour for this servant to witness your presence in our humble manor," Ren Weizhen said in a humble manner.

"General Ren, you don't need to be polite. I am satisfied with the hospitality you shown," Zhao Longwei said in a gentle manner.

"This humble servant is glad, your Highness the Crown Prince," Ren Weizhen carefully said.

General Ren Weizhen fully knew the true purpose of the Crown Prince's visit. The Crown Prince may be calm but he knew he is observing the table of the third generation. The Crown Prince's eyes land on Ren Lifen who shyly look at him like a gentle flower. Ren Weizhen sighed deeply as he knew that no matter what he does, his third son's daughter is truly the lowest woman.

Ren Zhilan is not capable of practicing martial arts. Not even a sliver of dou qi or magic can be sense in her body. With Ren Zhilan's constitution, she doesn't even deserve to be even a mere concubine to the crown prince. If only he knew that her granddaughter is just a porcelain doll, he won't dare to propose an engagement to the crown prince. Having the backing of the Ren Manor is not enough.

If Ren Zhilan can gave birth to a son, even she is not favoured it would be fine as her son will be her backing in the imperial palace. After all, Ren Weizhen only wants for her to have a steady and carefree life. She doesn't belong to a world where the weak is being eaten whole without its bones spit.

As Ren Weizhen is worried for Ren Zhilan, Ren Lifen is happy.

"Little Fen, I can't believe you. You're really sly you know," Ren Liqin said as he stares blankly at his sister who sends flirtatious glances towards the crown prince.

"Just shut up elder brother, hmp!" Ren Lifen said and ignores his older brother.

"Ren Lifen, don't forget that the crown prince is still betrothed to that thrash," Ren Hualing said as her eyes sparkle with malice.

"Spit venom all you want, Hualing. We all know that slutty thrash is not qualified to be the Crown Prince's wife and so are you," Ren Lifen said haughtily.

Ren Hualing's beautiful face darkens because of Ren Lifen's words but she quickly redeems her gentle composure quickly. Both of them are children of main wives, which mean that she and Ren Lifen have the qualifications to compete for the crown prince's affection. Ren Hualing is not like Ren Lifen who blindly attacks. She may have caught the crown prince's attention but she knew it would not last long.

As Ren Hualing is still pondering in her mind on how she could caught the crown prince's attention without looking like a cheap brothel lady, a familiar figure slowly entered the Peony Hall, the main hall of the Ren Manor.

All eyes are on Ren Zhilan. Some have disdain reflects on their eyes are some are surprise. They didn't expect that the timid and talentless Ren Zhilan who always cowers in fear will actually have the guts to show up in front of them.

The people in the Peony Hall have different thoughts but Ren Zhilan doesn't care about their strange gazes to her. She neither walks fast nor slows as she went in front of Ren Weizhen and Zhao Longwei.

"This lowly servant greets Highness the Crown Prince," Ren Zhilan said with a calm expression as she salute to Zhao Longwei.

"Granddaughter greets grandfather," Ren Zhilan also salutes to Ren Weizhen.

Everyone was quiet as they look strangely at Ren Zhilan. For being a thirteen-year-old girl, Ren Zhilan is quite tall for the average girls on the same age like her. Her facial features are delicate and pleasing to the eyes. Her black eyes is calm like a lake, no emotion can be seen in her eyes. Her nose is not high, just enough. Her pair of small lips is rosy pink and no hint of make-up.

Ren Zhilan only wore a simple yellow dress embroiled with camellia flowers. The only accessory is a simple jade hair pin that prevents her hair from hindering her face. Her movements are like a gentle flow of water as every move she made is full of elegance.

Seeing the rumoured daughter of a legendary martial warrior, Zhao Longwei was moved. He is pleased by Ren Zhilan even though she can't practice martial arts or cast magic spells. She makes not be beautiful like Ren Lifen or have the gentle aura of Ren Hualing but Ren Zhilan make an impression to him that he can't ignore.

"Little Lan, take your seat next to Little Ling," Ren Weizhen with a gentle expression towards Ren Zhilan.

"Granddaughter is grateful to grandfather," Ren Zhilan said as she gracefully take a seat next to Ren Hualing.

"Grandfather, you should punish Ren Zhilan as she is late for the banquet. As the third miss of the Ren Manor, she should be punctual," Ren Lifen quickly chirped out.

That's right; Ren Zhilan is actually late for the banquet. Logically speaking, no one even dare to inform her that there will be a banquet and the main guest is the crown prince. But only them who knew the truth and the crown prince are unaware of it. Ren Zhilan's unexpected appearance surprised them but they won't let a trash to tarnish the reputation of the clan.

Ren Zhilan's eyes flash with malice but it quickly faded like a flash of lightning. Sure enough, her cousin sure wanted to brew some trouble with her. Without Hei Ying's information, she won't know that there's even a banquet. Her loving relatives sure care for her well-being.

She secretly sneers, for now she will be gentle. She doesn't want to them to be suspicious of her. She may be the third miss of the Ren Manor but not a single elder is on her side. Ren Weizhen is in a passive position while her uncles are not happy of her existence.

Ren Zhilan can actually sweep them in a single strike but her human body still can't handle her divine powers. With a weak shell, it will crumble if it can't take a strong surging power. For now, she will be patient.

"First sister is right," Ren Zhilan said in a sorrowful tone.

Her words made Ren Lifen joyful inside. Sure enough, she is still her weak and timid third younger cousin. No matter how beautiful and graceful she is, she is still nothing compared to her. Just a few push and she will conquer the crown prince's heart. Thinking of it made Ren Lifen blissful.

"In order to make up with my mistake, I would dedicate a song for all of you," Ren Zhilan said monotonously. "Ah Yin, get me a zither," Ren Zhilan said to the servant named Ah Yin.

"Y-yes … third miss," Ah Yin said and quickly get a zither.

Seeing this, Ren Weimin frowns as he watches the obscure behaviour of his niece. Since when did Ren Zhilan can perform a song and play zither? This made him puzzled as he knew that Ren Zhilan is not familiar in any form of arts. Did he misread the thrash?

Ah Yin gave the zither to Ren Zhilan with a puzzled expression on her face. She is the servant girl of Ren Hualing and she was recognized by her as she always accompanies Ren Hualing to torment Ren Zhilan. She actually wanted to refute but the patriarch and the crown prince is present and so she obeyed Ren Zhilan.