Secrets Are Deadly

A series of beautiful melody came from the zither. Every time Ren Zhilan's fingers struck a string, it feels like they are being caress. First, the sound produce by the zither doesn't make sense however the tune of the zither became like magic. The song Ren Zhilan played is unfamiliar to them. Even so, it brings euphoria to the atmosphere.

The song Ren Zhilan played actually a song played by the Light God when he was still pestering him. He always played it every time he corners her. Because she always hears this song, she quite memorizes it. Unbeknownst to her, the song she is playing is actually a love song. Of course being a goddess who only brings chaos, she is unaware about this fact.

"General Ren, I didn't know that the third miss is quite talented," Zhao Longwei said as he looks at Ren Zhilan with admiration.

"This humble servant thank you for your praise, your Highness the Crown Prince," Ren Weizhen said with a pleased expression as he watch Ren Zhilan.

Maybe he is wrong; his third granddaughter may have some hidden talents. Seeing his third granddaughter perform like a skilled musician, Ren Weizhen is pleased with this third granddaughter. She may not become the future empress but she may have a chance to become an imperial concubine.

The music has ended and Ren Zhilan order Ah Yin to get the zither.

"Marvellous! Little Lan sure is talented," Ren Weizhen said with sincere praise.

"Indeed, third miss sure is talented," Zhao Longwei said in agreement.

"May I now take a seat, grandfather?" Ren Zhilan said calmly.

"Of course you may! You seem tired from playing. Servants, go get some food for your third miss!" Ren Weizhen said and the nearby servants quickly put some food in front of Ren Zhilan.

The banquet start and everyone started to eat. The food may be first class but it taste so bland in Ren Lifen's mouth. She can't believe that Ren Zhilan knows how to play a zither. If she knew that the crown prince likes to listen in this kind of things, she should have practice long time ago!

In the North Star Continent, only the strong is respected. The performing arts are only done by people with humble birth but this lowly practice can sometimes be useful too.

It's not her usual style but Ren Zhilan has more plans. She is the type who hides her true strength. Performing a song is just a façade to hide her true motive. While she eats, her eyes quickly look at the wine jar that being served to the crown prince. No one notice that a black string-like snake spit on the porcelain wine cup of the crown prince. Ren Zhilan's eyes twinkle with malice.

The next person is Ren Liqin who is unaware that the wine is already spiked. Now, the first step is completed. The next event will be unfolded after this banquet. She can't wait for the news tomorrow.

Zhao Longwei is unaware that he was drugged as he merrily drinks some wine. After a few cups, he felt that he is already drunk. He is not suspicious as the wine might be strong.

"General Ren, can I borrow a room of your manor? I just want to rest for a while," Zhao Longwei said a bit tipsy as his face is flushed red.

"Of course you may, your Highness. Let me get a servant to escort you," Ren Weizhen said as he was about to call a servant when Ren Weimin but in.

"Father, let Qin'er escort your Highness the Crown Prince. It would be rude to let a lowly servant accompany the Crown Prince," Ren Weimin said full of worry.

"Do you mind your Highness?" Ren Weizhen worriedly asked Zhao Longwei.

"I don't mind," Zhao Longwei said nonchalantly.

Ren Zhilan's eyes flash with malice as Ren Liqin left with Zhao Longwei. After half an hour, she decided to leave in order to watch a show. She can't miss the play she carefully written.

"Grandfather, this granddaughter is tired. May I excuse myself?" Ren Zhilan said, faking a tired expression.

"You may, Little Lan," Ren Weizhen said with a solemn expression.

When Ren Zhilan left the Peony Hall, she scans her surroundings first before she vanishes in thin air. She quickly went to the designated guest room for important guests. Hei Ying already told her in advance on where it was located. As she quickly went to the room, sounds of moaning and grunts can be heard.

Ren Zhilan sneered as her plan is successful and it was because of Ren Liqin's secret.

When Ren Zhilan was twelve years old, she caught Ren Liqin in an awkward situation with an older youth in the dark corner of the Ren Manor. She was caught by him of course and she was badly beaten by Ren Liqin. Being timid and weak, she never says a word about what she saw. That secret became Ren Liqin's downfall.

Tired of listening to the immoral sounds inside the room, Ren Zhilan used her shape shifting ability to disguise herself as an ordinary servant boy. She quickly went back to the Peony Hall, hiding the darkness in her eyes.

"General Ren, something happened to the crown prince!" Ren Zhilan said with a panic expression.

"What did you say, something happened to the crown prince?!" Bu Ping said in alarm.

He is the servant assigned to the Crown Prince. He didn't accompany him because he confident that there will be no danger that will befall to the crown prince. He seems wrong as now the prince is in danger.

"Is what you said is true?" Ren Weizhen said with a serious expression.

"This servant won't dare lie to the general," Ren Zhilan said in a serious expression.

"Lead the way!" Bu Ping ordered the unremarkable servant.

Ren Zhilan secretly sneered as she escorts the general and the servant. The rest also followed; worried that something might happen to the crown prince. Once the news spreads that the crown prince was harmed in the general's manor, unimaginable consequence might befall to the Ren Manor.

The one who leads the group is Ren Weizhen followed by Bu Ping. When they entered the room, everyone was silent. They never expected that the dangerous situation of the crown prince would be like this. The wives and young miss covered their eyes as they don't want to tarnish their pure eyes because of the scene in front of them.

The most shock is Ren Weimin as he knew that his son is not normal but chose to ignore it. Who would have thought that his mistake would lead to this?

Ren Liqin and Zhao Longwei seems woke up from a dream. When they saw their position, both of them let go of each other. They realized something was wrong and in front of the door, the whole clan and the royal servant are staring at them with disbelief. Both of them quickly wear clothes.

"Your Highness, let's leave as you need to rest," Bu Ping said with a expressionless face.

"Ren Liqin, go accompany me to my study," Ren Weizhen in a serious and heavy voice.

Unbeknownst to them, the writer of the play has already left. No one will know that the scandalous scene was actually orchestrated by the Ren Manor's good-for-nothing third miss. Not even a million years that the scene they saw was crafted by a mischievous goddess who likes to bring chaos to mankind.

Ren Zhilan went back to her courtyard. The courtyard is small, shabby and gloomy but inside it was luxurious full of priceless furniture and top class interior design. Ren Zhilan was greeted by Hei Ying. She quickly takes a bath and change into comfortable clothes.

"Mistress seems happy," Hei Ying said in a monotonous voice.

"Not quite, I'm still warming up. Tomorrow, the whole capital will be in chaos and the Ren Manor will never know it was me. By the way, don't disturb me in four days. I need to cultivate this weak human body," Ren Zhilan said.

"This servant understands," Hei Ying said and quickly disappears.

The thing Ren Zhilan did is just child's play. She only used a hallucination potion using her shadow puppets. About what kind of hallucination the two experience, Ren Zhilan didn't care and quickly take a rest. She needs to wake up early tomorrow in order to watch her play.