Ren Wenling (2)

When emotions can't be contained, sometimes it's too late to realize the words we spoke.

Ren Hualing unconsciously looked at Ren Zhilan who returns to eat breakfast like she is just a spectator watching a play. She only said a few words but her words cause a large fire that's hard to extinguish. She gulped as the third younger cousin that she tormented for many years is not the same anymore. It feels like she is a different person.

She can't also help but blame her ignorant father. Ren Zhilan only adds the finishing gas to make the fire larger but the cause of it his father. She knew that her father is such a shameless man. What kind of man will take a concubine after a month of his marriage? If her grandfather is a scum, what makes her father?

"Silence! Who do you think the patriarch of this clan? It's me of course! Whatever I do, it doesn't matter to any of you! Ling'er will stay and none of you can change my mind. If any of you bully Ling'er, does anyone of you have the power to fight with a Rank 9 in Sky Realm and a ninth tier Fighter King?!" Ren Weizhen said furiously.

Just like the magicians, the martial experts also have names corresponding to their realm of power; Mortal Realm (Novice Warrior), Earth Realm (Martial Warrior), Sky Realm (Fighter King), Divine Realm (Iron Emperor), Sage Realm (Battle God). Being a Fighter King is already an achievement while Iron Emperors and Battle Gods are only few and also hard to achieved.

So what if it's a Fighter King? In Ren Zhilan's eyes, just a flick of her divine power any Fighter King is like ants in her eyes. But it also reminded her that she needs to cultivate this mortal body at the peak as she still has a calamity to stop. If she can't cultivate to the highest peak, she can't use her divine powers.

Hearing Ren Weizhen's words made everyone quiet and no one dare to say a word.

"Eunuch Fang, bring Ling'er here," Ren Weizhen said in excitement.

"This servant will obey patriarch," Eunuch Fang said and quickly left the Plum Hall.

After a few minutes, a beautiful woman slowly approaches them. The woman is neither tall nor petite, she have a porcelain-like skin, her face is shape like a heart which adores her phoenix eyes. A pair of dimples appears on her cheeks as she widely smiles. Beside her, a small boy silently followed her. He inherited her mother's phoenix eyes but it lacks sharpness.

"Ling'er greets father," Ren Wenling said and kowtow three times. The little boy also did the same.

"Ling'er, welcome back," Ren Weizhen said with teary eyes.

He stands up and help Ren Wenling get up on her feet. He also helps the little boy. He quickly hides behind Ren Wenling and only peak. Seeing him made Ren Weizhen's heart warm. His facial features are not the same with Ren Wenling except for her phoenix eyes. After all, her mother is a beautiful woman after all.

"Ling'er, can you tell me who this little one is?" Ren Weizhen said as he has a gentle smile on his face.

"Rong'er, come and introduce yourself to your grandfather," Ren Wenling said with a gentle smile on her face.

The little was still struggling but seeing the gentle smile of Ren Weizhen, he summons his courage. Seeing that his mother knows the old man in front of them and calling him his grandfather, Mo Shirong quite weaken his guard.

"Mo Shirong greets grandfather," Mo Shirong said and kotow three times in front of Ren Weizhen.

"It's nice to meet you Little Rong. Come, let's eat some breakfast," Ren Weizhen said and lead the mother and son pair to continue eat breakfast.

The surroundings have an awkward atmosphere as Ren Weizhen happily chatted with Ren Wenling and having a small talk with Mo Shirong. There's a saying if someone is happy, some people are displeased. These people are Ren Weimin and Ren Weisheng. They are already displeased with Ren Wenling's presence and now she also brought a son too.

This made the two eat vinegar as they watch their father happily chatted with his daughter and grandson.

After eating breakfast, Ren Weizhen arranges some servants to attend Ren Wenling and Mo Shirong. He also arranges a courtyard for the mother and son pair. Once everything is settled, Ren Weizhen quickly left to attend the court. Once Ren Weizhen thought of meeting the emperor and the awkward situation of his grandson and His Highness the crown prince, he feels like going to war is much better than attending court.

Everyone quickly left the Plum Hall. Ren Zhilan unhurriedly left but before she left she was stopped by Ren Wenling.

"Wait!" Ren Wenling called.

"Does Fifth Aunt wanted to say something?" Ren Zhilan said in a calm manner.

"You're Elder Brother Weiyuan's daughter, am I right?" Ren Wenling said with a complicated expression on her face.

"That's right," Ren Zhilan said lazily replied.

"That's good; in the future if something happened to me please take care of Shirong for me. I know that you are the only one I can trust in this place. Come Shirong, pay respects to your elder sister," Ren Wenling said while coaxing the small child.

Mo Shirong is about seven or eight years old. He seems skinny and his skin is a bit dark but no doubt that he is handsome when he grows up. He inherited his mother's phoenix eyes but his immature face makes him adorable than handsome. Sizing him up, Ren Zhilan felt something strange to this younger cousin of her.

"Fifth Aunt, you may not be aware but my position in this family is not good despite my father's achievements. I can't manifest dou qi, magic or even spiritual energy. What I can do to protect him?" Ren Zhilan said warily.

"Maybe not now but in the future, you will," Ren Wenling said like she is certain about her words.

"What do you mean?" Ren Zhilan said as her eyebrows furrowed.

"I can't tell you now since your strength is still not enough. In near future, I will tell you anything," Ren Wenling enigmatically said and left together with her son.

Ren Zhilan went back to her courtyard in dazed. The words of Ren Wenling made her confused and suspicious at the same time. It made her think that Ren Wenling can sense that she can use dou qi and magic. But it was impossible as she has a unique ability aside from shape shifting and that's aura concealment. She made a barrier to her dantian in order to prevent her dou qi, magic and spiritual power to leak. Even her divine power is also hidden.

So how come Ren Wenling is sure that she can actually cultivate?

It seems this aunt of hers is not simple as she sees her. How come a ninth tier Iron Emperor can conceal its true power? Whatever this aunt is hiding, she is sure to find out in the near future. For now she needs to focus to become stronger. She can't slack off as she doesn't know when the calamity will befall in this world.