Underestimating Me Is Fatal

The arrival of Ren Wenling made a drastic change to the Ren Manor. Everything seems peaceful on the surface and only Ren Zhilan knows that the idealistic tranquillity will soon shatter. She continued to be an obedient and naïve third miss which made the old general pleased. Seeing that Ren Wenling has a good relationship with Ren Weiyuan's daughter made his heart warm.

On the other hand, Ren Weisheng doesn't like the current situation. The appearance of Ren Wenling made him always in a bad mood. Remembering how his mother hated her so much that even in her death bed, she made him promised that he should not let Ren Wenling step on the Ren Manor. In the end, he can't even fulfil his mother's wish which angers him.

While everyone has mixed emotions about the addition of a new family member, Ren Zhilan focuses on her cultivation. In just four days, her cultivation has reached in Earth Realm. She is now a rank 2 Martial Warrior and a rank 1 Intermediate Magician. She is quite delighted about her speed but it didn't satisfy her. She wanted to reach the Celestial Realm in order to use her divine powers.

"Hei Ying, I am going out. You will accompany me. After I visit the Silver Cauldron Auction House, I will go buy some servants," Ren Zhilan said and quickly changes her appearance.

Ren Zhilan assumes again the identity of Lan Zi. She and Hei Ying quickly left the Ren Manor without a trace. The two of them didn't rush to the auction house. Ren Zhilan wants to see the imperial city in day time as she scans her surroundings. As the two of them leisurely stroll around, a commotion suddenly breakthrough.

The commotion piques Ren Zhilan's interest. When there's a commotion, there's a good show. She unhurriedly went to the commotion; Hei Ying silently followed her. Hei Ying has a good understanding of her master.

Many people surrounded a certain spot of the street. It seems it's the center of the commotion. Ren Zhilan swiftly went front and what she saw made her eyes flash with interest.

"Little Qiang, run!" a youth said while protecting a small girl.

"No! Qiang'er won't leave elder brother!" the little girl stubbornly said.

"Listen to your big brother. This is not the right time to be stubborn," the youth said with a desperate voice.

Ren Zhilan peeks at the youth's strength. He is a rank 9 Martial Warrior while the little girl is a rank 2 Novice Warrior. Both of them are in a bad shape. They have wounds and scars all over their body. Their clothes are all dirty and tattered but Ren Zhilan knew that those clothes are high quality. The youth has the direst state as he suffered a lot of damage.

A man wearing luxurious clothes slowly walk forward to the pair. He is fat and had an unremarkable appearance but seeing the accessories in his body made him more unsightly. He has a lot of gold and jade ornaments in his body. The man must be a merchant and with him are seven Fighter King. The seven Fighter Kings are mercenaries hired by the man.

He has a lustful appearance as he eyed on the little girl hiding behind the youth.

"Just surrender your little sister, I promise you I'll take care of her," the fat man said as he look at the little girl with ogling eyes.

"You disgusting pig! I will never surrender my sister," the youth said as he made a fighting stance.

Fei Xiang can't help but curse at his naivety. In order to escape from being executed, he accepted the help of the man. He thought that he was his saviour and even swore to repay his kindness. He never thought that the man had a weird fetish and almost tarnishes her little sister's innocence.

The two of them escape but he never thought that the man actually followed them. With his weaken state, even he gave his all he still can't fight a man with a cultivation level in Sky Realm let alone seven at once. If he knew that this would lead into this, he should've not accepted the trap of the man. No matter what happen, he will never give up his little sister especially to a lecherous pig!

"Men, get rid of him! Be careful to the little girl as she will serve me later," the man said and laughs maniacally.

Fei Xiang frown as he only have a small amount of spiritual power left. Even so, he won't let Fei Qiang fall to a tragedy.

"Qiang, don't be stubborn and leave now!" Fei Xiang said wit desperation.

Fei Qiang was about to leave but one of the Fighter Kings caught her. She screamed but she is too weak to resist. Seeing she captured, Shen Chao was pleased. He can't wait to be intimate with her tonight. Shen Chao was fanaticizing on how to conquer the Fei Qiang, Fei Xiang is almost half-dead by being beaten by three Fighter Kings.

He wanted to get up but his body is battered badly. He saw how the other Fighter King slowly walks to Shen Chao holding his little sister. Shen Chao almost drools as he saw Fei Qiang which angers him. But no matter now strong his will, he doesn't have any sliver of strength left. Seeing her pure little will be tarnish but that pig Shen Chao breaks his heart.

Ren Zhilan quietly watches the commotion. Her eyes emit a cold chill seeing everything. Human beings may be the vilest creature but she never thought that they would let a heinous scene unfold in front of them and didn't do anything. This angers her as she hates the people who abuse power and women the most.

She deeply sighs, good thing she had already unlocked the first seal of the Nine Cosmic Soul seal and can now use ten percent of her divine power. She may not be a benevolent god and always bring tragedy than blessing but she still hate some things too. Ren Zhilan disappears and quickly gashes the body of the Fighter King who holds the little girl.

The way she cut the arm of the Fighter King is neat and clean like she only cut a tofu. Ren Zhilan quickly unsummons her divine weapon, Formless Shadow. A divine weapon appearing in a low-tier realm will cause ruckus and she don't want to uncover her true strength yet.

Formless Shadow is her signature divine weapon that can form in any shape depends on the holder's desire and strength. It was made by a pitch black asteroid and forge in using netherworld's abyssal hell fire. A unique divine weapon that was specially made for her as this weapon is purely brings terror to her enemies.

Ren Zhilan hold Fei Qiang like a sack of potatoes under her armpit. Her dark eyes emit bloodlust which made the rest of the Fighter Kings shiver in fear. Shen Chao also felt the killing intent of the youth who is aged between sixteen or seventeen. He gulped as he knew that the youth is not ordinary. He may be a Martial Warrior but cutting cleanly an arm of a Fighter King without using any weapon is pure terror.

What kind of monster is this young man?!

"H-hey y-you smelly brat! Give me the girl or I will tell them to kill you!" Shen Chao said as his shaking finger points at Ren Zhilan.

"They don't have the qualifications to kill me," Ren Zhilan said nonchalantly as he looks at the seven Fighter Kings like ants.

"You cocky brat!" Shen Chao said in anger that almost made him cough blood.

The youth is only a Martial Warrior, how can he even win? He doesn't have the strength to defeat the mercenaries he hired, let alone slap them. The youth must have gone crazy! He must be one of the rich pampered young masters who have overconfidence.

Seeing the disbelief in Shen Chao's face made Ren Zhilan frown. They may not be qualified to be her opponent but they are qualified be her punching bags instead. Let's see who is has more courage?

"Underestimating me is fatal," Ren Zhilan said in a chilly voice.