In the shed house....
Who is ready to follow their leader.(Nadia)
I.(around 30,000 people)
So many. You will become a great leader Dark Knight. If you still want to, you can still go to the center building. (U know later)
If I lose men it will be the end. We can take down Dark Fang but we will need more. (Nadia)
Are you saying that I didn't bring my people. If so Dark Knight you are wrong about that. Shadow Gaurds! (U know later)
Well. I miss heard you. With this amount of people. I may be able to get what I need.(Nadia)
Wow, your brother is right. You are indeed greedy.(U know later)
Hey(Swoosh).. (Nadia)
To slow. (U know later)
Bang... See I'm not slow. You just can't move fast enough.(Nadia)
I let you get it.(U know later)
Shut up. Your wasting my time. Let's go.. We don't have time to wast.(Nadia)y
Sorry to long so the next day....
Ok I got to get Nadia to go on a date with me. She like animals so we can go to the zoo.(Davien)
Knock...Knock... knock...
Lea Lea would you like to go to the zoo with me today. Their open and it's a good time to go see the animals. The weather is nice to.(Davien)
Sure. What time do you want me to meet you. I can go with you today. It will be fun. (Nadia)
Around noon. Let's meet at the cafe by the entrance.(Davien)
Ok.. Noon it will be.(Nadia)
Yes.(.Davien wispered)
At noon...
Davien you made it.(Nadia)
You came really early. It's only 9. (Davien)
I know and your early too. I ordered breakfast so would you like to join me. I didn't know what kind of coffee you liked so I got you dark coffee with no sugar and milk.(Nadia)
Thank you. I can pay the bill.(In his mind) That's nasty coffee. Who drinks it like that.Oww well if I want to get closer to her I may as well take her generous offer.(Davien)
No need. I already paid for it. (Nadia)
So how was your time I. Japan.(Davien)
It was fine. I got to be in the forest alot. I got to see many kinds of people and eat food I had never tried before.(Nadia)
That seems like fun.(Davien)
It was but how was your time while I was gone. Did you do anything extraordinary. (Nadia)
Not really. But I was really busy all the time.(Davien)
Working is ok. But when I get married I want to be with someone that would be lean and be home with me on days.(Nadia)
Then you must find yourself a nice guy that would do that for you.(In his head) Me of course. I'll give you anything.(Davien)
At the zoo...
Lea Lea what do you want to see first.(Davien)
Let's see the tigers. roar roar roar.(Nadia)
(In his head) So... CUTE!!!(Davien)
Davien what would you like to see. (Nadia trying to be generous)
Lets go see the aquarium.(Davien)
Their is an aquarium!(Nadia trying to hold herself back)
Yeah. Let's go.(Davien)
It's nice down here. So many fishes that you can see. But to bad they don't have the golden tail fish, or the whale's. (Nadia)
Do you want to see that.(Davien)
It would be nice to see them but they don't have those here. It's fine we can go see other kinds of fishes. Ohh look their are sharks in the next room.(Nadia)
At the end...
Thank you Young master Davien. I will be on my way now. (Nadia)
Wait. Arn't you coming home with me.(Davien)
No. I like the sensory of the sun set. Plus I need to meet someone here anyways.(Nadia)
I should take you their if you want me to. It will be faster.(Davien)
No. I can walk. Thank you for today though.(Nadia)
Your welcome. But make sure you come home later.(Davien)
Thank you but I got this. You don't need to worry.(Nadia)
On her way to the restaurant with Natsua...
That man. He thinks if he can take me out I will like him. It's not just that he isn't my type of guy. He tries to hard and makes me call him Young master. If he knew better he would just be with another girl. I can also never forgive what he had done to me 5 years ago.(Nadia)
At the restaurant...
Nadia.. How are you.(Natsua)
I'm doing fine. Just wondering when will my base be built.(Nadia)
I heard that you went to the zoo with Davien was it fun.(Natsua)
It's only been 4 months since I've returned and he plans to take me to the zoo so I can like him. How predictable. I'm not the same girl I was back then. (Nadia)
I know you aren't. Your stronger and more brave then, then. (Natsua)
So why did you want me to get here so sudden.(Nadia)
Because, for your base. Your men are building it and making it Underground. (Natsua)
Thank you brother.(Nadia)
Your welcome. But soon you'll have to decide who you want to marry Nadia. You really just came back so you can pick the man you want. (Natsua)
I know that. It's between Owen or Davien. Just give me about 3 more years to see who I want to marry. It's my desision anyways.(Nadia)
Ok. I'll give you the three years .(Natsua)
I'm very happy you will accept my decision. (Nadia)
Well I'm done so let me drop you off at your place. (Natsua)
Thank you Natsua.(Nadia)
2 months later...
In Two days it will be my birthday. But nobody cares for it so I shouldn't expect to much from others. (Nadia)
Pretty sister I cooked breakfast for you. Come and eat.(Yen)
I thought you had Summer school. Why are you home. (Nadia)
I got out of it so I don't need to go anymore. So I made you breakfast for today.(Yen)
Wow. Thank you. hum.. Yen do you want to go somewhere with me today. (Nadia)
Sure where should we go.(Yen)
I'm not for sure but we're do you want to go I can take you.(Nadia)
Then let's go to the movies. Their is this one movie that I'm dieing to watch. Do you know the movie, My one last kiss.(Yen)
Yeah that romantic movie that said that their was gonna be a new part! I wanted to go watch that. I didn't know you were a fan. (Nadia)
I am a fan. I've watched all the movies and episodes to this series. This is the last movie to end what happens to both Ju-Ying and Ri-Houng. That one girl, Se-ri says she is his fiance but he doesn't love her.(Yen)
I know right. I had shipped her with the other dude. They would've made a better couple.(Nadia)
Yesss.. I had thought of the same thing. Se-ri belongs with Yo-han. They look better with each other.(Yen)
Oh my goodness let hurry, and watch the movie. (Nadia)
Off to the movies their is. (Yen)
Hey, what are you two so excited all about.(Owen)
Me and pretty sister are going to watch My one last kiss. We are so eager to see what happens next. (Yen)
Can I come with you guys.(Owen)
Sure more the merrier. But let's hurry. It just came out yesterday and their gonna be alote of people.(Nadia)
Yeah..Come Owen. Your such a slowpoke.(Yen)
Fine I'm on my way.(Owen)
At the movie theater...
Come let's go find our movie.(Nadia)
Alright. We're do we sit. (Yen)
I sit in row G16.(Nadia)
Well I sit in row G17.(Owen)
Yen where do you sit.(Nadia)
I sit in row E9.(Yen)
Well it's ok we can convert when the movie is over.(Nadia)
Alright.See you when it's over.(Yen)
Let's go the preview is over.(Nadia)
30 minutes into the movie...
No.. She left him to be with his best friend. She loves him but has to be apart.(Nadia)
Is it that interesting.(Owen)
Yes. They meet when they were kids and grew up with each other. It was always the 4 of them but then he had to get married to Se-ri,and had to let Ju-Ying be with someone else.But he loved her so much that he couldn't bare to let her go.(Nadia)
So why is she with Yo-han?(Owen)
Because, if you watched the episodes. It shows that Ri-Houng had a car accident and now lost his memory of her. So his mother Paid her poor family 3 million so she can leave and be with Yo-Han. But with that she can never see Ri-Houng or she would do something bad to her family.(Nadia)
So that's what happened.(Owen)
Yeah. But shh. It's getting jucy.(Nadia)
At the end of the movie...
Ahhh. The ending was so stupid.(Nadia)
Why I thought it was good.(Owen)
No. Ju-Ying was having Ri-Houng's babby and married Yo-han. Ahh... And then stanken Se-ri was having an affair with Ri-Houng and was holding Yo-han's baby while she was married to Ri-Houng. Then she gave birth to a baby girl while Ju-Ying had a boy. And then like 5 years later they meet again but Ri-Houng doesn't remember Ju-Ying. And When Se-ri daughter died. She thought it was Ju-Ying that did it so she killed her to take revenge then Ri-Houng got his memories back of Ju-Ying. Plus taking care of their child named Bao-Lee.(Nadia)
Well that all you right there.(Owen)
How can you say that. Ahh nevermind. You don't even Know the story plot.(Nadia)
Hey Nadia. We're is Yen.(Owen)
Wait why isn't he here with us. I should call him.(Nadia)
Ring... Ring...
Yen were are you.(Nadia)
Pretty sister. I'm Haning out with my girlfriend right now. So you two can hang with each other. I will be back home at 8:45. (Yen)
Ok, as long as your ok. Bye now Yen.(Nadia)
Wow my baby boy is growing up. (Nadia)
Baby who.(Owen)
Don't get jealous. I new him eversince he was 12. Now he has a girlfriend, I'm so happy for him. (Nadia)
So should we walk downtown. Their lots of things here and it would be fun to see theses new things.(Owen)
Wow. Owen look. Theirs so many foodstands.(Nadia)
Would you like to try one.(Owen)
Yeah..(Smile Nadia)
Here you go. Young kids now days. Your coast will be 10 yean.(And old man)
Thank you. Have a good rest of your night, and you can keep the change. I don't need it.(smiled Nadia)
Thank you very much. (Old man)
Nadia will you like to go and watch the fireworks tonight. Their on and it's a nice time to see them.(Owen)
Wow for some reason I feel like your always finding ways to wow me.(Nadia)
No it's because I have good timing.(Owen)
Come let's find a good spot. (Owen)
After the fireworks...
That was amazing. Thank you Owen..(Nadia)
Your welcome. But it's getting late so let's go home.(Owen)
At the house...
Goodnight Owen. (Nadia)
Ok Sleep tight. (Owen)
In Nadia's room...
Uhhh. If only I can really relax like this everyday. Just 1 more day and my birthday will be here. (Nadia)
Flash back...
Mom, Dad were are you guys going. (little Nadia)
Sorry sweetie but we can't celebrate your birthday today. Mommy and Daddy has to go to the company to see what happened.(Mom)
But you promise me that you would.(Little Nadia)
I'm sorry but why not do it tomorrow.(Dad)
On the TV...
As Fu-Fang Chen and his wife.Die in a car crash. The Chen family is dropping rapidly. (TV)
Brother Natsua. What's happening to Mommy and Daddy. Are they going to come home tonight.(little Nadia)
I'm sorry Lea Lea. But Mommy and Daddy won't be able to make it. We will celebrate it with just our family.(Natsua)
The next day...
Brother Natsua... Why isn't Mommy and Daddy back.(Nadia)
Natsua, I should tell her. This is to hard for her to know. (Hu)
Lea Lea. Mom and dad died in a car accident last night. I'm sorry to have to tell you about this but. They won't be here to do any of our birthdays.(Hu)
But Mommy and Daddy promise me they were going to be here to celebrate it.(Little Nadia)
I know but we just need to let things go. We can do it.(Hu)
Alright.(Frowned Nadia)
The next year...
Hey it's my birthday today.(Nadia)
Sorry Lea Lea but me and Hu needs to stay after school to do work can you go get the kids from school.(Natsua)
some year after that...
Hu.. Today is my birthday. Would you guys like to do anything to celebrate.(Nadia)
We're so sorry Lea Lea but we need to go and work. I know that it's your birthday but we can do it next year.(Hu)
The next year...
Hu, Natsua. Let's do my birthday!(Nadia)
Lea Lea. We're both busy right now and can't do it. We have a pile of work to do and if we don't get this done we wouldn't be able to go to college. Maybe another time when were not busy.(Natsua)
No it's fine. You guys need to get work done and that's important.(Smile Nadia)
So many years till now...
Just forget about it. Nobody cares if it is or if it's not my birthday. I hate that day the most!!!(Tears) Only if mom and dad were here. I can probably have one. (Nadia sad)
Flash back end...
Tomorrow is my birthday.I should go and visit mom and dad's grave today. It's been 5 years since I've been there.(Nadia)
At the grave yard...
Mom, dad tomorrow is my birthday again.Im gonna be 22. I know your death date is on August 22 my birthday, but I wanted to see you both today. Uhhh... It's been over 16 years since you both past away but I'm doing good. I've been traing and my knight Gaurds will be on their toes. I know that I wouldn't be able to reach such a high level clan like you and dad but I know I can see if I can make it. So I'm happy you both can listen to me. Ok, I should go back now, bye mom and dad . (Nadia)
At the house...
Yeah pretty sister.(Yen)
Would you like to go somewhere with me. I think you will be good for this job.(Nadia)
What job?(Yen)
Just come outside with me. Do you see these knife's. (Nadia)
Yeah I see them what are they for.(Yen)
Here. You need to get all of these knife's to hit a fish. Like I'll show you. Once the fish jumps you throw it like that. Bammm.(Nadia)
Wow pretty sister you know how to do this your like a god. (Yen)
Thank you. I need you to do it with 12 more.(Nadia)
But how do I master that.(Yen)
We wouldn't know until you get the hang of it.(Nadia)
5 minutes later...
Pretty sister. I can't do it. I got only 1 in the past 5 minutes.(Yen)
Well you got until 7 tonight. I need that for our dinner. (Nadia)
Well if your having trouble. Then you can ask Owen to help you. He got it on his first try.(Nadia)
Fine. I can do it, just watch me try.(yen)
20 minutes later...
See look I got 10 fish cought.(Yen)
That's good but you need 5 more. Call me when your done. And Yen clean the fish too, thank you. I need to do some veggie shopping.(Nadia)
Ok. I'll get done soon.(Yen)
At the grocery store...
Uhhh... It's gonna be over soon. Once tomorrow is over I don't need to worry about it for another 365 days. It's also fine Nadia, it'll be like any other birthday you had for the past 17 years.(Nadia)
At home...
Pretty sister. look the fish is cleaned and ready to be cooked. Is their anything else you want me to do.(Yen)
Yes. Help wash the veggies and after that can you go and see if their is any kind of wine on the seller. I need the red roated wine.(Nadia)
Ok but isn't that wine only for a professional chefs to use. (Yen)
Are you saying that I don't m ow how to use a win bottle in cooking.(Nadia)
No pretty sister I'm sorry to have said that.(Yen)
After the food was done...
Wow. Pretty sister how did you know how to make this. This looks good. We're did you get the recipe. (Yen)
When I was in Japan I also traveled. I went to America to try their smoke fish. Then I went to Italy to find out how to make smoke fish with red roasted wine.The veggies will add more flavors to the fish as you taste it.(Nadia)
Wow. This is so good. Pretty sister can I have more.(Yen)
Yep that's why I needed you to go get the 15 fish. Because it's for you guys to eat. Go tell Owen and Davien to come eat if they want to. The fish is best when It's warm and fresh.(Nadia)
Why. I can eat all of this myself.(Yen)
Go and hurry.(Nadia)
alright then Pretty sister. Owen, Davien Pretty sister cooked some food. Hurry if you don't come I'll eat it all up for you guys.(Yen)
Woo... Hey, that's not fair you two got down here in least then a few seconds after I said pretty sister was cooking something.(Yen)
Wow...Thank you for the food.(Yen, Davien and Owen)
Your welcome. Eat as much as you want. I know that you three can at lest eat about 5 fishes each.(Nadia)
Nadia where did you learn how to cook this. Your good had improved.(Owen)
I never seen anything like this before.(Davien)
Thank you. But this is the least I an do. The recipe I got this from was from a chef I worked with before. He was from Italy and taught me this dish. But I changed up the recipe a little. By putting my heart in it.(Nadia)
Thank you.(Owen)
I'm sorry but I have to go to work.(Davien)
What are you talking about. You took vacation from the company for this month and next.(Yen)
They called and need me.(Davien)
Ok. Would I pack the rest for you.(Nadia)
No it's fine. I can eat at work.(Davien)
In the car ride with a flash back...
Crash... This is so nasty. Only a dog would eat this kind of sh*t. Are you trying to kill me.(Davien)
But brother Davien. I think pretty sister's cooking is best. Italian is my favorite.(Yen)
Crash Bang...
Flash back end....
I'm sorry Lea Lea. Will you ever fall in love with me again like before.(Davien)
The next day(Nadia's BDay)...
uhhh.... Like normal my day will be like no other.(Nadia)
Down stairs...
Gloomy....Yeah Yen.(Nadia)
Pretty sister, your up. Come and eat I made fruit pancakes with whip cream.(Yen)
Oooooohhh.. That's seems yummy. (Nadia)
Yeah here eat some with me. I made so much that it's to much for just one person.(Yen)
(In her head) Are they setting up a surprise party for me? I don't know just keep it cool Nadia and wait.(Nadia)
Few minutes later...
Wow that was yummy. Thank you very much.(Nadia)
No prob. Just wanted to make you something sweet.(Yen)
Ok I'm going to head out for a bit. See you later...(Nadia)
At the park...
Wow.. Their's people sining. That's so amazing.(Nadia)
Pretty sister do you want to sing a song.(Little girl)
No I really can't sing.(Nadia)
Come and sing. I want you to sing.(Little girl)
On the stand...
Hi... I will be signing a song I had develop over many year on this day. Thank you...
Flying in the night sky. Would you follow them even though your gone. Will you crash with one last heart...beat. Just to wait from the start. Cause the pain in my heart will last. It will last till.. I find your love again. For the last chance that your heart fades away. Will you stand farther then you can.. To just hold me one last chance..
Wow that made me go into tears.(girl one)
I know. She must had gone through a lot.(Girl two)
bravo...venissimo..(Guy one)
Thank you. This song is dedicated to the two I had lost many years ago. So thank you for hearing my song.(Nadia)
Wow that's heart touching.(Everyone)
Thank you for signing for us. Please come again soon.(Some man)
Your welcome.(Nadia)
At the store...
I should go get some things to bake a cake. It's been awhile but I should still have my finishing touches. (Nadia)
At home( It's like 10 at night)...
Hummm... Hummm... Hummm... cake in the oven.(Nadia)
Pretty sister what are you cooking.(Yen)
I'm just backing some cake. (Nadia)
What's the occasion for. I know that you never baked in a long time.(Yen)
Nothing much I just want you to taste my favorite flavors. It's tropical and jucy just wait. (Nadia)
I'm on a diet and your gonna ruin it for me. (Yen)
Oh please. I've been in your room and I see candy rappers under you bed and sheets.(Nadia)
Why you snooping through my stuff.(Yen)
Cause no maid wants to go into your room.(Nadia)
Stop exposing me. (Yen blushing)
some time later..
Yen this is a cake for us to share. I am baking another for the two older ones. Hurry and try it. I know you'll like it.(Nadia)
Oh... My...Godnesss... It tastes Soo good!(Yen)
Thank you. This was my mom and dad's favorite cake. I wanted to bake it because I love to eat this. It's their very own recipe. (Nadia)
Wow they must had love you this much to make you your very own cake.(Yen)
No... They only made it for our golden birthday's. But it's sad that they never got the chance to do mine nor my other brothers.(Nadia)
When is your birthday.(Yen)
My birthday...I never liked my birthday.(Nadia)
Why not it's a fun time to celebrate your birth.(Yen)
I know but it's also the day. Both my parents died.(Nadia)
That's sad but that no reason to hate it. I can celebrate it with you. So happy birthday? If it is or not. (Smiled Yen)
Thank you but it's ok. (Nadia)
The past is in the past and I don't want you to worry. Oh my cake will get burnt .( Nadia)
Close to midnight...
Yen what are you doing up still.(Owen)
Don't you know. Today is pretty sister's golden birthday. Where were you in that time.(Yen)
I was having a meeting.(Owen)
That's no good excuse. I can tell by her expresstion that she was sad and wanted us to celebrate it with her. Just like she did with all of us.(Yen)
How you know?(Owen)
Because she was telling it to me. She didn't want to say it but she was giving clues about what she meant. She had told me she hated her birthday, and made you a cake to celebrate it. But you came to late. She's asleep and probably sad that no one else knew. Well I'm going to bed. Just wanted you to know about that.(Yen)
What, can you help me. We still have 1 hour left to do her birthday. Will you help me.(Owen)
That's the brother I knew.(Yen)
Yes who is it.(Nadia)
Pretty sister can you come outside with me to watch the meteors tonight. (Yen)
I'm sorry Yen I would love to but I want to sleep the night before tomorrow.(Nadia)
But hurry if you don't come out it will be over. Please I don't want to watch it by myself.(Yen)
Your a big kid now, you can watch the meteors some other time with me.(Nadia)
Alright. Alright I'm coming. But I'm worning you. It's not what you think it'll be. Just for a second and then I'm done.(Nadia)
Ok, just for a second.(Yen)
Down stairs out side...
See Yen the either meteoroids or over. So let me go to bed now. It's late and..(Nadia)
Come Pretty sister. Let go over.(Yen)
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Nadia. Happy birthday to you.(Owen)
WOW!! This is all for me.(Nadia)
Yeah. I'm sorry that I couldn't do this earlier but happy golden birthday Nadia.(Owen)
Wow. Brother Owen your so over the top. Am I right pretty sister.(Yen)
sobbing...Crying hard...(Nadia)
Pretty sister why are you crying..(Yen)
Im not crying I'm just happy. It's been 17 years since I've had a real birthday like this. Im just very happy. Most people would say this this is a stupid thing to celebrate so I didn't even care anymore. Even though I really wanted one.Thank you Owen and Yen. This is the best gift I ever gotten for many years.(Nadia)
(hug) Your welcome. I will celebrate your birthday with you every year for the rest of your life here with me. (Owen)
Thank you both.(Nadia)
Come pretty sister. Come blow your candles. Brother Owen made you this cake.(Yen)
You both are the best things that ever happened to me.(Nadia)
At a far...
See Nadia, You can find your own happiness with Owen. I can see from your reaction that he will love you forever. Just give him a chance to see. Just one last step for you to finally lose your blood curse.(Natsua)
In years back...
Natsua it's my birthday...(Nadia)
Sorry Lea Lea but I need to finish up work.(Natsua)
Ok that's fine. We can do it next year.(Nadia)
Sorry Nadia. But this is the order mom and dad gave me.(Natsua)
The day before they died...
Natsua... You are the eldest and the most powerful one in our family so far. I know that the car accident will be painful for you and the rest of the family. But this is for your's and the other's protection. You can not tell Nadia about her blood curse, nor why we should ever celebrate her birthday. (Mom)
Why mom. Why can't we celebrate it?(Natsua)
Because. Her birth was the day your grandfather put that curse on her. For many generations in our family, every other woman will suffer through it. Your grandfather passed it to Nadia when it was over but. He wanted to take revenge for me from marrying your mother. (Dad)
But why not celebrate her birthday. I don't understand that part.(Natsua)
It's hard to explain,but every time she celebrate it. She will get sick more and more untill the curse comes. It will be worst then normal. So this is one part to take her curse away. For both of your father to use our energy to take part of it away. The time you celebrate it, is when she turns 22.(Mom)
That's her Holden birthday.(Natsua)
It is but it's the way we can give to her to stop it. We already arranged a set up marriage with one of the Lu family's son's. But you will be the one to chose who it will be.(Moms)
But how will I know.(Natsua)
You will know. Just watch her and how she reacts. They will know about the curse, but it will be your hat hands her off to one of them.(Mom)
Your Dad and I know that it may be hard but you have each other. Help them with their clans and their Gaurds. And give them a letter that we wrote for them. This will be everything that they would need. (Mom)
I will do it. (Natsua)
Hunny don't cry. Your dad and I will be with everyone of you. Don't feel sad that we will be gone.(Mom)
It's time to go.(Dad)
I'm coming. Just need one word with Nana.Hunny, when were gone this is your one priority. Make us proud. Give this to Nadia when she gets married. And here keeps this safe. When your ready take this to the island that we go to all the time and show this to one of the men. They know what's going on, when they see this. It's all to you,and we know that you an do it.Mhha... Sorry that I can't see you all grow up but goodbye. Let's go. (Mom)
Mommy... Dad... Don't go.....(Natsua)
On TV...
Now as Mr. Chen and Mrs.Chen die in a car accident.....
(Tear)Mom,Dad... I will finish this job.(Natsua)
Now back to the present...
Wow...Yen it's already been a hole year. Are you excited.(Nadia)
Yep... Just two more semesters and I'll be done with highschool.(Yen)
That must be fun, but when am I gonna see my future sister in law.(Nadia)
(Blushing) Please. I'm not ready for that and I'm still young. (Yen)
I now but I'm not getting any younger and I want some nieces and nephews from you.(Nadia)
How an you start talking about that.(Yen)
Hahaha... (Nadia)
What are you laughing about. (Davien)
(Cold) Nothing Young master. I was just laughing with Yen about something.(Nadia)
Alright. If you need anything at the market I will be going their right now.(Davien)
Young master Davien. I already got all the idoms we would need in the big freezer. No need for you to do any shopping.(Nadia)
Thank you Lea Lea. I will be leaving now.(Davien)
Pretty sister. why you so cold to Davien. (Yen)
Because of something from 12 years ago. (Nadia)
What happened back then. Did he do something bad to you. (Yen)
He did do something like that but it's fine. I will continue to be cold to him but please don't tell him anything. My older brother said I will have to marry one of your brothers but I can't choose. I had 3 years but now I have 2. But I should be fine on finding who is best for me.(Nadia)
But do you love one of them.(Yen)
(Blushing) I may like one off them. But I don't know if they would like me in return. They both done well but I can't be for sure if I should be with him or not.(Nadia)
So you want to be with one of my brother's. But who do you like?!!!(Yen)
I can't tell you. I can only give you this one hint. He's older then you.(Nadia)
That's so lame. Their both older then me, so who?(Yen)
Sorry it's for you to find out.(Nadia)
4 months later...
Well, Young master Davien. I'm back..(Nina Chem)
At the Lu house...
Ding... Dong..
Yen can you go get the door.(Nadia)
Yes pretty sister.(Yen)
Opens door...
Hey Yen. (Nina)
Nina Hi Chem. Why are you here.(Yen)
I just got back from The U.S. But where is Owen and Davien.(Nina)
Their not home right now. But please if you can do so could you leave. (Yen)
Why are you trying to kick me out of the house. I used to live here to you know.(Nina)
I don't care. This is my house so can you get off my property. I'm asking this only once. If I have to ask once again I'll.(Yen)
Yen who's at the door. (Nadia)
Hi, you must be the new maid that works here. I'm Nina Gu Chem, Owen's fiance. Can you please bring my things to his room.
Well I'm not a maid. And No, I will not take your things into this house until you can prove that Owen and Davien says yes to it. Plus arn't you supposed to be paying a price for your mother's Dept.(Nadia)
Why are you saying that. Master Davien told me that what I have to do is marry Owen once I'm done with my education in France.(Nina)
(Cold) Well, I'm sorry. But so can't let you in until Owen and Davien tells me something. (Nadia)
Bi*ch who do you think you are. Once I marry into this family you will be looking up to me. so please bring these cases up stairs and do as I ask or you will be punished for what you did.(at a far Owen is then falls to her knees) Aunty. Why are you being so mean to me.(Nina Fake tears)
(In her head) My goodness. Trying to make me feel pity on her. This is just ridiculous. (Out loud) Please. I don't know you and you aren't allowed in this house hold. (Nadia)
Nadia what's happening...(Owen)
Waaa....a she's so mean. I was just asking to come in and she threw me.(Nina Fake tears)
Nadia. Why did you do that. Even though she has to take over her mother's Dept. It doesn't mean that you can do that. Please apologies to her.(Owen)
Why should I. Is it true that your gonna marry her .(Nadia)
I can explain this later to you. If you please help her bring her stuff inside. We can talk about it.(Owen)
Theirs nothing to talk about. Yen don't help them.(Nadia)
Why is she behaving this way.(Owen)
In Nadia's room...
Pretty sister I had never seen you like that before. Are you ok.(Yen)
I'm fine. It just seems like that Owen has a fiance and I shouldn't have bother with home. It seems like I have to go with the other option.(Nadia)
You mean marry Davien.(Yen)
Yes. but, I till have time. in two more years I have to chose. And if so that will be my answer.(Nadia)
Pretty sister don't be sad. Hear let's do this together. I'll investigate this issue so you don't need to worry ok.(Yen)
I'm Natsua's base...Dark Knight. How do you think your base is turning out to be.(Natsua)
Well It seems suitable. Is their another mission that I need to do.(Nadia)
Yes, You need to go with The underground prince to go get your wepons. (Natsua)
Thank you.(Nadia)
Well hello. Nice to see you again. We're off to go to America and Japan. Are you ready to head out.(you know later)
Like I said. Shushhh your chit.. chat and start doing what is needed. If your not going to be useful then you can leave. I don't mind going by myself. (Nadia)
I think your name should've been The Bossing King.(U know later)
Please. I don't mind killing you if you don't shut your mouth. I'm not in a good mood and I don't want to be with a pest like you.(Nadia)
Alright.. Just hold your panties. I was just teasing.(U know later.)
Alright then let's get going the plan is going to leave..(Nadia)
On the plane...
So Dark Knight... Why are you crabby today.(U know after)
Non of your business to look into. our lives are private and non social.(Nadia)
It's alright.I would not tell a single soul if you told me.(You know later)
Fine. I would like to let his out any ways so... Theirs this one issue. I was told the other day that the man that I was interested in, was getting married to another woman that isn't supposed to be their. What should I do to my crush.(Nadia)
Well you seem like your 22-23 so it's reasonable to have a crush on someone. But If he really loves her then your will Ave to let him go. If he will give you an explanation of what happened. Then let him speek. Most men Aren't sociable when it comes to their words. (U know later)
WOW... You sound like a mom giving her daughter a lecture.(Nadia)
Oh do I..(U know later)
Yes you do. But now I told you something. Tell me something that's on your mind. (Nadia)
Well.. Their is this one question that I have. Their is this one girl I like very much. she is pretty, compassionate, lovely and the most important thing that I care about. She is going to get mad if she heard this but I have been told to marry a girl that came back. I know it will be hard but I lover her so much that I can't get her out of my head. My older brother told me that I have to marry that one girl, but what do you think.(U know later)
Well I think you should follow your heart. If she loves you as much as you love her then pursuit it. Don't let some marriage take you away from her. You only love a person once and it is forever. I never felt that kind of love before for a long time. After my parents died, everyone is so indifferent to me. I have one love too and I will never let him go. It may be bumpy but it will be good soon.(Nadia)
Wow but let's go.. Were here.(U k ow later)
5 years ago...
You will be marrying Nina. (Davien)
Why do I have to marry her.(Owen)
If you want Nadia to come back to China you need to listen to my works. If I say you marry her then you do. After father had died 3 years ago. He had made me the lead of this family. (Davien)
I know but I don't have any love for her. (Owen)
Love is pointless and non-meaningful to us.We are Lu's and we are not weak. This will help our family and the company shares.(Davien)
Fine Davien. I will marry Nina.(Owen)
Present time...
Pretty sister, you should go talk to Owen. listen to his world. He told me what happened but he wants you to understand it too.(Yen)
I would love too Yen. But I don't know if I can trust him. I had prep talks from others but I don't have the guts to talk to him.(Nadia)
Well I will be their for you and help you.(Yen)
I know that you want to help me, but if he wants to marry Nina Gu Chem then I support his decision. I can't change ones heart or ones decision. (Nadia)
Well let's forget about this and go to a movie. Does that sound fun.(Smiles Yen)
Yeah I'm up with that. I need something to get that out of my mind.(Nadia)