3 2.0

At the theaders...

Yen what movie are we watching.(Nadia)

We are watching, Love that you know.But I have some friends that joined us.(Yen)

Who are they.(Nadia)

They should be here in just a few seconds. Ahh their they are. Owen over here.(Yen)

Hey Yen. What movie are we watching.(Owen)

Humm. Look Nadia is here to watch the movie with us.(Yen)

Hi Nadia. I would...(Owen)

Owen... I support you. If you want to marry Nina then you can. I can't help the fact that your gonna marry her but you have my full consent.(Nadia)

What are you talking about. The marriage. That is what I was meaningly gonna ask you too. Nina and I are...(Owen)

Yen I'm sorry but I just can't. I know you did this for us to make up but I don't know if I can do it. I'll be leaving now. See you guys back at home.(Nadia)

Pretty sister why.. You didn't even let him talk.(Yen)

Yen. The movie is gonna start, let's go.(Owen)

Why... Why are you such a fun*ken chicken to talk to her. If you want her to know what you want to say then say it to her. Don't let her go like that. We're was the brother I once knew. He wouldn't have let her run off of something like this. This is so upsetting. If you want to you can call up your fiance to watch this movie with you. I want to confirm to Nadia about something you have no guts to do.(Yen)

And what is that Yen.(Owen)

I want to tell Nadia I love her.(Yen)

Yen your 5 years younger than her. She would never expect that fact.(Owen).

(Low) What does she see in you.(Yen)

What did you say Yen.(Owen)

Just forget it. I'm going after her. Go stankin watch the movie with your fiance. it seems like you care for her more than Nadia. I tried to help you get her but it seems like it was just my foolish thinking.(Yen)Runs after Nadia...

Owen, why are you here. We're you trying to follow me. (Nina)

Hey. I was just going to watch a movie. Would you like to join me.(Owen)

Sorry but I have something to do. I was just here to say hi.(Nina)

Ok go back home soon.(Owen)

With Nadia...

Nadia wait. (Yen)

What is it Yen. I'm just taking a breather. it's just so stressful you know. Trying to help out everyone at the same time plus working with my private life.(Nadia)

I know how that feels. I think I understand you very well. (Yen)

Your still younger than me. You wouldn't know how it is to be in this situation.(Nadia)

I know because I've gone through it with you. Nadia, I like you.(Yen)

Hahaha. Yen your not serious right. Your younger than me. Plus you have your own girlfriend.(Nadia)

No. I don't want her. I want you. I want to spend my life with you and love you. Age doesn't mean anything unless you love that person. And I love you..(Yen)

Yen.. Your still young and don't understand what love is yet. Hear, this Pat on your head. This is the reason why your still not attractive to me cause you still act like a kid.(Nadia)

If you don't know how my love for you is then I'll show you.(Yen)

French kiss....

Slap... Yen, I'm sorry but I see you as my younger brothers. I can't have a serious relationship with someone like you. You may think that relationship's are for fun and games. But it really mean that you are willing to be with that other person for the rest of your life. And I know in you heart that I'm not the one for you. Please, if you want some guidance then I can help you with that. So let's go home.(Smiled Nadia)

Hahaha... do you like my joke pretty sister.I thought your face reaction was very funny.(Yen)

Yen, was that just a joke. My goodness I thought you were serious. You know jokes like thay can lead to a misunderstanding between many people. next time don't do something fulish like that. it's not really funny. I'm just happy that it was a joke. (Nadia)

Yes pretty sister I am sorry. So let's go home. (Yen)

2 months later...

Yen look, theirs a hot springs that's open. Should we all go. (Nadia)

Nadia what are you guys looking at.(Owen)

(Cold but trying to act happy) Were just looking at some place. I was just asking Yen if we all should go.(Nadia trying to smile)

That sounds like fun. Why don't we all go tommorow.(Owen)

Sorry but I have some work to do. Sorry but can't go then.(Nadia)

How about next week?(Owen)

Sorry busy by then too.(Nadia)

How about 3 weeks from now.(Owen)

Nope have to visit my brother's in Japan.(Nadia)

Hey what are you guys talking about?(Davien)

Oooo. Yen let me see. A hot spring. we all should go.(Nina)

(Cold but smiles a little bit) I was talking to Yen about a hot springs that we could go to but it seems like I have no interest in going now. If you two don't mind I need to go to some place. This is just too ridiculous. (Nadia)

Hey!!!(Both Davien and Owen)

(Supper cold shoulder) What is it.(Nadia)

Pretty sister, why don't we just go. both Owenand Davien will behave, right?!!(Yen)

on their knees...

(In their mind) Thank you Yen for giving us this opportunity to get closer to Nadia.(Both)

next week...

Pretty sister look I will go get the key cards. just wait here with Davien and Owen.(Yen)

when Nadia turned her back...

(Cold shoulder) If you two don't behave then I can cancel this hole entire thing in 3 seconds. (Nadia)

Hey I'm back...(Yen)

(Nice and herself) Hey Yen, let's go to our rooms.(Nadia)

My goodness she changed so fast. Why is she so cold to us.(Both)

Here, Nadia let me carry your things.(Davien)

I'm fine.. I can do it myself thank you..(Nadia)

Owen can you carry my things.(Nina)

Sure I can help.(Owen)

Pretty sister do you need some help.(Yen)

Sure, could you help me carry this bag.(Nadia)

far corner...

Sad... Why she not asking me to help her.(Davien)

later that night...

Hey Yen their is a ramen shop, should we go in for dinner.(Nadia)

Owww. that sounds yummy.(Nina)

Sure. Davien,Owen let's go in. (Yen)

Arn't you forgetting about me. (Nina)

Oh sorry, you to.(Yen)

Yeah... Yen look. what should we order, I'll pay for both if us.(Nadia)

No it's ok I can take the bill. Order what you like...(Owen and Davien)

You sure. Alright, excuses me can we order.(Nadia)

Yes madam what would you like to order tonight.(waiter)

can I get everything from the menu times 400x in 50 different kinds of takeouts. And could I get 4 bowls for us please and thank you. (Nadia)

Pretty sister isn't that alote of food.(Yen)

No, Owen and Davien got the bill so why not as well let them pay for us.(Nadia)

Ok then.. Can I order everything too. thank you very much. Oh to also add can you tell me the amount of workers that are here right now.(Yen)

Sure. But because of the snow many of the workers here couldn't make it but we have only 10 people here right now.(Waiter)

What about all together.(Yen)

Then we have over 20 people that work here.(Waiter)

Thank you... please give this money evenly split among the 20 of you guys. You should get highly over 30,000 as a tip from us. (Yen)

Thank you.(Waiter)

4 hours later..

Thank you for coming. Please come again.(Waiter / every one)

So what are we going to do with all of this food.It will end up being trash if we don't eat it all.(Davien)

Well me and Yen can deal with the food. You two can go back to the hotel and go into the hot springs if you want.(Nadia)


So let's go. I want to go to the hot springs.(Nina)

After davien and Owen so call left...

At an orphanage...

Here this should be enough for everyone. (Nadia)

Thank you young miss. The orphanage haven't have lots of money and we're poor and couldn't feed the children. Thank you very much. Your an angle sent from God. Everyone say thank you to the nice young lady.(Orphanage director)

No need I just want to help out. It's hard for you guys so please take this money. this is all I have on me right now and I know you need it more then me. Ok I need to make more runs. Bye you guys.(Nadia )

To the homeless shelter...

Thank you young miss... My two children haven't eaten and we haven't had a nice meal like this for many months now. Thank you young miss. How can we repay you.( a lonely mother)

You can repay me by... Taking these house keys and going to this house number. Their a client of mine will be their and will help you out, food will be provided and hospitality shall be their till you can get onto your feet.(Nadia)

Thank you.(a lonely mother in tears)

Another homeless shelter...

Hear is food and warm clothing. Their should be plenty of food for everyone. (Nadia)

Thank you young miss.(Everyone)

Big sister.(little kid)

Yes little one.(Nadia)

Can you help me get food. I'm hungry and my grandma is sick and can't get food for us.(Little kid)

I would love to help you. Hear take this to you Grandma for me. Take care of yourself and be safe. Uhhh.. Yen, can you call for a doctor to come over and help this family out. Her grandma is sick and can't stand up well.(Nadia)

Yes pretty sister.(Yen)

Here you should have all that you need. take good care of yourself and grandma. (Nadia)

Thank you big sister. Here have this. It's a paper swan I made. You should keep it.(Little girl)

Thank you I love it.(Smile Nadia)

At a far...

So this is what she did with all of the food we bought. She is so caring and genuine.(Both)

Bye you guys, Yen let head back.(Nadia)


At the hotel/ hot springs...

Yen I'm going to bed. see you in the morning.(Nadia)

Okay. sleep well.(Yen)

The next morning...

Nadia come and eat. I made you breakfast.(Both)

at the dinning table...

Here Nadia try my food.(Owen)

No Lea Lea try this it will let you have enough energy to last you till lunch and it's fulfilling.(Davien)

Thank you both but I don't want to eat, why not go give it to Nina. I want to go exploring and then maybe go to the hot springs. (Nadia)

Why don't we all go together. Won't that be fun.(Davien)

Sorry but I want to go alone.( Nadia)

Alright then be careful.(Yen)

at the ski hill...

Psy... All I want is to be with everyone. But I can have fun by myself still.(Nadia)

Hey sister in law. Over here.. Davien said that we all should go to the ski hill and didn't know that you were here.(Nina)

Ohhh.. I didn't think you three would be here. That's nice. We'll see you down the hill.(Nadia)

Wait for me pretty sister.(Yen)

At the hotel down the hill...

Wow that was fun.(Nina)

YEAH... It was the best thing that happened today.(Yen)

Well why not let us take some shots. Won't that be a stress reliever.( Yen)


You guys can do it I need to go to the restroom.(Nadia)

Well then we will start without you.(Nina)

Out side the door...

As I had expected it. If I leave nobody would care. Oh?? Wait I left my gold earing at the ski hill area. It'Nina)s not to late. I can still go and get back in time.(Nadia)

4 hours later...

Here you three go. Oh my?! It's a blizzard out there. Hope non of you guys leave or go out. The news reporter said that it will get below -10 tonight. Dress warm and sleep well.( Waitress)

Hey where's Pretty sister. She's been gone for almost 5 hours. (Yen)

Hope she was smart enough not to go out.(Nina)

Well... I think she is in her room. We shouldn't bother her. She seemed upset earlier.(Yen)

Yeah... Let go to our rooms soon too. (Nina)

Alright.( Owen and Davien)

3 hours ago...

It's to windy I can't see anything. Ahh... Man I got cut too. What a night for me. I just need to find shelter. (Nadia)

One hour later...

I need to keep going. The snow is getting deeper. I Should be getting close to a cave near by. It should be a good place to take shelter.(Nadia)

In a cave...

Finally. (NADIA)

Rumbling... Entrence covered in snow..

Darn it. It's so cold and im now trapped. How can this be fixed. Come on Nadia. Think.(Tears) Your smart and don't need to cry.. You said it yourself that you wouldn't cry anymore. Pull yourself together. Their is wood and I need to get this wound cleaned.(Nadia)

2 hours later ...

Hahahaha... I knew they would not come. At least I got a fire going on and my wound cleaned. I think my foot it's broken but I need to find a way to get out of here. I leave tomorrow morning.(Nadia)

The next day...

Yeah... It's a nice day. Is Pretty sister cooking down stairs. She would be up by now.(Yen)

Down stairs...

Why are there so many people down stairs.(Yen)

This morning. Someone found Nadia inside a cave. Her foot is broken and she has a hight fever. I knew I should've looked to see if she was there.(Owen)

Is she ok.(Yen)

She was sent back home. And we will be going home today too. This is all my fault.(Owen)

At the house...

Huhh... I'm back at the house. Ahhh... Oh yeah I forgotten that my foot broke. No crutches or wheelchairs.(Nadia)

In the kitchen...

Nadia what are you doing out off bed!! (Owen Angry).

What I was hungry. I also made breakfast.(Smiled Nadia)

What is wrong with you!! Don't you have a f*ken head to think. (Owen)

Is it wrong for me not to be hungry.. Plus there wasn't a wheelchair or crutches so I hopped my way here. Breakfast is almost done so call everyone down to eat. I'm no longer want to eat.(Nadia sad and mad)

Up stairs...

Knock... knock...knock...

No. I don't want any food. (Nadia)

Pretty sister.. It's me and brother Owen made the food. (Yen)

Sorry but I lost my appetite. I'm just very sad. (Nadia)

Why are you. (Yen)

You know why. I'm Sad because of two things. I know I've been out for 3 days Yen. And because of that I was hungry. You tell me. Is it won't for a person to go cook some food for themselves.(Nadia)

No.. (Yen)

Yeah exactly. So that's why I'm upset. (Nadia)

Well I will visit you soon. I'll leave the food on the counter. I'm going to get you a wheelchair.(Yen)

Thank you.(Nadia)

Knock... knock...knock...

Yen that was fast!?(Nadia)

Yeah I came here to see if you gotten better.(Nina)

Oh .. Sorry but I wasn't expecting you to come here. If you don't mind sorry.(Nadia)

Oh that's ok I just want to give you this. Please feel better.(Nina)

Thank you.(cold Nadia)

Door slammed..../ That night...

Man... I need to go see Natsua. He has a task for me and I can't let this foot bring me down.(Nadia)

At Silver Fang's, base..

So what happened why are you limping like that. Are you sure you'll be able to do this task. If not I can do it for you.(Natsua)

No I can do it. It's just my foot. I can walk.(Nadia)

Well then. Your partner is here to help out to. Dark Fang, watch over her. If she doesn't make it back I will kill both you and your brother.(Natsua)

Ok... Ok... Don't worry I know what my responsibilitiy is.(U know later)

Alright I'll leave you two to it. I'll give you two 3 days to get this done.(Natsua)


So what's wrong with that foot of yours. It will slow you down.(U know later)

IM FINE. I was just walking and this happened. Nothing much but let's not worry about it.(Nadia)

So stubborn, hear let me see this.( You know later)

Hey I told you I'm fine. Ahhhhh....(Nadia)

See I told you. Let me see your foot. I can do something that can fix this.(U know later)

crack.. crack... crack...

What the... Hey what did you do to my foot. It feels better.(Nadia)

I put some of my love on you.(You know later)

shut up. But like how you do it. (Nadia)

I used an old Chinese method. This will help your foot. (You know later)

Thank you.(Nadia)