*James PoV*
The native of 8543 uncharted star system, who called himself Zhoutian, now sitting at the floor of the meeting room in lotus position and have his eyes closed in meditation. His breathing as if rhythmed, as he said he is trying to absorb as many Qi as possible from the surroundings air. For if he isn't, he wouldn't be able to maintain his strength for a long time
Rubbing my glabella, my crews gazing at each others as if unsure of what to do. A blue skinned man with long ears, the elf race, olamard, stepping forward and say " and so, like what we had told you, our spaceship is a part of exploration ships sent by the CGA to explore any uncharted area or zone on our stars cluster system. After exploring the uncharted territories for five times, this is the six territory we have to scan and the last one. We happen to spot the World Eater by chance. And that same World Eater is the one who destroyed your planet "
Opened his eyes and frowning his eyebrows as if in disbelief, the man called zhoutian open his mouth and replied " are you telling me that my world had already finished? Based on what that you can be so sure about that? There's a lot of stronger experts and hundreds of thousands armies of divinities, it won't be easy to destroy it just like that "
Angeline is the one who reply his inquiry by giving out her piece as well " we have a video clip about what happened, before and aftermath of the incident " and before zhoutian can open his mouth to say anything, Angeline activated her SOS (Smartwatch Operator System) from the back of her left hand wrist and show up a blue holographic view of greenish planet that filled with live and habitable even in single glance. And then the video clip fastened for another few minutes until there's a gigantic being fly in space to the planet. The being had many tails that look like tentacles but actually isn't, its upper body is those of humanoid with very large two arms but head of a lizard. Each arms is having four fingers and from the creature waist to down below is full of those tails looking tentacles, so the creature didn't have any legs of its own
Mouth gaping at the scene, zhoutian raised his eyebrows and say " is that… the thing we had fought back then? " he ask in tone of disbelief and then continued " and what you meant by this 'video' thing? And is that planet is my world? And what's that black bracelet thing in your wrist that can show up blue lights and boxes? "
Sighing at the sudden questions in droves by zhoutian, Angeline ignore his queries for a while and fastened the video clip. Few minutes again, the once habitable looking planet become a husk planet that have its size shrinked in half of what it once was. Zoomed in 10x times, the video indicated how the planet surface now is barren of any lifeforms, very different impression it once was gave before the World Eater attacked
After looking at the video again, zhoutian close his mouth and stay silent for a minute, in pondering of what his world now became. Frowning his eyebrows again, he say " our fights with that thing is much more longer than what this moving pictures you showed up to me.. "
This time, hazel open his mouth and answered to zhoutian " we have a full video of the process, of course. But we shortened it and made a video clip of it to represented later for our reports to the higher-ups "
Shaking my head, I open my mouth as well and say " look, zhoutian, we have no intention to lie to you nor would we want to harm you. We had saved you because it's stated that any natives that have their planet in danger would have right to receive any help from the intergalactic civilization " paused for a second, then I continue " of course everything wouldn't be free. After receiving the help, the natives had to give back the favor to the civilization by years work of service given to their strongest soldiers or smartest people. The smartest group of people would be taken to the administration department while the soldiers.. Well, they are soldiers and there's only one thing that soldiers is good at " shrugged my shoulders, I says " well, that's pretty much the gist of it. Any questions? "
Frowning, zhoutian hesitated for a moment and then say " a lot, but let's take this slowly… there's so much that I need to digest upon "
Nodding, I say " alright then, we will do exactly like that, there's no rush" then I face up my face into one of my crew, a being with body of human but having lizard head and lizard tail as well. He have two horns in his head and two legs of reptile to stand and walk. A dragonian, purebred dragonian with even pair of two big bat wings in his back and his height is twice of mine. His name is Ulhar and he is wearing XXXXL spaceship marine uniform clothes. An oversized uniform if it had to be wore by me, that's for sure
" Ulhar, can you guide this guest of us into the guest room? Let him take rest for a while as he looks like need it " I said to Ulhar as ulhar nodded his head after hearing my request. He look to zhoutian and reaching out his right hand to the door " would you mind?"
Zhoutian nodded his head for confirmation and then standing up from the floor. The golden furred monkey that all this time sitting in silence beside him, suddenly jump into zhoutian left shoulder and sit in there. I frowned my eyebrows and say " by the way, the man in the golden clothes suddenly become that golden monkey.. Why was that happened? "
Blinking in surprise, zhoutian pondered my question for a moment then say " he had lost his divinity and had been castaway by his own very existence as the world rejected him"
And this time, it was me that blinking in blank surprise. All I can say is " ….what?"
Smiling in amusement from respond, zhoutian said " well.. Let's just say that he had lost his magical power and reverting back to his monkey form " and then zhoutian left just like that after giving those answer, chasing Ulhar to the door and then they both walked away to zhoutian guest room
Magical powers huh… looks like another thing to mention for the paperwork later… sighing from that thought, I gazing around of my crews and said " well.. Let's start the meeting? Now, we have new topic to talk about. And it's of course, about our new guest and the reports we have to made about him "
The crews all groaned as we back again to work. Well, there's no rest for the crews of The Maiden, yet. Not for now anyway