I've decided. I'll be a living legend in this realm. Everyone will know me and my beloved's name. I thought while waking up. I'll make sure no one crosses me and my wife. I'll cultivate out in the open and if anyone dare's to attack my wife they'll know my wrath. I'll show everyone my cultivation speed ,so they don't mess with me. until my wife gets stronger and more talented.
Currently I'm Getting dressed. After my *Cough Cough* Rough night with my beloved'Sorry Xi Yan' I Will Be Going To New Moon City.
We've arrived I made sure to check if my wife is pregnant and It was successful! I can have a kid. I will cultivate so I can protect them. I'll make sure to bring them along with me to the God's Realm. I'll make this multiverse open up a new realm for us.
I've cultivated up to Sovereign Profound Realm 5th Stage. I'm Almost the strongest in this realm. I'll have to make a spot for my lovely wife until I come back and bring them to my realm that I will make. I'll make sure to get my new realm once I ascend.
"Honey I Found out I did it and impregnated you ,so you will give birth to our child."
"That's Great!"
"Yeah So I'm Gonna Find A Way To Keep You Safe When I ascend so Our child will be fine."
"Alright. Don't Leave For Too Long."
"Bye For A While My Love. I shouldn't have any enemies outside of our home town ,but I think I have a place for you to be safe. I'll be back in about half an hour. Goodbye Lovely."
"Goodbye my handsome Husband."
Currently I'm at the Frozen Cloud Asgard Sect And I'm Going to meet with their sect master. I'm at Sovereign Profound Realm 10th Stage So I'm qualified to meet the sect master.
"Get Away From Our Sect Male."
"Yeah Go Away!"
"Shut Up!!!"*Releases Cultivation Base*
"I'm here for an important matter!!!"
"Yes I'm Here Sir. Please forgive our young ones for mistreating you."
"Ah. Good You're Here. I need to talk about a matter regarding my wife and her child. I will be ascending to a higher realm for a week or to to get my bearings and descend again once I can to bring my wife and unborn child back up to the realm and I need your Frozen Cloud Asgard Sect to safeguard her from any potential threat's from back when married her yesterday. An army of young master's may come to kill my wife and unborn child ,so in exchange for guarding her I will give you treasures from the higher realm and I will annihilate all monster's near your sect."
"Ah... It would be my pleasure to safeguard your wife. What realm and age is she and what's her name. Ah. and could I also Get esteemed one's name too."
"Oh her Realm just Reached Spirit Profound Realm 8th Stage as she has a dragon bloodline in her and she's 15 just like I am. Her Name Used to be Xia Yan But We Thought it was not good ,so we used our past lives' names she is now Xi Yan and I used to be Xiao Qiangwei but now you can just call me Null. Null Void. I will bring her over in about 15 minutes. I'll be right back. Thank you so much I hope my lovely Xi Yan Will be safe in your hands."Null said with great appreciation.
I'm About to reach Frozen Cloud Asgard Sect With my lovely Xi Yan in my arms oh I feel like i'm about to reach Nirvana with how soft my adorable wife is.
"Miss Sect Master I'm Back!!! With My Lovely Xi Yan This Time~~~!!!"
"Ah. Welcome Back Sir. Null."
"Ah. Just Call Me Null I Want everyone to know that's how I want to be called."
"Oh By The Way Is that your wife Xi Yan."
"Yes It's my lovely adorable wife Xi Yan. Isn't she beautiful."
"Yes She's Very Pretty."
"Ah. By the way I refuse to share my cute Xi Yan with you."*Holds Xi Yan closer into a hug away from The Sect Master*
"Hahahaha! That's Funny I haven't heard something that adorable in a long time."
:D -> >:( "Don't call me adorable!"
Anyways I have to ascend.
"I need you to take her to the safest place and if I found out she was hurt I will find you and your entire sect and destroy you both. Except for my Sister-In-Law Xia Qingyue And her master."
"Alright I'll Make Sure."
"Okay I will ascend now ,Please tell everyone to stand clear"
"Everyone Stand Clear Of This Area and a 5 meter radius!!"
*Boom!* *Shatter*
Divine Origin Realm 1st Stage.
"Goodbye For now my Wife."
"Goodbye Null."
"I use the Divine Power Of Rebellion to Rebel against the laws and open a new Realm For Myself My Family And My Subjects A Realm that Grows along with me. Once I reach the peak Of Power This Realm Will Also Reach the peak with me and grow and anyone from Elementary Profound Realm To My Current Strength Can Come in This Realm Of Power. Thy Name Is Realm Of Rebellion!"
*Old Man Heavens*:Your Wish Has Been Accepted As It Is A Good Intentional Wish ,Live a Good Life and surpass me for I'm A Realm Above Ancestral God Realm. And There Are 4 Realms Above Ancestral God Realm. Live Well Null Void!
Even Old Man Heavens Is Supporting Me. HAH!....I'll Beat All My Enemies to death. Thanks Old Man. You Remind Me Of Old Man Mang.
Welp Time To Cultivate.
I've reached it. Divine Soul Realm. I'm Deifying my soul. My Soul will Reach Ancestral God Realm It's been Stuck At Creation God Realm. I'll Keep Cultivating
1st Stage
2nd Stage
3rd Stage
4th Stage
5th Stage..... And So on ,so forth.
Heh. Here's the real challenge. I'm about to break through Divine Tribulation Realm To Divine Spirit Realm. Time To Over-Abuse My Gravity. I can handle right now 1000 times gravity. so I'll just make it 10000 times while I break through for amazing benefit's. I'll boost past Divine Spirit Realm Because The Determination need to live through this is enough to instant breakthrough to Divine Spirit Realm 10 Stage and Be Ready To Breakthrough again.
Ugh. FUUUUUUUU----.....I'll start that over hello again. welcome back to after the Divine Tribulation.
I'm currently at Divine Spirit Realm 10th Stage About to breakthrough. Once I fully Deify My Spirit and become A Divine King Realm Practitioner I'll be able to descend and bring her to my realm.
It's been 1 entire week. that tribulation took 1 entire week! Insane right. When I Reach past Old Man Heavens and Beat Him Up For Not Making That Shit Shorter.
Finally Divine King Realm 1st Stage. Consolidating. Done. Time To Descend.
"I'm back for my wife!!!! Miss Sect Master~~~~~!!!"
"Ah. Welcome back."
"Is my wife safe?"
"Yes. We're Glad your back once news got out that you disappeared for this week and army of young master's and their masters came and their at our front door. We can't hold them back now. we're glad you're here. Another day and your wife would've been taken from us."
"Hmmmmm....That doesn't sound Like Safe."
"Well She's safe right now. Isn't she?"
"Well. You're right. Let me thank you by giving you your compensation and a little bit extra. I'll be right back"
*Riiiiiip*{A/N:I'm Sorry For All the young masters outside. Even they don't deserve what's about to happen. I can't even stop it as the author himself.}
Time:30 minutes later.
Scene: A firey battlefield with corpses everywhere with a single slash on their chest's in the exact same place. Diagonal On the chest throughout the whole torso and heart. All Dead. No Survivors.
That's What they get for thinking they could take my wifey Xi Yan. She's too good for them.
"I'm Back"
"What happened? Why're you back so soon?"
"No Survivors. All Dead."
"Hm. Ah. I think I misheard please repeat."
"I Killed them all. in the exact same place on their bodies. with a spatial slash. No Survivors."
"Ah Yes fantastic thank you!"
"And All Nearby Beast's in a 2000 Li radius has been eliminated."
"Ah...That's Good As Well!"
"And Here's a ring full of treasure's for people who use Ice techniques."
"Ah....Oh....That's also great...I need to lie down.
"Welp come on my wife let's go to my realm. Oh you Frozen Cloud Asgard People Can Move To My Realm too. It can't be inhabited by anything that's a lower cultivation realm. So you're limited by my cultivation realm but that won't be a problem since I'll be able to reach True God Realm."
Time For Cultivation
Divine Sovereign Realm 1st Stage. I did it I can rival some mid star realm realm-kings.
Divine Master Realm 10th Stage. Finally I'm a Peak existence in the God Realms. Those Old Fogey's probably can't even match up with me. With my battle experience of the 7 deadly sins. I'll just breakthrough to Divine Extinction Realm Soon.{A/N: Every Realm Above Ancestral God Realm Is Made Up By Your's Truly. The Author.}
I've Made it to Divine Extinction Realm 1st Stage. I'm now The Peak Human Currently. I'll cultivate more. Once I reach True God Realm I'll live 1 billion years instead of only 50,000 years.
Made it to True God Realm 1st Stage! I wanna beat that Old man Heavens soon. So I'll Cultivate extra hard.
Creation God Realm 1st Stage.
Ancestral God Realm 10th Stage. I'm gonna go to the next realm. I think it was called Universal God Realm.
Universal God Realm. It seems these only have 1 Stage.
*Congratulations You Beat Me Old Man Heavens At Cultivation*
I think it's called Multiversal God Realm. Does That Mean I Can Be Old Man Heavens now.
*No. You're Not an old man. Nor do you have the patience to stay in this realm once you reach the next God Realm. The Peak Cultivation Realm.*
You're Right. Heehee. time to beat you up for making that tribulation long as hell for me.~~~~~*Wait You Don't Have to do this Null. Calm Down! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!*
A Few Hours Later
*Wuuuuuuuuu You Really Beat me Old Man Heavens Up. Wuuuuuuuu*
And I'll Do It Again. Shut Up I need to cultivate.
*Wuuuuuu Fine Wuuu*
Omniversal God Realm....OI Old man heavens you lied to me. There's One More Realm.
*My Bad I thought you wouldn't be told you monster.*
I Will Beat you again. It will hurt more this time.
*NONONO!! FINE! I'm sorry okay I Didn't even know the name. I was stuck at Universal God Realm So I wasn't Told The Name. I thought you'd only be stuck at Multiversal God Realm So I didn't tell you Wuuuuuuuu**Whispers**monster*
Hmmm? What was that???
*NOTHING. Wuuuuuuuuuu*
That's What I thought
Almighty Supreme Realm. The Peak Cultivation Realm.
*Good Job You Did It. You Reached the Peak Cultivation Realm.*
[Good Job You Did It. You Reached The Peak Cultivation Realm]
*Oi. You Copied Me*
[Nope ,You Copied Me]
*No I said It First*
[{I Will Get My User To Beat You Up}]<<{A/N: Angry Tone}
*Wuuuuuu I'm Sorry~~~~ Wuuuuuuu*
Time to go visit wifey.
"Hello My Wife I'm gonna open a portal to all the realms to my Rebellion Realm and I'll make a rule all competitions and rivalries will be solved through a no holds bar arena fight and there is no killing outside the arena"
*Wuuuuuu Do it yourself*
Hmmmmm? Did You Just say something~~~(He Said It With A Scary Aura That Says I'll Beat you up again)
*Wuuuuuuuu Nothing I'll do It.*
Good. I'll let you reach Multiversal God Realm
*Huh. Thanks!*
No Problem Just Don't Touch My Realm. I Imbued My Full Strength Of Almighty Supreme Realm Into it so even you can't break the rules I just set.
"Time To Reincarnate Wife."
"Okay Husband"
{A/N:This Is Short Because It's For Him To Get used To Stuff And Memories. He'll Go A Good Bit Slower In The Next Realm Because He Wants to enjoy It.}