I'm Here As An Abandoned Baby With My Beloved Xi Yan. Although I don't know what's happening. I've been given an extra technique for my wife this time. I guess It'll Work But Since I know all the cultivation realms. It's Gonna Be Difficult. It might take a while. I'm glad I learned alchemy In my life at Btth. I'm also glad to learn I can do it solely with my Qi alone. Of Course my Godly Talent contributed to that.
It's Been 4 Years Since we were left in this forest. We Lived through sheer willpower and when we learned to crawl we go a lot of berries. I completely focused on boosting my luck so my wife can catch up to me In talent. but that would take too long and I'd probably be unable to boost my luck anymore by the time she catches up to me ,but that's okay I'll always protect my lovely Xi Yan.
Me and her have already started to cultivate. We're at the first stage currently. I also boosted my foundation building speed. Only a little bit though. I'll be able to finish opening my heart acupoint in about 5 days. It takes the longest because of the 100 days of foundation building.
1 week later.
I've opened my heart acupoint And my eye acupoint. I'm about to open my ears too. Of course I know what will happen and that I have an extra acupoint to open before leaping through the dragons gate.
It's been 5 Days and I'm almost ready to leap through the dragons gate. I've Opened my ears and mouth acupoint. And My Extra acupoint is almost opened. My Tail Acupoint. My Lovely Xi Yan Has an extra acupoint too. It's the Wing Acupoint. I'm about to open my Tail Acupoint Right Now And Then Leap Through the Dragons gate. Then I Will rid myself of this horrendous Qi And Blood And Finally use True Qi.
I've finally leaped through the dragons gate and I'm now a Second Stage True Master.
I'm now 16.{A/N: Sorry for huge time skips. I'll do this most of the time to skip to main story where a lot of progression happens. It's For better chapters.}
I've decided to become a model for a company. I need money in order to buy things for friends. I've thought about my choices and decided to be a happy go lucky personality in this Universe. I got myself a phone ,a house with my wife ,and a set up of computers with two cars and I also got my driver's license. I took it slow because I'm strong enough to fend of loose cultivators from my home. I still cultivated a little though. I'm still Second Stage True Master But I'm still filling up the Fifth Dantian Dragon Palm. I've filled the first four Dantian Dragon Stages. I've made a WeChat account because I got information on the story. My Dao Name Is True Master Masterless Monarch. I've looked up on how I can get in the chat and I've decided. I'm gonna go to Seven's Su Clan and Ask Him TO Be My Friend ,So He'll Invite me to the chat within two years. Maybe I'll Learn Divination From Yellow Mountain. I Should Be The Same Age As Song Shuhang. Currently I'm In The Same City As Him Too.
At Heavenly River's Su Clan.
I'm here.
"Excuse me Senior's."
"Ah. Yes?"'He's Too Hot!!!!!'
"This Lowly Junior Is Here To Meet The Famed Su Clan's Seven."
"Ah. What Makes You Think you can just ask to come into our sect like that."*She Scowls At Him*
'This Act Is Way too difficult to keep up ,but I have to be like this in order to not get expelled from the Clan.'
"Ah...My Bad. I just turned 16 today and reached Second Stage True Master Fifth Dantian Dragon Palm And I Wanted To Meet Him. News in my town is he's able to beat people ahead of himself in cultivation."
"Yeah. I Wanted to ask something from my idol."
"Okay~~~....Come in we'll take you to Seven's Quarters.
"Seven!! A Fanboy Is here to see you!!"
"What!! Why Did You Let Him Come Here!!"
"Cuz He's turned 16 today and is already at Second Stage True Master Fifth Dantian Dragon Palm!"
"What!!!"'I Have to add him to the chat.'"Okay! Bring The Boy In. But Only He Can Come In!"
"Yes Senior Brother Seven!"
'Oh No!!! Another White!!!!~~~' Seven Thought As He Almost turned Gay from looking at Null.
"So~. What do you need from me."
"I wanna be your friend!"
Once I'm going to break through to Third Stage I'll Get Myself My Unique Immortal Body.
'Alright After about 1 month of friendship I'll ask Yellow Mountain To Add Him To The Chat.'
"Okay. But Can You Live With Me For About 1 month so we can get to know each other."
"Okie Doksie!"
'Adorable...What is this cute creature!'
"So What is your name"
"It's Null. Null Void. I made it myself heehee!"
"You...Made It?"
"Yeah! Yeah! I Had nobody to name me So I just named myself. Though My Dao Name Is True Master Masterless Monarch."
'That's So Sad!!'
It's Been 1 Month Living With Seven. I've Visited my wife a good amount of times in this month but we mostly used WeChat to talk to each other. I've Broken through Pretty fast to the Eight Dantian Dragon Horn. I'll Use The Lightning Tribulation To Form My Immortal Body.
"Hey Seven! I'm Ready to make it to My Lightning Tribulation!"
*Cough!!*"Really!?"'I Still Can't Get used to this kid. He's cultivating faster and faster each time he breaks through.'"Good Job!!"
"Yeah!!~~~~ Praise Me~~~"*Smug Null Is Best Null*(Fite Me)
"Good Good!" *Pats Head.*'I Won't Ever Get Used To This'
"Yay! I'm gonna go do my Lightning Tribulation In City J! Where My Wife Lives!"
"Wait! Wife?"
"Yeah! My Wife!"'I left her a manual that would allow her to reach all the way right before the Lightning Tribulation ,so She Should Be Cultivating still.'
"Well then I also Have Something to Show You. I want to invite you to our Nine Provinces Number One Chat Group On WeChat."
"Sure! My ID Is #########!"
"Alright I'll Ask Yellow Mountain to add you." *Pulls Out Phone*
Su Clan's Seven: Hey Yellow Mountain I Need To Ask You Something.
True Monarch Yellow Mountain: What Is it Seven?
Su Clan's Seven: I need you to add someone to the Chat. His ID Is #########.
True Monarch Yellow Mountain: Sure Thing Seven.
True Monarch Yellow Mountain Has Added True Master Masterless Monarch.
True Master Masterless Monarch: Hello!!!
True Monarch Yellow Mountain: Hi there. Quite the Dao Name You Have there!
Su Clan's Seven: Well ,He Deserves It. With His Monstrous Abilities.
True Monarch Yellow Mountain: Huh? What do you mean.
Northern River's Loose Cultivator: Yeah Seven ,Please Elaborate.
Su Clan's Seven: Well Currently He's 16 Years Old And He's About to go through The Lightning Tribulation For The Second Stage Into The Third Stage. That's Why He is Able to Have True Master Before His Name.
Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: What!!!
Everyone Else Active: What!!!
Copper Trigram: How Fast Is He!
Su Clan's Seven: Also His Cultivation Keeps Getting Faster Instead Of Slower! We're About to Do His Lightning Tribulation At J City And Visit His Wife!
Everyone Else: Good Luck. We Give A Salute To This One's Fallen Pride As A Cultivator.
Su Clan's Seven: Well We're heading towards J City And We're Almost There So We'll chat once the Tribulation Has Finished.
True Monarch Yellow Mountain: Good Luck Then.
Su Clan's Seven: Bye ,For Now.
"Alright Time To Start Your Lightning Tribulation."
"Will You Be Alright Seven..."
"I'll Be Fine This Is About You. Time To Start.
*Boom x??*
"Huuuuuu. I Finished It Finally! I'm A Third Stage Battle King!"
"Good Job Null!"
*Changes His Prefix From True Master To Battle King*
"Alright Aaaaand Done. Time To Talk to some people on WeChat!"
Battle King Masterless Monarch: Hello! I Successfully completed my Second To Third Tribulation!!!
True Monarch Yellow Mountain: Congratulations! A 16 Year Old Battle King! Amazing!
Thrice Reckless Mad Saber: Woah! That's Really Fast! Are You Cheating!?
Battle King Masterless Monarch: What Do You Mean Cheating?
Northern River's Loose Cultivator: Reckless Stop Being an Idiot.
Battle King Masterless Monarch: Yeah Even Though I'm A Loose Cultivator Like River Doesn't Mean You Can Bully Me Easily! Hmph!
Su Clan's Seven: Ummmm. Null. Even Though We're Right Next To Each Other We Have A Problem.
Battle King Masterless Monarch: Hmm. What Is It?
Su Clan's Seven: You've Shrunken Into A Chibi Version Of Yourself.
Battle King Masterless Monarch: WHAT!!!!!!
Su Clan's Seven: *Sends Picture Of Chibi Null* There's The Picture.
Everyone Else: Isn't That A Chibi Version Of White!!! 'Thought's: Too Cuuuuuuuute!!!! I Need This Adorable Creature!'
Su Clan's Seven: Yep. It's Another White.
Battle King Masterless Monarch: It Seems Like My New Immortal Body Is To Blame For This.
Everyone: Immortal Body!!!
Battle King Chibi Masterless Monarch: Yeah My Rebellion Immortal Body Has Made Me A Cute Chibi Instead Of A Handsome Mature Man! Ughhhh!!!
Battle King Masterless Monarch: I'm Gonna Cultivate Super Seriously So I Will Stop Being A Chibi! I'm Going Into Seclusion Until I Reach Fifth Stage Spirit Sovereign.