I'm Heading To Meet The Grand Zeno Currently. Since I'm The Strongest In The Omniverse I can have as much fun as I want.
"Who Are You~~~..." Grand Zeno Said.
"Ah. I'm Null. I came to visit you Zeno because I became stronger than you and I want to play with you for a while!"
"Ah! Sounds Fun!"
"Yeah I know~!"
After Playing around with Zeno
"Whew! That was the best fun I've ever had!" My wife just reached the level Of Goku The First Time He Unlocked Super Saiyan God. "Hey Zeno! I'm Gonna See If my beloved Xi Yan Can Come and make food for us!"
"Woah! Food! Is It Tasty!"
"Of Course! My Wife Makes The Best Food Ever!!!"
"Wow~... If Null Said So ,Then It Must be true!"
"It Is! Let Me Contact My Wife!"
Telepathy: Hey Wife Are You Free?
'Yes I Am Free Currently. What Do You Want?'
Well I made a new friend and I wanted you to come over and play with us. and Cook your amazing food!
'Sure I'll Be there in a few seconds'
"I'm Here My Husband!"
"Ah! My Lovely Wife!!! How I Missed Your Warm Hugs!"( He Jumped Into Her Embrace )"Based On how strong you've gotten. Has that nasty Hairless Egyptian Cat Beerus been bothering you!"
"Ah. Yeah. He Said He'd Force Me To Fight for him and I didn't have a choice! Please Beat that Bully Up!"
"EEP! Null's Being Scary~~~~~!!!!!!"
"I'm Going To Erase That Cat!!!"
I'm gonna murder Beerus. His Crime? Forcing My Wife To Fight For Him. Penalty? Death/Erasure.
"I'm Gonna Kill You!!!"
"Wait!!! What Did I Do!!!!!"
"You're Trying To Force My Lovely Wife Xi Yan To Fight For You!!!! So You Get Erased!!!!! I'm Gonna Torture You Until You Break!!" *Drags Beerus Into Space Rift.*
"Wait! Wait!! Wait~~~!!!!!!!!"
*Sweat Drop* 'Holy Shit. Too Scary.'
After Messing Around And Shit.
I've Decided To Leave For my Next World. I know what world I'm Gonna Go To Because I Looked It Up On The General System.
I've Gone To The New World As A 4 Year Old. I wouldn't be able to cultivate at all if I tried. Of Course I have an objective now. I've Been Unable to visit any True Immortal Realms. Their Not Novel's Of Cultivation. No. I need to make A True Core In My Soul. That's Why I've Been Gathering As Much Power As Possible from all worlds. I'm able to keep Ultra Instinct Because It's Not A Saiyan Transformation. But In Order To Unlock it again ,I need to re-master all my Instincts In my new Body.
This New World Is Called Danmachi. We've Been Living In The Slums Of Orario. Fitting Huh. I've Never had actual Parents to care for me in all my lives. not actual parent's. Maybe It's a curse. I only have Mother. Someday. I'll Get to the Primordial Realm And Live With Mother. I Only Have My Wife For Now. Anyways. No cultivation system. I'll still be able to gain measured strength though.
I'm Now 7 Years Old. My Strength Is Currently ,First Stage Beyond Mortal Ready For Breakthrough. I'm At Dou Wang 9 Stars. And I can now cultivate ATG System. I've Reached Elementary Profound Realm 1st Stage.
I'm now 10 Years Old. I found out you need to at least be 13 to register as an adventurer In the guild.
I've Reached Second Stage True Master Peak. I'm a Dou Zong 9 Star. I've Reached Earth Profound Realm 10th Stage.
I'm Finally 13 Years Old. I'm Stuck At Staying Second Stage Peak So I'm Now A Dou Sheng 9 Star And A Sovereign Profound Realm 10th Stage. I'm Gonna Wait 1 Year Until Registering So I can grow taller.
I'm 14 Years Old I've Reached Dou Bi Zhen Di Peak. So I can't cultivate BTTH System Anymore. I somehow made it past The Barrier by Making My Own Divinity. It's Rebellion. The Most Troublesome. So I'm Now Able To Skip Past Getting New Divinity In Each Realm And Can Go Straight Past It. I'm At Divine Soul Realm 10th Stage. Me And My Wife Are Going To Register At The Guild. We're A Bit Taller now So we now Look old enough to register. There Was Residue Saiyan Genes Left In Our Souls. But After this realm it'll leave our souls.
*Bump* "Ouch"
"Sorry About that I wasn't Paying Attention to where I was going."
"Me Too HeeHee!"
"Where were you two going."
"We're heading to the guild to register as new adventurer's."
"Oh! Wow What A Coincidence I'm Heading there for the exact same reason!"
"Oh Let's Be Friends And Register Together!"
"Sure I'd Love Too"
At The Guild.
"We're here to register as adventurer's!"
"Sure Fill Out These Documents."
Ngh...I Forgot about that. I didn't learn to read this world's language.
"Hey Null. Gaia. Are You All right ."
{A/N: Changing Xi Yan's Name To Gaia. As Void And Life Is My Ship.}
"Ah. Yeah. I just forgot that we never learned how to read and write."
"Oh. I'll just fill it out for you guys."
"Thanks Bell!"
After Finishing up the Documents
"Alright Your Registered. Would You Like Suggestions on Gods And Goddesses Looking for Familia Member's."
"Yes We Would ,Thank You."
I think Hestia would be better. I learned Gods Have to act with their Divinities or they'll cease to exist.
I'm Not Totally Excepted From This Rule. It Only makes me rebel More Often Than Not Instead Of All The Time. Also Hestia's Divinity makes her act like a family Person. Hearth. Architecture.
I've been cultivation on our way to the abandoned church and I've been cultivating on the way here. I've already reached Divine Tribulation Realm 10th Stage. I can only start both tribulations when I join the Familia to make it less suspicious.
I can only focus On training my body. I can empower myself with the aura of my saiyan transformations but I can't fully use them. and the starting strain for them will be Huger than as a saiyan. Oh. We're here.
"Welcome to my home!" The New Hestia Told Us.
"Ah. Who Are You?" The Dumb Ass Bell Said.
"Nice To Meet You Hestia-Sama I'm Null And this is my Wife Gaia." Once I pass through all the ranks and become peak of this world I'll be able to form my True Core inside my soul.
"Ah. Hestia-Sama!!! Nice To Meet you I'm Bell Cranel!"
"Yes Nice To Meet You Too. As You Know I'm Hestia. I'll Be Your Goddess From The Moment You Gain Your Falna."
Bell's Stats
Name:Bell Cranel
Power S - 910
Endurance S - 910
Dexterity S - 910
Agility S - 910
Magic SS - 1999
Skills: None
Title's: Argonaut |SS| / Friend Of The Most Monstrous One Of All Realms |???|
Wife's Stats
Power S - 999
Endurance S -920
Dexterity S - 975
Agility S - 900
Magic EX - 99999
Skill's: Otherworldly Energy |SSS| / Energy Coating |A| / Energy Wings |SS| / God's Cooking |EX|
Title's: Cultivator |EX| / Reincarnator |SS| / Wife Of The Most Monstrous One Of All Realms |?$^%$?#<>@##|
*Booom!!!!* (Double Lightning Fell On Null.)
I'm Now A Divine Spirit Realm And A Third Stage Battle King
Null's Stats
Power EX - 99999
Endurance EX - 99999
Dexterity EX - 99999
Agility EX - 99999
Magic EX - 99999
Skill's: Master Smith |EX| / Master Alchemist |EX| / Master Energy User |EX| / Semi-Arcana |SSS| / Other Worldly Energy |EX| / Yggdrasil's Blessing's |EX| / World's Blessing's |EX| / Semi-Divinity |SSS| / Master Mixer |EX|
Semi-Divinity: Rebellion
Title's: Ancient Saiyan Incarnation |?????| / Cultivator |?????| / Master Reincarnator |EX| / One Recognized By All Great Beings In Existence |???| / God Of Rebellion |EX| / The Most Monstrous Genius In All Realms |?????| / Creator Of The Great Realm's Champion |?????| / Child Of The Last Most Monstrous Genius In All Realms |@*)@&)*>| / Demi God |SSS| / Half-True Cultivator |?????|
Hestia Fell On Her Butt In Surprise At All Of Our Status'.
"W-W-W-What!!! What Even Are You 3!!"
|Gained Title: One Of 3 Who Scared A Goddess Back To Heaven|(Bell And Gaia Also Got This Title)
{A/N: Only Gonna Notify People Of New Skill's. Their Too Hard To Keep Track Of}
After Bell Looked At Both Null And Gaia's Status'.
|Bell Gained Realis Phrase|
"Woah!! I got that strong from just being friends with you Null! You're Too Strong!!!"
"Hey Hestia-Sama. Can You Level Us Up To Level 2."
"Umm. Sure~~."
New Status' Of The Three.
Name:Bell Cranel
Power I - 50
Endurance I - 20
Dexterity I - 30
Agility I - 25
Magic I - 10
Skill's: Realis Phrase(New!) |EX|
Title's: One Of The Three Who Almost Scared A Goddess Back To Heaven(New!) |???|
Power H - 120
Endurance H - 100
Dexterity H - 150
Agility H - 175
Magic E - 525
Title's: One Of The Three Who Almost Scared A Goddess Back To Heaven(New!) |???|
Power B - 800
Endurance C - 795
Dexterity C - 780
Agility C -799
Magic EX - 99999
Skill's: Super Enhanced Strength(New!|Passive|) |SSS|
Title's: One Of The Three Who Almost Scared A Goddess Back To Heaven(New!) |?????|
"I Can't Even Be Surprised Anymore ,But I Have to ask. What Is With Your Magic Stat Null!"
"Ah. It's Something to do with my Cultivator Title ,Half-True Cultivator ,And The Ranks Of The Titles."
"Okay. Just Make Sure To Come Back Home Within Around 1 Week Okay."
"Yes Hestia-Sama!"
Alright We're Walking To The Dungeon Right Now And We're About To Reach It. In That time I've been cultivating. I'm currently at Divine Sovereign Realm 10th Stage. I've also unlocked one Great Meridian In Third Stage Battle King. I Found I Can Project My Status In My Head At Any Time Too. Look At My New Stats.
Power S - 999
Endurance S - 999
Dexterity S - 999
Agility S - 999
Magic EX - 99999
One Round All The Way to the 18th Floor and I'll Be able to hit EX On all my stats. Though less than my Magic stat. It'll still be EX.
We're Going to be going into the dungeon. I'm currently At Divine Master 10th Realm. The Dungeon Was Farther than I thought. I've Also Unlocked a total of Three Great Meridians. I've Been Able To Reduce The Size of The Tribulation So It Would be Less Attention Grabbing And Be Able to be done in the Dungeon And The House Without Damaging anything.
It Seems Their Was A Minotaur Outbreak All The Way To The Fifth Floor. because There's A Minotaur In Front Of Us.
"Bell! Get Behind Us!"
"But We Need To Run!"
"Do You Think All My Title's Are For Nothing!"
"Empowered Form 1!!!" This Is My First Time Trying this Form. I'm Using It Because The Difference Between Our Levels Are Completely Different.
"Whew. That Took A Lot Out Of Me. Still I Finished It In One hit. I guess We Would Need To Work Together To Even Survive The Middle Floors Then. Because This Falna Is Even Though Will Allow Me To Grow Farther And Finish My True Core Faster. It Will Restrict My Strength Within My Level Range. Unless I Use My Empowered Form And All My Combat Experience."
*Bends Over A bit And Coughs A Little Bit Of Blood* *Cough Cough!*
"Are You Alright Over There." Said An Emotionless Blond Haired Woman.
"Yeah. I'm Fine. I'll Need To Go Back Up To Rest For Today Though. That Was A Level 4 Minotaur. Cool. It was Very Strong."
After Fight Status
Power SS - 1999
Endurance SSS - 2999
Dexterity SS - 1999
Agility SS - 1999
Magic EX - 99999
Skill's: Empowered Form 1(New!) |B|
"I can Still Go On. I just need to stay in the back and use Magic Attacks."
"Alright If you Say So."
"Okay Let's Get Moving Then!"
"Yeah I'll Make Sure To Get All Stats To EX By The End Of This Run."
That's Gonna Be Easy.