I've Made It To Divine Extinction Realm 10th Stage. I've Unlocked All Four Great Meridians And Am Able To Breakthrough To Fourth Stage Inborn.
"Hey Gaia ,Bell. I'm Gonna Do A Mini-Tribulation To Advance And Get Stronger."
"What's A Mini-Tribulation?"
"It's A Smaller Version Of A Compacted Tribulation. It Makes It Less Attractable And More Straight To The Point. It Does No Damage to the surroundings and Allows me to do it in smaller area's."
Finished. We're Currently About to go into the Thirteenth Floor.
"Guys Let's Call It Quits For Now. We Spent Two Days To Come to this point and we're Worn Out. Let's Go Back Home To Recover."
"Yeah. You're Right Let's Go Back."
Null's Status After Dungeon Exploration Was Completed.
Power EX - 4250
Endurance EX - 4000
Dexterity EX - 3750
Agility EX - 3600
Magic EX - 99999
We're Back At Home Finally.
"Hestia-Sama! We're Back!"
"Ah. Welcome Back Bell ,Null ,And Gaia!"
"We're Back And We Brought Dinner."
"Before That ,Can You Update Our Status'"
"Sure Thing!"
Bell's Status
Power B - 750
Endurance B - 775
Dexterity B - 725
Agility B - 730
Magic D - 500
Skill's: Firebolt |F|(New!|No-Chant|)
Gaia's Status
Power A - 899
Endurance S - 925
Dexterity S - 950
Agility S - 975
Magic SS - 1999
Null's Status
Power EX - 5000
Endurance EX - 5000
Dexterity EX - 4000
Agility EX - 4000
Magic EX - 99999
"Hey Hestia-Sama Can You Level Me Up Again..."
"Okay Null. I mean since all your stats are EX again I'll Do it."
Null's New Status
Name:Null Void
Power H - 100
Endurance H - 100
Dexterity I - 75
Agility I - 75
Magic ??? - 100000
Skill's: Divinity |???|(New!) / Arcanum |???|(New!)
Divinity(New!): Rebellion
"Null!!! Your Magic Stat! It's ??? - 100000"
I mean I Might've Been Pushed Into True God Realm 1st Stage. I've Also Now Formed my Void Core.
"Alright. By The Way ,When's The Next Denatus?"
"Oh It's In About 3 Days Why?"
"I Just Wanted Our Title's"
"Okay. Well Time To Eat Then Rest."
"Hestia-Sama! We're Going To The Dungeon Today!"
"Alright Have A Good Time. Make Sure To Come Out In 5 Days!"
Hah! I've Formed 4 Out Of 9 Of My Immortal Bones. And I've Cultivated To Creation God Realm 10th Stage. I spent more time on my Immortal Bones And Finishing Up My Immortal Body. I Ignored That Completely Until Now. Here's My Status Now.
Null's Status
Name:Null Void
Power B - 750
Endurance S - 999
Dexterity B - 725
Agility B - 750
Magic ??? - 110,000
Skill's: Immortal Body:Rebellion |?????|(New!|Passive|) / Empowered Form 2 |A|(New!)
There We Go. Although I'm Not As Strong As I want to be. I can deal with about Newly Promoted Level 5's. Only because of my nonsensical Magic stat. If Not I might Not even be able to handle Level 5's at all.
"All right what floor do we want to reach today."
"Let's Try To Reach Floor 16. We aren't ready for the Goliath Yet. I can barely Defeat New Level 5's & My Empowered Form 2 Only Lasts so Long. I'm able to keep Empowered Form 1 On as long as I want now." I need all A stats In order to hold my Empowered Form 2 Without Backlash.
Alright We've Reached the End of the 12th Floor Again. I'm Now Ancestral God Realm 10th Stage. We Only Took 1 Day This Time As I Wasn't Injured Like Last Time. So We're Not As Ragged This Time.
"I Think We Should Change Our Aim. Based On How Tired We Are. I Heard The Difficulty Jumps Extremely High In Between The 12th And 13th Floors. We Should Look To Clear The 13th Floor Today."
Null's Status
Power S - 999
Endurance SS -1999
Dexterity S - 999
Agility S - 999
Magic ??? - 125,000
Skill's: Lightning-Crimson Spear Rain |EX|(New!|No-Chant|)
"I'm Able To Hold Empowered Form 1 For 1 Day Without Getting Tired. I'll Only Be Able to Hold Empowered Form 2 For 1 And A Half Hours Without Getting Tired. So Let's Go."
We've Cleared The 13th Floor In Half A Day. We're Heading back up. But Getting back will take another Day And A Half. By The Time We Get Back Hestia-Sama Will Be At The Denatus.
We're Back Up. And We Need New Equipment. Ours Is Wrecked. I'm Pretty Sure In A Few Days Gaia Will Be Able To Level Up Again. In 1 Month Bell Will Level Up Too.
"Null? What's Wrong."
"Are You Okay?"
"Yes I'm Fine. I Just Pushed myself Too Hard."
"Look We're Almost At The Surface!"
"*Cough!!* Ugh!" *Thump*
"I Can't Move Anymore By Myself. I'll Need you guys to crutch me The Rest Of The Way. Those Fuckers Got My Leg."
"Alright Null."
"We'll Grab You And Hold You Up From your arms. While You Move With Your working Leg."
"Alright Let's Do It.*Nghh!* Huff."
"We'll Make It ,Okay Null!"
"Heh. Thanks Guy's."
After Exploration Stats
Name:Null Void
Power SSS - 2999
Endurance EX - 3000
Dexterity SSS - 2999
Agility - SSS 2999
Magic ??? - 225,000
Skill's: Pain Resistance |B|(New!)
Huff. We're Out Finally. What! That Should Be Possible! There's 3 Arrows ,One For All Of Us. If I Push Them All 3 will hit me. 1 in my back and 2 in my both my arms. Fuck!!! They're Coated In Deadly Poison. If All Three Hit Me I Have A Chance To Die! But If They Hit Them They both have a higher chance to die! I'm Gonna Save Them!!!
"WATCH OUT*SHOVEx2**Stab**Stab**Stab*COUGH!!!!!"
"We've Got A Man Down!!!""He's Been Poisoned!! Get A Potion Familia!!""He's Taken Too Much Damages!!"
"Heh....At Least...I Saved.....The Rest Of My Familia....Cough Cough!!!"
|Pain Resistance Upgraded| |SS|
|Deadly Poison Resistance Gained| |S|
I'm Still Conscious Huh. Might Try To Stay Conscious To Lessen The Damage And Upgrade My Skills. I'll Cultivate To Make Sure My Chances To Die Lower. I'll Split My Consciousness To Also Hold Back The Pain. I've been Holding Back Too Much. I Could Lose My Family and Friends If This Keeps Up. I already Know Who's Handiwork This Is. Isn't That Too Much Of An Overkill. FREYA!!!!!.
I've Reached A Hospital Room And There Are Multiple Familia Working To Heal Me. I've Reached Universal God Realm. I'll Try My Best From Now On. So I can Kill Freya Without Getting Punished by The Rest Of The Gods. I've Formed My Fifth Immortal Bone. I've Reached Multiversal God Level. Until I Destroy Freya's Soul I won't Leave This World.
I've Made It To Omniversal God Realm....
There I've Finished. I've Reached Almighty Supreme Realm Peak. I've Also Formed my Sixth Immortal Bone.
Seventh Immortal Bone
Eighth Immortal Bone
Ninth Immortal Bone
I'm Ready To Breakthrough. I need My Living Item First. I'm Glad I Kept Some Materials For My Dragon Monarch Sword In My Soul. I also Have a Small Piece Of Supreme Heavenly Astral In My Soul. Now I'm Gonna Make The Best Sword Ever. I need a Core. Half Of It Is Rebellion Divinity. I just need the other Half. I Think I'm Gonna Use Hephaestus' Forging Divinity. It'll Get Rid Of Her Messed Up Eye And It's Perfect For My Living Item.
"He's Alright Now!"
"He Can Speak Just Fine. He's Okay!"
"I Wonder What Kind Of Poison Did He get Hit With. Must've Been Weak. Because Even only a weakling gets hit with poison!"
"Bete Shut Up!"*Thwack*
"What! Aiz ,You Showed your Anger! What's So Special About This Kid That He Deserves Your Emotions!"*Thwack!!!*
"Bete!!! Shut!!! Up!!!!!!"
"Aiz! Calm Down."
"No Finn! I'll Destroy That Dog!!"
""Aiz Is Angry Over a boy~~~! He Caught Your Fancy~?""
"Be Quiet ,All Of You."Null Said With A Freezing Tone.
''''''What's Up With This Guy!''''''
"I Demand To Know Why Loki Familia Is Here."
*Loki Walks In*
"Ah. That's Because One Of Our Own Shot You. He Was....Bribed By Someone."
"Hah! Must've Been Some Weaker Person Jealous Of Him. He Must Be Weak In Order to get shot down by only 3 arrows coated in poison!"
"Bete....Shut Up!" Loki Said Weirdly Seriously.
"huh. Why So Serious Goddess."
"One Single Arrow Of That Poison Would Kill You In 3 Minutes."
"What! Nice Joke!...Huh. You're Not Joking."
"I'm Not Bete."
"Then...Then How Did This Absolute Rookie Survive 3 Whole Arrows!"
"I'm Getting To That. Hey ,Can You Show Us Your Status Board."
*sigh*"You Already Know. Fine. Here."
Null's After Poison Recovery Status.
Name:Null Void
Power EX - 25000
Endurance ??? - 110,000
Dexterity EX - 99999
Agility EX - 23000
Magic ??? - 950,000
Skill's: Pain Resistance |EX|(New!) / Godly Poison Resistance |???|(New!)
Divinity:Rebellion Skill's(New!): Rebel Fate. |?$(*#(&()#@?|(New!)
Title's: The One Who Came Back From Certain Death |?%*&(%#(@*?|(New!)
"What Is This Monstrosity Of A Falna!!!!"
"I Knew It Was Bad. Just Not This Bad!!!"
"Hah. Right. Grew Super Strong Today. I still haven't cashed in my Exilia."
"Who Are You? Null Void."
"I Thought my Status Board Explained that to you!! A Monstrosity!!!"
"Anyways ,Moving on. How's Hestia-Sama Taken The News Of Me Hospitalized. I assume just like you ,she's back from the Denatus."
"Ah. Yes. She Ran Away. But I Assume Based On That She Got Hit Hard. I wonder who would do such a thing and how they got such lethal poison."
"I already know who it is Loki. I don't Need Your lies to comfort me."
"Hn! I wonder what you mean."
"I Also Know You Do know too. And That You Directly handed over that poison to the person herself."
"Eh!? How Did You Know This!"
"Oh Please! Freya Often Visited The Slum's Back Then For More 'Materials' When We Were Kids. I'd Be Retarded To have not figured out what kind of person she is and what kind of 'Hobby's' She Has!!!"*Divinity Start's Flaring Up*
"Hmm!!!?? No Need To Get Violent Here. Ehehehe!"*Starts Backing Away*
"And~~ As A God I Can Resolve Affairs With Other Gods. Correct?"
"Ummmm Maybe?"
"So That Means This Is A Private Affair Between To God's ,So Keep Everyone Else's Nose out of my business. And When Freya Familia Disappears Then You Can't Blame Me For Her Trying To Incapacitate Another God And Kill Two Familia Children! Right~~~?"
"Ummmm?! Technically. But Does That Mean You Have To!"
"Yes!!! I'll Destroy Freya!!"*Null Storms Out*
I'll Have To Get Even Stronger In Order To Beat Otter ,But I'll Get There And Beat The Hell Out Of Otter.
"Hestia-Sama ,I'm Home!"
After Mushy Gushy Scene
"Alright Hestia-Sama. What're Our Titles?"
"Un. Alright Bell Is Little Rookie. Gaia Is Child Of Heaven. And Null is Son Of Void. Any Questions?"
"Uh? Kami-Sama ,I Do. Why Is Their Names So Cool And Mine Is Weird And Demeaning."
"Because everyone found out you're only Level 2 Due To Null. Any More Questions?"
"I'm Going On A Lone Expedition Through the dungeon."
"What No! You Can't! You Just Recovered From Poison!"
"I'm Going In ,And No One Can Stop Me."*Air Of Rebellion Flairs Up*
|New Skill Gained ,Divinity:Rebellion Skill: Air Of Rebellion(New!|Automatically Activates When User Is Being Rebellious) |?????|
"Goodbye For Now."
I'm Back In the dungeon. This Time I made it to the middle floors In a few hours. I don't have to hold back without bell here. |Empowered Form 2| I know I'm Reckless But I accidentally automatically leveled up. Here's my current stats.
Null's Stats At The Middle Floors.
Name:Null Void
Power S - 999
Endurance SSS - 2999
Dexterity S - 999
Agility S - 999
Magic ????? - 1,250,000
Skill's: Empowered Form 3 |SSS|(New!)
While You Were Looking At My Status I Made It To the 17th Floor. Seems The Goliath Is About to re-spawn. I could Skip Past It But My Efforts would be for not. I'm gonna fight it.
Null's Stat's After The Epic Fight Against The Goliath.
Name: Null Void
Power EX - 8500
Endurance ??? - 200,000
Dexterity EX - 7000
Agility EX - 6500
Magic ????? - 10,750,000
Skill's: Full Saiyan Empowered Punch |^$(&*#(@|
I Beat It. I Got Good Materials For My Living Item. I'll Go Back Up For Hephaestus to make my Rebellion Monarch Sword.
I'm Here To Meet Hephaestus. All I need to do is Flare my Divinity Directly In front Of Her Shop.
10 minutes later
"You There. I can sense your divinity. Why're you here."
"I need you to forge your greatest masterpiece for me."
"Why Would I Do That?"
"You Would Try To Rebel Against Me? The God Of Rebellion!"*Air Of Rebellion Flairs Up*
"You No Longer Have The Option Of Being Respected ,Hephaestus. Make The Sword. Or I'll Send You Back To Heaven To Make It There."
"Y-Y-Yes S-Sir."
After Explaining How And Hephaestus Making The Sword
"Finally I'll Have My Rebellion Monarch Sword."
"Goodbye Hephaestus."
I've Absorbed It Into My Soul And Made It As My Living Item. This Is the highest quality sword I'll Be able to have even in the True Immortal Realm.
Now It's Time To Cultivate Seriously Through the CCG System.
Fifth Stage Spirit Sovereign.
Sixth Stage True Monarch
Seventh Stage Spirit Venerable
Eighth Stage Profound Saint
Ninth Stage Tribulation Immortal
10th Stage Eternal Life Being
Peak Of Cultivation Heavens Way.
1 Year Later.
I Destroyed Freya's Soul And Her Familia.
I'm Gonna Be Leaving For True Immortal Realm With My Wife..